Setting up of 20 new IIITs

May 29th, 2011

The MHRD in its page has put several documents regarding this. The list of documents present there are:

It will be a competitive process in terms of which ones are made when. Several states are gearing up for this. Recently there has been news about this from states such as:

Earlier there was news from West Bengal (Feb 17, 2011) and Odisha (Feb 22, 2011). But this is before the 18th March 2011 meeting and the recent publication of the "Draft criteria for selection of proposals received from the State Government/Union Territories for setting up of new IIITs". Odisha government needs to immediately respond with a good proposal that addresses all aspects of the draft criteria. Odisha’s work is cut-out as proposing Berhampur as a location would need a very strong and well-articulated proposal. The readers from Berhampur, and those who want this to be in Berhampur, need to help the government in this.

Entry Filed under: Berhampur-Gopalpur-Hinjilicut area (3),IIIT, Berhampur (proposed),NITs, IIITs

3 Writeup

  • 1. Ajaya Sahu  |  May 31st, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    Orissa: SOSA demands early establishment of proposed IIIT at Berhampur

    Report by Orissa Diary correspondent; Berhampur: South Orissa Students’ Association (SOSA) urges Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik to grant permission to set up Indian Institute of Information Technology) at Berhampur in Odisha.

    In a letter to Odisha CM SOSA says, the Central government has announced the establishment of 20 Greenfield IIITs (Indian Institute of Information Technology) across the country during the 11th and 12th Five Year Plan periods. Since the Government of Odisha has made its intentions known for locating the proposed IIIT at Berhampur city, it becomes an imperative that prompt efforts are made to ensure that the IIIT sanctioned for Odisha is established in Berhampur city at the earliest. Since the state Government was awaiting the nod of the central government to go ahead with locating the proposed IIIT in Berhampur, the recent announcement regarding the establishment of 20 new IIITs should end the uncertainty surrounding this much awaited institution.

    Notwithstanding the fact that the state government had itself asked for the establishment of the IIIT at Berhampur and assured the people to that effect in the past, the demand is also backed by sound reasoning. First, Berhampur city, for that matter Ganjam District, is yet to have a centrally funded Institute and the absence of which is proving detrimental to an underdeveloped region like south Orissa. Second, Orissa has so far established two IIITs at Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur (SUIIT) and therefore the establishment of the centrally funded IIIT at Berhampur will lead to better distribution of IT education base in the state. Third, the Planning Commission data suggests that Ganjam and other southern districts are among the districts with a poor gross enrolment ratio in higher education. IIIT in Berhampur will help in building a knowledge cluster in the heart of the most underdeveloped pocket of India. Fourth, a Software Technology park has already come up in Berhampur city and the IIIT’s establishment there will ensure synergy and investment in the IT and ITES sectors. Finally, Berhampur is the second biggest urban cluster in the state of Orissa with sound communication infrastructure and the establishment of the IIIT will be a great advantage for the city and its future development.

    Berhampur is the only major city in Odisha which doesn’t have a centrally funded higher/technical education institution so far. While prestigious professional education institutions like IIT, AIIMS, IIPH, IIFT, NISER, NIT, VSSUT, IIMC, National Steel Institute, CIPET, IIHT, Law University apart from a host of Private Universities have come up across the state in recent years the entire region of South Odisha and its principal city, Berhmapur, have been completely left out and remain far behind as far as higher and technical education infrastructure is concerned.

    Berhampur city is considered as the gateway to the vast region of South Odisha and KBK and owing to its strategic location, prospects of industrial investment, human resource potential, moderate weather conditions and its connectivity with all the major cities of the state and India, will certainly be able to attract IT companies and create large number of employment opportunities with the establishment of a IIIT in the city. In view of the potential of Berhampur city in bringing prosperity and in improving the life quality of the people of this backward region, it is crucial for the State government to expand the IT education base in Odisha by adhering to the principle of distributive justice. Prompt and timely action on the part of the state government will be extremely important for realization of this prestigious institution. The IIIT will not only place Berhampur city as the second knowledge hub of the state but will also work as an impetus for industrialization and development of southern Odisha and improve the overall prosperity of the State.

  • 2. Chandra  |  June 1st, 2011 at 2:30 pm

    Yes one of these IIIT is in orissa. There is already a advertisement in Sambad inviting Corporate Partner for the proposed IIIT.However it is silent on the location.

  • 3. Siba Prasad  |  June 2nd, 2011 at 12:12 am

    The State Govt should fulfil its commitment for a IIIT at Berhampur. Other states are strongly backing their non-capital cities for IIIT and have also made considerable progress in this regard. Similarly Orissa should make sure that Berhampur city gets the first central institute in terms of IIIT. The CM, former IT Minister Surya patra and former IT Secy Pradeep Jena have made public statements regarding IIIT at Berhampur in the past and they should keep their promise.


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