DAV Chandrasekharpur ranked number 28 in India by Educationworldonline.net; DAV Chandraskharpur(2), DAV Bhubaneswar(9), DPS Kalinga(17) and KIIT international(20) ranked in the eastern zone

September 13th, 2011

Following are excerpts from http://educationworldonline.net/index.php/page-article-choice-more-id-2862.

Among other primary-secondaries which have improved their public image and zoomed into the list of India’s Top 30 day schools are the formerly unranked Mirambika, Delhi (27), DAV, Chandrasekharpur, Bhubaneswar (28) and Bombay International (29).

Thus further investigation of the national league table reveals that Gitanjali School, Hyderabad (estb.1985) is the No. 1 day school in Hyderabad and the southern state of Andhra Pradesh (pop.85 million), no mean achievement. Likewise the Riverside School, ranked a modest No. 13 nationally is the No. 1 day school of Ahmedabad and the western seaboard state of Gujarat (pop. 60 million); DAV, Chandrasekharpur is the No. 1 day school of Orissa (pop. 42 million); St. John’s High is No.1 in Punjab, and City Montessori, Gomti Nagar, ranked No.50 nationally is Lucknow’s most respected day school and fifth in Uttar Pradesh — India’s most populous state (200 million).

The following article from Sambada mentions couple of other schools from Odisha that are ranked high in the eastern zone. The eastern zone ranked schools are: DAV Chandrasekharpur (2), DAV Bhubaneswar (9), DPS Kalinga (17) and KIIT international school (20).

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),DAV Chandrasekharpur,DPS Kalinga

3 Writeup

  • 1. ranjan  |  September 15th, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    I appreciate the findings above and glad to know there are so many schools in Orissa that are listed in top 100.However i would like to know what all criteria was followed while doing the survey as this is not available with the website mentioned.I am not impressed with the KIIT intl and DPS Kalinga.I am sure there are far more better schools than these two schools.For example IEMS Sector 20 Rourkela is ranked among the top 100 schools of India and it gives a proud feeling to be the student of this school.I am not commenting just because i have concerns but its a fact.The Alumni of this school is the best in whole of Orissa and one of the best in India.From Mayank Bawa to Abhineet Sawa the list goes on.Its not just the Alumini,the infrastructure, facilities are at par the best and above all teh teaching.It takes a lot of effort to establish a school like this.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  September 15th, 2011 at 10:39 pm

    I agree that are some very good schools in Rourkela. If you can give me some pointers to “IEMS Sector 20 Rourkela is ranked among the top 100 schools of India” or about ranking of other schools in Rourkela I would be happy to write about them.

  • 3. ranjan  |  September 16th, 2011 at 3:08 am

    Well The survey was done among 16 cities of india.So Rourkela was not included.Not sure why..All i can see the DAV ranked No1 School of Orissa which i dont agree because the survey is based on teacher welfare and development, competence of faculty, academic reputation, co-curricular activities, sports education, individual attention to students (teacher-pupil ratio), discipline and life skills education, infrastructure, value for money, leadership/management quality, parental involvement, quality of alumni/students, disabled friendliness and community service.And all these points makes IEMS sector 20 a very strong competitor especially when it comes to the above points.In case of Alumni i am sure no school in orissa can even give competition.


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