This is a critical time for pursuing a KBK central University

November 28th, 2006

The planning commission is in the process of making the 11th five year plan covering 2007-12 and in their approach paper they have mentioned that they plan to establish several new institutions.

Thus if we want a central university in KBK then this is the time.

I know many of you strongly feel that we should pursue primary/K-12 education first. I think primary/K-12 education is very important but it needs to go together with good opportunities for higher education. Otherwise where will we get the teachers who will teach in K-12. (The ones that are transferred from other parts of Orissa don’t show up and spend time in BBSR trying to change their transfer order …) etc.

Also Orissa in general is doing worse with respect to higher education than with respect to
primary education. See my posting in
https://lists. cs.columbia. edu/pipermail/ ornet/2006- November/ 011863.html

for some data. It is the worst state in terms of percentage of people enrolled in higher education.

The KBK Central univ that I envision is not some elite institution in one place, but an institution with multiple campuses (say 10-12) in 10-12 towns of KBK with ties to vocational schools. See some details on all this at http://orissalinks. com. I also envision it having a large number of seats reserved for tribals and KBK residents so as to make sure it indeed benefits the local populace. Please, please read my document on this at http://orissalinks. com for all the details that I have so far.

Since Agami Orissa has tribal welfare as one of its focus I hope many of you (us) will do whatever we can to get a KBK Central University as part of the 11th plan. One thing that we can do easily is to write to people in power and decision making positions. I have put a list of the email addresses of such people at http://chitta. googlepages. com/emaillist Plus a movement by the local (KBK) people will definitely help.

People all over Orissa (including KBK) helped us in the NIS movement and now we should not shy away from helping KBK.

Entry Filed under: Central University of Orissa, Koraput


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