Letter from the Vedanta University project CEO

March 30th, 2007

29th March 2007

Dear Friend,

We are pleased to share with you, as well wishers of the proposed Vedanta University in Orissa, the developments to-date and our objectives in the project. The Vedanta University will be established in the state of Orissa, along the Puri-Konark highway.

We recall with pride the glorious past when Orissa had Ratnagiri University, known around the world. With the active support, encouragement and good wishes from all of you through your constructive communication in the various blogs, e-mails and internet communications, we are confident of making Orissa once again a globally recognised center for higher learning.

Anil Agarwal Foundation, a “not for profit” institution, has been founded by Mr. Anil Agarwal, Chairman, Vedanta Resources Plc, London, for making a significant contribution to a core requirement of India viz. Education.

Anil Agarwal Foundation (AAF) has the vision of creating a world-class, multidisciplinary university in India, of the quality of Nalanda, Ratnagiri, Takshila of Ancient India and Harvard,
Stanford and Oxford of today. The new institution will be called “Vedanta University” to truly reflect the philosophy and pride of our Country.

The proposed Vedanta University will be an independent, professionally managed and “Not For Profit” institution based on an endowment from AAF as seed capital. It will be a Private University to be set up under an Act of the Orissa State, and will operate on efficient management principles, generate resources for fuelling continuous growth in Research and Academics.

Vedanta University will have the following objectives:

1. Create a World standard research driven university where academics and research will support and benefit from each other.

2. Build a Global scale university with a wide variety of subjects and specialisations namely arts, sciences, economics, commerce, education, public administration, communication, law, business management, engineering, medicine and other professional fields.

3. Offer to all its graduates, irrespective of their specializations a strong foundation in basic disciplines like liberal arts, basic sciences, economics, communication, philosophy, behavioural
sciences, mathematics and IT.

4. Provide here and now within the shores of India knowledge based education to India’s youth, to prepare them as scholars, scientists and leaders for taking India forward.

5. Provide academic facilities, IT network / library, laboratory and research facilities, residential and recreation infrastructure which will make Vedanta University totally self contained like the best universities in the world.

6. Offer bachelors, masters and research degrees in various disciplines and offer a unique combination of intensive specialization as well as extensive cross disciplinary study.

7. Build an organization with most competent faculty for teaching and research and highly professional non-academic management team.

Vedanta University will promote greater learning and would place India on the global map of academic and research agenda. It will develop mechanisms to involve students in research as an integral part of their learning, and partner with industry in promotion of new ideas and innovations.

The University will have colleges and schools for various disciplines, research laboratories & research parks, residential colonies for students, faculty and staff, complexes for sports,
entertainment & recreation, conference centers, significant open space to create the right atmosphere inside the campus, transport and other infrastructure, over an area of 8000 acres. The proposed university is planned to ultimately have 100,000 students and corresponding faculty and staff with complete infrastructure.

This will lead to creating a vibrant township. The local population will immensely benefit by the direct and indirect employment potential during the project construction phase and subsequent
running of the University. Unlike an industrial project, which gets constructed over a finite period of 3 / 4 years, the University will be continuously expanded thus offering sustained employment opportunity for local population.

The land for the University will be procured at fully priced current market rates with no subsidy nor grant allocation of land by Government. The acquisition is getting delayed and this has pushed back the construction of the project.

We have engaged world-renowned campus planners, US-based Ayers Saint Gross, to develop a campus master plan. India based STUP consultants are engaged to do the detailed design for construction and the Phase – 1 plans are already finalized. We hope that we are able to
progress with commencement of construction soon.

We also need the passage by the Orissa State Assembly of necessary legislations to establish Vedanta University. We hope this happens soon enough.

We are extremely passionate about building a philanthropic institution that will educate tomorrow’s Nobel Laureates, Olympic athletes, heads of state, civic leaders, and social transformers. We believe that the university will prove to be a perpetual contribution to society that will generate global leaders for centuries to come.

We have launched our website www.vedanta.edu.in to provide you with more updates. We request you to visit our site. As a person who is keen to see this University come up to bring glory to Orissa, you may feel free to contact me at cv.krishnan@vedanta.edu.in if you have any advice or suggestions.

With Regards

*C.V. Krishnan *
*CEO *

Entry Filed under: New Universities,Rebuttals to opposition arguments and unsubstantiated rumours,Vedanta University, Puri

2 Writeup

  • 1. K.Krishnamoorthi  |  November 26th, 2008 at 10:52 am

    I am a student of Vedanta for the past over 10 Years and am keen to propogate the philosophy globally. My aim is to take all good teachings from all religeons, make readers to think and come out with new thoughts. My guru Swami Parthasarathy, says ‘ Hear all the Gurus, but THINK and search for the truth YOURSELF. ‘ Upanishads as we see today have evolved fron teachings of innumerable sages over the years. Each one of us can absorb and improve upon it. ‘Shravanam’ and ‘Mananam’ are the key to learning.
    I would like contribute my small bit by sharing my site and help the University in whatever manner I can. I may be allowed to contribute my bit by way of searching for good articles / Videos,/Audios on the net and and other resources.
    Hari Om
    26 Nov 2008

  • 2. amit mehta  |  December 28th, 2009 at 4:22 am

    Can you please provide a brief update (or a web link) on the progress of the ‘university progress’.

    Kind Regards,


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