Ministry of HRD Announces Israel Government Scholaship for Higher Studies in Israel

January 4th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from the announcement. Please see the announcement for more details. The last date for applying is January 25th, 2008. Candidates can submit their applications online also (scroll down to the end of the announcement).

Applications are invited from Indian nationals on plain paper in the format given below for the award of about 5 Israeli Government Scholarship tenable from October 2008 to study at an Israeli University or any Institution of higher education in Israel.  These scholarships are for research/specialization for 8 months, and would be available for studies in the following subjects:

i)          Comparative Study (With specific reference to Judaism)
ii)         Middle East Studies
iii)        Hebrew language and literature
iv)        History of the Jewish people
v)         International relations
vi)        Agriculture
vii)       Chemistry
viii)       Biology
ix)        Nano-Biology

2.         Age:    Candidate should be less than 35 years old as on 25-01-2008.

3.         Qualification: (1) For the research/specialization studies, a Masters degree with 60% or more marks as on 25-01-2008 for the subject of Agriculture, Chemistry, Biology, Nano-Biology and Masters degree with 55% or more marks for the remaining subjects.  Proof of English or Hebrew Language knowledge is must.  The applicant should meet the academic requirements of the Israeli University that he/she applies to.

Note:  Israel has a very good higher education system. Top universities in Israel are as good as many US universities in certain areas. We highly encourage our readers to take advantage of this scholarship.

Entry Filed under: Cross-cutting topics,Fellowships and Scholarships

1 Writeup

  • 1. Gideon Kharkongor  |  April 7th, 2008 at 1:09 am

    is the last date extentable. i wanted to apply for the research in Israel. need most urgent for getting my Ph.D. in India. Thanks,

    Gideon, Shillong, India


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