Appeal to CM Naveen Patnaik: Please pursue ESIC medical college near Rourkela

Update 2: Sundergarh MP Mr. Hemanada Biswal is now the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour. ESIC comes under the Labour ministry. So getting in touch with Mr. Biswal will also help. His MP biography is at

Update: Please also copy your mail to and

Dear all: It is time to translate words to action. Please send similar letters to the Chief Minister ( cmo at ) with copy to some journalists (for example, ),, and Please ask your like minded friends to do the same. When you write the letter, please sign your name and give your address, especially your address in Orissa.

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister:

We would like to request that you urgently allocate the necessary 32 acres of land for an ESIC medical college in Rourkela and vigorously pursue with the ESIC authorities for the establishment of the same in Rourkela.

[We applaud your earlier attempt in pursuing an ESIC medical college in Balangir and understand that ESIC did not agree to it as it does not have enough ESIC insured persons in the Balangir area. We request that you pursue other ways of having a medical college in Balangir and also pursue other infrastructural elements for Balangir such as a state university, a state/central funded engineering college like SLIET (Punjab) and ABA GKC IET (West Bengal) and the Khurda-Balangir line. ]

Coming back to ESIC medical college, Rourkela is the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa.  Unfortunately, it is also the largest metropolitan area of its size in the country which does not have a medical college. (It is also the largest metropolitan area of the country which does not have a regular university.) On the other hand Rourkela is the current industrial hub of Orissa and has a significant number of ESIC insured persons. This is evident from the fact that the only ESIC model hospital in Orissa is in Rourkela. Moreover, another ESIC hospital is in nearby Kansbahal and an ESIC annex is in nearby Rajgangpur. The complete list of ESIC hospitals in Orissa is at Moreover recent newspaper reports (Statesman 5th March 2009, Naxatra News) mention that the ESIC authorities are agreeable for having an ESIC medical college in Rourkela. Following is the news report.

Rourkela, March 4: The Orissa Unit of the CITU has urged the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) authorities at New Delhi to establish a medical college at Rourkela.

A delegation of CITU leaders led by its state unit general secretary Mr Bishnu Mohanty met the Director, ESIC, Mr S Chaturbedi at New Delhi yesterday and pleaded for establishment of an ESIC Medical College stating that over 50 per cent of the total revenue was generated from Rourkela.

A large number of small and medium industries were located in Western Orissa and thousands of workers were contributing and dependent on ESIC, they said.

According to Mr Mohanty, the ESIC director had agreed to the proposal and said if the state government provided 32 acre his organisation would spent about Rs 500 crores for the establishment of a medical college.

Dear Sir:

In summary, Rourkela has the need, the necessary ESIC insured persons concentration, and ESIC is agreeable to an ESI medical college there. All that is needed is for you to immediately allocate 32 acres of land as required by ESIC and tell them that Rourkela is your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

It has been reported that you may have allocated the land for an ESIC medical college in Bhubaneswar. Many of us are from Bhubaneswar and considering that it already has 4 functioning medical colleges with several new ones in the pipeline that includes an AIIMS-like institution and a Railway medical college, we request that Rourkela be your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

(If ESIC has some weakness or need for the Bhubaneswar area it may have its second medical college of Orissa in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Karnataka where it is establishing two medical colleges, one in Bangalore and one in Gulbarga. Or, it may have additional post-graduate programs in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Tamil nadu where the ESIC medical college imparting undergraduate education will be in Coimbatore, but the Aynavaram ESI Hospital in Chennai would offer post-graduate courses.)


38 comments September 1st, 2009

Parasnta Das’s letter to the CM on pushing mining and metal industries to contribute to HRD of Orissa

Prasanta Das is the person who went to the High court when NIS was shifted. I met him this January and he showed me the following letters that he wrote to the CM.

February 11th, 2009

NTPC to make world class (100 crore) IIIT in Chhatisgarh; Orissa happy with 1.5 crore barrack by NALCO and an ITI by Arcelor-Mittal.

The following news at  in Business Standard says that NTPC will establish a world class IIIT in Chhatisgarh. (Earlier news mention the cost of IIITs at 100 crores. See

Union Minister of State for Commerce and Power Jairam Ramesh said that the Chhattisgarh government would provide land for the Institute while NPTC would bear the entire cost of the project for setting up world-class IIIT in the state. "The state chief minister, Raman Singh, will select the site for the project," Ramesh said.

The experts who had set up IIITs in Hyderabad and Bangalore would be consulted for the Chhattisgarh project, the minister said. The proposal would be given final shape and the site would be finalised on June 30. Ramesh is scheduled to visit Chhattisgarh on the month-end and meet the chief minister to give final shape to the project. 

One should compare this with today’s news at which says NALCO will contribute 1.4 crores towards a police barrack. Few weeks back various news reports mentioned that NALCO has spent ( 100 crores in CSR so far over its 20 years of existence. If its CMD had any shame and any pride on Orissa he would not have touted this number as something great. But it makes sense; if Orissa is a beggar then  100 crore is a big amount to give to a beggar in 20 years.

It is unfortunate that companies like NALCO, Arcelor-Mittal, Tats Steel, etc. treat Orissa this way. But its not all their fault. Our government also acts that way. 

Our government is happy with one ITI or ITC and that seems to be  the trend in terms of what they ask.

When will Orissa government learn from its neighbors Jharkhand and Chhatisgarh?

Just to recap:

(i)   NTPC will make a 100 crore world class IIIT in Chhatisgrah.

(ii)  Bokaro Steel Plant has agreed to set up an engineering college and a medical college in Jharkhand

(iii) Central Coalfields has also agreed to set up an engineering college in Jharkhand

(iv) Orissa gets a 1.4 crore police barrack  for 1.4 crores from NALCO

(v) Orissa will get a few crore ITI from Arcelor Mittal

(vi) Orissa gets a 12 crore Math institute building from Tata Steel

(vi) A few good signs: MCL’s plan for a medical college in Talcher and Vedanta’s university plan: but who knows if they will happen and when.

I wonder if NTPC can make a 100 crore world class IIIT in Jharkhand Chhatisgarh why can not it have a similar investment in Orissa where its plants might have significantly contributed in making Talcher a hot oven.

Why can not our CM, our industry secretary, our Chief Secretary,  say in no uncertain terms that Orissa is no beggar. These  industries (NALCO,SAIL, NTPC, CIL, Arcelor-Mittal, POSCO, Tata Steel, etc.) that take and use (or plan to take and use) our minerals at throw away prices must stop thinking Orissa as a beggar to throw a few crore ITI/ITC, a 1.5 crore barrack, a  50 paisa safety pin for Orissa, etc. and start making IIITs, medical colleges, engineering colleges, establishing multiple ITI/ITCs, etc.

Why can not central minister of state Mr. Chandrasekhar Sahu go and talk to his colleague, the power minister Mr. Ramesh who announced the IIIT for Chhatisgarh to do a similar one in Orissa?

Why can not he talk to the other ministers to put pressure on NALCO and SAIL?

How come NTPC can make a IIIT in Chhatisgarh but not one in Orissa?

How come SAIL Bokaro can promise an engineering college and a medical college in Jharkhand and SAIL Raurkela can  not do a similar one in Orissa?

ps — Just as an example of how the mineral processing companies have benefited one needs to note that in the last five years the iron ore price has increased more than the price of crude oil. But has Orissa received any benefit from that?

From and the iron ore prices in the last few years were as follows:  2004- $37.20/metric tonne;  2005 – $64.00; 2006 -$76.20; 2007- $83:40 ; 2008- $132.20 and now: $200.

As per as per the Crude oil prices over the last five years are:  Jan 2004 -$33.16/barrel; Jan 2005- $48.25; Jan 2006- $67.86; Jan 2007-  $58.17; Jan 2008-  $91.67 and April 2008: $115.67.

3 comments June 1st, 2008

Reaction to “No IIT for Orissa because of NISER” comment by an MHRD official

A news report in Samaja (30th January 2008, Page 7) mentions that Special Secretary in the higher education department Mr. Acharya said that, "Orissa and many other states have vigorously demanded IITs; But since a IIT quality higher education institution – NISER – has been established in Orissa, it is not possible to establish an IIT in that state."  He continues on to say that, " NISER and IIT have the same admission process that happens at the same time. Since NISER will fulfill the need for an IIT one should not put much weight on the demand for an IIT."

The above logic is absolutely ridiculous and filled with falsehoods and contradicts with MHRD actions with respect to other states.

1. NISER and IITs have different admission process and they have no connection with each other. NISER uses the NEST test  ( ) conducted by DAE while IITs have their own JEE. The secretary may be confusing NISER with IISER which do take some students from the IIT JEE merit list.

2. NISER will not fulfill the need for an IIT. Currently, NISER only offers M.Sc degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Some day in the future it may offer a few technology degrees. However, it will not be soon, as having full-fledged engineering degrees will defeat the purpose of NISER, as
students when given a choice between Science and Engineering disciplines in the same institute will prefer engineering, and as a result the NISER science departments, the reason de etre for the establishment of NISER, will not get good students. In this regard it may be noted that Science is second class in the
IITs where students prefer engineering over Science courses. Most students who get into sciences into IITs are the ones who can not get into any engineering disciplines.

Note that IISc, where both engineering and science are flourishing is different because it does not offer undergraduate degrees in science so there is no competition between student choosing between science and engineering after +2.

3. Even if NISER abandons its reason-de-etre and decides to expand into engineering aggressively, the infrastructure, especially the 300 acres allocated to NISER will not allow that. Note that the IITs in Patna and Hyderabad will have 500 acres land.

4. The engineering and technology disciplines will not be established in NISER that quickly, and because of the break-neck industrial progress happening in Orissa, it needs a top notch engineering and technological institute like an IIT "yesterday."

5. Finally the following actions contradict the assertion that Orissa will not get an IIT because it has a NISER

   (a) Maharastra was given a IISER even though it has an IIT. (Both are funded by MHRD.)

   (b) West Bengal was given an IISER and an IIT like institute (IIEST) eventhough it has an IIT. (All are funded by    MHRD and the IISER and the IIEST will be in the Kolkata area.)

   (c) Andhra Pradesh was given an IIT and two IIESTs. (All are funded by MHRD.)

   (d) Kerala was given an IISER, an IIEST and an IIST (Indian Institute of Space Technology); the first two funded by    MHRD, while the last one is funded by Ministry of Science and Technology.

So why is that when it comes to Orissa, when Orissa is now at the bottom of per-capita MHRD funding on higher education institutions, NISER counts against Orissa. This is despite that Orissa needs to bridge the largest gap in higher education enrollment, from 6.1% to the targeted 15%.

Is it because the above four have UPA allied governments while Orissa does not?

Also, earlier it has been remarked in the Parliament by an UPA minister that Orissa has this and that institute (such as Inst of Physics etc.). Yes, but other states have more of such institutes. See the list we compiled at

So why does it count against Orissa getting an IIT, and does not count against the other states.

Is not this blatant discrimination against Orissa?

Is not such discrimination in the past a main reason why Orissa is now at the bottom of higher education enrollment and many other parameters?

Is that what the government of India wants? And in this information age of news media and Internet will the people of Orissa stand-by and just meekly accept this blatant discrimination?

1 comment January 31st, 2008

Orissa in slumber and may miss taking advantage of the 11th plan opportunities in higher education:

Action Item: Readers concerned about this may write to the CM at to take immediate action and copy to one of the journalists in Orissa (perhaps Braja babu of at

Following is from

Orissa this time also is all set to miss the bus for Higher Education.

While the Higher Education Program for the Eleventh Five Year Plan is being final touches, Orissa is in deep slumber. 

And who will be able to wake up a sleeping state, which is at the lowest ebb of the investment plan of the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), asks educationists.

The Eleventh Plan is historical because investment in HRD sector will receive a big jump.

Just follow these numbers:

Currently there are 7 Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) s that was made over 60 years; there will 8 more during the 11th Plan.

There are 23 central universities made over 60 years; 30 more will be added during the Plan.

There are no world class universities in India and planners have decided to go for 14.

There are 6 Indian Institute of Management (IIM) s that was made over 60 years; there is a plan to establish 7 more.

There is a plan to set up Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH).

Currently there is a single National Institute of Design that was made in 60 years since Independence; there is a plan to make 4 more during the Plan.

The 11th Plan’s stated goal is to take the higher education enrolment to 15 per cent.

Orissa’s higher education enrolment is at the bottom 6.1 per cent.

So Orissa must be working very hard to take advantage of the 11th plan.

Lo behold ! No home work in sight and this time also the state is going to loose heavily, feel the educationists.

Chitta Baral, Professor in Arizona State University is a worried person.

And Prof. Baral has every reason to worry.

We need a world class university and not a single soul has raised his voice for the same in the Government, lamented Prof.Baral.

This type of institution will have a budget of Rs.1000 crore. 

It  would be again a pity, if the state is going to lose the same as there is  opportunity to make a strong case.

It has the Ravenshaw University which without any affiliate colleges, matches the expected model of a world class university.

But will the State Government make such a case, asks Prof.Baral.

While Orissa is haunted by deaths due to cholera, it will be an appropriate place for setting up an Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH)

Till date the State has made no efforts to get one of the proposed 5-7 IIPHs in Orissa.

So far Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) s are concerned Orissa has not done much beyond the Chief Minister sending a couple of half-baked and impolite letters to the Prime Minister.

On the other hand, many other states have sent more detailed proposals.

Take the case of KBK Central University, in the past Orissa has made a case regarding a Central University in KBK.

However, it has not followed up on it recently.

Is not it time the State Government to follow up on this and makes a case, by pointing to the central universities in the North East, asks he.

It is not too late for many of the above; otherwise Orissa will get the pea nuts and predictably complain about Central apathy against the state.

3 comments December 18th, 2007

The engineering and MBA system in Karnataka: lessons for BPUT

An article in Deccan Herald elaborates on the practice that is being followed at the various engineering colleges and MBA institutions and their technical university. I do not know the detailed process at BPUT, but it seems BPUT is stricter in some ways. Following are some differences that I came across between the Karnataka system and BPUT.

  • According to the above mentioned article In Karnataka admission under management quota is done by individual colleges making up their own merit list. Under BPUT, this year admission to management quota is also through common counseling and one has to take the Orissa JEE. BPUT is even having a second JEE so that the leftover seats in the colleges can get filled.
  • In Orissa many of the colleges do not have heavy political connections.

Some questions that I hope some students in engineering colleges can answer are as follows:

  • How does the internal system of marks work in Orissa engineering colleges under BPUT?
  • How good or bad is the grading?

Dear Readers: Please make other comparisons.

5 comments October 19th, 2007

Orissa Society of the Americas writes about central university and IIT to the CM and PM: Various reports

Update1: Dharitri’s short report is given below.

This has been reported in, Kalinga Times, and so far. Odisha. in has the two letters.

We appeal to the readers with interest in Orissa to contact their local organization (Outside Orissa, the local Orissa/Oriya/Kalinga organization) and through them send a similar letter to the PM and CM at the earliest. The planning commission has been asked by the PM on September 14th to make the location decisions in two months. So time is running out on this.

2 comments October 8th, 2007

On Central University matters Bihar is awake, Orissa is sleeping

(Request to readers associate with Orissa: Please send a request to with  cc to, "" <>)

The  last paragraph of  the New Indian Express report says the following:

Fatmi said that the Central Government proposed to set up a Central University in Bihar as part of its plans for 30 new Universities. Though the University Grants Commission (UGC) suggested the upgradition of Patna University, the Government wanted to set up Central University, besides upgrading Patna University.

However, although we have sent several communications to the Orissa government on making a similar effort for a second central university for Orissa — beyond the automatic one presumably in the KBK region, the Orissa government has been silent. reports on our efforts and the resulting frustration.

Following are mails that we have sent to the CMO.

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister:

On August 15th the PM announced that there will be 30 new central universities, with 16 of them in states that do not have any. (That means Orissa will get one and since Orissa has been asking for a central university in KBK, it should go to KBK.)

As per the PM’s address to the planning commission few weeks back, the remaining 14 central universities will be decided on the basis of competition. See and

Since India already has 23 central universities (none among them is in Orissa)  and the new 30 ones will take the total to 53, Orissa deserves not just one  but two central universities. (Note: Orissa is the 11th largest state of India in terms of population and 9th largest in terms of area.)

But as the PM  clearly said, the 14 (30-16) central universities will be decided  on a competitive basis. THUS, Orissa govt. must send a proposal on this to the HRD ministry and the PM. This needs to be done as soon as possible as the PM gave 2 months time to the planning commission for deciding on the locations and close to 3 weeks has already gone by.

I would like to propose that the Orissa govt., send a proposal immediately to upgrade Ravenshaw University as a central university.

This is because Ravenshaw matches the best with respect to all the conditions that the PM mentioned in his address to the planning commission. In particular:

  1. Ravenshaw is a unitary university. i.e., Like world class universities such as most universities in the United States, and like most of the existing central universities in India (such as JNU, BHU etc.) Ravenshaw does not have any affiliated colleges.

  2. Ravenshaw‘s location at the heart the millennium city of Cuttack and also in the middle of the Bhubaneswar-Cuttack metropolitan area makes it easy to access and the presence of top-notch educational and research institutions near it makes Ravenshaw a good candidate for becoming a world-class knowledge hub; i.e., a world class central university. (The PM mentioned this criteria explicitly.)

  3. Ravenshaw had made plans for its expansion in directions that are in unison with the goal of a world class university that the PM talked about.

  4. Among all universities in India that may be considered for an upgrade, Ravenshaw is in a unique position by virtue of its recent designation as a university. The existing faculty of Ravenshaw are Government of Orissa faculty and are not automatically entitled to be Ravenshaw faculty. So Ravenhsaw can be choosy in retaining only the ones that are qualified to be a faculty in a world class university. The others may revert back to the Government of Orissa to be posted to other colleges in Orissa.
  5. Finally, Ravenshaw is one of the oldest higher education institutions of India with a glorious past. Its alumni is almost who’s who of Orissa. 

In closing, I would urge you to not miss this opportunity for making a case for a second central university in Orissa. Otherwise we will continue to remain behind, while other states will have 2, 3 or more central universities.

Chitta Baral

2 comments October 6th, 2007

Orissa might again miss getting an IIT: Pioneer and

Appeal to the readers: Please write to the CMO at with cc to Industry Secretary

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer. also reports on this.

It now seems abundantly clear that Orissa is going to miss an Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) for the second time. While one after another State is receiving the green signal from the Centre for an IIT, Orissa continues to lag behind.

The Centre on Tuesday announced that it would open a Central university and an IIT in Himachal Pradesh. "Prime Minister Manmohan Singh told me to announce a Central university and an IIT," said Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram at Shimla. The announcements come ahead of the Assembly elections in that State due in February next.

Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh said opening up of a Central university and an Institute of Technology (IIT) would boost the educational standards in his hill State.

Earlier, in the last week of August, Virbhadra Singh had presented a memorandum to set up a Central university and an IIT in Himachal Pradesh to the Minister of Human Resource Development and the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister had announced on August 15 that there would be eight new IITs in the country.

After Manmohan Singh’s announcement, at least Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana approached him to set up IITs in their respective States. Orissa Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik is yet to finalise whether to ask for up-gradation of an existing engineering college to an IIT or to go in for a new IIT, said sources.

… Unless the Orissa Government takes an early decision, the State will miss the IIT bus once again, said an IITian. And this would seal the fate of the State so far receiving a new Institute of Technology (IIT) in future, he added.

October 4th, 2007

Appeal to readers: need your urgent help on the IIT issue

Dear all:

I was told that the CM’s office has not sent a letter to the PM after the announcement of 5 more new IITs were made. This while, other states have staked their claim. He was supposed to have sent a letter a month back, but apparently he has not sent it.

Apparently his office can not decide which one of the options to pursue: upgrade Burla (300 crores); IIT KGP campus in BBSR (800 crores);  greenfield IIT 1000-4000 crores.

I can not believe that they are that indecisive.

Please send a short email immediately to the CM withh cc to Industry Secretary and urge them that the CM must send a letter to the PM on a new IIT followed by a vision document.

best regards


Follow-up to this: I had made the above appeal by email to certain groups. In response, many of you sent the mail on this. Thank you very much. I am being told that the emails have made the cmo office take notice. See the mention in

My purpose of writing this is to convey that your emails are not thrown away without reading. They are being read and not thrown away. How else a journalist will get hold of them and write about it?

I hope they will take action soon.

Please participate in such email writing, if the cause resonates with  you.

best regards

3 comments October 1st, 2007

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