Ranking of engineering colleges in Orissa

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)

The following is from our earlier post titled: "2007 ranking of Orissa Engineering colleges that participated in BPUT counseling – solely based on student preferences."

Continuing with our methodology, and solely based on the student preferences in the GE (general) category,  we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished.  For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of the CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.

  • 1. UCE Burla (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 1. CET Bhubaneswar  (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 2. ITER Bhubaneswar (16,16,16)
  • 3. Silicon Bhubaneswar (16, 20, 20)
  • 4. CV Raman Bhubaneswar (20,24,28)
  • 5. NIST Berhampur (24, 24, 28)
  • 6. GITA  Bhubaneswar(28,28,32)
  • 7. Orissa Eng College Bhubaneswar (28, 28, 36)
  • 7. IGIT Sarang (20,28,45)
  • 8. College of Eng Bhubaneswar (36,36,41)
  • 9. Gandhi Eng College Bhubaneswar (36,41,45)
  • 10. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (45,45,45)
  • 10. Trident Bhuabneswar (41, 45, 50)
  • 11. East Bhubaneswar (45,55,66)
  • 11. Gandhi Inst for Tech Bhubaneswar (50,50,60)
  • 11. GIET Gunupur (50,50,60)
  • 12. Orissa school of mining eng Keonjhar (45, 55, 117)
  • 13. NMIET Bhubaneswar (66, 72, 78)
  • 14. DRIEMS Dhenkanala(72,72,100)
  • 15. Konark Bhubaneswar (78, 78, 117)
  • 15. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (78, 100, 100)
  • 15. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (78, 84, 100)
  • 15. Synergy Dhenkanal (78, 84, 100)
  • 16. Nalanda Bhubaneswar (84, 84, 100)
  • 17. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 100)
  • 18. Roland Berhampur (84,100, 108)
  • 19. Techno Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 117)
  • 19. Padmanav Rourkela (100,100,100)
  • 20. Ajay Binay Cuttack (100,100,117)
  • 21. Ghanashyam Hemalata  Puri(100,108,136)
  • 22. Jagannath Cuttack (108,117,147)
  • 22. Bhadrakh (117,117, 136)
  • 23. JITM Parlakhemundi (117,126,147)
  • 24. Inst of Adv Rayagada (117,136,159)
  • 24. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (117,147,159)
  • 24. Purushottam Rourkela (126,126,136)
  • 26. Balasore (136,136,159)
  • 27. Seemanta Mayurbhanj (159, 159, 186)
  • 28. Padmashree Baragarh (172,172,200)
  • 29. Majighariani Rayagada (172,200,200)
  • 30. Satyasai Balasore (159, 172, 999)
  • 31. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (186,999,999)
  • 32. Gopal Krishna Jeypore (999,999,999)

The colleges that are missing from the above are NIT Rourkela, and KIIT. I consider NIT Rourkela to currently be the best in Orissa. I would slot KIIT around ITER and Silicon.

Outlook for 2008-2009:

Now that ITER’s parent organization Siksha O Anusandhan has become a deemed university, ITER may opt out of Orissa JEE and/or 2008 BPUT counseling.

In 2008 and 2009 there would be several new colleges.

213 comments May 29th, 2008

Developing the Berhampur-Bhubaneswar knowledge corridor

The existing and would be Knowledge Corridors of India[1] are:

(i) Kharagpur-Kolkata(116 kms)-Kalyani (50 kms from Howrah Station):  Kharagpur has the IIT, World Class Central University will be near Kolkata, IIM is in Kolkata, ISI is in Kolkata, and IISER will be in Haringhata, Kalyani.

(ii) Mumbai-Pune 150 kms (176 kms by rail): Mumbai has the IIT, Pune has the IISER, the world class central university will be in Pune.

(iii) Bangalore-Mysore 140 kms (138 kms by rail): IISc and IIM are in Bangalore, World Class central University will be in Mysore.

(iv) Indore-Bhopal 186 kms (218 kms by rail): IIM is in Indore, IIT will be in Indore, IISER and World class central university will be in Bhopal.

(v) Amritsar-Ropar-Chandigarh (217 kms): IISER is near Chandigarh, World class central university will be in Amritsar, IIT will be in Ropar 45 kms from Chandigarh.

Thus we propose the following major Knowledge Corridor (rather network) in Orissa[2]:

Cuttack-Bhubaneswar-Berhampur and Bhubaneswar-Puri-Vedanta University  

Berhampur to Bhubaneswar is 179 kms by road[3]  and 165 kms by rail. The following table shows the distance by rail with respect to the Cuttack-Bhubaneswar-Berhampur corridor.


Stn Code

Stn Name

Arrival Time

Dep. Time

Halt Time












5 min










2 min










15 min







Khurda Road Jn



10 min










1 min







Kalupara Ghat



1 min










1 min










1 min










1 min










1 min










5 min





To develop the Berhampur-Bhubaneswar corridor it is most important that anchor institutions be established in Berhampur. With IIT and IIIT seeming to slip more towards the Bhubaneswar side all out efforts should be made for an NIT (one of the proposed 10 new NITs in the 11th plan) in Berhampur and to upgrade MKCG Medical College to the AIIMS level. For the later one may note that some of the other states will be having multiple institutions either upgraded or newly made to AIIMS level.



[1] Some others are: Raipur-Bilaspur 111 kms (110 kms by rail): Raipur has NIT and will have IIM, Bilaspur will have a central university.

Kozhikode-Kochi 181 kms (190 kms by rail): Kozhikode has the IIM; Kochi will have the world class central university.

Kochi-Trivendrum 220 kms (206 kms by rail): IISER and IIST (Indian Inst. of Space Sc. & Technology) are being made at Trivendrum

[2] A second corridor in Orissa that could be developed is: Raurkela-Jharsuguda-Sambalpur 173 kms (151 kms by rail)

7 comments May 29th, 2008

NASSCOM list of locations and recommendations for the 20 IIITs

Following is an excerpt from a report in Hindu. (NASSCOM’s press release is here.)

The National Association of Software and Service Companies (Nasscom) on Thursday suggested the 20 cities for setting up new Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT).

Delhi, Chennai, Thiruvananthapuram, Bangalore and Jammu are among the cities suggested.

… In its model detailed project report (DPR) presented to the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Nasscom, the trade body representing the Indian information technology and business process outsourcing (IT-BPO) industry, has also included the names of Chandigarh, Dehradun, Lucknow, Patna, Shillong, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Indore, Nagpur, Bhubaneshwar, Pune, Visakhapatanam, Mysore, Mangalore and Coimbatore for establishing new IIITs. PPP model

In its model DPR that will serve as a template for the preparation of the DPR for each individual IIIT, Nasscom has proposed that the new IIITs be set up as a fully autonomous institutions, through a public-private partnership (PPP) model. The partners in setting up the IIITs should be the Ministry, the respective State governments and industry members.

National importance

According to Nasscom president Som Mittal, each IIIT has been envisioned to become a world-class academic institute and evolve into technology and functional ‘Centres of Excellence’ through a strong focus on research in frontier technology areas.

To achieve this, it is imperative to attract best-in-class faculty, and students; develop sustainable linkages with industry; and provide an environment conducive for research excellence.

To justify the large investments being made in the IIITs, it is important that they provide a sufficient scale at undergraduate, post-graduate and doctoral research levels, he added. …


“The model for the new IIITs proposed in the DPR focuses on both academic and research excellence through innovative governance and operational approaches and a strong and sustained participation from the IT industry.

“However, achieving this will not be easy and it is important that each institute is supported, especially in the initial years, and is also allowed complete autonomy to define its roadmap and implement it,” Mr. Mittal added.

Following are some excerpts from a report in Business Standard.

While required investment into the IIITs could vary depending on the city, close to Rs 100 crore has been estimated for each IIIT. …

The locations of IIITs have been arrived at on the basis of how well connected they are in terms of transport and facilities and their prominence to industrial hubs. Considering the dire faculty crunch in the country, Nasscom has made it clear that faculty members must be be given salaries prevalent in the market.

It has been suggested that each IIIT must have the autonomy to decide its own salary structure to compete with private educational institutes. Collaborating private organisations would be requested to send their experienced employees as visiting faculty members. A higher number of visiting faculty and faculty-exchange programmes with universities in India and abroad have been suggested.

The report says all programmes in an IIIT should be given equal importance, having noted that generally it is the undergraduate programme in institutes that receives most of the attention. It has been suggested that other post-graduate programmes, especially the PhD programmes, should not be compromised with.

The development of the PhD programme, according to one of the suggestions, is vital to the growth of IIITs as these doctoral students could be groomed for teaching positions in IIITs, creating a strong pool of candidates for top academic positions.

It has been recommended that the undergraduate programme of IIITs could be scaled up to 600 students, the post-graduate programme could take about 400 students and the PhD programme could have an intake of 100 students.

A faculty-student ratio of 1:14 has been suggested. The report has suggested an integrated campus model and a hub-and-spoke campus model, depending on the IIIT.

The Orissa government has to figure out a way to have this IIIT in Berhampur and if not then convince the central govt. to establish one of the proposed 10 NITs in Berhampur.

1 comment May 23rd, 2008

Berhampur University teams up with ICICI to offer PG Diploma in Banking and Insurance Management

5 comments May 12th, 2008

NTTF offers several diploma courses in Gopalpur

NTTF is the Nettur Technical Training Foundation. It has a center in Gopalpur. It offers the following programs in Gopalpur:

  • Diploma in Electronics
  • Diploma in Manufacturing Technology

3 comments April 17th, 2008

Spreading higher education HRD resources across Orissa through new initiatives

The recent announcements of the locations of the 30 central universities, new IITs and IIMs and earlier announcements of IISERs shows how the Government of India has corrected the earlier imbalance in terms of marquee HRD institution locations and has now spread its HRD institutions all across India. The Orissa  government should do the same. In particular, for Orissa to get to the targeted 15% enrollment in higher education from its current 6.1% it must provide opportunities of higher education across Orissa. With this in mind we propose that while announcing its IIT and central university locations it must do the following:

  1. Not be complacent and pursue other undecided issues at MHRD (this includes pursuing one of the proposed 10 NITs, one of the four new National Institutes of Design, an NIFT, one of the 20 IIITs etc.)
  2. Establish new universities and institutions across Orissa to fill existing holes in Orissa higher education landscape. In particular it should:
  • Establish the IIT at a location a bit far from Bhubaneswar (as far as acceptable to center, and as far as it can still maintain its proximity to Bhubaneswar to be able to be competitive in recruiting good faculty)
  • Establish the second central university in KBK with branch campuses across KBK+ districts. The first choice for a HQ could be Bhawanipatna, which is well connected to other places in KBK. Alternatives are Koraput-Jeypore area or Rayagada. If the center does not allow this and requires that the central university be near a city then Rourkela (which is without a regular university) would be a good location.
  • The new IIIT should be in location other than Rourkela and Bhubaneswar, and in a  place where there is an STPI. Berhampur would be a first choice. Other choices could be Bhadrakh (between Kalinganagar industrial area and Balasore) and Sambalpur.
  • New NIT: If it will be an upgradation, then UCE Burla is the first choice. If it will be a greenfield one then possible choices include industry hubs such as Angul, Kalinganagar, Rayagada.
  • A regular university in Rourkela: Rourkela, the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa needs a regular university where students can pursue masters and Ph.Ds in science, liberal arts, etc.
  • A medical college in Rourkela.
  • A medical college in North Orissa: Balasore has been demanding a medical college for a long time.
  • Upgrade UCE Burla to a state university and position it better to make it an IIEST similar to what West Bengal and Kerala did with respect to BESU and CUSAT respectively.
  • State universities in KBK region: The government should aim for three universities for the three undivided KBK districts. If a central university is established in one of the three districts then the other two should have state universities.
  • The state government should make a few more state engineering colleges in industrial and emerging areas such as Rayagada, Kalinganagar, Jharsuguda and Paradeep. Perhaps the premiere engineering schools in Berhampur and Jharsuguda can be upgraded to engineering colleges.
  • A medical college, perhaps in partnership with NALCO and/or MCL and a regular university in Angul-Talcher area may also be considered.

To do the above the state might consider going the PPP route and creating a corpus of 1000-2000 crores.

12 comments April 13th, 2008

MOU for five textile training centers

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

the State Government and Apparel Export Promotion Council on Thursday signed an MoU to set up apparel training and design centres.

As per the MoU, five satellite centres would be set up at Berhampur, Rourkela, Baripada, Sambalpur and Cuttack. Three centres at Berhampur, Baripada and Rourkela would start on 31st May, 2008. The two other centres at Cuttak and Sambalpur will be taken up in the next phase.

As per the scheme, the initial capital expenditure of Rs 30 lakh for setting up the institution will be provided by State Government. The assistance will come from the State Employment Mission which works with the objective of skill generation for creating employability among rural and urban youths. The Government will also make available for the Centre floor area of 5,500- 7,500 sq feet suitable for undertaking training and housing equipments. The AEPC will be responsible for other recurring expense for running the institutions including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day-to-day.

The APEC will be responsible for other recurring expenses for running institution including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day a to day management. In selection of trainees, local candidates will be given priority and selection will be made from the candidates of Orissa only. These five centres will able to generate about 5,000- 6,000 employment in the garment sector only and 20,00 -26,000 over the 11th plan period.

1 comment April 4th, 2008

2.5 crore each to ITIs in Puri, Cuttack, Chhatrapur and Umerkote.

The following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=36717.

Rajya Sabha

For upgradation of Government ITIs in the Country the Central Government has launched a new Scheme “Upgradation of 1396 Government ITIs through Public Private Partnership” : The first batch of 300 ITIs has been taken up for upgradation at a cost of Rs. 750.00 Cr. in 2007-08.

Under this Scheme an Industry Partner is associated with each ITI to lead the process of upgradation. An Institute Management Committee (IMC) is set up in the ITI with the Industry Partner or its representative as the Chairperson and the Principal of the ITI as the member Secretary. The IMC is registered as a Society and an interest free loan of upto Rs. 2.5 Cr. is given directly to the IMC Society. The loan is repayable by the IMC Society over a period of 30 years.

For 2007-08, four Government ITIs in the State of Orissa viz. ITIs at Puri, Cuttack, Umerkote (Nabarangpur dist.), and Chhatrapur (Women) have been covered under this Scheme and interest free loan of Rs. 10 Cr. has been released to them at a rate of Rs. 2.5 Cr. per ITI.

This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Shri Oscar Fernandes in a written reply in the Rajya Sabha today.


March 19th, 2008

St. Xavier’s schools across Orissa

St. Xavier’s high school group has established and is currently establishing many schools across Orissa and neighboring states. As per http://www.stxavierschools.org/aboutgroup.htm they have schools in Berhampur, Bhanjanagar, Cuttack, Balangir, Jagatsinghpur, Puri, Balasore, Rayagada, Jajpur Rd and Keonjhar. They are establishing schools in Cuttack-Bhubaneswar and Sunabeda. The Cuttack school is affiliated to CBSE board. The affiliation of the other schools is not clear.


16 comments March 1st, 2008

Expansion demand for Khallikote College: Samaja

February 22nd, 2008

NRIs propose to set up three private medical colleges; Berhampur wants one: Dharitri

February 4th, 2008

Berhampur University partners with BARC on research: Dharitri

February 3rd, 2008

Plans for apaprel design and training centers in Cuttack, Baripada, Berhampur, Rourkela and Sambalpur: Samaja

December 9th, 2007

IGNOU admission ad in Samaja for its management programs; study centers across Orissa

1 comment December 3rd, 2007

CM meets union minister of Science and Technology for a Biotechnology incubation center

Following is from the press release at http://rc.orissa.gov.in/index3.asp?linkid=30&sublinkid=232.

Chief Minister then, met the Union Minister for Science & Technology and Earth Sciences, Shri Kapil Sibal. He requested him for immediate sanction of a Biotechnology Incubation Centre (BTIC) at the Biotech Pharma IT Park proposed at Bhubaneswar. The Incubator, which will be part of the Biotechnology Park, will nurture innovative ideas into successful business ventures. It will enable the Park, to get essential facilities like state-of-the-art laboratories, equipment, training centre etc., for which the State Government has already provided 65 acres of prime land at Bhubaneswar. Shri Sibal agreed in-principle for opening of a Biotechnology Incubation Centre (BTIC) at Bhubaneswar and said that the Biotechnology sector in Orissa needs a boost. The Chief Minister further requested the Union Minister to sanction new Post Graduate course in Marine Biotechnology for Berhampur University and Fakir Mohan University, Balasore respectively, to which the Union Minister readily agreed to. In view of the economic potential of the Biotechnology sector and corresponding requirement of trained manpower, Orissa would be greatly benefited by opening up of these new courses.

October 18th, 2007

M.Tech in ECE at NIST: Ad in samaja

1 comment October 10th, 2007

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