A snapshot of Utkal University: departments, faculty and offerings

April 17th, 2011

The following is compiled from various pages of http://www.utkal-university.org/.

 Departments Faculty Program offerings and seats
Analytical and Applied Economics.


1) Dr. (Mrs.) P. Mishra                  Mathematical Economics, Regional Economics & Environmental Economics

2) Dr. K. B. Das                      –     Regional Economics, Mathematical Economics

3) Dr. Bhabes Sen                  –     Quantitative Techniques, Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, Statistics


1) Dr. (Mrs.)Mitali Chinara            –     Mathematical Economics & Econometrics


1) Mrs. Aparajita Biswal           –     Econometrics, Mathematical Economics

2)Shri Alok Ranjan Behera      –     Financial Institution & Markets

3) Shri Amarendra Das            –     Environmental Economics, Natural Resource Management

M.A. –88, M.Phil – 10
Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology


1) Dr. Sadasiba Pradhan       :     Ancient Indian History, Art History & Archaeology



Dr. Sanjay Acharya              –     Ancient Indian History, Art and Archaeology.



1. Mr. Anam Behera             –     Ancient Indian History, Culture & Archaeology.

2. Dr. Sushanta Ku. Patra     –   

M.A. –32, M.Phil –10


1. Dr. P. K. Nayak                        –     Social Anthropology, Development Anthropology

2. Dr. P. K. Das                            –     Physical Anthropology & Human Genetics

3. Dr. J. Dash                               –     Social Anthropology

4. Dr. K. K. Basa(On Lien)             –     Pre-historic Archaeology



1. Dr. (Mrs.) R. Mohanty                –     Population Studies, Biological Anthropology

2. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Acharya                –     Social Anthropology.

3. Dr. (Mrs.) U. Aparajita                –     Social Anthropology & Development  Anthropology.



1. Mr.D. Sahoo                             –     Pre-historic Archaeology. 

MA/MSc- 32,    MPhil –10


Dr. Jagneshwar Dandapat  :  Cell & Molecular Biology, Immunology 

 M.Sc – 10


1.   Dr. H. K. Patra                        –    Environmental Science(Environmental Physiology)

2.   Dr. P. K. Chand                      –    Cytogenetics, Genetic Engineering.

3.   Dr. S. P. Adhikari (on lien)   –    Physiology, Biochemistry & Ecology of Cyanobacteria.



1.   Dr. (Mrs.) S. Sahoo                 –    Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

2.   Dr. P. K. Mohapatra (on lien)–    Ecotoxicology

3.   Dr. K.B. Satapathy                  –


1.   Dr. Chinmay Pradhan  

M.Sc. –32 M.Phil –10

SF – M.Env Sc. – 16

SF – M. Applied & Ind. Microbiology – 16

Business Administration

1. Dr. P. K. Sahoo,(Head of the Department) – Financial Management
2. Dr. P. K. Mohanty(On-Lien) –Human Resource Management
3. Dr. N. C. Kar – Financial Management
4. Dr. B. K. Mangaraj(On-Lien) – Information Resource Management
5. Dr. J. K. Panda – Financial Management

1. Er. P. C. Ratha – Operations Management
2. Dr. B. B. Mishra – Marketing Management & Organisational Behaviour

Sr. Lecturer
Dr. Muna Kalyani – Human Resource Management & Organisational Behaviour
Dr. B. R. Jena(on leave) – Business Economics
Dr. Dasarathi Sahu – Information Technology

SF – 5yr Integrated MBA – 60

SF – 3yr part-time MBA – 40

Center for Agri-Management


Prof. (Dr) Benudhar Bhuyan, Dr P K Sahoo, Dr N C Kar, Dr P K Mohanty, Dr B K Mangaraj, Dr J K Panda


Er P C Rath, Dr B B Mishra

Sr. Lecturer

Dr M Kalyani, Dr B Jena


Mr Sukant Kumar Samal, Mr Manoj Bal, Ms Anuradha Mishra, Dr D Sahu

MBA in Agribusiness



1.   Dr. S. Jena                                   –     Organic Chemistry

2.   Dr. P. Mohanty                             –     Inorganic Chemistry

3.   Dr. S. P. Rout                               –     Analytical Chemistry

4.   Dr. G. C. Pradhan                         –     Inorganic Chemistry

5.   Dr. P. K. Sahoo                            –     Organic / Polymer Chemistry


1.   Dr S.K. Badmali                           –     Physical  Chemistry

Senior Lecturer

1.   Dr. (Mrs.) Jasoda Kumari Behera–     Inorganic Chemistry


1.   Mrs. B. Jena                                 –     Physical  Chemistry


M.Sc.-28, M.Phil-10


Dr. S. Moharana                        –      Business Finance and Small Industries Development.

Dr. R. K. Bal                              –      Accounting, Corporate Financial Reporting and Banking

Dr. J. K. Parida                          –      Tax Law and Practice and Computer, Business Environment


Dr. P. K. Pradhan                      –      General Management and Organic Behaviour

Dr. P. K. Hota                            –      Operation Research and Business Statistics and Security Analysis & Portfolio Management

Dr. M. Sahu                 

              –      Marketing, Financial Services, Merchant Banking

Dr. K.B. Das                              –      Managerial Economics, Insurance


Dr. A. K. Swain                         –      Accounting, Finance & Insurance

Dr. S.K. Digal                             –      E-Commerce, International Finance and Financial Management and Entrepreneurship

Mr. R.K. Swain                          –      Accounting


M.Com – 48  M.Phil – 10

SF – M. Finance & Control. – 30+10

Computer Science and Applications


1.   Dr. A.K. Bisoi                          –      Computer Graphics & Fractal Modeling,  Software Engineering             

2.   Dr. (Mrs.) S. Mohanty               –      Image, Speech & Natural Language



Dr. S. K. Pradhan(on lien)         –      Parallel Processing, Neural Computing

SG. Lecturers

Mr. B. K. Ratha                        –      Image Processing

Dr. P. K. Behera                       –      Mobile Computing

Sr. Lecturer

Dr. B. N. B. Ray                       –      IP Telephony

MCA – 30 

ME in CSE with Sp. in Knowledge Eng.- 15 

SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60

SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30

SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30

The SF courses are jointly with Math and Stat. dept.




1.   Dr. H. S. Mohapatra                   –     Critical Theory, Fiction

2.   Dr. J. K. Nayak                          –     British Fiction Translation, Comparative   Literature

Sr. Lecturer

1.   Dr. D. Naik (On Lien)                  –     Fiction, Literary Theory

2.   Dr. A. J. Khan (On Lien)             –     Commonwealth Literature 

MA – 40 M.Phil – 10


1.  Dr. G. K. Panda             –   Geomorphology,Environmental Geography,  Remote Sensing and G.I.S.

2.  Dr. P. K. Kara                – Applied Geography, Urban and Regional Planning, Population Geography.


1.  Dr. K. M. Sethy             – Urban and Regional Planning, Economic Geography,  Remote Sensing and G.I.S.

2.  Dr. K. C. Rath                –    Urban and Regional Planning, Remote Sensing and G.I.S., Social Research Method.

3. Dr. D. Panda                 – Environmental Geography, Geomorphology,  Agriculture Geography, Medical Geography,  Remote Sensing and G.I.S.


Dr. Ranjana Bajpai        – Political Geography & Environmental Geography 

MA/MSc.-24 M.Phil-10.   RS & GIS-20

SF – PGDip in Remote Sensing & GIS – 20



1.   Dr. H.K. Sahoo,                   –  Hydro Geology, Economic Geology, Geo                                            chemistry, Environmental Geology

2.   Dr. P. Behera                      –  Coal Geology, Hydro Geology, Sedimentology,Environmental Geology

3.   Dr. (Mrs.) M. Das                 –  Igneous Petrology, Hydro Geology, Ore Geology, Environmental Geology

4.   Dr. P. P. Singh                    –  Ore Geology, Structural Geology

5.   Dr. R. N. Hota                      –  Sedimentology, Geo-statistics, Hydro-Geology


3.   Dr. D.S. Pattnaik                 –  Coal Geology, Hydro Geology

4.   Dr. B. K. Ratha                    –  Economic Geology, Engineering Geology, Geo-chemistry, Environmental Geology


1.   Dr. D. Beura                        – Economic Geology, Environmental Geology 

M.Sc.-25, M.Phil-8


1.   Dr. A.K. Pattnaik                       –  International Affairs,

                                                          Foreign History, Modern Indian History, Historiography.


1.   Dr. Amal Kumar Mishra             –  Modern Indian History, World History, Regional History.

2.   Dr. Basanta Kumar Mallik          –  Medieval Indian History, World History Regional History, Historiography.

3.   Dr. Jayanti Dora                        –  Ancient History 

M.A.-64, M.Phil-06


1.   Dr. Pradip Kumar Sarkar                –     Commercial Law

2.   Dr. Prafulla Ch. Mishra                  –     Family Law(Personal Law)

3.   Dr. Prabir Kumar Pattnaik              –     Criminal Law, Commercial Law


1.   Dr. M.S. Dash                              –     Commercial Law

2.   Sri Durgesh Chandra Mahapatra     –     Criminal Law and Commercial Law 

LL.M – 25
Library and Information Science


1.   Dr. Manoranjan Mohapatra       :    Classification Information Storage & Retrieval


1.   Dr. (Mrs.) Puspanjali Jena        –     Foundation of Library & Information Science Research Methodology & Statistical Techniques, Internet & CD ROM Database Serchey.

2. Dr. K.C. Das                             –     Digital Library, Information Technology & Networking


1.   Sri Kunwar Singh                    –     Management of Library & Information Centre, Library Automation and Software package. 

M.Lib. & Inf.Sc. – 24


1.   Dr. S. Padhy                    –     Parallel Algorithm, Numerical Analysis and Fluid Dynamics, Computational Finance, Bio-informatics

2.Dr. B. K. Nayak                   –     Theory of Relativity, Differential Geometry

3.   Dr. J. Patel                       –     Complex Analysis


1.   Dr. (Mrs.) S. Dutta            –     Functional Analysis

2.   Dr.(Mrs.) N. Das               –     Analysis

MA/MSc -64   

M.Phil -10

SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60

SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30

SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30

The SF courses are jointly with Comp. Sc. and Stat. depts.



1. Dr. (Mrs.) Sanghamitra Mishra  -Drama, Morden Literature

2. Dr. Bijaya Kumar Satapathy – Drama, Modern Literature

3. Dr. Sarat Chandra Rath       –  Religious Trends of Odia Literature, Mediaval Literature

4. Dr. Narayan Sahoo              –  Drama, Comparatvie Literature

5. Dr. Udayanath Sahoo          –



1. Dr. Santosh Ku.Tripathy      –  Modern Literature, Comparative Literature, Poetics, Grammar & Language,

2. Dr. (Mrs.) Lipi Hembram       –  Religious Trends of OdiaLiterature, Drama

3. Dr. Bishnupriya Otta            – 

M.A.-64, M.Phil-10
Personnel Management and Industrial Relations


1.   Dr. B.N. Mishra                    –     Organisational Behaviour, Industrial Sociology & Social Security

2.   Dr. S. K. Tripathy                 –     Human Resource Management, Organisational Behaviour.


1.   Dr. K. M. Sahoo                   –     Human Resource Management .

2.   Dr.(Mrs.) K. Mohanty            –     Man Power Planning


Ms. S. Murmu                     –     Industrial Relations 

MPMIR-32 M.Phil-8
Pharmaceutical Sciences   SF – B. Pharm (4 yrs) – 45 (Lateral entry allowed in 3rd semester)


1.   Dr. A. K. Mohanty                –     Philosophy of Language (Western and Indian), Analytical Philosophy, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Value Philosophy of Religion, Indian Philosophy, Philosophy of Value, Analytical Philosophy

2.   Dr. Sarat Ch. Panigrahi         –     Indian Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind, Political Philosophy. Philosophy of Religion, Indian Philosophy, Analytical Philosophy.

3.   Dr. Ramesh Chandra Das     – Logic, Philosophy of Value, Analytical Philosophy, Philosophy of Mind


Mr. S. Jally                          –     Adaita Bedanta

Dr. Alakananda Parida          

M.A.-64, M.Phil-10


1.   Dr. N. C. Mishra                   –  Electronics & Condensed Matter Physics

2.   Dr. D. K. Basa                     –  Solid State Electronic Materials and Devices

3.  Dr. K. Maharana                  –  Particle Physics, Gravitation & Cosmology

4.   Dr. (Mrs.) S. Mahapatra        –  Particle Physics, Gravitation & Cosmology


Sri P.K. Samal                          –  Cosmology


M.Sc.-30, M.Phil-10
Political Science


1. Dr. B. Satapathy              –     International Politics, Political Thought, Modern   Political Analysis, Research Methodology

 2. Dr. N. Gaan                     –     International Politics


 Dr.(Smt.) Smita Nayak         –     State Politics in India, Political Process in Orissa, Public Administration.


 1. Dr. A.K. Mohapatra          –     International Relations, Indian Govt. & Politics,

                                                      Comparative Politics

 2. Dr.(Mrs.) S. Mallik            –     International Politics, Political Theory

M.A.-64, M.Phil-10

SF – PGDip in Chinese studies – 16

SF – MA in Women’s studies – 20

SF – M in Dev. Journalism & Elect. Comm. – 20



1. Dr. P. K. Mishra               –     Organisational Industrial & Social Psychology.

2. Dr. S. K. Patra                 –     Comparative & Physiological Psychology

3. Dr. N. C. Pati                   –     Comparative & Educational Psychology


1. Dr. P. K. Ratha                –     Psychometric Assessment, Social and Personality.

2. Dr. (Mrs.) N. Patanaik       –     Educational  & Counseling Psychology

Sr. Lecturer

Mrs. N. Das                         –     Educational & Developmental Psychology 

M.A.-48, M.Phil-16

SF – PGDip in Early Childhood Ed – 16

Public Administration


Dr. (Mrs.) B. Mohanty              :     Local Administration & Development Administration 

M.A.-32, M.Phil-8


      1. Dr. G. K. Dash                          –     Classical Literature, Vedic, Epic & Puranic Literature.

      2. Dr. P. K. Mishra                        –     Poetics. Literary Criticism & Vedic Studies

      3. Dr. R. N. Panda                        –     Classical Literature & Sanskrit Literature of Orissa

      4. Dr. R. M. Dash                          –     Grammar & Linguistics


      1.Dr. (Mrs.) P. M. Rath (On Lien)    –     Vedic and Classical Sanskrit Literature.

      Lecturer (S.G.)

      Dr. S. C. Dash                              –     Indian Philosophy

M.A.-64, M.Phil-10

SF – PG Dip. Yoga Education – 16



1. Dr. (Mrs.) Rita Ray              –     Indian Social System, Gender Studies

2. Dr. Anup Kumar Dash          –     Studies in Voluntary Sector

3. Dr. D.N. Jena                      –     Rural Development

4. Dr. B.G. Baboo(On leave)     –     Studies in Rehabilitation


Dr. M.G. Bage                        –     Tribal Sociology

Lecturers (Selection Grade)

1. Mr. B.K. Behera (On lien)     –     Medical Sociology

Sr. Lecturer

Mr. R. Garada                         –     Development induced displacement and Rehabilitation & Resettlement 

M.A.-48, M.Phil-8

SF – M. Rural Dev. – 32

SF – PGDip in Rural Dev. – 32



1. Dr. G. Mishra                   –     Sample Survey Theory and Methods, Bio-Statistics

2. Dr. L. N. Sahoo                –     Sample Survey Theory & Methods, Econometrics.


1. Dr. P. K. Tripathy             –     Operations Research, Demography.

2. Dr. K.B. Panda                –     Survey Sampling


Dr. R.K. Sahoo                    –     Survey Sampling 

MA/MSc -32


SF– 5 yr integrated MCA – 60

SF– 2 yr M.Tech in CS – 30

SF-2 yr M.Sc in Comp. Sc. – 30

The SF courses are jointly with Comp. Sc. and Math.



1. Dr. S.  Das                      –     Endocrinology, Neuroendocrinology of Birds

2. Dr. A.K. Patra                  –     Environmental Studies on water, air, and land systems, wild life conservation and Fisheries & Aquaculture.

3.  Dr. P.K. Mohanty            –     Cytogenetics and Silk Worm Ecology 


Dr.(Mrs.) P.K. Mohapatra      –     Developmental Biology, Developmental Studies in amphibia, Regeneration in animals. 

M.Sc. – 32,  M. Phil. – 10

SF – M.Sc in Fisheries & Aquaculture – 12

The self finance courses (marked by SF above) that are offered and links to them are as follows:

SL. No. COURSES Schools /Departments
01 5 Yr. Integrated Master in Computer Science & Application School of Math.-Stat-Computer Science.
02 M. Tech. in Computer Science School of Math.-Stat-Computer Science.
03 P.G. Course in Environmental Science School of Life Science (Department of Botany)
04 P.G. Course in Applied & Industrial Micro Bio. School of Life Science (Department of Botany)
05 Master of Rural Development Department of Sociology
06 P.G Diploma in Yoga Education School of Languages
07 Master in Finance & Control Department of Commerce
08 5Yr.Integrated Course in M.B.A. Dept. of Business Administration
09 Bachelor Degree in Pharmacy University Department of Pharmaceutical Science
10 Master in Pharmacy University Department of Pharmaceutical Science
11 Lateral entry into B.Pharma(3rd. semester) University Department of Pharmaceutical Science
12 P.G. Diploma in Early Childhood Education Department of Psychology
13 P.G. Diploma in Chinese Studies Department of Political Science
14 M.A. in Women Studies School of Women Studies (Political  Science)
15 P.G. Diploma in Remote Sensing and GIS Department of Geography
16 P.G. Diploma in Rural Development Department of Sociology
17 M.A. in Development Journalism & Electronic And Communication  Post-Graduate Council (Political Science).
18 M.Sc. in Computer Science Dept. of Computer Sc.& Application
19 3  Year Part Time M.B.A. Dept. of Business Administration
20 M.Sc. in Fisheries and Aquaculture School of Life Science (Zoology)

The total number of faculty listed below is around 155 (without double counting faculty that are listed both in the Business Administration department and the Center for Agribusiness.) In February 2008, Utkal had a faculty of 169. In March 2008, it was mentioned in Samaja that in Utkal University only 187 out of 340 faculty positions were filled. I wonder if Utkal still has 340 positions or if the government reduced or increased that number.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar


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