UCE Burla students agitate for deemed university status: I think they are being misled into a wrong and harder path

October 6th, 2007

Following are excerpts from Statesman‘s  reports on this.

Hundreds of students of the University College of Engineering (UCE) at Burla are up in the arms against the authorities of the Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT) and the junior staff of the industries department of the Orissa government. 

“When our main demand is to get IIT status for this college, the deemed university status should be granted. Even the chief minister Mr Naveen Patnaik and the secretary of industries in particular is highly interested for according this status to the UCE. But there is no effort, either on the part of BPUT or the junior level officers of the industries department,” said one of the students.

“In order to be eligible for the University Grants Commission (UGC)  status, BPUT needs to have five government engineering colleges under it. But at present it has got only four colleges.

The students further said that to get a deemed university status, any engineering college has to fulfil eight criteria and the UCE satisfies seven.
During a strike in 2005, BPUT’s vice chancellor Mr Omkar Nath Mohanty promised action in three days. But more than one-and-half-year has already passed since then,” one of the students said.

But the comment of the VC of BPUT is different altogether.

“BPUT has already given clearance for deemed university status to UCE 10 months ago. At the same time it has given academic autonomy to UCE. Hence, the question of any apathetic attitude to UCE doesn’t arise,” said Mr Omkar Nath Mohanty. BPUT needs five post graduate departments, and not government colleges under it to get eligible for the UGC aid.

“It has already got 12 such departments, excluding UCE,” Mr Mohanty said.

I have two remarks on this story.

  1. I personally believe that the UCE students would be much better of trying with state government to make UCE Burla a state university. Getting a deemed university tag is much more difficult, and I am not sure that it has any advantages over becoming a state university. What is important is to be a university and get the "funded by UGC tag." The Bengal Engineering and Science University (formerly Bengal Engineering College, Howrah) is a state University and has the funded by UGC tag and it go selected to become one of the IIESTs. UCE Burla students must also note that Ravenshaw was made a state university only last year (2006 October) and it already got the  "funded by UGC" tag. In regards to getting the "deemed university" tag, it is a central government decision and is much harder to get than convincing the Orissa state legislators to declare UCE Burla a state university.  We wrote about this earlier in https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=60 and https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=23 and even talked about this to many UCE Burla alumni. I am not sure why they don’t see the light. If BESU (Bengal Engineering and Science University) and CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology)  are state universities and have the “Funded by UGC” status (See the UGC West Bengal and Kerala pages here and here respectively) and both have become IIESTs, why is UCE Burla trying the harder and not necessarily better path?
  2. Why BPUT still does not have a "funded by UGC tag" yet?  What is BPUT’s VC doing? This is a disgrace.

Entry Filed under: BPUT, Rourkela,UCE Burla (became a university),VSS University of Technology (formerly UCE Burla)

8 Writeup

  • 1. Umashankar  |  October 9th, 2007 at 12:52 pm

    This because of one reason. In Deemed Universities, The marking and the questions are done by the local colleges.

    Perhaps, students think, that they will get good marks by having a deemed University.

    Funding and Other matters are secondary for students

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  October 9th, 2007 at 9:19 pm

    In state universities also “the marking and the questions” are done by the university itself. So if UCE Burla becomes a state university on its own then “the marking and the questions” will be done by UCE Burla. So why choose the difficult path of becoming a somewhat inferior “deemed university” while with much less effort it can become a “real” (state) university.

  • 3. Himanshu Patel  |  October 14th, 2007 at 6:23 pm

    The demand for Deemed University status is quite right.There is a great need for National level institutions in Orissa.A Deemed University comes directly under the Central Govt. and UGC.Hence a Deemed university has an edge over a State University in terms of National level exposure.This exposure means a lot to Orissa as it will attract industries and students from other states.But a State University will not come under such National scenario.That’s why,the demands made by the UCE students are witty and appropriate.Moreover, the current agitation is for the Society Registration.The question of a Deemed or a State University comes after that.Welldone!!!UCE students

  • 4. Himanshu Patel  |  October 14th, 2007 at 6:32 pm

    The UGC and the Central Govt. have already given green signal to UCE for the upgradation if it satisfies the eight criteria,of which seven have been already fulfilled.Only Society Registration is coming in the way,which solely depends on the Govt. of Orissa.

  • 5. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2007 at 1:47 am

    The deemed university tag, without funding, will not help UCE Burla very much. UCE Burla needs more attention paid to it in terms of money as well as independence and status. Best wishes!

    I hope the students, the alumni and the well-wishers will be objective, and as engineers would seek the optimum path for their success.

  • 6. Himanshu Patel  |  October 15th, 2007 at 8:22 am

    At present,UCE offers 9 PG courses for which it gets no grants from the UGC as it comes under BPUT.BPUT is not eligible for receiving grants from the UGC.Hence,UCE is losing crores of rupees every year it should get from the UGC for the PG departments and research work.These grants will come directly to UCE once it has the status of a Deemed University.
    All the criteria required for a deemed university has already been fulfilled by UCE except the SOCIETY REGESTRATION.Then why is the state govt. hesitant to take necessary steps for the same despite the ongoing 11-day silent protest and hunger strike(yet to be called off)by the students of UCE.Can you believe the Govt. will take steps to make it a State University??
    Moreover,UCE has been enjoying ACADEMICALLY AUTONOMOUS status for more than a decade now,since it has been under the Sambalpur University.The examination system
    is conducted by the college itself.So the students have no such motive to get good marks if it becomes a Deemed University.After all,why are we Oriyas pulling our own legs behind without looking into the matter??
    So,I appeal all Oriyas to get united see the light.Atleast look into the matter,look at the figures and statistics.

  • 7. Himanshu Patel  |  October 15th, 2007 at 8:33 am



    Section-A: General Requirements

    Sl.No AICTE requirement Where does UCE Stand
    A.1 Academic Excellence:
    Evidence of Excellence UCE has proved its academic excellence
    (i) 1st engineering college of Orissa established in 1956.
    (ii) Recommended by Chief Minister for upgradation of IIT in 2004.
    (i) (iii) running UGC autonomy for last 15 years successfully.
    (iv) Produced 15,000 alumni
    (ii) (v) UCE alumni have reached strategic position and in some cases, even the Members of the Board of Directors. Many of our alumni are contributing their best in Indian Army, Navy, Air Force, DRDO, ISRO, NASA, etc.
    (iii) (vi) Nodal Centre for Ph.D. in the area of Engineering & Technology of Sambalpur University.

    A.2 UG & PG Courses At least five UG & PG courses are more than 10 years old UCE is offering 7 UG Courses and 9 P.G. Courses.
    The UG courses in Civil, Electrical and Mechanical were started in 1956. Electronics & Telecommunication started in 1972. Computer Science & Engg. started in 1994. Manufacturing Science & Engg. started 1996. Information Technology started in 2003. PG course in Civil, Electrical & Mechanical Engg. (seven specializations) started since 1969. MCA course started in 1993.
    A.3 Masters /Ph.D Programmes Must be offered by all major departments Five major departments are offering Masters’ programme. All departments including Basic Science & Humanities are offering Ph.D. programmes
    A.4.Admission of Students All India Basis The admission to various programmes of UCE is made as per State Government Rules. In case of Deemed University, it will abide by the relevant rules of Government/AICTE.
    A.5. Financial Viability Necessary financial resources and viability to pursue the goals The state government funding will continue.
    A.6. Funding of State Govt. will continue Necessary resources & viability UCE as a Society will continue to receive the fund (no additional fund for existing courses/intake) from Govt. of Orissa, Industries Deptt.
    A.7. Obeying AICTE / UGC Acts Undertaking by Institute The Board of Management of the proposed UCE as a Society will abide by the provisions of UGC/AICTE Act in respect of Deemed University through concurrence of the State Govt.
    A.8 Status of Institute as a Society Must be registered as a Society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 UCE is now a constituent college of Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT), Orissa as per clause-37 of BPUT Act-2002. So, it has to come out of BPUT fold and Government of Orissa should allow the college to be registered as a Society under a different name (keeping in view the UGC Guideline) with a separate Board of Management.

    Section-B: Performance Criteria

    Sl.No AICTE requirement Where does UCE Stand
    B.1 Student Turnout
    B.1.1 No. of UG Students graduated 50% 1st Class 94% 1st class
    B.1.2 No. of PG students passed out 6 per deptt/year in last 5 years Average more than 10 per deptt/year in last 5 years
    B.1.3 No. of Research Scholars registered for Ph.D. At least 4 in last 5 years/Deptt. Average 5 in last 5 years.
    B.1.4. Ph.D. awarded Atleast 10 in last 5 years More than 15 in last 5 years
    B.2 Research
    B.2.1 Sponsored research projects completed Should have completed at least 5 projects (Rs. 8.00 lakhs each) Completed 21 projects(of more than 50 Lacs)
    B.2.2 No. of faculty guiding Ph.D At least 5 per deptts. 5 per deptts
    B.2.3 Publication 50 in last 5 years 178 in last 5 years
    B.3 Consultancy CEP
    B.3 Summer school 25 programmes (more than 48 hours) 36 programmes (more than 48 hours)
    B.3.2 Consultancy Rs.15 Lacs in last five years 51 Lacs
    B.4 Institutional development (Total in last 4 years)
    B.4.1 No. of Ph.d. in faculty At least 50% Ph.D – 51% of existing strength.
    Masters’ Degree – 100%
    B.4.2 Equipments, books and journals As per AICTE norms More than AICTE norms
    B.4.3 Use of Computer 20% courses computer biased
    50% faculty using computer 22% courses are computer biased.100% faculty use computer for teaching and research.
    B.4.4 Pay Package As per AICTE norms As per AICTE norms

    Section C Readiness for Growth and Self Governance

    Sl.No AICTE requirement Where does UCE Stand
    C.1 Essential infrastructure at the Time of Application
    C.1.1. Minimum Teaching staff Strength should not be less than 10 : 1 (Student : Faculty) UCE meets the required infrastructure criterion as prescribed in AICTE/UGC norms.But the vacant posts are to be filled up which will not only make up the staff: student ratio as per UGC/AICTE norms but also add to the criteria laid in section B above.
    C.1.2 a. Land & Administrative Building As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    b. Academic Residence & Faculty Guest House As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    c. Teachers Residence & Faculty Guest House As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    d. Hostels for students As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    e. Canteen Facility As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    f. Common Room / Community Hall As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    g. Computation Facility As per AICTE norms Available as per AICTE norms
    C.2 Preparation made to take over academic and administrative functions of the University
    C.2.1. Student Admission As per AICTE guideline The Board of Management of the Proposed Society with approval of the Government will take up the issue.
    C.2.2. Conduct of Examination Institution should have proven ability and adequate set up Infrastructure for conduct of examination is available as per UGC norm. The college is running UGC conferred academic autonomy since 1990.
    C.2.3. Experience Independent Administration Should have adequate administrative set up Available as per norms
    C.2.4. Staff Selection As per AICTE norms Made as per AICTE and State Govt. norms.

    Section D: Difficulties faced by the Institution as presented to the Visiting Committee.
    This will be presented to the Visiting Committee by the Board of Management of the proposed society.
    Section E: Status of accreditation

    5 courses of UCE have been accredited. Salient features of Accreditation Report will be presented to AICTE / UGC along with the proposal of Deemed-to-be-University after society registration of the college is made.

  • 8. Chitta Baral  |  October 15th, 2007 at 8:42 pm

    We are in agreement on the following points.

    1. UCE Burla deserves to be a university (and outside of BPUT control) on its own.

    2. It should have good funding avenues to become much better.

    3. It satisfies all except one criteria of deemed university and there is no reason the govt. should not take care of the society registration aspect.

    The part I question is:

    A: Why is is trying to become a deemed university, when BESU realized that deemed university does not help much and became a state university?

    Why UCE Burla is trying to jump an extra hoop instead of directly trying to become a state university, which could be much easier?

    Also, by becoming a deemed university, will it get funding from UGC?

    By becoming a state university, it can apply for a “funded by UGC” tag and get UGC funding.

    If the reason to go for a deemed university status (instead of becoming a state university) is that by becoming a deemed university, it expects to get out of the clutch of the state, that is not going to happen as long as UCE Burla has state funding.


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