Recruitment evaluation criteria at Orissa universities and perhaps in many state universities across India

Following is the recruitment criteria that is used at Orissa state Universities (except BPUT and OUAT) and perhaps in many other state universities across India.

(a) The Selection Committee shall consists of :-

(i) The Vice Chancellor. (ii) The DHE, (iii) 3 experts selected by the Vice Chancellor from a panel of six names prepared by the syndicate (iv) an expert nominated by the Chancellor in case of appoint to the post of Professor.

The quorum at a meeting of the Selection Committee shall be four of whom at least two shall be experts including the expert nominated by the Chancellor, if any.

(b) Evaluation of candidates

Evaluation of candidates for different teaching posts in the University (Professor, Reader, Lecturer)


(a) 1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class

      (i) HSC 4 2 1

      (ii) Intermediate (+2) 4 2 1

      (iii) Degree / Honours 8 4 1.5 (Pass)

      (iv) Distinction 2 2 2 (Pass)

      (v) P.G. Degree

            75 – 100 % 12

            65 – 74 % 9

            55 – 64 % 6

            45 – 54 % 4

      (b) Marks for matriculation and Intermediate may be re-distributed as follows in the case of candidates passing Higher Secondary / Pre-University / Pre-Professional etc. in cases where Higher Secondary Examination is initial assessable examination. H.S.C. mark (of 4.2.1) be added to it making it 6, 3 and 1.5 for I, II and III divisions.

      1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class

      (i) Higher Secondary 6 3 1.5

      (ii) Pre-University 2 1 0.5

      (iii) Pre-Professional 2 1 0.5

      (c) In case of candidates from Universities / Institutions which follow the system of grades, their grades shall be converted to mark as under:

      ‘O’  Grade — 75 – 100 %

      ‘A’  Grade — 65 – 74 %

      ‘B’  Grade — 55 – 64 %

      ‘C’  Grade — 45 – 54 %

      ‘D’  Grade — 35 – 44 %

      (d) In the case of candidates with more than one Bachelor’s Degree, only the Degree in the concerned ‘subject’ shall be awarded marks and the Division obtained will be treated at par with the Honours.


      M.Phil. — 03 Marks

      Ph.D.  — 10 Marks

      D.Sc/ D.Litt. — 12 Marks

      M.Phil + Ph.D. — 12 Marks

      M.Phil + D.Sc./D.Litt — 14 Marks

      Ph.D. + D.Sc./D.Litt — 18 Marks

      M.Phil + Ph.D + D.Sc/DLitt — 20 Marks


      PG teaching  — 1 Mark per year

      Honours teaching —  0.75 marks per year

      Graduate level —  0.50 marks per year


      One mark for each Ph.D awarded


      10 marks for International Journals and

      5 marks for National Journal



The above is ridiculous. May be it made sense in 1950 or 1960 when there were very few Ph.Ds. In the current situation it does not make sense at all. Fortunately, Ravenshaw University is trying to have a different criteria of evaluation than the above.


3 comments October 19th, 2008

IIT Hyderabad takes the lead in starting Ph.D programs

Among the new IITs, IIT Hyderabad has advertised to admit Ph.D students  and will start its  Ph.D program in 2009.  Following is from its announcement at

Admission to the PhD Programs

Advertisement No.: IITH/2008/Admissions/1


Applications are invited for the session commencing from January 2009 for admission to the Doctor Philosophy (PhD) programs in

(a) Engineering: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Material Science and Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering;

(b) Sciences: Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics; and

(c) Humanities & Social Sciences (HSS): Languages, Psychology, Economics, and Management.


Minimum Qualifications

(a) Engineering: M.Tech./M.E./M.Sc.(Engineering) degree with first class or equivalent in the respective or allied areas. Candidates with Bachelor’s degree in Engineering/Technology or Master’s degree in Sciences in an allied area with exceptional academic record and possessing a valid GATE score may also apply.

(b) Sciences & HSS: M.Sc./M.A. degree with first class or equivalent in respective or allied areas with a valid GATE/UGC Net/CSIR JRF/NBHM score.


General Information

Financial support (Assistantship/Scholarship) will be provided to all students, who are Indian citizens, enrolled in the Ph.D. program and who do not receive any other form of financial assistance. Sponsored candidates from Government of India R&D Laboratories shall also be considered for Ph.D. Programs; sponsored candidates do not require GATE qualification and will not be paid any scholarship.



Reservations will be 15% for SC, 7.5% for ST and 27% for OBC. Also, up to 3% reservation shall apply as per Government of India rules for persons with disability (PD) in each category.


Application form in Pdf Format can be downloaded here.
Application form in Microsoft Word Format can be downloaded here.

PhD Reference Letter form in Pdf click here.

PhD Reference Letter form in Microsoft word click here.
Candidates desirous of applying for more than one program must send separate applications for each program. Applications should be sent on or before 30 October 2008 to:


          Professor C.V.R.Murty

Co-Chair, IIT Hyderabad Task Force

          Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

          Ordnance Factory Campus

          Yeddumailaram 502205

          Andhra Pradesh, India

eMail: or

18 comments October 16th, 2008

NISER wiki and NISER’s visiting faculty

NISER has a nice wiki page which has more information than its web page. Browsing through its wiki, especially the faculty list, one gets the impression that NISER has hired some young Ph.Ds as visiting faculty. I guess the visiting faculty position for the young PhDs is like a untenured position and some of them may be offered a full-time position. The current young visiting faculty are:




  • Deepak K Dalai, Ph.D ISI Kolkata (2006), Post-doctoral Experience INRIA France
  • Sanjay Parui, Ph.D ISI Bangalore, Post-doctoral ISI Kolkata (2006)
  • Kamal Lochan Patra, Ph.D IIT Kanpur (2008)
  • Lingaraj Sahu, Ph.D, ISI Kolkata, ISI Bangalore


  • Rona Banerjee, PhD 2005, Shah Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata (Note: She had enquired about NISER in Orissalinks in September 2007.)
  • Harapriya Mohapatra , University of Delhi, Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar
  • Rajendra Behera, Post doctoral experience at University of Hyderabad and IISc Bangalore

1 comment October 16th, 2008

Vedanta University Project helps farmers

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

The Vedanta University Project has launched a new livelihood initiative, SAFAL (Sustainable Action for Farmers’ Livelihood) for the farmers in the periphery of the project area near Puri.

… the initiative has now taken a concrete shape with the formation of 28 farmers’ SHGs involving 500 people from eight villages. The main objective of SAFAL is to divert the farmers from the non-remunerative paddy paradigm and induce them to undertake cash crop cultivation. It will ensure more income for them and hence, a better life. At least 1,500 farmers from 15 villages are going to benefit from it, according to the project management.

SAFAL seeks to include more and more local farmers in its ambit and encourage them to switch over to floriculture, horticulture, nursery, etc, through SHGs. The Vedanta University Project of the Anil Agarwal Foundation will provide all forward and backward linkage support to the SHGs to make the initiative successful.

For this purpose, the project has tied up with ACCESS, a national level NGO, as a technical service provider. ACCESS will impart knowledge and skills on high-yielding cultivation practices to the farmers and be instrumental in arranging any other necessary support including bank credit and market linkage. This is expected to result in a 150 per cent increase in the income of at least 75 per cent of the targeted farmers’ households.

… Giving details of the initiative, GM, PR & CSR, Vedanta University Project, Prashant Hota said, “The success of SAFAL will not only benefit the targeted farmers’ families, it will also motivate people in other villages to adopt similar activities both in farm and non-farm sectors to augment their incomes.”

Project Director Sanjeev Anand Zutshi, Head, Commercial, C Joseph and Deputy Director, Agriculture Range Office, Puri, B N Swain were present at the meeting along with officials of ACCESS, members of newly formed farmers’ SHGs and a number of local villagers.

October 15th, 2008

Ravenshaw to house a regional centre of the Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR)

Following is an excerpt from a report in

 … The only unit of the pioneering institution of cultural diplomacy, furthering revival and strengthening of cultural relations and understanding between India and other countries, in Orissa would open up a sea of opportunities for the artists and performers of the State.

The regional centre would undertake all activities of ICCR at the local level and extend the benefits from providing assistance to the artists to scholarships to students for culture studies.  

Vice-Chancellor Devdas Chotray said the centre would provide the much-needed handle for showcasing the art and culture of Orissa on the global platform.  

Artists from here would be empanelled for the exchange programmes, exhibitions and performances abroad. Students would also be provided with scholarships to undertake culture studies abroad.  


Meanwhile, the university has also applied to the University Grants Commission for starting an Educational Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC) to churn out audio-visual educational programmes for the benefit of the large number of students in remote regions of the State.  

The possibility of the GoI nod is very high and with it Ravenshaw University would become the 18th EMRC in the country. The St. Xavier’s Autonomous College at Kolkata, which has over 22 years of experience in the field, would provide the technological knowhow and attune the infrastructure, faculty and students to the system.  

The centre would be producing educational content meant to take knowledge and learning beyond classrooms, which would be telecast through EDUSAT. With approvals forthcoming, the facility would be up and coming by the year-end, the Vice-Chancellor said.

October 14th, 2008

Ravenshaw to set up “Akshaya Mohanty Centre for Contemporary Music”

Following is an excerpt from a news report in

The initiative envisages establishment of not only one of the richest repository of contemporary music in the country but also offer educational programmes in niche areas relating to it. And, what better way of starting it than by naming it as Akshaya Mohanty Centre for Contemporary Music, after the legendary singer of Orissa. 

The project, in fact, would come up in association with the Akshay Mohanty Foundation (AMF) and entails an investment of Rs 1 crore. Both Ravenshaw University and the foundation would be pooling Rs 50 lakh each. 

 A provisional MoU was signed between the university and foundation here today. As per the agreement, the foundation would prepare a detailed project report on the basis of which work would commence. The music library would be up and running within a year, Vice-Chancellor Devdas Chotray said.  

The library would not only store and archive Oriya contemporary music but also other Indian languages like Hindi along with English, Japanese, African, French, Latin, Deutsch etc. ‘‘It would have listening boxes where students can listen to the music without disturbing each other. We also have proposals to enable community access to one of its kind facility in Orissa,’’ the Vice-Chancellor informed.  

The centre also plans to start Department of Sound and Department of Presentation to offer courses in the areas that are now considered integral parts of music and performance. The Department of Sound would train students in the best studio management and recording practices using the latest technology, while the Department of Presentation would arm the musical performers from singers to musicians to instrumentalists with a riveting stage presence.  

‘‘Today stage presence like proper posture and positioning along with placement of instruments and accessories is deemed a prerequisite at the international-level. The course which would be run by expert faculty drawn from across the country aims at preparing our artistes for the international audience. Further, both the departments would be used by students for in-house productions for Ravenshaw Radio and other performances,’’ he added.

October 13th, 2008

RIEs to offer International Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling

Following is from a report in Business Standard.

Realising the increasing role of counsellors to guide school students with diligence during tough times, NCERT has decided to change the format of its diploma programme in counselling from next session and raise the seat strength to make it accessible to more aspirants. 

The redesigned programme called International Diploma Course in Guidance and Counselling will now be available through both distance/online as well as face to face modes.     

…  The programme will also be extended to the five Regional Institute of Education (RIEs), situated in Ajmer, Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Mysore and Shillong, instead of only in Delhi," sources added. Each centre will have 50 seats each.     

So far, the programme was only being imparted in Department of Educational Psychology and Foundations here in the capital.     

The repackaged course, developed in collaboration with Commonwealth of Learning, Canada, will comprise three phases.     

The first six months would be devoted to guided self learning through distance and online mode, the next three months to intensive face to face training and the remaining period will be focused on internship.     

Classes of the one year programme will start from January next year.     

The course is open for in-service teachers, untrained guidance personnel with a teaching degree and post graduates in psychology, child development and human resource development among others.

5 comments October 10th, 2008

BIT asked to admit students by October 31st; BPUT has to figure out how!

I am told that Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology (BIT) which could not participate in Orissa JEE counseling during August this year due to delayed AICTE approval will be admitting its first batch of students by the end of October 2008. On October 1, the Orissa High Court has issued an order to BPUT for allowing BIT and other six engineering colleges to admit their students by the end of October 2008. Prof. Rabi Mahapatra, Chairman, BIT said the stage is set to start the classes of all the four engineering branches from November 1, 2008. Special efforts are being made to cope up with the BPUT curriculum in the compressed semester time frame.

BIT is promoted by three US based professors (Prof. Rabi Mahapatra, Prof. Prasant Mohapatra and Prof. Laxmi Bhuyan) and several professional from top industries in USA. The vision of this group is to establish a world class Institute in the country. The Govt. of Orissa has keenly supported their efforts to establish a quality technical education. More on BIT can be found by visiting their website at


I am told that six other exisiting engineering colleges had seat increases which also happened after the Orissa govt.deadline. Students were not admitted against those seats during the last counseling. Now students will also be admitted against those seats.


The Orissa ggovernment is trying to figure out how to do the above. Watch out this space and for any updates on this.

October 9th, 2008

Layout drawings of IIIT Bhubaneswar

Site Plan

Administration Building:


Next phase:


October 9th, 2008

Orissa government issues tenders for IIIT, Parala Maharaj Engineering College and Construction Academy

In recent months the Orissa government has issued tenders for two state funded and one PPP based institute:

  • IIIT Bhubaneswar: The tender is for construction of administrative and academic building, hostel and external services to be completed in 9 months and at an estimated value of work of Rs 15 crores.
  • Parala Maharaj Engineering College in Berhampur: The tender is for construction of the College Building at Berhampur (Sitalapalli), Ground Floor and First Floor, to be completed in 15 months, and at an estimated value of work of Rs 7 crores.
  • Construction Academy in Gopalpur, Cuttack: The tender is for construction of Administrative Block (Stilt, Ground & First Floor), to be completed in 18 months, and at an estimated value of work of Rs 5.6 crores.

The tender documents are currently available via


2 comments October 9th, 2008

Centre to send a team to assess proposed IIT sites

Press Trust of India reported the following.

Unhappy with the sites offered by four states for setting up the new IITs, the Centre has decided to make an assessment about the "suitability" of the locations for the elite institutions.

The HRD Ministry has set up a committee, headed by its Additional Secretary Ashok Thakur, which will visit the sites offered by Rajasthan, Orissa, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh for inspection.

"The committee will visit and ascertain the suitability of the sites. If they do not give convincing reports, states will be asked to offer new sites," a senior HRD Ministry official told PTI.

The other members of the committee are A K Dey, former director of IIT-Bombay, K Narayan Rao, member secretary of AICTE, and the directors of the IITs who have been given the responsibility of mentoring these institutes.

2 comments October 8th, 2008

Searching the web for recent news on AIIMS-like institute in Bhubaneswar

The following undated item was found in










Hindustan Latex Limited, on behalf of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare invites Application for appointment of

IT/HIS Consultant and Medical Education Technology consultant” on Contract Basis



EOI for appointment of IT/HIS Consultant


Educational Qualification:          B – Tech in Computer Science/Information System Management/ Electronics & Communication Engineering.


Work Experience:


Essential: 2 years’ experience in designing/implementing Hospital Information System


a)   Hands on Experience and Skills in networking & communication technology

b)   Experience in preparing users requirement specification (URS) and system requirement specification (SRS) for large multi – speciality hospitals.

c)    Strong trouble-shooting and communication skills, both written and verbal


          Remuneration: Negotiable

          Duration of contract: 12 months.


Duties and Responsibilities:


The Consultant would prepare users’ requirement specification including hardware and software system requirements for State –of-art IT infrastructure to host Hospital Information System Application Software which would be used for running a 1000 bedded hospital and medical college in the campus of the AIIMS like institutions.


EOI for appointment of Medical Education Technology consultant

Educational Qualification:


Essential:          MBBS + MD or MS

Desirable:        PhD


Work Experience:

Essential: Minimum 15 years as faculty in a medical College institution with at least 5 years as professor or HOD

Desirable: Experienced in devising study material with help of medical education technology.

Age: Up to 65 years (retired persons below 65 can also apply)

Remuneration: Negotiable

Duration of contract: 12 months.


Brief description of Job Profile:


Government of India, MoH&FW proposed to engage a fulltime Medical Education Technology Consultant for finalizing the curriculum including e-lecturers for the six AIIMS-like institutions being set up at Bhopal, Jodhpur, Rishikesh, Raipur, Bhubaneswar and Patna. Each of the institution would train 100 undergraduates and similar number of PG/PhD students every year. The medical Education consultant will help the Ministry in the curriculum design and training that is appropriate in a state –of-the-art Medical Education, using latest tools of technology. The consultant will indicate best practice to ensure adequate resource pooling and networking between the six AIIMS-like institutions and other existing GOI institutions. The consultant will also provide a road map; work plan to operationalize the preparation of e-lectures for the training of medical students/Doctors.



  The following item was found in



Last Date Subject

Filling up the post of Financial Adviser in the pay scale of Rs.14300-400-18300 in AIIMS-like institutions at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Patna, Raipur and Rishikesh under Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) on deputation basis initially for a period of 3 years.

Interested NFSG/JAG Officers may get further details from

Shri. Sanjeev Mishra, Joint Controller General of Accounts on Phone No.24648254 or Group-A Section on Phone No. 24645814.


Following are excerpts from


Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh is expected to announce the "much-awaited" scheme to upgrade Amritsar Medical College under the Pradhan Mantri Swastha Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY), Phase II, during his visit to Amritsar starting on September 15.

It is learnt that Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal, who has long been pressing this demand, recently met the PM for this. Amritsar is one of the five medical colleges that the Union Health Ministry has listed for upgradation under Phase II, the others being Aligarh, Nagpur, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, besides two AIIMS-like institutes in Uttar Pradesh and Bengal. "The proposal has gone to the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) and will be soon put before the Cabinet," a senior official told The Indian Express.

… While the cost of upgrading each existing site is Rs 150 crore, the AIIMS-like institutes will require an investment of Rs 750 crore each. For Phase I, meanwhile, one institute each will be set up in the states of Bihar (Patna), Madhya Pradesh (Bhopal), Orissa (Bhubaneswar), Rajasthan (Jodhpur),Chhattisgarh (Raipur) and Uttarakhand (Rishikesh).

Even though the necessary funds were approved for the Phase I sites in 2004-2005, they are yet to be completed despite the 2008 deadline. Although work on each centre has started, the Government has extended the deadline by two years.

The delay has come at a heavy price. Initially, the approximate expenditure was Rs 280 crore for each institute, but "in March 2006, financial projections were made and it was set at Rs 330 crore each. This is expected to go up to at least Rs 450 crore, as the prices of construction material have gone up," said a senior official in the Health Ministry. Officials blame the poor response of developers to their tenders as a major cause of the setback.

October 7th, 2008

Foundation stone of Sri Sri University laid; web site unveiled

The website of the university is The courses that are on offer now (hope they start working on the engineering and medical school soon) are as follows:

Following is an excerpt of the news item from the Statesman about the foundation laying .

The foundation stone for the Sri Sri University was laid at Naraj in Cuttack district today. The University is going to be set up by Sri Sri Ravisankar Vidya Mandir Trust.

Speaking at the occasion, chief minister Mr Naveen Patnaik said the world-class research-based University will have streams in basic science, arts, engineering, business management, law, art and culture, ayurveda and others.

… The government has provided 186 acres of land for the Sri Sri University and will bring a special law for it.
Spiritual guru Sri Sri Ravisankar said the whole world looks to India for guidance in the present turbulence across the glove.

“The human values are the best gifts of our country to the world”, he said.

On the university he said that that this will be a common man’s university. “There is an urgent need to change the educational system and the prime necessity is the teaching of human values”, he added.

September 25th, 2008

IIT Bhubaneswar advertises for faculty positions and for registrar

The following is from (Thanks to Saumya for the tip.)

Advertisement for Faculty Positions and Registrar of IIT Bhubaneswar

The faculty ad starts as follows:

IIT Bhubaneswar (Orissa) invites applications for faculty positions at the level of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor in the following disciplines.
Disciplines : Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Humanities & Social Sciences (Economics, English, Psychology)

This suggests that next year they will admit students in Computer Science, in addition to Civil, Electrical and Mechanical to which they admitted students this year.

5 comments September 18th, 2008

Vedanta University invites contractors, suppliers and service providers

Update: Financial Express has a report on this.

The following is from

Expression of Interest

As a part of vendor selection process for the Vedanta University Project, the Foundation invites reputed contractors I suppliers I service providers with proven track record and sound credentials in the following areas:

  • PKGA 01 Construction of Institutional buildings and townships (Firms with an annual turnover of about 250 cr. need only apply)
  • PKGA 03 Primary (132 KV) Electric sub-station, outgoing switch rooms, ring-mains, 33KV secondary sub-station with incoming HT switchgears and outgoing LT switchgears,
  • PKGA 04 HVAC Systems
  • PKGA 05 Interior works and Low end MEP
  • PKGA 06 Site Grading and preparation work
  • PKGA 07 Roads, drainage systems, pavements, culverts, bridges.
  • PKGA 10 Afforestation , Horticulture – roughly 250 acres.
  • PKGA 11 External electrification works such as street lighting, pathway lighting, traffic lighting.
  • PKGA 15 Site facilities including offices, boundary wall, fencing etc.
  • PKGA 16 Temporary power, water supply sanitation, lighting communication etc.
  • PKGA 17 132 KV High tension line diversion ( approx 8 Kms.).
  • PKGA 18 Landscape design roughly 250 acres.

Interested parties are required to submit their EOI mentioning the Package they are interested in along with their qualification details mentioning the package code, along with List of similar jobs and  turnover during last three years. latest by 30 Sept, 2008.

To submit online please click here.

Please submit the above to:
Head Commercial
Anil Agarwal Foundation
Vedanta University Project
CT Road, Puri, Orissa 5752002.
Phone: +91 9238100367

September 18th, 2008

Hi-Tech group’s plan for Khurda, Jatni and Rourkela

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard by Jayjit Dash.

Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has planned to set up two management institutes, one at Khurda and the other at Jatni, both located within 25 km radius of the city, at a combined investment of about Rs 12 crore.

These management institutes are set to be built on surplus land available at the two technological institutes run by the organisation – Konark Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) located at Jatni and the Hi-Tech Institute of Technology (HIT) in Khurda.

While the B-school in Khurda will come up on 15 acres of surplus land on HIT campus, the other B-school will be developed on 10 acres of surplus land within the KIST campus at Jatni.

“Construction work for our two proposed management institutes has already begun and we expect these two institutes to be functional next year. …

Each of these management institutes will have an intake of 60 seats and will offer two-year, full-time MBA programmes from the 2009-10 academic session.

The Hi-Tech Group will also invest Rs 30 crore for introducing new super-specialities, namely, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, neurology, nephrology and trauma care in the Hi-Tech hospital. Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has also got the approval of AICTE to introduce post-graduate courses in engineering at the KIST campus.

The KIST campus will offer MTech in computer science and engineering as well as electronics and telecommunications engineering from the next academic session.

At present, KIST is offering BTech in five streams of engineering with the institute’s total intake being 420 seats. Meanwhile, the group expects to take possession of land for its proposed medical college and hospital in Rourkela within a month.

“We expect to get 25 acres of land for our proposed medical college cum hospital in Rourkela within a month and then inaugurate the hospital six months after acquiring land. Our medical college in Rourkela is expected to be operational a year after the inauguration of the hospital”, Panigrahi claimed.


1 comment September 13th, 2008

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