PIB: Center to provide 100% of the construction cost of building hostels for SC girls

November 8th, 2007

Following is from the PIB press release http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=32495.

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today gave its approval to the proposal mooted by the Union Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment for revision of the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Hostels for SC Girls & Boys. The primary objective of the revised scheme is to attract the implementing agencies for undertaking hostel construction programme, especially for SC girls towards the broader vision of containment and reduction of their drop out rate. According to the revised scheme, focus would be given for construction of hostels for middle and higher secondary levels of education. However, hostels can also be constructed for college and University levels of education. The hostels shall be completed within a period of two years from the date of sanction of the project.

The Government of India would meet the entire cost of construction for SC girls’ hostels as central assistance. However, in the case of boys’ hostels, the prevailing pattern of funding would continue, which is 50% for States, 100% for UT Administration, 90% for Central Universities and 45% for other Universities etc. Further, as hitherto, central assistance for NGOs would be eligible only for expansion of their existing hostel buildings. In addition to meting the cost of construction in the form of central assistance as mentioned above, the Government of India would also provide one-time grant of Rs.2500/- per student for making provisions of a cot, a table and a chair for each hosteller.

Another important provision included in the revised scheme is involvement of Panchayati Raj Institutions in the matter of selection of hostel site and overseeing the functioning of the hostels. Further, it has also been provided in the scheme that priority in allotment of hostel accommodation would be given to SC students whose parent are either “Safai Karamcharis” or engaged in unclean occupations.

Entry Filed under: Cross-cutting topics,Odisha, others and the center

1 Writeup

  • 1. Sandip  |  November 10th, 2007 at 6:12 am

    It is not availability of money but the ability to execute the programs, that is now in question. He needs to clean up the police and the revenue dept. to hone the weapons to win the war against poverty and ignorance. 8 years is indeed a long time for an able person. Naveen Patnaik’s inability to put a good RTI machinery puts in question his sincerity. I am amazed why Nitish kumar can do it in 2 years and Nabin can’t in 8? I am now really suspecting his credentials, seeing his inability to vitalize the Soochana commission of the state, where he has put a retired professor as chair and a corrupt bureaucrat as member for last two years. Thus not much is happening regarding clean up of administration.


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