Excerpts from TOI interview with the new Utkal University VC Dr. Prashant Kumar Sahu

May 6th, 2011

The interview is at http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/bhubaneswar/Student-unrest-wont-occur-in-my-tenure-Prof-Sahu/articleshow/8171439.cms. Following are some excerpts.

Q-The University is often in the news for the wrong reasons like mismanagement, student unrest, etc. What is your plan to bring Utkal University back on track?

A-I want Utkal University to be a centre of excellence and lead centre in research and consultancy works both at the national and international-levels. I studied here. I also taught here. I have a vision. I will try my best in making positive contribution towards achieving the goal during my tenure.


A-Actually we have to develop inter-disciplinary teaching and research. There is a need to restructure the post-graduate programme. One person cannot do this. Hence, I stress upon team work. In other words, different departments ought to sit together, discuss what is being taught to students and their relevance and, if required, redesign them. The changing scenario also warrants the university to reorient its focus, to be collaborative with industries which will eventually benefit the students and the institution as well.

Q-Any specific plan?

A-Professional and job-oriented courses are the need of the time. I have plans to open such programmes like fashion technology, geo-informatics and environment science. I will discuss with my colleagues and explore possibilities of opening other relevant courses.

Q-But Utkal University already has a number of such courses. Don’t you think before going for new ones those already there need to be reviewed to find out the net benefits they are giving to the students?

A-Sure, I agree the course module has to be so designed that students taking admission must not feel they are wasting their time and that they become truly employable. We have a lot of self-financing courses. I will review the course curriculum through experts and go for changes wherever necessary.

Q-Any move for foreign tie-up?

A-That is very much there in my mind. I will explore the possibility of Utkal University undertaking research or launching new course programmes in collaboration with foreign universities. The university has to have linkages with industries. This will go a long way in helping students. I will try to set up some school of studies. For example, management, economics, commerce and personnel management and industrial relations (PMIR) could jointly become a school of studies for the purpose of research and other academic activities.

… I am also a product of the IIM-Ahmedabad. I know management. Utkal University requires a professional and qualified vice-chancellor. I fit the bill.

Q-A good library has always been the most attractive place for students. Do you believe the Parija Library meets expectations?

A-A library is the mirror of any educational institution. I have taken it as my priority to improve the quality of the library in the campus. I will try to equip it with latest technology so that students could use it round-the-clock. I have already had a word with the chief librarian. I have sought for a wish list, to be submitted to me soon. Accordingly, we will proceed.

Q-There are also allegations of financial irregularities against the university. What are you going to do with that?

A-I am a professor of finance. I will streamline it.

Q-What about modernizing the administrative apparatus?

A-That is going to happen. There will be an academic calendar, to be followed religiously. The examination system will be completely computerized. On the whole, there will be greater use of information technology in the functioning of the university. Times have changed. We have to tune ourselves so as not to fall behind.

Q-Just buildings or computers do not foster the right kind of academic atmosphere in a university. That is why many educational institutions in India and abroad give stress on creating greenery in their campuses. Utkal University campus pathetically looks desolate.

A-Yes, that is a point no one should forget. I am taking steps. There will be a change.

I will add my thoughts on this soon. Please add your thoughts in the comments section. Please be polite.

My thoughts:

  • I disagree with the statement that "Professional and job-oriented courses are the need of the time". It was a few years back. Now, with so many new universities and colleges opening up, there is plenty of job opportunity in academic settings.
  • Thus, Utkal University should focus on improving the quality of its programs, its faculty, its research and its graduates and focus on research and producing top-notch Ph.Ds who go into academia all over India.
  • With the easy availability of data and information on publications, citations and various benchmarks based on that, many future decisions at MHRD, UGC, DST, etc. will be based on those data. If Utkal University does not focus on those benchmarks it will lose out and as a result Odisha will lose out.
  • It should aim to have the best group in some small number of fields, say 3-4. In other words, in those fields, Utkal University should be the best in India and among the top in the world.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Utkal University, Bhubaneswar

7 Writeup

  • 1. vc research - TECHNOLOGY-&hellip  |  May 6th, 2011 at 8:24 pm

    […] with foreign universities. The university has to have linkages with industries. …http://www.orissalinks.com/arc .. Share and […]

  • 2. Ranjan Nayak  |  May 7th, 2011 at 12:15 am

    Of course quality of teaching and research has to be improved a lot from its current standard which is not even close to any good university in India. One of the required steps is to recruit some of the renowned faculties and research personalities from outside which will bring freshness and new ideas in the university. Second thing is making it a brand like DU, JNU etc. This can’t be done overnight. But there are steps needed to be taken to achieve it over a period of time. Another thing is some special emphasis need to be taken to revive quality in some of the old courses like liberal Arts, Economics, Finance etc. This will help in getting a lot of people from Odisha in Civil service and other public services at national level.

  • 3. Debi P Sarangi  |  May 7th, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    Very stereotypical interview. No vision. We don’t need a IIM graduate to manage only but a visionary to take the university to the top level. Hope for the best and wish the new VC all the best. Please make the UU a real university rather than a time pass degree institute.

  • 4. rabi narayan dash  |  May 9th, 2011 at 1:39 am

    The interview given by the new VC is good. My request to the Hon’ble VC is that he should try to set up new centres of excellence and schools for inter discplimary studies and improve the GD/PI and other curricular cum extra curricular activities, which should ultimately help the students find jobs in various places/companies/govt. offices. For many years the peformance of odia candidates in all india services is alarming. Even the candidates are not being groomed by any univ . or by any govt. agancy.
    I hope the new VC will have a special look for this.
    Wish him all the best.

  • 5. Tarakanta Nayak  |  May 11th, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Just another VC for Utkal, a bit more selfadvertising and going on the old track and seemingly not a visionary. It seem he just wanted the post and had fitting credentials and possibly followed shortcuts to reach the chair. No big hope. Wait till another change…

  • 6. Biswa  |  May 13th, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    I 100% agree with you, Prof. Baral.
    We need the institutes to work more towards getting ‘educated’ than worrying about ‘job related education only’.
    But, we also need to change people’s mentality.
    We are so stuck with ‘roti, kapda, makaan’… that we never think beyond. This problem is easier said than solved.
    A typical family in India has 1 person earning bread for 3 to 10 people in the family. That one person is so drained out that, he is never able to think beyond ‘bread’. And people(this includes me too 🙁 ) usually abandon school/learning as soon as they start earning. And, females have a bigger problem. Family culture usually prevent females to peruse their career. Females usually stop their career aspiration with marriage or after kids.
    This is slowly changing though. But, we have a long way to go. I would urge all, while you are earning… plan to save for your old age. This would help our next generation, not to worry too much financially about us and our health when we get old. And they can stay more focussed with their interests in life.
    And, do not put pressure on kids to do ‘job-oriented’ study. Lets not hijack their dreams. Allow them to chase their dreams, even if it means they might not lead a financially-rich life.
    ‘3-idiots’ movie did try to give the message ‘go to school to learn, not to get certificate’.

  • 7. Biswajit Mishra  |  May 15th, 2011 at 11:32 am

    it’s a coincidence that the person who posted the last comment has the name which overlaps with that of mine. Yes, I was confused after watching 3 idiots. I started myself. Do we produce graduates with scietific skill or engineering acumen? I don’t think so. Almost 90% of the engineering and science graduates (from IITs, NITs, BITS) try to crack CAT, get into some business school and land up serving in banking/insurance companies. The fall out of economic liberalization and FDI inflow has created a corporate India NOT a creative India.

    We have enough colleges giving professional courese in Odisha. Rather the new VC of UU must concentrate on improving the infrastructure for PG education and research. Interdisciplinary research is fine. But two individuals must attain some academic height to think about collaboration. It’s pity to see that there are only 5 faculties in the Physics department, when IOP is very much there in BBSR and is one of the best place for research in Physics, Perhaps the new VC must try to recruit faculites from outside the state. Then only, one day UU may get the status of a central university.


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