Introducing “Orissa Institute Of Maritime And South-East Asian Studies”

April 6th, 2011

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With a view to establish the commercial, cultural and political linkage of ancient Orissa (Kalinga/Utkala) with the South East Asian Countries as also the Roman Empire, West Asia, Sri Lanka and Western Part of India, the Orissa Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies has been formed since 1986-87 under the Chairmanship of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Orissa to extricate the glorious maritime heritage from the darkness of the past. The mutual relations and contacts between ancient Orissa and South East Asia continued at least from the early Christian era. Situated on the shore of Bay of Bengal, ancient Orissa comprised the coastal regions of modern Orissa and the adjacent coastal districts of Andhra Pradesh and Bengal. Owing to its location between the two great east Indian deltaic regions of the Ganges and the Krishna and Godavari rivers, Kalinga itself had two distinctive historical core areas in the delta regions of the Mahanadi in Central Orissa and further to the southeast of the Rishikulya and Vansadhara rivers in southern Orissa and northern Andhra Pradesh. In ancient times almost all the trade centers (ancient ports) are said to have been located in these coastal areas controlled by Kalinga people.

From early times, Orissa has taken part in inland as well as overseas trade as known from literary and archaeological sources. Its geographical location between north and south India and her favourable position along the shore of Bay of Bengal provided an excellent opportunity for its inhabitants for maritime trade. As a coastal state on the east, vast span of Bay of Bengal opening into Indian Ocean and the Arabian sea on the west. The entire hinterland has a net of several big and small rivers. All the big rivers discharge into the Bay of Bengal. The meandering coast-line along with environmental conditions has imbibed an inborn instinct in the local population to swim which in due course made them a seafaring people. This spirit is reflected in literature, sculpture and archaeological evidences.

The Buddhist as well as Jaina texts, Greek writings, Hieun Tsang’s accounts, Arab writer’s accounts refer to Orissa’s sea-borne trade with the outside world through a number of ports situated on the coasts of Kalinga. Ptolemy (2nd century A.D.) refers to a port named Palura. According to him the point of departure (apheterion) for ships bound for Khryse (Land of South East Asia) was “immediately to the south of a town of the territory on the Gangetic Gulf called Palura. Hieun Tsang in 7th century A.D. mentions an important port called Che-li-ta-lo. The Arab and the Persian writers of the 9th-10th centuries A.D. also informs us about the sea ports of Orissa as Kalinganagara, Ganjam-Keylkan and Nubin which are yet to be properly identified, except Kalinganagar as Kalingapatnam and Ganjam. They inform us that Nubin was situated on the frontier of Bhauma kingdom and the corn of Sarandip (Suvarna Dvipa) came from this town. They refer to the products of Orissa such as large elephants, large quantities of pepper, good cotton, textile and white conch shells (Terbinala pirum) which were the commodities of trade in this period.

On the coast of Orissa several port towns were developed and served as outlets for external trade. Ancient Orissa’s geographical boundary covering a major part of Eastern India had distinct political identity from time to time and called Kalinga, Odra, Utkala, Kangoda and Odisha (Orissa). The most important was Kalinga. Its traditional boundary was extended from the areas were called the Kalingas. In the 7th century, the Chinese pilgrim refers to Odra (Wu-Cha) and Kangoda and also to a number port towns. In the early medieval period under the Bhaumakaras and the Samavamsis the coastal regions from Midnapur to Puri was known as Utkala. Hence, the port located from the mouth of the river Ganga to the mouth of the river Godavari were directly responsible for the trans-Asian maritime trade.

Historically, Kalinga (modern Orissa) has been famous for its trade and commerce. Both literary and archaeological sources refer to inland and overseas trade of Orissa. Its overseas clientele were spread all over Burma, Malaysia, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, Bali, Ceylon and China and after 9th century over Arabia, Greece and even some of the western African countries.

The information supplied by the above literary sources need to be substantiated by archaeological evidences. Therefore, in order to establish the commercial and cultural linkages of ancient Kalinga with South East Asian countries. The government sponsored Orissa Institute of Maritime and South East Asian studiers have been formulated.

Aims & Objectives

The major aims and objectives of Orissa Institute of Maritime and South East Asian Studies are as follows:

  • To study the past cultural links between Orissa (Ancient Utkala/Kalinga) and South East Asian countries.
  • To study the maritime connection that continued for a long period between the people of this land and of these countries.
  • To take up archaeological survey and exploration of the important sites stretching from Tamralipti to Kalingapatanam (the then coastal line of Kalingan empire) for reviving cultural materials of significance which may be invaluable for an in-depth study of cultural and economic links maintained by Orissa with those overseas countries.
  • To excavate the important archaeological sites of the coastal belt and to trace out archaeological treasures which will constitute the primary source of information.
  • To take up oceanographic study of the Indian Ocean.
  • To liaison between the allied Institutes established in India and in the countries of South East Asia.
  • To take up study of written and oral folklore prevalent in coastal Eastern India and in these countries.
  • To study the evolution of art and architecture in Orissa and in those countries.
  • To take up study of performing art of Orissa and of those countries.
  • To take up in-depth study of textile and other materials preserved in the Museums of countries of South East Asia with a view to establishing linkages.
  • To organize lectures, symposia, national and international seminars with wider participation of scholars particularly from the South East Asian countries.
  • To publish reports, research papers and books based on primary sources.
  • To establish a Museum of Marine History
  • To take up such other activities as may be required to widen the aims and objectives of the Institute.


Entry Filed under: Specialized Research Centers - as components

1 Writeup

  • 1. Subha Prasad Mookerjee  |  September 4th, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    Very much interested in the work of your organization. The exploits of the maritime explorers who sailed to various parts of South East Asia, spreading Indian Culture is indeed one of the enigmas of our history.


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