Letter to CM: From mineral resources to human resources

April 8th, 2007

Dear all: Following is a letter that I have sent to the Chief minister. I would urge others to send a similar letter to cmo@ori.nic.in .


Dear Chief minister:

I recently read that Bokaro steel plant (a unit of SAIL) has agreed with Jharkhand Government to set up an engineering college and medical college in Bokaro.
(See http://www.telegraphindia.com/1070226/asp/jamshedpur/story_7441681.asp)

I think we should vigorously pursue similar efforts with respect to Rourkela Steel plant, NALCO, Mahanadi Coal Fields, NTPC and other established poublic sectors (including our own  OMC) as well as private sectors that use/sale/process our mineral resources.

In regards to the private sector, the article
mentions that TATAs, Mittal and POSCO are planning to put huge sums of money in the “Corporate Social Responsibility” fund. Please start hinting at Mittal and POSCO (as they are not there yet) and talk to TATAs, Jindal, Bhusan etc. regarding establishing engineering  colleges and medical colleges in Orissa.

In general, please encourage and cajole all companies that use our (Orissa’s) mines to establsih an engineering college and a medical college similar to what Bokaro Steel plant has agreed to do, with particular emphasis that the medical college be established in their operational areas.

Perhaps your can create a policy and strategy called “From mineral resources to human resources.”

Please meet with the heads of the public and private companies that use our mineral resources and apprise them of the “From mineral resources to human resources strategy/policy” and urge them to contribute to this by opening medical colleges, engineering colleges, multiple ITIs, science and technology magnet schools, etc.

sincerely and with best regards
Chitta Baral

Entry Filed under: From mineral resources to human resources

1 Writeup

  • 1. » After Bokaro Stee&hellip  |  May 13th, 2007 at 2:41 am

    […] Earlier we wrote about how Bokaro Steel Plant has agreed to set up an engineering college and a medical college in Jharkhand and urged our CM to pursue with RSP and other public and private sector metals and mines companies. […]


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