Rourkela needs a general university

November 28th, 2011

While for reason of pride it is important that BPUT buildings get completed soon in Rourkela and BPUT becomes fully operational from Rourkela asap, what is most important for Rourkela in terms of higher education is a general university with programs in all disciplines: arts, commerce, sciences, engineering, pharmacy, etc. etc.

Rourkela is one of the few metropolitan areas of the country with a population greater than 500,000 that does not have a general university.  There are a few other outliers such as Asansol and Dhanbad. (Dhanbad has ISMU; but its not a general university.) I would say if one checks the cities with more than 500 K population anywhere in the world, most would have a general university. In US, most cities with a population greater than 200K have a general university. In Odisha itself, much smaller cities and towns (Berhampur, Sambalpur, Balasore, Baripada and Koraput) have general universities.

As one can notice from recent news regarding Utkal University’s plan to have an engineering college (see also here), and before that about various new programs at Sambalpur university (see also here , here and here), once there is a general university, all kinds of disciplines, including engineering, can be added to it.  One can go through the list of top universities and look at the various programs that are offered there. For Utkal see here and here. Moreover, these days while engineering seats are going empty (not in the government colleges though) there is a lot of demand for various general programs. See for example the number of applicants to various programs this year and last year at Utkal. The commerce program seems to have a very high demand and graduates of this program are doing well.  Some numbers with respect to Sambalpur University are here.

Last year the higher education taskforce, among many other items, recommended a general university in Rourkela. However, I am not sure if any action is being taken based on that report. Regardless, I think the resurgent residents of Rourkela need to put the establishment of a general university in Rourkela among the top of their demands. I would put it at number one. The first thing that a city needs to become a real city is a general university. If people have to go out of town to pursue masters degree in regular disciplines like Economics or Commerce then the city is severely lacking.

Entry Filed under: New Universities,Rest of Odisha,Rourkela-Rajgangpur area (2)

7 Writeup

  • 1. situn  |  November 30th, 2011 at 12:15 pm

    integrated mca seat should be increased in vanivihar and integrated mca course can be introduced in the proposed rourkela university…or in the bput rourkela main building…

  • 2. situn  |  November 30th, 2011 at 12:19 pm

    only 60 seats in vanivihar is a very small number as compare to the candidates applying for the course…

  • 3. Ramesh  |  November 30th, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    There is no need of a general university in Rourkela.There are already two universities in rourkela. How many university a industrial township like Rourkela need? There are General Colleges in Rourkela. That is enough. and Berhampur, Sambalpur, Balasore, Baripada and Koraput are district head quarters and much bigger cities that Rourkela in all respect. Rourkela is just a industrial township which does not require many university. It took more that 10 yrs to operate BPUT from rourkela still continuing. That was a wrong step of Government. All institutions will have the same fate like BPUT in Rourkela.

    Editors comment to others: Please be civil in responding to the above comment; otherwise they may be moderated out.

  • 4. situn  |  November 30th, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    @ ramesh…rourkela is going to be the second metro of odissa…as well as the industrial rajdhani of odissa as well..may be ur from a small city like u mentioned earlier “Berhampur, Sambalpur, Balasore, Baripada or Koraput “these small towns dont need that much of schools also..but as pune is the 2nd largest city in maharastra after mumbai..similarly rourkela is going to take its place 2nd in the whole state odissa…so be calm..dont feel jealous..esicmch,sailmch,nitmch,hitechmch,appolomch,ntpcmch,iiit,rourkela metro university,sports university,rourkela railway divison,iim all are going to be here in rourkela….

    ..and 2 nd thing is that we both the metro rkl and bbsr comes under sundargad and khurda dist 4 uniform devlpmnt of d dist…thats the reason why we rkl and bbsr both are not district and comes under a dist..i hope u got ur answer… happy..:)

  • 5. ranjan  |  December 1st, 2011 at 2:04 am

    Ramesh..get a life dude.Dont take the forum personally.But i guess either you are new in Orissa or in the planet.I was just shocked to read out your comments and it only gives me just one impression..lack of knowledge and sensitivity.You should be responsible enough before making comments like the one you made above.However just to clear some of your doubts.What do you mean by the term BIGGER CITIES ?
    Well i guess in Orissa if there are proper cities then they ought to be BBSR and RKL.Somehow Cuttack and Berhampur are also counted.I would request you to visit Rourkela sometime and all your doubts will be clear.Its got infrastructure that are ISO certified.How many townships in Orissa and India are ISO certified.I would be glad to let you know that Rourkela is one of the cities which got ISO certified townships.Now you must be wondering whats ISO.Well all your answer i could have given in a more detailed manner but i guess its more than enough for you.And please dont compare Rourkela with places like baripada and Sambalpur.Dont take me wrong but the fact is that these places are know where near to Rourkela.Forget about the competition.I am glad to be a part of Orissa and Rourkela.But i dont compare places .All the place sin Orissa are unique and have a distinct identity.So stop feeling inferior and show some positive attitude.People of Orissa are proud of Rourkela and always be.Please wait and watch for further developments at Rourkela and you will know why Rourkela deserve .

  • 6. mihir  |  December 3rd, 2011 at 10:42 am

    Rourkela deseved for multi University . There is lot of reason behind this .

  • 7. rabi narayan dash  |  December 10th, 2011 at 2:56 pm

    It is a right demand that Rourkela should have a general univ. To start with Rourkela autonomous college may be converted to a state univ with PG in all disciplines, may be named after BIRSA MUNDA, the great .

    I hope all people of rourkela/sundergarh should fight for this.


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