Excerpts from the IIT Bhubaneswar convocation brochure

October 10th, 2012

Following are excerpts from the IIT Bhubaneswar convocation brochure.

Temporary Campuses

The Institute is currently operating from a number of campuses which include IIT Kharagpur Extension Centre at Samantapuri, Toshali Campus at Satyanagar and Workshop cum laboratory complex at Samantapuri. The Government of Odisha has provided us about one (1) acre of land on which we have constructed the Workshop cum Laboratory complex (3,010 sq. meters). The Government of Odisha has also made available two towers at Toshali Bhawan (10,000 sq. meters) which we have renovated. We are also getting generous support, in more ways than one, from Institute of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Technology (CSIR-IMMT) and Central Tool Room and Training Centre (CTTC). I sincerely thank all the members of these institutions for their continued support.

IIT Bhubaneswar is well equipped with modern class rooms and undergraduate/research laboratories. All the class rooms are fitted with multimedia projectors, internet facilities and wireless connectivity. The Institute has designed and developed three virtual class rooms (VCR) sponsored by National Knowledge Network (NKN). These virtual class-rooms are equipped with high end AV and teaching equipment and are connected to the NKN by means of a dedicated 1Gbps leased line. The VCR facilities provide real time interaction among the students and faculty members of our Institute and those from other institutions.

IITs are known for the de rigueur to have a residential campus in order to facilitate one-to-one human interaction. The Government of Odisha has provided us 14 flats at Government Colony, Gajapati Nagar. We have found cooperation from the housing society in SBI Colony Kesura (10 km from city centre) wherein we have hired 65 HIG/ MIG flats for the accommodation of our students, few of our staff and faculty members. Another hostel at Madanpur (15 km from the city centre) has been provided for M. Tech. students and Ph. D. scholars. In addition, IIT Kharagpur has constructed a new 200 capacity Dr. A. N. Khosla Hall of Residence at Samantapuri for the students of this Institute. I take this opportunity to thank IIT Kharagpur for constructing the hostel which is of great convenience to us. I would also like to put on record my deep appreciation to the students, the staff and faculty members who have to commute regularly between their residence and the various academic campuses. I am aware that this is strenuous. But I am hopeful that our students, faculty and staff members would bear it and be a part of the history in the making.

Permanent Campus

The Foundation Stone of the permanent campus at Arugul (near Jatni) was laid on 12th February 2009. The Government of Odisha allotted 936 acres of land at Arugul for developing this IIT of which the Institute has already taken possession of 598 acres. The Government of Odisha has started construction of a 4-lane access road to the campus from the National Highway No. 5. The work on water and electric supplies to the campus is also in progress. The Government of Odisha has also agreed to provide 75 acres of land on the Puri–Konark coast line to set up an Innovation Centre for Climate Change for the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences.

Out of 19 km, construction of 13 km of boundary wall has been completed. More than 10 bore wells have been sunk to facilitate construction work. The Institute has also taken up tree plantation programme for its new campus.

The master plan of the new campus at Arugul has been approved for 10,000 students, 1000 faculty and 1100 supporting staff and the total construction should be completed in 3-phases in next 12-15 years. The Ground Breaking Ceremony was organized on 14th August 2011. The work for land grading, road and other related construction have started. The Government of India has approved construction of 221,000 sq. meters of covered area in the 1st phase. Our consultant has completed the designing of 130,000 sq. meters of covered areas for various Schools, residential quarters, hostels and other service/administrative buildings for construction based on the availability of fund in the initial phase. Clearances for construction from various statutory bodies have been obtained. The tendering process for part of the construction is over and I am very happy to announce that CPWD has just started the construction of the hostel complex. Our consultant and CPWD are also ready for tendering for the remaining part of construction. The Institute plans to move to its permanent campus by the beginning of 2014.


Academic Schools We began our journey with a mission to promote a borderless academic environment with the concept of Schools, rather than Departments to enable and encourage the academic staff and students to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Initially the following five (5) schools were set up:

● School of Basic Sciences (Bioscience, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics)

● School of Electrical Sciences (Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Energy, Instrumentation, Learning Sciences)

● School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management (Economics, English, Management, Psychology)

● School of Infrastructure (Architecture, Civil Engineering, Town Planning, Traffic & Transportation Engineering Urban Design)

● School of Mechanical Sciences (Aerospace Engineering, Manufacturing & Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Naval Architecture)

The state of Odisha and neighborhood including the vast coastline is rich in mineral resources and biodiversity. The region is also adversely affected by flood, cyclone and other natural calamities. In view of this, the Institute has set up the following two (2) Schools:

● School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences

● School of Mineral, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

The Institute is also setting up an Innovation Centre for Climate Change on the Puri-Konark coast line. The following Schools are proposed to be set up in the second phase of expansion:

● School of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (Biochemical, Biomedical and Chemical)

● School of Design and Creative Arts

Academic Activities

The Institute started its journey in 2008 with a total of 94 students in three (3) undergraduate programmes viz. Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, with an intake of 40 students in each programme. The Institute has introduced Ph. D. programme from 2009. From July 2012 we have started postgraduate (Joint M. Tech. – Ph. D.) programmes in Electronics & Communication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Climate Science & Technology, Applied Geoscience and Materials Science & Engineering. The Institute is going to start Joint M. Sc. – Ph. D. program in Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics and Mathematics from the next academic session.

Currently the Institute has 571 students (B. Tech. 456; Preparatory 2; M. Tech. 41; Ph. D. 72), 70 full-time faculty members, 1 Chair Professor, 6 officers and 40 supporting staff.

It is heartening to note that the pioneer batch of undergraduate students who are receiving their degree today are all placed. Many of the students have received offer of admission/scholarships from prestigious universities abroad: Stanford University, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Cornel University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of Texas, Imperial College of London to name a few.

Research & Development

Activities: In-house, Sponsored, Consultancy Our faculty members, research scholars and undergraduate students have been actively pursuing research in varying areas. The Institute has received a number of sponsored projects from various funding agencies like DST, CSIR, DBT and DRDO and consultancy from industries worth more than Rupees 480 lakhs. The faculty members are also engaged in various consultancy activities. Project proposals worth more than Rupees 700 lakhs have been submitted.

IIT Bhubaneswar has been successful in its bid for the following UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI) projects:

Joint Masters and Split-Site Ph. D. Programme: An Integrated Doctoral and Masters Programme with the University of Warwick – To develop an integrated suite of postgraduate joint degree programmes.

Thematic Partnerships Programme 1: UKIERI Thematic Partnership in Low Carbon Materials Technologies, Innovation and Application jointly with the University of Warwick – To enable the rapid and effective introduction of new steel and multi-material combinations, for new applications addressing the global imperative of carbon reduction.

Thematic Partnerships Programme 2: UKIERI Thematic Partnership jointly with the University of Southampton and National Oceanography Centre and University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth – To establish the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences at the Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar and Marine Campus on the Bay of Bengal.

I would like to highlight in brief the ongoing R&D activities in various Schools:

The School of Basic Sciences is a cluster of disciplines namely Bioscience, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. The School is carrying out research in the areas of multimetallic catalysis, organometallic chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, coordination chemistry, synthesis of natural products and intermediates. The research work in biosciences is focused on understanding the structure and function of various proteins of eye lenses, leprosy, and tuberculosis. The research in high energy physics is focused on understanding fundamental particles and their interaction using theoretical tools such as string theory, and experimental setup in collaboration with CERN, Geneva. Specific areas include conformed field theory, pure spinor formalism of superstrings, super symmetry and black holes. A number of projects have been undertaken in the area of the plasmonics, photonics, ion-surface interactions, design and development of sensors, magnetic grids, energy storage devices and optoelectronic devices. Multidisciplinary work is underway in the area of nanomaterial-based device design, assembling and clustering. On-going research in mathematics includes complex dynamics and fractals, variational inequalities and complementary problems, queuing theory, mechanics, computational fluid dynamics, algebraic graph theory, neural network and artificial intelligence.

The major R & D activities of the School of Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences includes monitoring, prediction and providing mitigation solutions for natural disasters with sound and precise observational network of meteorological, oceanographic, geological and geophysical instruments combined with data-assimilative modeling in a multi-institutional framework and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), thereby becoming a hub of such activities on the east coast of India with an international presence. The thrust areas are: Climate Modeling, Modeling of extreme events, Cloud Physics, Numerical Weather Prediction, Natural Resources-exploration and utilization, Climate Change and its Effects, Biological Oceanography, Application of the Space Technology for the Study of the Earth System Science, Soil Water Interactions, Waste Utilization, and Pollutant Pathways.

The research activities in the School of Electrical Sciences includes the following: Antenna Design, Smart Antenna Techniques for MIMO Systems, Radio Frequency Identification System Design & Application, Non-Destructive Testing Methods, Digital Signal Processing, Speech & Real Time Interactive-Audio Processing, Active Noise Control, Cognitive Radio, Sensor Networks, Intelligent Instrumentation, OptoElectronic Devices, Long-haul Optical Communication System Design, Optical Sensor, Communication & Wireless Communication System Modeling & Design, Semiconductor Material & Device Characterization, Wide Band Gap Semiconductor Devices, MMICS, Decoupling & Robust Control, Periodic Feedback Control, Power Quality Analysis, Custom Power Devices, Renewable Energy Sources, Application of SoftComputing Techniques to Power Systems, Intelligent Protection to Transmission Systems-Facts, Micro & Smart Grids, Distributed Generation & Dynamic Security Assessment in Large Power Network, Structural Health, Integrity Analysis & Monitoring (SHIM).

The School of Humanities, Social Science & Management is pursuing research in the areas of Environmental Economics, Natural Resources Economics, Macroeconomics, Development, Economics & Rural Development, Indian Writing in English, Post-Colonial Literature, Travel Writing, Business Communication, American Literature, Canadian Literature, ELT, Cross Cultural Communication, Autobiography, Consumer Behaviour, Cyber Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Psycholinguistics, Psychology of Personality, Marketing.

The present research in the School of Infrastructure are in the thrust areas of Concrete Technology, Earthquake Engineering, Traffic Flow Modeling, Travel Demand Modeling, Travel Behaviour Analysis, Transportation System Planning & Policy Address, Energy Geotechnology, Soil-Structure Interaction, Fluvial Hydraulics, Waste Water Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Study of Unsaturated Soils Behavior.

The School of Mineral, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering is actively pursuing research in the areas of Solidification Processing, Metal Matrix Composites, Ti-Based Alloy, Automotive Applications, In-situ Metal Matrix Composites, Semi-solid Processing, StructureProperty-Processing Correlations in Metals, High Cycle Fatigue and Fracture in Metals, Friction Stir Welding/Processing, Modeling & Simulation, Structural & Magnetic Frustration of Materials, Synchrotron and Neutron diffraction, 3-D Atom probe (LEAP), Metallic Glasses, Process Modeling & Study of Diffusion in Solids.

The School of Mechanical Sciences conducts R&D activities in the following areas: Computer-Aided Design & Manufacturing, Robotics & Controls, IC Engines, Multi-Phase Flow, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Conjugate Heat Transfer, High Reynolds Number Turbulence, Optical Flow Diagnostics, Turbulence Modeling & Simulation and Acoustics, Composite Materials, Sandwich Structures, Fracture Mechanics, Material Science, Green Supply Chain Management.


Within 3 years of existence in the city of Bhubaneswar, the faculty members and students have contributed to creating new knowledge by publishing 230 original research papers in National and International Journals of repute, and 20 books/book-chapters. Besides, 128 papers have been presented in various National and International Conferences in India and abroad. Our undergraduate students have also made technical presentations in conferences, nationally and internationally.


Industries have come forward to join us in developing this new IIT. The MGM Minerals Group has established a perpetual “MGM Chair Professorship” in the School of Minerals, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering with an endowment of Rs 300 lakhs. In addition the MGM Minerals Group has instituted two awards for best B. Tech. theses (Electrical and Mechanical Engineering) in memory of Tejaswi and Dinesh, two budding students of our Institute, whom we lost in a tragic train accident in March 2011.

Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),IIT Bhubaneswar,IITs, IISc, IISERs, NISER, IIMs


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