Ravenshaw University is UGC approved: UCE Burla must be put on a similar path

February 26th, 2007

Ravenshaw University now has UGC approval. It was only in November 2006 that it got approval from the Orissa assembly. Today’s Pioneer reports that it received UGC approval on Febriary 6th. It is now listed in the UGC website of universities in Orissa. Now it awaits the more important status of “Funded by UGC”.

UCE Burla, about which we discussed earlier in December, must be put on a similar path. It must ape BESU (Bengal Engineering and Science University) and CUSAT (Cochin University of Science and Technology) both of which are state universities and have the “Funded by UGC” status. See the UGC West Bengal and Kerala pages here and here respectively. In their attempt to improve UCE Burla, efforts are being made for it to get deemed university status. I think they should just go for a state university status and then go all out to get the “Funded by UGC” status. They should send a delegation to BESU and CUSAT to learn some of the secrets of their success.

Entry Filed under: Ravenshaw University, Cuttack,UCE Burla (became a university)

2 Writeup

  • 1. Piyush Patnaik  |  February 27th, 2007 at 7:30 pm

    I don’t understand what benefits are going to accrue if UCE is upgraded to a university.Anyway UCE has lost it’s glory long back and students don’t prefer to study there. The state government should focus on improving the infrastructure, faculty and placements and then think to get a university status. Instead we should focus our energies on getting an IIT and a central university.Trying too many things at the same time won’t yield any results.Once we get an IIT and a central university we can try for UCE upgradation. I have a feeling if we demand everything at same time we shall get one that costs least to the centre.

  • 2. Chitta Baral  |  February 28th, 2007 at 9:06 pm

    Thank you Piyush babu for your comments. In my earlier note on the UCE issue http://www.orissawatch.org/?p=23 I laid out some of the plans regarding how to upgrade UCE.

    One big advantage of making it a university is that it could then try to get the “funded by UGC” label and thus get significant funds from UGC.

    On UGC upgradation issue, I would like the state govt to play a major role and would like UCE to be improved first using state funding.


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