IMI Bhubaneswar admission information

April 8th, 2011

IMI Bhubaneswar web page is at However, it is still work in progress and does not have admission information. IMI Bhubaneswar and IMI Kolkata have a joint facebook page at

The following youtube video dated 5th March shows that the facilities are almost ready and would be ready by the time classes start.

 (One may also check out the Feb 22nd video here.)

Admission information is available in the pagalguy forum. Following are some excerpts:


All students applying should have attained:

  • 1st Division in Class X and XII
  • Minimum of 55% in graduation (Those graduating in 2011 may also apply) AND
  • Who have appeared in CAT 2010

Selection criterion:

  • Applicants will be short-listed based on academic performance and performance in CAT
  • Applicants with consistent academic performance will have better chance for being called for interview
  • Short-listed candidates will be called for interview

Final selection will be based on the performance in the interview and academic track record.

How to apply
We are accepting applications online. Please log on to to fill the application form.

There is no application fee.

On filling the complete application form, short listed candidates will be called for in-person interview. The dates for first round of in-person interview will be shared shortly.

Admission Process:

We are following a rolling admissions process. The following are the important dates:
Last dates of Application:

Batch 1: 10th April
Batch 2: 25th April
Batch 3: 11th May

Interview Dates:

Batch 1: 25th April – 27th April
Batch 2: 9th May – 11th May
Batch 3: 23rd May – 25th May
The websites for the schools are:

… IMI International Management Institute Kolkata …
IMI Bhubaneswar – Homepage


Thank you for your interest in IMI K & B. Please refer to the following link for course fee … IMI International Management Institute Kolkata … 

The Admissions Committee for IMI Kolkata & Bhubaneswar has decided to give a higher emphasis on the academic performance during College and consistency in academic performance. For this reason the college cut-off (as an eligibility criterion) has been kept at 55%.

Please do refer to the following link for reasons to consider IMI K & B … IMI International Management Institute Kolkata …

We would strongly urge you to apply. There is no application fee and the application can be done online. Once you go through the selections process, meet our team, etc. you will be in a position to take a more informed decision.


We have not decided on the CAT cutt-offs for calling applicants for interviews. If you are meeting the academic eligibility criterion (55% in graduation+60% in 12th and 10th standard) you should consider applying to the two programmes.

FAQ-9. Is it a residential programme?

A hostel with 250 well-furnished, residential rooms for students (including a separate facility for women) is available within the campus. A stay in the hostel is not compulsory. However students are encouraged to stay in the hostel in the second year of the programme to take advantage of out-side the class room learning through participation in group work and other extra-curricular activities.

FAQ-21. What will be the cost of living in hostel?

Hostel rent will be Rs. 60,000 per annum. Mess charge will be based on actual cost of providing food to students. Indicative mess charge is Rs. 2,000 per month

We are following a rolling admissions process. The following are the important dates:

Last dates of Application:

Batch 1: 10th April
Batch 2: 25th April
Batch 3: 11th May

Interview Dates:

Batch 1: 25th April – 27th April
Batch 2: 9th May – 11th May
Batch 3: 23rd May – 25th May

The interviews will be held in more that two locations.


We will be starting with a batch size of 120 for IMI K and 60 for IMI B.


can u giv us an idea about yhe expected cat cutoffs?i m asking dat bcoz mt acads r pretty decent but my cat score is on the lesser side.
cat score-80.7%ile
wid dis low cat score will i get a call?????????????



You do have good academic scores. You should be applying to both the campuses.

Thank you for your interest in IMI K & B. Both the campuses are awaiting the final AICTE approval.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IMI Bhubaneswar


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