NISER course structure for Years 1-3 is in their web site

November 16th, 2007

NISER course structure for Years 1-3 is in their web site at One thing that is missing in  the course structure is Computer Science and programming courses; it does have numerical analysis and Bioinformatics though. If I were making the course structure I would at least add the following Computer Science courses, each with a programming lab.

  • Data Structures and programming
  • Theory of automata and languages
  • Design and analysis of algorithms

Entry Filed under: NISER, Bhubaneswar

2 Writeup

  • 1. R. K. Ghosh  |  November 17th, 2007 at 10:30 am

    Since the NISER’s academic programmes are targeted towards basic sciences, both Data Structure and Design of Algorithms are not needed. One single course on both Data Structures and Algorithms can be designed to fulfill the requirements. Dynamic programming, Divide and Conquer and Greedy Algorithms may be included. However, it is important to have some material on mathematical programming to be included somewhere. Instead of theory of automata and languages, a programming tools course (may of half credits) should be added somewhere. Also instead of structured labs, unstructured labs are better options for these courses.

  • 2. B.S.Panda  |  November 29th, 2007 at 9:48 pm

    Computing is one of the fundamental aspects of Modern Basic Science. So, a deep understanding of what can be computed, what can not be computed, how efficiently something can be computed, what is the relation of efficient/nonefficient comptation of a problem with the theory of the problem, etc. is a must for modern basic sciences and their apllications. So, courses such as (1) Programming ( like C) (ii) Data Structures, (iii) Algorithms, (iv) Theory of Computing, (v) Computational Number Theory (vi) Discrete Mathematics (vii) Mathematical Programming (viii) Cryptography, are must. NISER’s course structure does not reflect this. The current advertisement of NISER for fixed term position gives the impression of a typical state University struggling for Fund. This is in sharp contrast to other IISER ( Pune, Mohali etc) where they have slowly started recuiting faculties.


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