New AIIMS-like Institutions and upgrdation of medical colleges to AIIMS level; Bihar to have 3, UP to have 6, Odisha complacent and incompetent at 1.

June 2nd, 2011

The page at documents the progress of the various AIIMS-like institutes across the country and as one can find out the progress is the least with respect to AIIMS-like institute in Bhubaneswar. That is a shame.

A bigger shame is that many other states have managed to get approval for additional AIIMS level institutions while Odisha, despite our many emails to the CMO, has not tried that. Odisha should push hard to get both MKCG and VSS Medical colleges upgraded to the AIIMS level.

Following is a list of what has so far been approved obtained from pages 3,4,6 and 8 of the document at

  Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Total
Andhra Pradesh Upgrade NIMS Hyderabad; Upgrade VIMS Tirupati     2 upgrades
Bihar New AIIMS-like (Patna)   Upgrade GMC Darbhanga; Upgrade GMC Muzaffarpur

1 new

2 upgrades

Chhatisgarh New AIIMS-like (Raipur)     1 new
Gujarat Upgrade BJMC Ahmedabad     1 upgrade
Haryana   Upgrade PBDPIMS Rohtak   1 upgrade
Himachal Pradesh   Upgrade GMC Tanda   1 upgrade
J & K Upgrade GMC Jammu; Upgrade GMC Srinagar     2 upgrades
Jharkhand Upgrade RIMS Ranchi     1 upgrade
Karnataka Upgrade BMC Bangalore   Upgrade VIMS Bellary 2 upgrades
Kerala Upgrade GMC Thiruvanthapuram   Upgrade GMC Kozhikode 2 upgrades
Madhya Pradesh New AIIMS-like (Bhopal)   Upgrade GMC Reba

1 new

1 upgrade

Maharashtra Upgrade GMC&SJJGH Mumbai Upgrade GMC Nagpur   2 upgrades
Odisha New AIIMS-like (Bhubaneswar)     1 new
Punjab   Upgrade GMC Amritsar   1 upgrade
Rajasthan New AIIMS-like (Jodhpur)     1 new
Tamil Nadu Upgrade GMC Salem Upgrade GMC Madurai   2 upgrades
Uttaranchal New AIIMS-like (Rishikesh)     1 new
Uttar Pradesh Upgrade SGPIMS Lucknow; IMS Varanasi New AIIMS-like;   Upgrade JNMC Aligarh Upgrade GMC Jhansi; Upgrade GMC Gorakhpur 1 new             5 upgrades
West Bengal Upgrade KMC Kolkata New AIIMS-like  

1 new

1 upgrade


Entry Filed under: AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,AIIMS, Bhubaneswar,Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),PMSSY, AIIMS

8 Writeup

  • 1. deepak jena  |  June 3rd, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    Jharkhand’s leaders is better then Odisha. Odisha Cm is only developed their own location nothing else. it is only for our CM’S poor vision .

  • 2. Abhisek  |  June 3rd, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    “Cm is only developed their own location nothing else”. If the Chief Minister was indeed serious about his own place, he could have atleast suggested the up-gradation of MKCG to AIIMS level Institute which is achievable and other states have done it. Know that inefficiency and mis-governance affects every section and place adversely.

  • 3. Purna Mishra  |  June 4th, 2011 at 10:11 am

    Chitta babu,

    I am disappointed with your biased, faulty, and provocative heading of calling UP 6, Bihar 3, and Orissa 1 thus Orissa complacent and incomptent.

    This is not the way to have a civilized discussion to create a forum for deveopment. I am equally disappointed with the response of the two gentlemen also.

    We could have a good and objective discussion based on facts. Let us comparte Orissa against Andhra, Karnataka, Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Up, and Kerala,. Please tell me on what basis (in terms of investment) Orissa got a raw deal in comparison to the population. The website address you have sent has all the details on the investment size for new AIIMS like institute vs the upgreades where the upgrades do not even get 25% of the investments of a new institute.

    Where you really need to show the inefficiency is in the progress of the construction. AIIMS Orissa lags seriously other new institutes.

    I am all for Orissa to push for additional medical colleges to be included but can’t we have a civilized discussion based on facts?

    I am really disappointed that based on this provocative title, you have got a few people to write their comments based on emotion which does not stand against any objective analysis. For Deepak babu to call Jharkhand leaders better than Odisha is a statement not based on the details of the report. All Jharkhand has got an upgrade.

    Honey draws bees but provocative emotional stuff will draw people to shoot off their hips.

    I expect more from you. May be that is why I am writting this strong rejoinder.


    — Purna

  • 4. Sangram Keshari Mallick  |  June 7th, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    @ Mr. Purna Mishra

    “I am disappointed with your biased, faulty, and provocative heading of calling UP 6, Bihar 3, and Orissa 1 thus Orissa complacent and incompetent.(sic)” seems like you have exhausted all your vocabulary in making this superfluous statement.

    As regards a ‘civilised’ discussion i see no incivility in the comments made by the two gentlemen before you for dissent is not akin to being uncivil.

    And as regards facts lets face it, There are upgrades being done at Darbhanga, Muzzafarpur ( recently a doctor here was lynched for not giving a fake certificate), Jhansi and Gorakhpur. If medical colleges at these places can be upgraded i see no reason why a SCB medical college and a MKCG can’t be pitched for ugradation. Myopia was the known bane of our CM but as it stands, it has clearly afflicted his electorate.

  • 5. Purna Mishra  |  June 9th, 2011 at 8:14 am

    Dear Sangram Babu,

    Do you want to have a discussion on the basis of statement that if there is a fraud at College and is upgraded then why should college not be upgraded when there is no such fraud at ? If this is your way to substantiate a claim?

    If you really want to discuss the details, please read the article linked by Chitta babu. Please look at the numbers. Then divide the funding by number of people for that state, and then tell me what is the basis of negligence for Orissa?

    Again you did not read to understand my note. You are trying to jump because it touch your emotional chord. Please read my note again. I stated in that note that there is inefficiencies in the progress of building the AIIMS like institute. There is where one could say that the state government is complacent and is not pro active.

    If you need to make sure your voice is heard then make your statement based on fact and not based on the statement you made on your note about Darbhanga and Jhansi. I am sure there are many people who would pull previous news items of equal and if not more serious level of gross negligence in our medical colleges.


    — Purna

  • 6. Debi P Sarangi  |  June 13th, 2011 at 7:00 pm

    Purna Babu,

    Well said. We need to have a constructive discussion. Secondly let us have a prorate analysis. Are we calculating the population of Odisha versus UP. However this is not a argument for not pursuing another AIIMs like institute. We should try hard for that but that is not a weak point of the CM.

    Chitta Babu, request to put constructive ideas for which you are always appreciated.


  • 7. prateek roy  |  August 30th, 2012 at 7:58 pm

    i want to enquire that other medical courses such as MPT, MD etc. will alo be conducted here or only in AIIMS delhi..??

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  September 1st, 2012 at 9:24 am

    In a few years other medical courses will be offered in the new AIIMS. Each AIIMS will aim to become like AIIMS Delhi and more.


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