BPUT plan diagrams for its main campus (139 acres) in Rourkela and its 10 acre campus in Bhubaneswar

July 6th, 2011

The following is obtained from http://skdas.org/. Thanks to a posting in rourkelacity.com for the pointer.

The 139 acres BPUT Rourkela campus is structured along a pedestrian spine, punctuated by a central court with administrative offices, a central library, and a student complex. Secondary courts occur at the entrance to the various faculty buildings.

The BPUT Bhubaneswar mini-campus is a 10 acres site (5 acres in phase 1) that includes exam evaluation center, JEE building, counseling and admissions center, job placement center, and guest houses.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),BPUT, Rourkela,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

4 Writeup

  • 1. rabi narayan dash  |  July 6th, 2011 at 12:45 pm

    For a long time the construction works at Rourkela has come to a standstill position. From press reports it is known that there is some problem between the architects and the contractor. Any way i request the authorities to sort out matters and finish up the ongoing jobs.

    The faculty members and students are eager to see it as early as possible.

  • 2. Dipti Prakash Palai  |  July 7th, 2011 at 3:12 pm

    When did this Bhubaneswar campus come up.It was never planned before.exam evaluation center, JEE building, counseling and admissions center, job placement center will be in Bhubaneswar.Why it can not be in Rourkela.It is simply partiality to Rourkela.One kind-hearted person “by mistakenly” what capital people would say, announced that BPUT campus would be set up in Rourkela.And now Capital people can not do anything.Why for counselling people would go to Bhubaneswar.They can come also to Rourkela.What they left for Rourkela.what for students have to worry is the JEE, and if it is not in Rourkela, no use of setting up Library or student complex etc. I strongly protest.Has it happened anywhere that one campus was distributed in different places before it start setting up.Generally if one institute wanted to extend its campus it was ok but dividing like this way indicating how Government duping people.Another case is ESIC hospital.I saw some state like Rajasthan, Karnatak ESIC hospital.All are now full functioning.I visited the same in Rourkela.Not a brick is put down for any commencement.Why we are like this.a kid would know his responsibility but these high profile people do not feel any shame.

  • 3. vivek seth  |  July 9th, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Don’t worry . This is last chance of this govt.

  • 4. prabhudutta satpathy  |  July 11th, 2011 at 10:19 am

    please chek ma internet protocool adress.it says i belong to bbsr

    still i want to see rourkela as a city like vizag…please do a pil and devlop all around odissa


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