International Management Institute New Delhi Requires Director for its Bhubaneshwar & Delhi Campuses

Following is from

International Management Institute New Delhi Requires Director for its Bhubaneshwar & Delhi Campuses

Candidate should have

1. PhD/ Fellow in Management related Disciplines from a leading University/ Institute (India or abroad).

2. Age – 45 -60

3. Published research papers in Peer-reviewed Journals, e.g.: Journals of leading IIMs, referred International Journals, etc.

4. Experience – at least 15 years, teaching experience/ Research/ Industry Experience with minimum 10 years as Full Professor in a leading Institution.

5. Consultancy / MDP – desirable to have extensive experience in Consultancy and Training

6. Networking  — Should have done professional networking for business development with various professional bodies, Institutions, and or Government bodies.

7. High credibility in Education field and industry

Compensation is best in the industry. Interested applicants may apply by February 5, 2011 to

January 22nd, 2011

XIMB University plans; the university may be at Sambalpur

Thanks to reader Jitu for the pointer. Following are excerpts from an interview in

Bhubhaneswar-based Xavier’s Institute of Management (XIMB) is in the process of turning into a university soon, its Director Fr PT Joseph, SJ tells PaGaLGuY. In this interview, he also speaks about the curriculum changes the institute is planning for its Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) and the PGDM Rural Management courses.

What changes can the incoming batch of 2013 look forward to benefitting from at XIMB?

From the point of view of the fulltime programme students, we will be revising the curriculum a little bit next year. Apart from that, although it doesn’t directly affect PGDM or PGDM(RM) students, but we have started a 1-year advanced management programme on Resettlement and Rehabilitation and Corporate Social Responsibility for 15 executives of Uttarakhand’s Tehri Hydro Development Corporation. This along with our other initiatives in the rural management and social sector will continue to be under focus in the coming year.

Are you looking at an increase in intake for any of the the two-year programmes?

We were looking at expansion in the number of seats but the proposal hasn’t gone past AICTE’s regulations. But we may become a university soon and therefore increase intake from a university perspective. That process might take one or two months to finalize, but we are in the process of becoming a university.

Would that mean that the PGDM degrees would be offered as full-fledged MBA degrees under the XIMB University?

The PGDM will still remain as an AICTE-approved course, it may not become a university degree for now. But after we get university status we may start some other type of programmes under the university. Right now we have gotten the government sanction of Rs 10 crores and are involved with acquiring the necessary land for the University in Sambalpur. Until land is acquired, which is priority for now, we aren’t in a position to share more details.

What is XIMB’s faculty strength now and how are you thinking about expanding it?

As of now we are 55 in total. One more is joining in December and another two may join in January 2011. We hire faculty whenever we come across somebody good. For example, one of the faculty joining next is a Cornell University PhD with lots of experience. Another person in the recruitment process has worked in Netherlands and has a PhD from Korea.

What kind of curriculum changes are you going to make in the PGDM and PGDM(RM) courses before the next batch joins?

We have already started a new course on Environment and Sustainability which is mandatory for all the 180 PGDM students. There’s another mandatory course on Emotional quotient and Leadership. Next, we are planning a meeting of all the faculty on the January 12, 2011. Before that meeting, a committee is preparing the background papers by looking at changes in the global and Indian economy. Only after the January 12 meeting will a clear picture emerge about the exact changes.

But speaking in general, we’ve been teaching management that is too bifurcated by specialization in our view. As you know, students choose to go for either marketing or finance or other specializations during the course. We are having a feeling that there should be some integration between these specializations by changing their content and give each course a holistic approach. For example, we know that there is a good market for inkjet printer cartridges. But inkjet cartridge production also generates a large amount of waste and affects the environment. So when we teach either of marketing or production management, we need to also bring awareness of sustainability in and show how both marketing and production are linked. If we can do this, we will not only make better managers but also better human beings. Apart from that, we would like to increase our connection with the bottom of the pyramid. We have a very strong programme in which all 180 PGDM students went and stayed in villages for 3 days. We want to increase their exposure to bottom of the pyramid and to leadership. We would also like to focus on ways to increase mentoring from faculty and senior students.

2 comments January 1st, 2011

Construction site pictures of IMI Bhubaneswar campus on 29th December 2010; suggests good progress towards 2011 opening

The following picture is taken near the main construction entrance looking to the left.

The following picture shows the main construction entrance and a distant look on the buildings on the left.

The following picture is taken from the construction entrance looking to the right.

The following picture is taken from the construction entrance looking to the far right.

The folloiwng picture is a close-up view to the right.

The following picture is taken from the inside of IIIT Bhubaneswar. The building on the left are the IIIT hostels. The faraway buildings in the center and the right are the IMI buildings. This picture shows that IIIT and IMI are adjacent to each other.

3 comments December 30th, 2010

BIMTECH Bhubaneswar classes planned to start in 2012

This is mentioned in the document at Following is a plan drawing of their administrative block.

BIMTECH has been given 29.4 acres near IIIT Bhubaneswar.

December 12th, 2010

Faculty positions advertised for IMI Campus of Bhubaneswar; expected to start in 2011

First we give  some excerpts from an interview with IMI Director of Admissions done by

Following the diversity-wave hitting Indian b-schools, Delhi-based International  Management Institute (IMI) too is comtemplating using relaxed CAT cut-offs for students from commerce, economics and arts backgrounds, says Admission Director Prof Himadri Das. In this interview, he also announces IMI’s thought process behind opening new campuses in Kolkata and Bhubhaneswar.

Why is IMI expanding to two new locations?

We are opening two new campuses in Kolkata and Bhubhaneswar. We believe that there is a huge demand-supply gap of good quality schools in the eastern sector of India. There’s a good concentration of good b-schools in north and west India. But if you looked at the east, there’s nothing in Orissa apart from XIM Bhubhaneswar. If you looked at Kolkata, there’s nothing of the stature of IIM Calcutta or even IIFT Kolkata. Slightly northwards, there’s XLRI Jamshedpur which is top quality. But that’s about it.So we’re going to bridge the gap in that geographical area.

Opening an IMI in Kolkata was a natural progression because the IMI board’s Chairman is based out of Kolkata. They already had the land for the campus and we plan to launch that school in June 2011 subject to AICTE approval. In Bhubhaneswar, we were able to get institutional land from the government right next to IIIT Bhubhaneswar. We’ve got a huge 16-acre campus there and we plan to run all our residential Executive Development Programs (EDPs) there.

We are limited in terms of land in both Delhi and Kolkata, but not in Bhubhaneswar. So we plan to run all our EDPs from there apart from the standard PGDM courses subject to AICTE approval. Each of the new IMIs will have independent directors, all of equal seniority level, but the overall board of governors will be common. In terms of governance, these schools will be independent b-schools. For the start, IMI Delhi will help these two b-schools to get off the ground in terms of visiting faculty and curriculum.

…  How will you persuade good faculty to come and work for you in lower-profile cities such as Bhubhaneswar?

We obviously feel there will be a good response from faculty which is why we are opening these branches. But the real test will be when we look to hire people. Only last week have we put up the advertisements for hiring faculty so we’ll known soon how tough it’ll be. But in
Bhubhaneswar it’s going to be a residential campus where we’ll provide nice housing for the faculty in a gated sort of community, away from the hustle bustle of city life.

It is mentioned in their brochure that subject to AICTE approval they plan to start classes in the Bhubaneswar campus in 2011. Following is their ad for faculty for both their Bhubaneswar and Delhi campus.

In Bhubaneswar the IMI Campus will be located near IIIT and it has been given 15.8 acres. The IMI Kolkata campus has an area of 3 acres. The Delhi campus also has an area of 3 acres.

1 comment December 12th, 2010

Status of the proposed Xavier University

Following is from an article in

The proposed Xavier University in Odisha seems to be pushed inside the deep fridge.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik eagerly approved the proposed Xavier University in the state in July, 2009.

Thanks to the initiative of Fr.P T Joseph, Director XIMB who brought the issue to the authorities in the Odisha Government about the requirement of Xavier University in the state.

Ananga Udaya Singh Deo, Minister Planning & Coordination, who raised the issue in the State Cabinet in a strong way, impressed the Chief Minister.

With the green signal of the Chief Minister the authorities in XIMB moved ahead with accquiring land nearby the Capital City and a Detailed Plan for the proposed university was prepared.

Every thing is ready.

So every body expected that the much needed Xavier University Bill will come up in the Winter Session of the Odisha Legislative Assembly.

Now on 23 November, Winter Session of the OLA begins.

However there is no sign of the proposed bill on Xavier varsity, revealed an officer in the Department of Law.

Why is it so?

Officials in the Department of Higher Education reveal that though the Xavier University proposal has been approved by the Chief Minister, no separate bill for the proposed varsity will be presented in the Assembly.

An Umbrella Act is being prepared for all the private and professional universities, which is likely to be tabled in the House.

However legal pundits opine that such an Umbrella Act will not stand scrutiny of law.

That is why the Umbrella Act, which was posed to Department of Law during last August, is yet to be vetted by the legal experts.

Legal luminaries feel that “an Umbrella Act for Universities is bad in eyes of law”.

That is why such an Umbrella Act adopted by the Government of Chhatisgarh was set aside by the Apex Court in recent past.

Educationists feel that “If one does not have the right connections in the Corridors of Power in Odisha, it is impossible to move an inch”.

With no Godfather backing the Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), the Director Fr. Joseph is running from pillar to post to clear the Xavier University Bill.

However no body knows where the file is gathering dust in the State Secretariat.


This is really unfortunate.

November 11th, 2010

Proposed XIMB campuses in Balangir and Sambalpur to have 120 seats each

Following is an excerpt from a report in

Minister said to provide qualitative education on Management, XIMB has been roped in to set up its campus at Balangir to start a Post Graduate Program in General Management with specialization in Banking and Finance Service.

Intake will be 60 students in this discipline and equal number of students in Rural Management Program, for which XIMB will be given Rs.10 crore grant.

Similarly XIMB will open another branch at Sambalpur for General Management with specialization in Human Resource Development Program with intake capacity of 120 students, said the Minister.

54 comments July 18th, 2010

XIMB to get government support of 20 crores for its campuses in Balangir and Sambalpur

Update: Following are excerpts from a report in Telegraph.

“It (the additional centre) will either be in Sambalpur or Bolangir. We might even open centres in both cities. This will depend on where the state government provides land. Once that is over, we will sign a memorandum of understanding with the state government,” said XIMB director Father P.T. Joseph.

… “We are just waiting for Naveen Patnaik’s approval. We can start work on the new centre as soon as we receive his approval,” he said.

… “The management college will come as succour to students aspiring for quality higher education in the neglected areas of western Orissa. Centres of XIMB will come up at both Bolangir and Sambalpur. We are in the process of finalising the land plots. The state government has already sanctioned Rs 10 crore for the project,” said Singh Deo.

Update: Following is from Samaja.

Following is from

… XIMB will open two Centers in Balangir and Sambalpur in Western Odisha to provide Higher Education in Management.

… Both for Balangir and Sambalpur Centers of XIMB, the State Government will provide Rs.20 crore grant from the kitty of Western Odisha Development Council (WODC), said sources. 

The proposal was sent to the Chief Minister by Ananga Udaya Singh Deo, Minister Planning & Coordination and Public Enterprises.

… Chief Minister Mr.Patnaik, who is eager for balanced growth of the entire state, favored the idea and has approved the proposal, said a senior mandarin in the Department of Planning & Coordination. 

Chief Secretary Tarun Kanti Mishra has also favored the idea of supporting XIMB as the top notch B-School is opening its branches at Balangir and Sambalpur.

This is really a good development.  There are several other developments which together provide several lessons.

  • Silicon started in Bhubaneswar and last year it opened a branch in Sambalpur. Its branch in Sambalpur was funded by a Silicon Valley group which is now planning to pump 150-300 crores to develop Silicon University which will benefit both its Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur operations.
  • GIET Gunupur is the first of the Gandhi institutions and the group now has many  colleges including ones in Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and Rayagada.
  • IIT Bhubaneswar will have an additional marine campus in a location away from Bhbaneswar.
  • Hi-Tech sarted its first medical college in Bhubaneswar. It is now making a medical college in Rourkela.

There are two lessons one can draw from this.

  1. Private institutions of education are playing and will continue to play important role in the state and people wanting to develop their area should themselves get involved in establishing institutions. This is in addition to pursuing the government which every citizen has the right to pursue.
  2. Development in the state will spread from one area to other. The key is to let development happen without delay. The more it is delayed in one location, it will result in more delay in the rest of the places. For example, a successful Vedanta University in a location would lead to additional branches in other locations. The key is to let the first campus be operational at the earliest.

17 comments July 7th, 2010

CM favors Xavier University: scrolling headline

Also heard it from other high ranking sources that the CM has approved Xavier University. So this should come up in the next cabinet meeting and hopefully in the next assembly session or possibly even in the next half of the current assembly session.

Genesis (from sources): The idea for making Xavier University was first mooted in June 2009. It has taken a year for it to get the CM’s official nod. I was told that the time in between was spent in convincing various officials and ministers in the government, drafting the bill and getting the proposal approved by the XIMB board.


June 28th, 2010

XIMB starts short programs in Delhi; Dubai may be next

Following is from a report in webnewswire.

Xavier Institute of Management-Bhubaneswar(XIMB) announces Financial Planning and Wealth Management Program in New Delhi, for graduates, working professionals and enterpreneurs providing services to financial sector and for those who hold keen interest in the same sphere. This program will expose the participants to various theories and practices of Financial and Wealth Management enabling them to equip with the techniques with which they can handle their current business tasks in better and effective manner.

Since, the prime objective of the program is quality education that would help in better career prospects in corporate sector, the core faculty of XIMB would hold the sessions at Lodhi Road imparting both practical and theoratical insights of the financial world. The lectures would be a judicious blend of physical classroom sessions, instructor lead training, quizzes, case studies and project works. Participants would be benefited both academically and professionally as this program would have a high market value and branding among the corporates.

During the total tenure of 6 months integrated approach to learn various aspects of Finance, Financial Services Insurance(Life, Non-Life), Risk Management, Pension Planning, Estate and Tax Planning would give participants holistic perspective of Financial Planning so that they can shoulder greater responsibilities in their future career. Details of the program is available on or

Eligibility of the program is minimum 50% in graduation. Participants can attend the lectures without compromising their working schedule. The admission process would include application form+written test followed by personal interview. Participants will be awarded with a certificate from XIMB after the completion of the program.

Total fee is of Rs.50,000+ service tax. The documents required for the admission are certified copy of official academic records, copy of work experience (with attached visiting card) and four passport size colour photographs.

Admission forms are available from Ms Darshana Vyas at and these can be obtained free of cost.For further information call 011-46076571 or 9268730013.

I was told XIMB is also exploring offering short courses in Dubai. These initiatives should help further increase the brand value of XIMB. In addition extra money from these initiatives could be deployed in the proposed Xavier University and new XIMB campuses in Khurda and Balangir. Odisha government should fast track the Xavier University Bill and any issue (such as land allotment) associated with the new XIMB campuses.

June 25th, 2010

Bhubaneswar Odisha a favorite for second campuses of Business Schools

Businessworld has an article on various management schools that are opening second campuses across the country. Among the seven institutes that are mentioned regarding second campuses, Bhubaneswar figures with respect to 4 of them. The article also updates on the status of these campuses. Following are some excerpts:

International Management Institute (IMI) is also setting up a second campus in Bhubaneswar. The ostensible reason for a second campus is the shortage of infrastructure at the Delhi campus. “But the choice of location was based on the encouragement from the state government and our desire to bring high quality management education to this region,” says P.K. Bhaumik, director, IMI-Delhi.

Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), has already been given land by the Orissa government for its second campus in Khurda (15 km from the main campus). “The government of Orissa had said they would build a compound wall to the Khurda campus and hand it over to us,” says P.T. Joseph, director, XIMB. The institute also plans to open two new campuses in Bolangir and Sambalpur in Orissa. However, the state government is yet to sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the other two plots.

Similarly, Birla Institute of Management Technology (Bimtech), has been granted 30 acres of land by the Orissa government to set up a new campus in Bhubaneswar. “So far, we have registered the new campus and are finalising the design. With two specialised programmes, Faculty of Management and Faculty of Design, the first session is expected to start in June 2012,” says Harivansh Chaturvedi, director of Bimtech.

Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI University), which has eight campuses all over the country, is now adding new campuses in Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Baddi (Himachal Pradesh), Guwahati, Indore and Bhubaneswar.  “This is not a new trend. For so long, the IIMs were at seven different locations and Xavier’s was at four different locations. Now, others are following,” says Koshy Verghese, secretary general, Federation of Universities, Hyderabad.

Does the above mean that BIMTech Bhubaneswar will have a program in Design.

3 comments June 21st, 2010

Top Business School clusters in India; Bhubaneswar among top 10

Using the ranking of business schools given in a Businessworld article and adding a few well-known business school that were not part of that ranking, following is a clustering of those schools with respect to the metropolitan areas of India.

Metropolitan areas Top ranked management schools
 Delhi, NOIDA, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Faridabad      (25 schools)  MDI (8), IIFT (9), IMI (14), IMT (15), IIT D (17), BIMTECH (top 30), EMPI (42), NDIM (44), Fore (46), IMS (48), NILM (49), Amity (51), NIMT (53), Accurate (57), DSPSR (59), Jagannath (59), JK (64),  ITS (69), Skyline (71), Jagan (75), NSB-NILM (81), APIM (84), SMS (87), Shiva (87), IMR (101)
 Mumbai (14)  NIIE (5), NMIMS (7), Bajaj (10), IIT B(11), Jain (12), Somaiya (16),  Welingker (23), Sydenham (30), ITM (39), St Francis (58), Thakur (65), IMSR (86), SIES (90), NCRD (102)
 Kolkata (7)  IIM C (2), IISWBM (33), U Calcutta (61), Eastern (78), ISBM (92), CMS (104), Eastern (108)
 Bangalore (6)  IIM B (top 5), Acharya (20), IFIM (53), PES (62), IBMT (80), Dayanand (97)
 Ahmedabad (4)  IIM A (1), Mudra (25), Nirma (26), BK (79)
 Hyderabad (7)  ISB (top), Icfai (top 20), IPE (55), Siva (66), Vignana (85), Dhruva (91), Aurora (100)
 Bhubaneswar (5)  XIMB (13), RCM (30), KIIT (77) , Srusti (99), Biju P (106)
 Chennai (4)  Great Lakes (18), Loyola (19), IIFMR (38), MOP (110)
 Pune (8)  Symbiosis (24), Suryadatt (49), Balaji (56), Vaikunth (62), Balaji (73), ISBM (76), MIT (103), Balaji (108)
Kozhikode  IIM K (4)
 Jamshedpur  XLRI (3)
 Indore  IIM I (6), Prestige (52), IBMR (66)
 Lucknow  IIM L (top 10), Jaipuria (68),
 Manipal  Pai (21)
 Coimbatore  PSG (22)
 Bhopal  IIFM (27)
 Varanasi  BHU (28)
 Kharagpur  IIT KGP (29)
 Goa Goa Inst of M (32)
Nagpur IMT (34)
Jaipur NIAM (34), IRM (96)
Trichy Bharatidarshan (36), NIT (37)
Chandigarh ISB-branch (new; would be top 10), Gian Jyoti (40)
Cochin Sc of Comm and Mgmt (40)
Jalandhar Lovely (42)
Meerut Master (44)
Ludhiana Punjab C (70)
Pondichery SMS (71)
Neral, Maharashtra AICAR (74)
Thiruvanthapuram Kerala U (81)
Jagadhri, Haryana Maharaja (83)
Salem Sona (89)
Mathura HIMCS (92)
Allahabad United (94)
Baroda MS Patel (95)
Visakhapatnam Integral (98)
Dehradun IMS (105)
Ujjain Mahakal (107)
Ranchi ISM (111)

Based on the above clusters following are some remarks.

  • The New Delhi metropolitan area has the maximum number of top business schools (25) followed by Mumbai (14). The population of these two areas explain why that is the case.
  • The next tire is: Hyderabad (7), Pune (8), Kolkata (7) and Bangalore (6).
  • Closely following them are: Bhubaneswar (5), Ahmedabad (4) and Chennai (4)

With regards to Bhubaneswar, besides the above ranked schools there are some other good schools that are in existence and some more are coming up. The one that exists are: HDF and IITTM; the ones that are coming up soon are: campus of IMI and campus of BIMTech; the ones that will come up further down the line are: Business schools of Sri Sri University and Vedanta University. One thing to note is that all the top ranked business schools in Bhubaneswar are private ones.

June 20th, 2010

Xavier University discussed in Odisha Cabinet; but no bill was presented

Following is from a report in about the discussion of Xavier University in the Odisha Cabinet.

Ananga Udaya Singh Deo has favoured Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar(XIMB) to set up Xavier University in the state.

Minister Planning & Coordination speaking in the State Cabinet on 9 June, said if any institution merits for a University status, it is XIMB.

Giving out details Minister said that XIMB is serving the State of Odisha since 1987 has more than 4000 alumni, out of whom more than two third are from Odisha.

Mr.Singh Deo said educational institutions with little known academic excellence are allowed to set up universities, where as proposal of XIMB for a University is pending for a long time.

Cabinet was given details on XIMB by Mr.Singh Deo as he said being a Jesuit Institution, XIMB can easily tie up with other Jesuit Universities from all across the world such as University of Santa Clara, Loyala Chicago, Georgetown, St.Louis and Marquette etc.

Speaking about the credibility of XIMB, he said that for 180 seats of PGDM, XIMB has attracted 20,000 applications.

He said that in 2010 it self 48 foreign students have expressed their desire to come and spend a semester at XIMB and by making it a University more foreign students will be attracted.

XIMB has collaborations with 12 international universities and more are in offing, revealed the Minister Planning & Coordination.

Pointing out about the cent per cent placements of its students and highest placement records in Odisha has proved the credentials of XIMB in the country, said he.

Involvement of XIMB in the development of most backward districts of Odisha in KBK, where it is planning to set up its second campus will go a long way if they are allowed to set up a University, added he.

So Mr.Singh Deo urged Minister Higher Education to place the Xavier University Bill for approval of the Cabinet as soon as possible for the best interest of the state.

Debi Prasad Mishra, Minister Higher Education sounded on a positive note.

Although it is good that Xavier University was discussed in the cabinet, it is really unfortunate that the bill was not brought to the cabinet, while bills corresponding to lesser institutions were brought to the cabinet.

Following is from another article in

Decision makers in Odisha have failed to visualize the implications of delaying the establishment of University of Xavier Institute, which is going to cost the state dearly, feel educationists and intelligentsia.

Xavier is a brand name well known in Odisha (through XIMB), India and abroad and educational institutions bearing the Xavier name are highly regarded in India and abroad. 

While the State Government is sponsoring proposals of  institutions little known for their academic excellence, they have all along ignored the proposal of Xavier Institute of Management Bhubaneswar (XIMB) for a univarsity. 

Just for comparison purposes, there is no Sri Sri labeled educational institution that is in any rankings. 

Similarly, there is no Vedanta named higher educational institution. 

And last but not the least Krupaluji Maharaj has been given land to set up a University in Odisha!!! 

The Jesuit Society of India has established the XIMB.

XIMB is a top management institute in India and ranked very highly and in fact, it is the highest ranking institute in Odisha in any field. 

The next closest is NIT Rourkela which is ranked in the thirties among all engineering colleges/institutes. 

In India: Besides XIMB, XLRI (Xavier Labor Research Institute, Jamshedpur) is a top 5-7 ranked management institute in the country.

Similarly, XISS (Xavier Institute of Social Services, Ranchi) is also a well-established name. 

In addition there are many other Jesuit institutions that are well regarded in India. 

This includes the various Loyola colleges. 

In US: There are three Xavier Universities in USA in Cincinnati, Chicago and Louisiana. 

In addition there are about 30 other Jesuit universities in the USA which include famous universities such as Georgetown University. 

If a Xavier University is made in Odisha, it will be the first Xavier University in India. 

The above facts make a Xavier University in Odisha very special. 

By being the first Xavier University in India, it will have the first mover’s advantage. 

By virtue of being the first Jesuit University in India, a Xavier University in Odisha will be in a position to get help from the 30 Jesuit Universities in US. 

XIMB is ready to start construction that will make it a university, said sources. 

XIMB had already planned for expansion and was ready to start construction for some time. 

The XIMB Director Father P T Joseph has already received permission from the Jesuit society to set up Xavier University. 

This has been also discussed in the recent board meeting of XIMB. 

Several new programs that will be part of the university are already approved by the XIMB governing board. 

Father Joseph, the Director of XIMB notices the lack of good arts and commerce programs in Odisha (the IIT, NISER, NLUO, XIMB, IIPH, AIIMS etc. take care of the engineering, science, law, business, public health and medicine areas) and would like the Xavier University to have top notch world class programs in arts and commerce.

The top ranked Arts and Commerce programs in the country include many other sister Jesuit institutions such as Loyola Colleges, St. Xavier’s colleges and St. Joseph’s colleges.

Despite all of the above, the Odisha Government is dilly-dallying in establishing the Xavier University in Odisha. 

This is especially bad because a sister institution of Xavier, the Georgetown University of the US is interested in opening a branch in India

If only the Odisha government had established Xavier University, it could have approached Georgetown to open its branch in Bhubaneswar.

Because of the lack of foresight of Odisha, the state may not only remain backward in arts and commerce programs, but it may also lose the chance to get a branch of the famous Georgetown University to Odisha.

13 comments June 9th, 2010

Everonn plans business schools at Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar and Pune

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard.

Everonn Education Ltd, a Chennai-based education services company, announced plans to set up seven management institutes at a cost of Rs 25 crore each, by the next academic year. These would be set up in collaboration with a partner at Chennai, Coimbatore, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Bhubaneswar and Pune.

The proposed investment would be funded through debt and internal accruals, said P Kishore, Everonn’s managing director. “While our partner will invest in infrastructure and land, we will be bringing content and technology, where company has its expertise,” he said.


May 20th, 2010

IIT Kharagpur to start 3 year executive MBA in Bhubaneswar and Kolkata

Following is an excerpt from a report in

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur’s Vinod Gupta School of Management is starting two MBA programs for working executives at it Kolkata and Bhubhaneswar campuses. Working on a 3-year structure that will allow participants to work while they study, the courses are largely targeted towards the local population of each city they shall function in. While the Executive MBA at the Kolkata campus has a general management bent the Knowledge Industries MBA (KIMBA) at the Bhubhaneswar campus would focus on the IT and ITES sectors, explained EMBA coordinator Prof Gautam Sinha.

The intakes for both the programs would be 15 to 30 students each while the minimum eligibility will be three years of work experience and either an engineering education or post-graduate education in commerce, science or economics. More about the application system to the courses on the VGSoM website.

Prima facie, there are few differences between the EMBA and KIMBA except for a couple of core courses. The IT/ITES focused KIMBA has courses such as Technology Management and Services Management, which in the EMBA are replaced by International Management and IT & Business Applications Laboratory. Interestingly, the KIMBA has two courses on Financial Accounting while the EMBA has none. Both courses cost Rs 6 lakhs in fees, including a one-year international immersion program, which according to Prof Sinha may be carried out with one of IIT Kharagpur’s 99 tie-ups with various international institutions.

While both the courses look similar to 3-year part-time MBA courses in structure and content, Prof Sinha argues that several executive MBA courses across the world follow the part-time model. While that may be true, popular executive MBA programs in the USA or Europe wrap up in an year’s time, recognizing that the opportunity cost for working executives to stay away from work is high. To that extent, VGSOM’s Executive programs seem like 3-year part-time MBAs that give you an Executive MBA degree at the end, thus keeping you away from the stigma attached to the ‘part-time’ bit of part-time MBA.

Prof Sinha defends the three-year pattern of VGSOM’s Executive MBAs saying, “One-year or two-year programs are high pressure situations which might not be conducive for people with families.”

The links for the two programs are:

  1. E-MBA at Kolkata  for all industries
  2. KI-MBA at Bhubaneswar  for knowledge industries like Information Technology sector.

Note that earlier IIT Kharagpur also introduced 3 year weekend and after hours M.Tech programs in both cities. See

1 comment May 12th, 2010

BIMTECH campus in Bhubaneswar to start from 2012

BIMTECH’s home page is at In that page they have a link BIMTECH New Campus/ Bhubaneswar Orissa in the "What’s new" part. Following is the content of that document.

BIMTECH is soon going to Bhubaneshwar, the capital of Orissa, which today, is on a fast track o f development because of the proactive developmental policies of the Orissa Government under the leadership of Mr. Navin Patnaik. We have approached the state government for setting up a campus of our institute at Bhubaneshwar. Mr. B K Das, Advisor to the institute, contacted various government agencies in the months of September and October 2009. A formal proposal indicating our long term plans for setting up a state-of-the-art management institute/private university was submitted to the government. We are delighted that the Orissa Government has taken a quick decision and alloted 29.4 acres land located in a prime institutional area called Gothapatna. It is not far away from the city and the airport. The famous caves of Udaigiri and Khandgiri are in the neighbourhood of this location. Gothapatna has already been developed by the Infrastructure Development Corporation of Orissa (IDCO). Three other renowned institutions- Navratna National Aluminium Company (NALCO), India Institute of Information Technology( IIIT) and International Management Institute (IMI, Delhi) have been alloted plots in the neighbourhood. Syt. B K Birla and Dr. (Smt.) Sarala Birla, Founders and Patrons of our institute have taken keen interest in this project. Not only have they granted their permission for this project, but also wished that the campus, with all amenities and facilities, should be ready by June 2012. Dr. H Chaturvedi, Director, BIMTECH alog with Mr B.K.DAS visited Bhubaneshwar on December 5-6, 2009 and met senior officials of the Orissa Government. Dr. Chaturvedi also visited campuses of some reputed educational institutions and spoke to eminent educationists of Orissa. There has been an enthusiastic response to our plans of starting the campus from June 2012.

April 16th, 2010

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