Research councils to be important parts of the innovation universities

May 28th, 2012

Following is from a PTI report in zeenews.

The proposed innovation universities in the country would be supported by research councils, which would not only identify potential areas of research but also extend advisory services in other areas.

Every university for research and innovation will have such a council headed by a director. These varsities shall present its report annually highlighting its achievements on their website.

The proposed innovation universities, a Bill of which was introduced in Parliament last week, are to be set up during the 12th Plan Period.

The hallmark of the legislation is that each university would focus on one area or problem of significance to India and build an eco-system of research and training around different related disciplines.

In keeping with this objective, each of the council of the university concerned shall interface with research funding organisations, industry and civil society to identify potential areas for research in areas of enterprise.

Besides, the council will assist the teachers in obtaining funding from external sources for research projects prepared by them, according to the provisions of the Universities for Research and Innovation Bill, 2012.

The Bill seeks to set up the universities both in the public as well as the private sectors.

As per the provisions, each of these universities would offer exposure to an international classroom environment, with a minimum of 50 per cent of the students from India.

Each of the research council will be headed by a director and members, the strength of which would be specified by the board of governors of the university concerned.

The council will also provide for incubation of applications emerging from research undertaken in such university.

Importantly, it shall make provisions for research and advisory service for which it would enter into agreement with other institutes, industry, civil society and other organisations and enable the results and benefits of research to be disseminated to the public.

According to the Bill, the research council shall present its annual output on its website three years after the establishment of the university and each year thereafter.

Each of the university would have autonomy in matters of academics, faculty, personnel and finances administration.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Twelfth Plan,Universities of Innovation,University of Innovation Bhubaneswar

1 Writeup

  • 1. pabitra barad  |  May 28th, 2012 at 6:57 pm

    namaskar chitta sir,recently union minister Mr.jenaproposed for establishment of NIPER,if the state govt,will provide land and other infrastructure facilities. now we have to write our CM for NIPER, central agriculture university,sports university and IIM.


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