Update on Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Keonjhar: an email from a GOO official

April 8th, 2007

Dear Sir,
Its a great pleasure to learn about ur interest on OSME. The college has become a constituent college of BPUT. Govt. have sanctioned 5 crores & alloted 37 Ac land. The bldg. construction work is likely to start during April 2007 by IDCO. Possibly the Inst. will run in the new campus from 2008 session & new branches of Engg.i.e. Electronics, Comp. Sc.& Mineral Processing will be introduced.
The Inst. will run in a Self-Financing mode as per present planning. Govt. is commited to provide 50 Crores for the project. There are some initial administrative problems but hopefully everything will be settled shortly. It probably needs some more serious Govt. attention to bring it to the shape it was visualised. I’m optimistic.
I shall always be in touch with you Sir & seek ur valuable suggestions/guidelines as apart of the project, in making it a Centre of Excellence for Mining & Mineral Processing Engg.
Thank you once again. With kind regards.

Entry Filed under: Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Keonjhar

4 Writeup

  • 1. J.m.pradhan  |  May 11th, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    When will it become free from selffinancing mode?

  • 2. j,m, sa  |  October 20th, 2010 at 9:43 pm

    sir,when will the branch”mineral engg.” get aicte approval & how will we think the excellence in mineral engg,where there is no teaching staff,laboratory??/!!!!!!!!1

  • 3. Abhisek  |  January 23rd, 2011 at 10:54 pm

    Sir, Did OSME degree stream become a govt run institution or a self-sustained mode institute? If no, when ll it be sir?

  • 4. Chitta Baral  |  January 23rd, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    It is a govt. run institute.


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