Hyderabad and Rajasthan lead among the new IITs in terms of number of undergraduate courses offered; logos of the various IITs
October 27th, 2011
Following is from the 2012 IIT JEE brochure.
As evident from the above Hyderabad and Rajasthan lead in the number of undergraduate courses offered. The main reason the other new IITs offer only 3 courses is because of the lack of facilities in the temporary premises they are operating in. All of them will ramp up their offerings when they move to their permanent campuses. However, the number of faculty sanctioned to an IIT is somewhat proportional to the number of students they have. So by virtue of having more students, IIT Hyderabad and Rajasthan will have more number of faculty sanctioned for them and thus they will have a leg up in hiring faculty.
Following are the logos of the various IITs as obtained from the front page of the IIT JEE 2012 brochure.
Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs