IIIT Bhubaneswar to begin classes in January

December 23rd, 2007

Following is a report from Tathya.in.

The International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar (IIIT-Bh) is all set to begin classes from January, 2008. 

With the AICTE approval in place the world class institution in making will invite applications from the students from the next week, said sources from IIIT-Bh. 

AICTE has allotted 25 seats in M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering for the institution. 

Normally the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) allows 18 seats in one discipline, where as in case of IIIT-Bh it has been liberal, looking at the list of faculty roped in for the purpose of higher learning. 

While Dr.Gopal Krishna Nayak and Professor Ajit Kumar Das have joined as regular faculty, top professors of various international universities have been roped in as Adjunct and Visiting faculty of the IIIT-Bh. 

Among the Adjunct and Visiting faculty, Professor Chitta Baral of Arizona State University, Professor Jaydev Mishra of University of Texas, Austin, Professor L N Bhuyan of University of California, Riverside, Professor Sarajua P Mohanty of University of North Texas, Professor Durga Mishra of New Jersey Institute of Technology, Professor Prashant Mohapatra of University of California, Davis, Professor Gautam Das of University of Texas, Arlington and Professor Rabi Mohapatra of University of Texas A & M have joined in IIIT-Bh. 

The Adjunct and Visiting faculty will visit the institute regularly and teach the students 

These are individuals who love teaching and do it extremely well, said an expert in higher education. 

They make themselves available for after-class discussion and devote long hours as advisors and guides to student teams. 

The cost will be around Rs.2 lakh for a two year M.Tech degree in IIIT-Bh. 

Classes will start in the OCAC Building for the time being till the institution will have its own campus at Gothapatana in the outskirts of Bhubaneswar. 

A 23 acre plot has been allotted to IIIT-Bh and at least Rs.50 crore will be spend in developing the campus, said sources.

From next educational year M.Tech in Information Technology (IT) will be opened, revealed an insider.

Entry Filed under: IIIT, Bhubaneswar

1 Writeup

  • 1. krishna kumar  |  December 24th, 2007 at 8:16 pm

    when opeca 2008 held and how i submit form


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