Business India B-School ranking

October 20th, 2007

The following is from

                       Business India B-school Ranking 2007
IIM Ahmedabad
IIM Bangalore
IIM Calcutta
Indian School of Business
IIM Lucknow
MDI Gurgaon
ICFAI Business School
SP Jain Inst. of Management
IMT Ghaziabad
Faculty of Management Studies
NMIMS University
International Management Institute
Jamnalal Bajaj Inst. of Management
Xavier Institute of Management
Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
New Delhi
Welingkar Institute
New Delhi
Source: Business India, October 21, 2007


Entry Filed under: Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri- Khurda area (1),Odisha, others and the center,Other Management institutions and programs,XIM, Bhubaneswar

78 Writeup

  • 1. nisha agrawal  |  March 22nd, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    hi..friends…i m selctd for ibs,mumbai…..can u plz help me tht is it worthy to pay 10 lakh there….plz repl…

  • 2. Amit Jain  |  March 24th, 2009 at 5:14 pm

    First of all congratulations..
    i have also been selected for IS -Mumbai campus..& i would suggest u to take this college if u r not having any other very good option…i feel that though fees is very high but there are scholarships that u can earn & it will make ur way easy..Apart from this there r very good faculty at IBS Mumbai…n this makes it a very nice college..

  • 3. KAMLESH  |  March 25th, 2009 at 8:14 pm

    hi friends,

    i have been selected for PGDM at SIMMC,PUNE.i would like to contact all others from same college.

  • 4. Amit Jain  |  March 28th, 2009 at 4:25 pm

    yesterday i went to see the IBS(mumbai)..
    i can surely say that infrastructure of the college is very good..
    also it is situated in a poshh and beautiful area of MUMBAI..
    but one thing about which i was not impressed was its accomodation facilities…
    its not good..
    but still we have to manage..
    if anyone interested to share the accomodation..plz contact.9427160970

  • 5. rahul  |  April 16th, 2009 at 10:41 pm

    hi friends

    i was goin through this page n i noticed that icfai hyd has stipulated great debate among various people. wel i hav been selected for icfai hyd n i strongly believe that its a great college in all dimensions. but having said that i would also add that d people ridiculing icfai are also not wrong as they are the kind of people who would go for brand value , age of d institute n most importantly the respect associated with d insti….. an eg would help here — when we go to buy a jeans there is always d 2000 bucks levis or wrangler or spyker or the 2000 rs rags….. people like arun negi would go for levis n people like us would go for may be d rags ……. both r not wrong

  • 6. adishri  |  May 4th, 2009 at 9:21 pm

    I wuld request people not to ridicule any business school .rather than that try to put in views and sugestions about the good b schools.

  • 7. Avvinash  |  June 3rd, 2009 at 9:36 pm

    Hey guys i have been selected for Partime MBA (2009-2012) in MET, please do let me know whether it would be an good option to go in for it…?? i have not appplied anywhere else…!!! is it worth waiting till next year or should i take it up?

  • 8. Saurabh  |  August 16th, 2009 at 11:56 pm

    @ Arun negi.
    IBS HYDERABAD is b est college in all parameters, having best placements. Do some reserch before commenting anything about ibs hyderabad & then come to this forum,.ok

  • 9. Sunil  |  August 29th, 2009 at 3:50 pm

    thanks for information but i was thinking about taking admission in private college like WLC Business School because they offering students postgraduate courses in Business Economics with specialization in Marketing, Finance and Human Resources.

  • 10. Bonny M Avanoor  |  October 6th, 2009 at 4:52 pm

    What about LIBA -Loyola Institute of Business Administration.
    One of the Best B Schools in South always Left out! Its Surely in the Top 20!

  • 11. Raghvendra Singh  |  October 9th, 2009 at 12:08 am

    To all those ridiculing IBS Hyderabad, well heres some comments from a guy studying here which I am sure will help MBA aspirants in taking their decision.

    Lets start with the selection process. Agreed, almost everyone who writes the test gets a call, but one should remember that it is not a call for IBS Hyderabad but for all the 19 campuses. Some jackasses dont think before speaking end up saying that its a call for IBS Hyderabad. God save the Institute and the collegues of such morons. One should remember that only the best from the entire process, which is a tough one, get IBS Hyd.

    About the curriculum. it is definitely one of the most vigourous courses in the country. Given that a lot of freshers are taken in the Hyderabad campus, a lot of focus is on the theoretical aspects but with case based methodology being introduced from this year, this is changing.

    About the placements. Well with last years exception we can safely say that if u are in IBS Hyd u will get placed. Ill just enlighten some mislead poor souls here with a very interesting fact. IBS Hyd had 850 students in last years batch. 70% of the same got placed with decent pay packages considering the scenario. “IIM’ Indore has merely 180 students but still quite a large fraction of their students are into tele calling and as bank clerks drawing a salary of 20k or in some cases even less than that.

    About the infrastructure. one word “AWESOME”

    thank you and all the best to the brand conscious guys.

  • 12. Jitendra Shekhar  |  October 23rd, 2009 at 2:23 pm

    see… there is no point in fighting on these issues…if something is best, it will give best best results….
    hmm.. ur parameter n definition of the best may varry… eg. some may like plcmnt packg, some may consider infrastructure… hmm… fee may also b an issue for some aspirants…etc.
    Bt..for those.. fee is nt an issue…. ICFAI Business School is defntly one of the best available option… I am nt only talking abt IBS-HYD… evn other IBS learning centre also… like Mumbai, Gurgaon, Banglore…
    I do appreciate my frnds point…. dont get stuck wth old mindset.. tht only IIMs are best… things hv bn changed….

  • 13. lost  |  November 12th, 2009 at 6:30 am

    ICFAI Hyderabad does not deserve to be evn in op 50.

  • 14. Amit Manchanda  |  November 13th, 2009 at 12:00 pm

    Some people say that the placement figures given out by some B-scools are inflated. Others say that since the advent of RTI, no business school can do so. If the placement figures given out by ICFAI are factual, there is no reason as to why it should not be ranked in top 20. Anyhow, without getiing into this debate, I have a query- I will be taking GMAT soon, and expect a score of around 680 at least-with 2 yrs of work ex, Which campus of ICFAI should I target? Also, please help me out with names of other B-scools in India which accept GMAT scores.

  • 15. SRI RAM  |  November 24th, 2009 at 1:18 am

    IBS Hyderabad deserves within top 12 ranking as given by Business India, Business world, Outlook etc…
    * Largest Pool of PhD and research faculty.
    * Large pool of research and consultancy services.
    * Recognized as deemed university by UGC and ministry of HR
    * 100% Case study method followed by few institutions.
    * 100 acre campus with large infrastructure away from city.
    * Largest pool of students studying management PhD in India.
    * Extensive syllabus and programs.
    * Big hospital, shopping mall, power house, wifi net…
    * Beautiful A/C class rooms, seminar halls with all modern setups.
    * Large library, online, own press publications and research journals.
    * 100% residential with very good hostel, food and sports facility.
    * Largest pool of network Indian & International.
    * Pool of 1500 management students many from business background.
    * A very large pool of alumni who help in your business dealing in the real world.
    * IIMs. Convert horses to zebras with brand name created over last 40 years with inefficient usage of lots of government money.
    * IBS convert donkeys to zebras.
    * B school efficiency= output / input.
    * Conducting separate entrance exams and excellent selection procedures.
    * Growth rate of IBS is much higher than IIMs.
    * To become leaders, intelligence is not a must.
    * Very few rank holders will become leaders / entrepreneurs.
    * Market needs leaders and entrepreneurs, definitely not thinking managers.
    * World needs large pool of leaders. It is very easy to produce few leaders and send them out of India, but difficult to produce a large pool of leaders which IBS is doing and benefiting Indian economy.
    * Wide choice of recruiters, different job fields and job locations for the low caliber intake.
    = From father of BHARATH SUPRA – who is studying in 5 year Integrated MBA, MPhil, PhD in IBS , Hyderabad.
    I am thankful to IBS for providing free education along with free boarding and lodging facility not only to my son even to many deserving candidates which no other B-School in India offers.

  • 16. Best U  |  January 11th, 2010 at 9:17 pm

    IIM Ahmedabad is the top business school with great facilities!

  • 17. niharika  |  January 16th, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    can anybody inform me the detail fees tructure or the totalcost that i have to bear in persuing Ph.d Programme from ICFAI Business school,Hyderabad.I heard there is a fellowship of 25ooo per month ,is it applicable to all or for selected candidates.Kindly inform me in my mail

  • 18. Harish  |  January 18th, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    Hi guys, plz do not enter into the ICFAI campuses, its waste of time and life, if u gone inside na, ur life will be wasted…. plz try some other institutes….. all ICFAI are only good in advertisement.

  • 19. somia  |  January 20th, 2010 at 11:46 pm

    hi friends
    can any body help me know hw is United World B-school, ISB&M & bimtec?

  • 20. vikrant  |  February 16th, 2010 at 10:32 am

    pls can any 1 tell me that shld it b good to attend pi of ibs….i said ibs not isb..
    so pls help urgent help needed as interview is on 22nd feb and bus booking has to b done 2day

  • 21. pujitha  |  March 2nd, 2010 at 1:09 am

    i am one among the short listed candidates for icfai gd and pi’s…
    i went to ibs hyderabad to give my rounds…
    i feel the campus is just awesome.. and it a world class luxury.. so i feel the fee structure is good..wch includes..hostel fees, lap tops,intyernet, single room…internet facility and the maintenance is too good…
    so i feel its good enough to pay the amount.
    well, i actually had lot of thoughts before entering the campus.. but, some how i entered the college… and its different from what i actually heard about the college…there is a very tough competetion in the selection process.. they matter everything while they interview and also while u have to give ur presentation.. people who get into ibs hyd are really lucky…
    finally i would tell the critics just try to know completely about the college before commenting about the college

  • 22. sanat  |  March 8th, 2010 at 11:04 pm

    i have been selected for IBS hyd. still in a big confusion to go for it or not as i m a btech student and got placement so to go for IBS hyd or for job is a big confusion for me. plzz help me

  • 23. prerna  |  March 9th, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    hey friends.. i have got selected in IBS hyderabad.. i am a B.Tech final year student ans i am placed in IBM.. so can anyone help me with whether i shud join IBS or work in IBM??

  • 24. RIMIKA  |  March 9th, 2010 at 7:41 pm

    hi i wanted to know from the alumni students of icfai..i have been selected for icfai gurgaon, mumbai and bangalore. can u plz suggest me which one amongst these to finally chose from. plz help!!

  • 25. sanat  |  March 9th, 2010 at 8:09 pm

    prerna what i have heard from passout is its nt worth paying 9.5 lakhs rest m also going through frm same problem.. plz any passout can help us.. 🙂

  • 26. prerna  |  March 12th, 2010 at 4:57 pm

    sanat but we gotta pay before 24th march.. wt have you decided?? i really want to join MBA this year.. so i thot of just goin for it..

  • 27. Anand  |  March 14th, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    Hey frnds. Is NIILM NSB banglore is good one for PGPBA?

  • 28. pad  |  April 30th, 2010 at 11:44 pm

    i want to pass this on to all aspirants on icfai hyd…i got selected for the mba prog ..the interviews were managed in a grt fashion..very impressive and reflects grtly on the col..but few other facts i want 2 add.. the call ratio was 1:16 for the hyd campus.. the infrastructure was decent to accomodate a whole lot of 1000..isnt 1000 a crowd??? apparently only if u end up being in the top 250 u can aspire 2 land urself in a so so job..u cannot sit 4 multiple placements.. which is very imp as thts the biggest advantage of an mba..the roi is very low..for an investment of 11 or 12 lakhs which is inclusive of all expenses u will mostly get 5.5 lakhs which is the avg there.. but on the hind side if u r the best u might still get a grt placement 4 beating the crowd and being the best.. my personal opinion is if u have insti which are a lil viable with fewer seats like 180 0r 300 pls take it up.. keep this as ur last resort..i am not implying u shudnt take it but just tht it might turn out 2 be a nightmarish gamble


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