Arjun Singh has different rules for Orissa and Madhya Pradesh: ISM Dhanbad can have an extension center in MP that offers regular courses but IIT Kharagpur can not do so in Orissa

January 9th, 2008

Following is an excerpt from a recent report in Telegraph.

The Jharkhand-based Indian School of Mines University — premier Union government institute on par with IIMs and IIT — is looking beyond the state.

The mines school started in 1926 on the lines of Royal School of Mines in England claimed that an indifferent attitude of the government apparently forced it to open an extension centre at Singrauli, Madhya Pradesh.

The Union human resource department has given its nod for the project.

“The MP government is ready to provide us about 50 acres. ISM would be opening a mining centre and clean coal technology centre there. It would take a few more years before the extension centre starts regular engineering, management and other courses,” said P.S. Gupta, ISM dean, students’ welfare.

Now consider this earlier news.

The HRD ministry has snowballed the plan of IITs to open new campuses. The first to be hit are the top three IITs of the country at – Delhi, Mumbai and Kharagpur.

In a policy directive, the HRD ministry has rejected the idea of opening satellite campuses in places far off from the main campus, citing huge costs involved. The decision was taken after number of IITs approached the HRD ministry seeking its views on opening new campuses.

While IIT Delhi was formulating a plan for Gurgaon, the proposal of IIT Mumbai for Gujarat and IIT Kharagpur for Bhubaneswar have already been rejected by the HRD ministry. "We are against the concept of opening satellite campuses as it may dilute the standard of education in premier institutes like IITs," a senior ministry official told HT.

IIT Kharagpur, which has a small campus functioning in Bhubaneswar, offering post-graduate diplomas, wanted the ministry’s permission to expand the existing campus and convert it into satellite campus offering undergraduate courses. Even Orissa Chief Minister Navin Pathnaik had written to the HRD minister Arjun Singh requesting a IIT in Orissa or providing full-fledged IIT like facilities in the existing campus to improve higher education in the state.

Entry Filed under: IIT Kharagpur branch in Bhubaneswar,ISM Campus or upgrade OSME Keonjhar to ISM

15 Writeup

  • 1. R. K. Ghosh  |  January 10th, 2008 at 11:21 am

    In real terms I don’t think it matters much, if ISM Dhanbad has been allowed to open a center in MP, because ISM does not command a brand name. But I guess Arjun Singh’s bluff needs to be fixed by invoking RTI and it should be initiated by Orissa Govt itself. I feel govt of Orissa’s efforts in this regards has been very little or almost nil. The state govt still suffers from a very ancient laid back attitude, specially bureaucracy.

  • 2. Sadananda Sahoo  |  January 21st, 2008 at 5:02 pm

    I think we sould also include Oriya diasporas working at various institutions abroad. Also civil servants who are working as institution head. Developmental work needs collaboration from every quarters.

    Good initiative. Keep it up!

    Dr. S.Sahoo
    Institute of Applied Manpower Research
    (Planning Commission), New Delhi

  • 3. Bhupendre Singh Parmar  |  January 25th, 2008 at 3:13 am

    Mr. Ghosh, if you are saying that ISM does not command a brand name, you do not know anything about ISM. I am just wondering whether you are from orissa or not. Being from such a state where government is earning so much revenue from mining industry and you don’t anything about the world’s one of the best mining institute. First update your knowledge and then write anything about this premier institute. You should feel proud on such a institute rather than saying that it does not have a brand name. Just step out from your home, ask any one about ISM and then write anything on this forum.

  • 4. Aditya Bansal  |  February 1st, 2008 at 11:37 am

    Mr. Ghosh for ur knowledge i am bringing out htis fact that in 2001 the Government of India awarded the IIT tags to Roorkee Engineering College (as it was known then) and Indian School of Mines,Dhanbad.Roorkee Engineering college accepted the proposal while ISM rejected it due to huge alumni pressure.So, please check out about the brand name of ISM.
    1.) ISM takes students through prestigious IIT-JEE
    2.) ISM is second in the world in earth sciences and best in asia

  • 5. Bipin Singh Sajwan  |  February 7th, 2008 at 4:28 am

    It is a surprise that Mr Ghose can reveal his ignorance in this public forum by making such a callous statement about brand ISM. At least he should have read the whole article before writing such a statement. I hope by this time he must have enlightened himself about one of the world’s finest Engineering College, not only in earth sciences but also in technical studies. Commenting on the opening of a branch of ISM in MP, I think it is a path breaking move. India needs lot more college of ISM, IIT or IIM caliber to cater for its future needs, keeping economic growth of India in mind. The future will be driven by innovation in technology and India can’t stay behind. Although it’s a small step, but it is heartening that government is thinking in this direction.

  • 6. Pavan Hiran  |  February 14th, 2008 at 11:48 pm

    Well, first of all putting my stand on this issue that is
    Yes,offcourse IIT Kharagpur should also be allowed to own centers outside if other institute is allowed.

    I don’t know who Mr.Ghosh is but making such an comment without knowing anything about what ISM is hurts….off course u can use RTI (Right To Information) to get your facts right about ISM first…

  • 7. Utkarsh Singh  |  March 16th, 2008 at 10:05 pm

    Here are some of the PROMINENT ALUMNI of ISM University, Dhanbad as given on WIKIPEDIA. Mr.GHOSH, you need to see this :

    * Mr Waman Bapuji Metre Pioneer in Indian Oil Industry, Known as Dādā Metre (‘Elder Brother’), Padma Bhushan in 1968
    * Mr Mahendra P. Singh Director Mining, Mittal Steel, UK
    * Dr Ram G Agarwal Well Test Expert, former Senior Technical Advisor, BP USA
    * Mr Raj Upadhyay VP (Production) UNOCAL USA and VP UNOCAL India
    * Dr Akhil Dutta-Gupta Professor and LeSuer Chair in Reservoir Management, Texas A&M University
    * Dr Hemanta K Sarma Professor and Reg Sprigg Chair in Petroleum Engineering, Adelaide University
    * Mr Shiv K. Sharma Senior V P (Engg), Kerr McGee, Now Anadarko USA
    * Mr C Amitabh Director, CSI Consulting Inc
    * Prof Pradeep Talwani Professor of Geophysics, University of South Carolina and Director, South Carolina Seismic Network
    * Prof Raja V. Ramani Professor Emeritus, Mining and Geo-Environmental Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
    * Prof. Mrinal K. Sen Professor and Jackson Chair in Applied Seismology, Jacskon School of Geosciences, Univ of Texas at Austin
    * Prof. Santanu Khataniar Professor of Petroleum Engineering, University of Alaska Fairbanks
    * Hemanta Mukherjee Production Engg Expert, Founder, iPoint LLC
    * Dr. Someshwar Kesh, Harmon College of Business Administration, Central Missouri State University, Warrensburg, New York
    * Mr U D Choubey CMD, GAIL India Ltd.
    * Dr Madan M. Singh Director, SME, USA
    * Mr A G Pramanik, ED, ONGC Ltd and Member, European Academy of Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
    * Prof. Chandra S. Rai, Mewborne Chair Professor, Mewborne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
    * Mr Santosh Senapati, MD, AIG Global Investment Group, India
    * Mr Rajeev Khanna, Director, Policy & Corporate Affairs, BG India
    * Mr Ananda Rakhit VP and Chief Information Officer, NES Rentals, USA
    * Dr Anil Kumar, President, Anil Kumar & Associates, and Senior Adviser, ExxonMobil E&P Technology Center, USA
    * Mr Suresh C. Chugh Former Managing Director, J P Morgan, USA
    * Dr. Mihir K. Sinha Founder IFTC and Former Vice President, J P Morgan, USA
    * Mr. I L Budhiraja President Petroleum Businesses, E&P, Reliance Industries Ltd., India
    * Mr. N K Mitra Director (Offshore), Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd., India
    * Mr Atul Chandra, Head (International Division- E & P), Reliance Industries Ltd. and former CMD, ONGC Videsh Ltd., India
    * Dr. V.P. Dimri Director, National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, India
    * S.K. Misra Director (Production), NALCO, India
    * Dr. B.P. Pandey Dean, College of Engg., UPES, Dehradun, India
    * Mr K K Passi, Deputy Director General of Mines Safety, DGMS, India
    * Mr. Amrit S. Chopra CEO and MD,Medicom, India
    * Mr. Sunil Kumar Barnwal IAS, Bihar Cadre, 1st Rank in Civil Services Examination -1994, India

    * Prof. Shri Krishna Singh Department head, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
    * Dr. Indranil R Bardhan Assistant Professor, School of Management, University of Texas, Dallas, USA
    * Mr.S.N.Sharma Chairman and Managing Director, SURSEZ (Surat Special Economic Zone). SURSEZ is the First Privately Operating Zone in India
    * Mr. Tapan Bose, Vice President, Satyam Computers, India
    * Mr. PJ Singh, CEO, Bay Area Systems, Silicon Valley entrepreneur. His new company was on the Q1 2005 stealth deals list in BusinessWeek.
    * Mr. Kharak Singh, President, E & P, Essar Oil India
    * Dr. Ganesh Thakur, Senior Reservoir Engg. Adviser, Chevron USA
    * Mr. Dorji Wangda, Director, Department of Geology and Mines (DGM), Bhutan
    * Mr. Yeshi Dorji, Head of Geological Survey of Bhutan (GSB)
    * Mr. Shashi Kumar, Chairman, Coal India Limited
    * Mr A K Sinha, Director (Business Development), Baker Hughes Group, India
    * Mr N M Borah Director (Operations), OIL India Ltd, India
    * Dr Harsha Gupta Raja Ramanna Fellow, NGRI Hyderabad, Padmashri Award 2006
    * Mr R.P.Ritolia Chairman cum Managing Director, Central Coalfields Limited, Ranchi
    * Ragula Bhaskar, founder president and CEO FatPipe Networksâ„¢ (the inventor of router clustering devices for reliable, redundant and fast Internet/Wide Area Network (WANs) connections), also the co-Chairman of the Review Committee of Utah States Boards and Commissions for the Huntsman Gubernatorial Transition Team.
    * Mr Randhir Kumar IAS, Kerala Cadre, 3rd Rank, Civil Services Examination-2005
    * Sudhir Kumar Varma. Pickering Medal 1962. Retired Chairman cum Managing Director CCL/ECL/CMPDI.
    * Kalyan Sinha, Asst Vice President, UTI Bank Ltd, India
    * V.Balasubramaniam, Scientist – Space Tribology Division, Indian Space Research Organisation, India.
    * Bishwajit Sharma, Scientist, Computer Vision Group, Centre For Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, DRDO, India.
    * Hrishikesh Pandey, Financial Advisor – HeadStrong Corps.
    * Ashok Kumar Singh (B.Tech. Mining, 1974) Director (tech) Operations, Central Coalfields Limited, RANCHI

  • 8. ratnesh  |  August 15th, 2009 at 3:43 am

    Mr. ghosh, if you are are the person among who know about iit it’s very matter of pride but i think many people know abt iit,. But plz update yourself. Do you know anything abt ism. i think u don’t. Atleast everyone who will read your post will say that u r the person who needs a lot of knowledge abt the current world. you know ism is the no. one engg. college in the field of earthscinces of Asia.In case of earh sciences no iit even stand just behind the ism. plz collect ur knowledge abt ism then u ‘ll feel that how ism is brand name

  • 9. ashish  |  September 3rd, 2009 at 12:19 am

    Mr. ghosh i don’t know about you but your knowledge about ISM
    is very limited.before commenting about any prestigious institute
    you should think before it.your eyes must have been open after seeing the ISM’s alumini list.

  • 10. proud ISMITE  |  September 21st, 2009 at 10:44 pm

    ism dhanbad is the best college in asia for earth sciences field and taking students through JEE, toughest exam in the world speaks volume about it. mr ghosh needs RTI to clear his ignorance first. period

  • 11. arvind  |  March 13th, 2010 at 9:16 pm

    indian school of mines should be given the iit status.
    it has better placements than most of the iits in the earth science branches like, petroleum engineering, mining, mining machinery, mineral etc. Perhaps it is the 2nd best institute in asia for earth sciences. the only institute where almost all the earth science branches are taught.

  • 12. Vedant  |  June 17th, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    University of Roorkee (Now IIT) – Department of Earthsciences, BHU and IIT Kharaghpur are other premeir institutes for Earthsciences. ISM might not be best among these but at par.

  • 13. Kajol  |  June 1st, 2012 at 7:42 pm

    ISM will be given IIT status and converted to IIT Dhanbad very sson. This I heard from from a very senior person in Ministry.

  • 14. Ms Priya Bansal  |  June 1st, 2012 at 7:45 pm

    Yes it is true. ISM will be converted to IIT by 31.12.2012.

  • 15. Avi aggarwal  |  November 1st, 2012 at 9:29 pm

    Vedant, simply having a earth science department doesn’t means they meet the mammoth standards set by ISM Dhanbad, from years of reverberating legacy in the earth sciences and burgeoning swag by other technical disciplines of engineering, sciences and management.
    FYI: ISM’s regular faculty are guest lecturers at IIT R, BHU and others. and just check out the list of professors and ceo/cmds of all earth science companies to satisfy your belly.
    Yes ISM is soon gonna be given the IIT status only yo endorsi its already beaming global image!! We demanded it with pride and authority, not by going on dharnas and taking out rallies….
    Thats the difference between ISM and other newly formed IITs which I don’t compare to but it was only due to some utmost negligent individuals blurting out incomplete and absurd pieces of info.


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