A second JEE examination by BPUT

October 18th, 2007

The following is from http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_37.htm.






Date of Examination                                                                    :  Sunday, November 04, 2007

Sale of Application form begins on                                             :  October 23, 2007            

Last date of sale of application form                                          :  October 29, 2007

Last date of receipt of completed application form                    :  October 29, 2007


As per the notification (No. I-TTI-81/2007, 15588/I, dated 15th October, 2007) of Industries Department, Government of Orissa, the Second Joint Entrance Examination for the year 2007 – 2008, Orissa shall be held on  Sunday,   November 04, 2007 at  selected centres in Bhubaneswar for admission into some vacant seats of Private Colleges only in the first year Degree courses in Engineering/Technology, Architecture, MBBS/BDS, Pharmacy, HMCT, MCA and MBA .


For admission to First Year- (i) Engineering/Technology : Passed in 10+2 examination of CHSE, Orissa or equivalent with Physics, Mathematics, and one from Chemistry/ Computer Science/Biology/Biotechnology or pass in 10+3 diplomacourse in engineering with preferably less than 60% marks in aggregate from SCTE&T, Orissa or equivalent. (ii) Architecture:  For admission to Architecture candidates are to secure minimum 50% marks in aggregate in 10+2 Examination of CHSE, Orissa or equivalent with Mathematics.10+3 years diploma with 50 % marks in aggregate can also apply. They must possess a valid NATA score card at the time of Counselling. (iii) Pharmacy : Passed in 10+2 examination of  CHSE, Orissa or equivalent with Physics and Chemistry and one from Mathematics/Biotechnology/Computer Science /Biology. (iv) HMCT : Passed in 10+2 examination of CHSE, Orissa or equivalent in any discipline (Science / Arts / Commerce). (v) MBBS/BDS : Passed in 10+2 examination of CHSE, Orissa or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry and Biology with atleast 50% marks in aggregate in these subjects taken together (40% for SC/ST) with age between 17 and 25 years as on 31.7.2007 (relaxable up to 3 years for SC/ST candidates). (vi) MCA: Passed in 2007 three years Bachelor’s Degree examination in any discipline with pass in Mathematics at 10+2 level or in +3 level. (vii) MBA: Passed in 2007 three years Bachelor’s Degree examination in any discipline from a UGC recognized University.


Note:  Candidates are to produce their complete result alongwith original marksheet of qualifying examination at the time of counselling for admission.


HOW TO GET APPLICATION FORM: On payment of Rs. 515/- (including Rs. 15/- as service charges) from Syndicate Bank, Nayapalli Branch, Bhubaneswar and State Bank of India, OUAT Campus Branch, Bhubaneswar.


HOW TO SEND APPLICATION FORM: The completed application form is to be submitted at  Syndicate Bank, Nayapalli Branch, Bhubaneswar and State Bank of India, OUAT Campus Branch, Bhubaneswar.


Other Important Information:

(i)  The candidates are advised to submit their filled in OMR application form in the respective bank where it is purchased. Application forms received after October 29,2007 will be not be accepted. (ii)(a) Admission into MBBS and BDS courses is subject to approval of MCI / DCI and other appropriate authorities. (b)  Fees for Private Medical and Dental Colleges are Rs.3.75 lakhs and Rs.2.10 lakhs for MBBS and BDS courses respectively. The candidate is required to give a bank guarantee of two years for taking admission to MBBS course. (iii) The candidate must opt for only one course (e.g. Either MBBS or BDS but not both) in the application form. (iv) Two separate merit lists shall be prepared i.e.  one for Orissa state and the second one for outside state candidates. First preference shall be given to Orissa state candidates. If seats still remain vacant, the JEE Committee will be free to sponsor candidates from other states. (v) The syllabi and pattern of examinations are same as for JEE-2007 and available in our website.


CONTACT ADDRESS             

Chairman, JEE – 2007, Biju Patnaik University of Technology,  Rourkela – 769004.               

Website : www.jeeorissa.com or www.bput.org/jee07

Further details in this regard can be obtained from our website.

CHAIRMAN, JEE-2007, Orissa.

Entry Filed under: Odisha JEE, AIEEE, BPUT counseling, etc.

9 Writeup

  • 1. shaki prasad panda  |  October 22nd, 2007 at 11:27 am

    sir how can we know which particular college has how many seats?
    why there is a exam?
    is threr any good college which has increase its seat?
    what about silicin?

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  October 22nd, 2007 at 12:33 pm

    Keep a watch on the sites http://www.jeeorissa.com/ and

    More information will be posted there.

  • 3. dillip kumar nayak  |  October 27th, 2007 at 8:31 pm

    sir i have complited my i to x class in orissa and my native place also in orissa but i have complited my 10+2 in andhra pradesh. can i give 2nd jee exam?

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  October 27th, 2007 at 9:13 pm

    I think so. But please double check at http://www.jeeorissa.com.

  • 5. asutosh mohapatra  |  November 7th, 2007 at 7:27 pm

    sir, how can we know about vacant seats of engineering colages in orissa for second jee qalifing students.

  • 6. Chitta Baral  |  November 7th, 2007 at 9:55 pm

    Check the links from the page at http://www.jeeorissa.com


  • 7. sudip mahato  |  July 1st, 2008 at 1:04 pm

    sir, how can we know about secound jeeorissa-2008

    Date of Examination

    Sale of Application form begins on

    Last date of sale of application form
    Last date of receipt of completed

  • 8. AMIT MISHRA  |  July 25th, 2008 at 1:25 pm

    sir my ojee rank is 11000 (outside state) . which college can i get ?

  • 9. RAJDIP MAJUMDER  |  July 21st, 2009 at 8:51 pm

    sir, I want to know about second jee orissa-2009?

    sir, please send the Date of Examination of 2nd jee of BPUT.

    please sir send me about this exam as first as you can.


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