Guest Article by Sandip Dasverma: Himalaya Senapati, a RMTS Scholar is finalist for the India team selection to International Math olympiad

March 24th, 2007

(Editor’s comment: Please read more about the noble RMTS effort and consider contributing to it.)

Dear Friends: Please read the mail below from Dr. Swadheen Pattanayak and rejoice. It has been long 4 years but it seems only the other day when the list of 30 students selected from 1st RMTS(2003) was forwarded by Swadheen, to me in December 2003. Himalaya was second of thirty in the list of merit. Please see my article in RMTS Web site in “About Us” section, article number 1, for the full list.

Lot of water has flown down Mahanadi to the Bay of Bengal. Our miniscule effort is starting to show result. These awards were in the name of my late father – Late Kamala Pada Das. So when I got the news yesterday from Swadheen I told him – my father would have been very very happy. Hope and wish Himalaya goes the next step to represent India. Even otherwise he affirms that we are doing the right thing. May you all pray and bless this young bright kid and wish him further success and a very bright future. Many of you have awarded scholarship money for the subsequent batches and I am sure the future batches will do even better. This news gives us all the affirmation to strive further and employ our mite and might to RMTS.

Best wishes, Sandip

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Swadhin Pattanayak
Date: Mar 22, 2007 7:57 PM
Subject: Hinalaya Senapati
To: Sandip Dasverma

Dear Sandip,
One of the children , Himalaya Senapati whom we selected in the first RMTS programme (2003) has qualified in the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad. This means that he is one of the all India thirty who were selected for training in Bombay. During the training in Bombay they select six out of this thirty to represent india in the International Mathematics Olympiad. He has also been selected in the Astronomy olympiad Last year one of the boys from Orissa represented India in the International Olympiad helh in Bejing. Though he is not a Rural Talent we groomed him too.

— Swadheenananda Pattanayak, Director, Institute of Mathematics and
Applications, 2nd floor, Surya Kiran Building, Saheed Nagar,
Bhubaneswar – 751007 Orissa, INDIA. Phone no.: +91-674-2542164 Fax
no.: +91-674-2540604.

Entry Filed under: Fellowships and Scholarships,Institute of Mathematics & App., Bhubaneswar,K-12,RMTS: Rural Math Talent Search


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