From mineral resources to human resources

February 26th, 2007

For some time there has been discussion that Orissa government should formulate a policy of going from mineral resources to human resources. I.e., it must cajole the various mineral based industries (steel plants, aluminium plants, coal fields etc.) in Orissa to invest in the human resource development of Orissa. So far except the announced Vedanta University, and 13 crores donated by the Tatas towards the Institute of Mathematics, the others have at most contributed small amounts towards ITI type trade schools. In this regards the GOI public sectors in Orissa have not done much.

Now Orissa must take a quick lesson from Jharkhand. Today’s Telegraph reports that Bokaro steel plant has agreed to establish an engineering college as well as a medical college in Bokaro.

Orissa must immediately pursue with the big mineral based public sectors in Orissa for similar HRD investment. The big mineral established based public sectors in Orissa are: Rourkela Steel Plant, NALCO, Mahanadi Coal Fields, and NTPC (units as Kaniha and Talcher). The Orissa government must cajole this four to follow the path of Bokaro steel plant and establish an engineering college and a medical college each. In establishing the medical college, locations in the hinterland, near the mines from where the minerals come from, should get preference. For example, NALCO should establish its medical college in Damanjodi, in the backward district of Koraput.

The government of Orissa should then make similar efforts with respect to the private sectors in Orissa that depend on minerals from Orissa, in particular the TATAs. Since the TATAs have been using Orissa minerals for about a century, they must go beyond an engineering and medical college and establishe a university that has both plus other disciplines. Hints should be given to the newer private sectors and the upcoming private sector biggies such as POSCO, and Arcelor-Mittal, regarding this too. In particular, POSCO created one of the top engineering university POSTECH in S. Korea and the Mittal’s established the L. N. Mittal School of Informatics in Jaipur. They must know that Orissa expects similar HRD investment from them soon, perhaps as soon as their land acquisition is complete.

Entry Filed under: General Colleges,Institute of Mathematics & App., Bhubaneswar,Technical and Vocational Education,Vedanta University, Puri

2 Writeup

  • 1. Ananta Prasanna Behera  |  March 6th, 2011 at 1:43 pm

    Ofcourse, it is a good idea and the dream can be true.But I do not think that the Govt. has enough time to think on this serious and valuable proposal. No doubt, Mr. Naveen Pattnaik has been doing a lot of developmental works,still he may not have sufficient time to share on this issue. He must assign this task of thinking and dicission making to some body else (political leader/minister/ IAS Officer) who do not have time also to think up on this as they are very much busy in proofing themselves genuine in such a political cercumstances.The working IAS officers may not concentrate on this as they have lot of other multi tasks. How ever, if there could be a provision that there would be a shell consisting of Industry, Academia, civil society and NGO etc who really think for the socital development- free from political interference, this great idea might come true.

  • 2. sameer mahapatra  |  March 11th, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I complited Diploma in chemical Engineering in 2011and also PG Diploma in Process piping looking for a job if any openings are avilable so please inform me.


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