Vedanta University advertises in TOI for GM-Projects, Manager-CSR and Manager-Legal-Affairs

Thanks to Jitu Mishra for the pointer in TOI.


September 12th, 2008

Vedanta University presents its vision to teachers in Puri

The following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

The Vedanta University Project felicitated teachers on the occasion of the Teachers’ Day here. Hundreds of teachers, including former principal of SCS College Somnath Mishra, ex-teacher of Municipal High School Dinabandhu Mishra, ex-teacher of Biswambara Vidyapitha Basanta Kumar Mishra and principal of DAV School Bibhuti Bhusan Parija attended the function.

Project Director Sanjeev Anand Zutshi said …. Children are the future of the nation …, said general manager Prasanta Kumar Hota. The proposed Vedanta University would one day become a milestone in the education sector, where financial constraint would no longer be a problem for deserving students to pursue higher education, he added.

A presentation showcasing the purpose, vision and unique architectural plan of the proposed university was displayed before the teachers. An open discussion was held among the teachers and their queries regarding the university were answered by the project officials.

This is a very good step and they should do this across various clubs and organizations in Puri, Cuttack and Bhubaneswar.

5 comments September 9th, 2008

Applying for faculty positions at IIT Bhubaneswar

Update: See for the ad.

As per  Prof. Damodar Acharya, the director of IIT Kharagpur, the mentor school for IIT Bhubaneswar, a specific advertisement for faculty positions at IIT Bhubaneswar will be coming out soon.

Until then interested candidates are requested to send their cv to him with a cover letter saying that they would like to apply for IIT Bhubaneswar. His email address is

The ad will have additional details. But until the ad for IIT Bhubaneswar comes out the ad for IIT Kharagpur at may be considered as a rough guideline. The salary scales will be same as that of IIT Kharagpur as well as all the other IITs. 

22 comments September 8th, 2008

153 Faculty poistions at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack

The details are at

Following is from


Recruitment for faculty positions

Ravenshaw, one of the premier educational institutions in the country was established in 1868 in the town of Cuttack in Orissa. After one hundred and forty years of eventful existence, it was converted into Ravenshaw University by an Act of the State Legislature on November 15, 2006. Thus, as one of the heritage educational institutions, and as a young university, Ravenshaw is a veritable blend of the old and the new.

The old Ravenshaw campus with its majestic structures was set up in the year 1919 over about a hundred acres of land on the eastern side of Cuttack. After becoming a university, Ravenshaw has acquired another one hundred and forty acres of land on the bank of river Mahanadi to build its second campus for the new disciplines of management and applied sciences.

The old Ravenshaw campus is located very close to Cuttack Railway Station, and is about 45 minutes drive from Bhubaneswar Airport.

As a young university, the old Ravenshaw is now in the throes of preservation and change. Its infrastructure, both academic and physical, is being strengthened and expanded to meet the needs to make it more contemporary, and raise the level of its excellence. For instance, Ravenshaw University is soon going to recruit a brand new faculty for its various disciplines. As a part of the endeavour the university invites applications for the following faculty positions.

Applications in prescribed format are therefore invited for the following faculty positions latest by the 22nd of September 2008.

1.      Professor (17). Scale of pay : Rs.16400 – 450 – 20900 – 500 – 22400 + admissible allowances.

1) Applied Geography, 2) Botany, 3) Commerce and Business Management, 4) Chemistry, 5) Economics, 6) Education, 7) English, 8) Geology, 9) Hindi, 10) History, 11)Mathematics, 12) Oriya, 13) Physics, 14) Political Science, 15) Psychology, 16) Sociology and 17) Zoology

Essential Qualification :

An eminent scholar with published work of high quality engaged in research with 10 years experience in post graduate teaching and / or research at the University / National Level Institutions, including experience of guiding research at doctoral level.


An outstanding scholar with established reputation who has made significant contribution to knowledge.


In addition to the above, for the post of Professor of Commerce and Management, a fellow of nationally reputed Institutions of Management and allied disciplines, with specialization in Management, Business Management, Business Administration, other relevant Management related areas can qualify.

2.      Reader (45). Scale of pay : Rs.12000 – 400 – 18300 + admissible allowances


Areas of Specialisation indicated below will be preferred


Microbiology / Biophysics / Biochemistry / Molecular and Cellular Biology / Biotechnology / Ecology


Physical Chemistry / Bio-physical Chemistry Molecular Chemistry / Nuclear Chemistry Electrochemistry and Corrosion Chemistry Industrial Chemistry / Forensic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis Organic Chemistry and Polymer Sciences Inorganic Chemistry and Bio-inorganics Environmental Chemistry / Surface Chemistry and Coatings


Marketing Management / Financial Management / International Business / E-commerce / Management Control and Information System / Business Communication / Project Management

Commerce and Business Management


Management, Business Management, Business Administration, other relevant Management related disciplines


Mathematical Economics and Econometrics / International Economics / Agricultural Economics / Banking and Finance / Environmental Economics / Statistics / Resource Economics (2 posts are reserved for specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics)


Education as International Business / Economics of Education / Education and Society / Education Reform


History of English Language / Classical Literature / American Literature / Indian Literature in English Linguistics / Creative Writing / Translation Studies / Drama Comparative Literature / Contemporary Literature


GIS and Remote Sensing / Advanced Cartography / Geo Political Information System / Economic Geography / Environmental Geography / Urban and Regional Planning / Regional Studies / Population Studies


Environmental Geology/ Geo­hydrology/ Climatology / Global warming and climate change / Geomorphology

Any areas of Specialisation

Regional History / History of Orissa Temple Construction and Art History Post Independence History of India / Current History


Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer (including Computational Fluid Dynamics) Actuarial Studies Numerical Methods, Modeling and Simulation Optimization Theory and Decision Making Operations Research


Linguistics / Grammar / Digitalization of Oriya Language/ Drama


Phenomenology / Epistemology and Metaphysics / Ethics and Moral Philosophy / Indian Philosophy


Plasma and Laser Physics / Electronics Physics of Thin Films including Super and Semi-conductivity Material Science / Astrophysics / Bio-Physics

Political Science

Public Administration / International Relations / Comparative Politics / Geopolitics and Terrorism / Defence and Strategic Studies


Testing and Counselling / Cognition / Developmental Psychology Industrial and Organizational Psychology Educational Psychology / Comparative Psychology / Health Psychology

Any areas of Specialisation

Human Resource Management / Gender Relations / social Movements / Sociology of Terrorism

Any areas of Specialisation

Bioinformatics / Cytogenetics / Immunology / Genetic Engineering/ Environmental Biology


Essential Qualification :

                (1)        Good academic record with a doctoral degree or equivalent published work. Candidates shall possess at least 55% marks or equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with letter grades, O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master’s Degree level.

                (2)        Five years experience of teaching and/or research excluding the period spent for obtaining research degree and have made some mark in the areas of scholarship as evidenced by quality of publications, contribution to educational innovation, design of new courses and curricula.


In addition to the above, for the post of Reader in Commerce and Business
Management, a fellow of nationally reputed Institutions of Management and
allied disciplines, with specialization in Management, Business Management,
Business Administration, other relevant Management related areas can

3.    Lecturer (91). Scale of pay: Rs. 8000– 275– 13400 + admissible allowances

Required Specialisation
Lecturer in Bengali
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Botany

Microbiology / Molecular and Cellular Biology / Plant Physiology / Ecology / Bio-Physics/ Evolutionary Biology / Ecotoxicology/ Community Ecology / Physiological Ecology

Lecturer in Biotechnology
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Chemistry

Biochemistry / Biophysical Chemistry / Thermodynamics / Statistical Mechanics (1 post) Environmental Chemistry / Chemical Kinetics / Molecular Dynamics (Experimental) / Electro Chemistry / Pharmaceutical Chemistry (1 post) Organic Chemistry (1 post) Bio-inorganics / Surface Chemistry /Polymer Science / Material Sciences (1 posts) Physical Chemistry (2 posts) Inorganic Chemistry (2 posts)

Lecturer in Business Management 1


Marketing Management (1 post) Finance and Accounts (1 post)

Lecturer in Commerce

Finance / Quantitative Techniques / Computer Application in Business (1 post) Marketing (1 post) Production and Operation Management (1 post)

Lecturer in Managerial Economics


Managerial Economics and International Business Environment

Lecturer in Computer and Information System 2


Computer Science / Information Technology

Lecturer in Computer Science

Information Security / Algorithms / Database / Data mining / Artificial Intelligence / Networking

Lecturer in Economics 3

Actuarial Economics / Environmental Economics/ International Economics / Rural Economics / Industrial Economics / Mathematical Economics / Econometrics (2 posts are reserved for specialization in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics)

Lecturer in Education

Educational Technology / Methodology of Teaching / Philosophy of Education/ Economic of Education

Lecturer in English

English Language Studies / Linguistics (2 posts) Comparative Literature /American Literature / Indian Literature in English (5 posts)

Lecturer in Geography

GIS and Remote Sensing / Regional Planning / Advanced Cartography / Computer Mapping / Population Studies

Lecturer in Environmental Geology


Environmental Geology / Palaeo Climate / Engineering Geology

Lecturer in Geology

Remote sensing and GIS Application / Oceanography and Marine Geology / Ground water Geology / Metallic Minerals / Industrial Mineral / Geo-statistics / Structural Geology

Lecturer in Hindi

Language Studies / Linguistics

Lecturer in History

Indian History / Archeology / Epigraphy / Orissan History

Lecturer in Industrial Mathematics


Industrial Mathematics / Wavelet Analysis

Lecturer in Operations Management and Decision Sciences 4


Industrial Engineering / Operation Research

Lecturer in Mathematics

Computational Fluid Dynamics / Modeling and Simulation / Industrial Mathematics / Cryptography / Operational Research

Lecturer in Oriya

Drama / Computer Application / Linguistics / Modern Poetry

Lecturer in Philosophy
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Physics

Plasma Physics / Computational Physics / Complex System Physics / Spectroscopy / Astrophysics / Nuclear Physics / Quantum Optics and Photonics / Material Sciences / Electronics / Superconductivity

Lecturer in Public Administration

Public Administration

Lecturer in Political Science


Comparative Politics / Modern Indian Political Thought / International Relations

Lecturer in Psychology

Cognitive Psychology / Applied Social Psychology / Developmental Psychology / Health Psychology / Counselling

Lecturer in Human Resource Management 5


Organisation Behaviour / Human Resource Management

Lecturer in Sanskrit
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Sociology
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Social Work

Integrated Social Work Method / Social Welfare Administration / Ecology and Social Work / Social Work with Special Groups / Women Development

Lecturer in Statistics

Biostatistics / Multivariate Analysis / Stochastic Processes

Lecturer in Urdu
Any areas of Specialisation
Lecturer in Zoology

Fish Biology / Reproductive Physiology / Bioinformatics / Cell and Molecular Biology / Cytogenetics / Environmental Biology / Entomology / Genetic Engineering / Immunology


Essential Qualification:

Good academic record with at least 55% marks or an equivalent grade of B in the seven point scale with letter grades, O, A, B, C, D, E and F at the Master’s degree level in the relevant subject from an Indian University or an equivalent degree from a foreign University.

Besides fulfilling the above qualifications applicants should have cleared the eligibility tests for lecturers conducted by UGC, CSIR or similar tests accredited by the UGC. However, candidates who have doctoral degrees in the subject are exempted from appearing the eligibility test for lecturers.


1 Lecturer in Business Management : Master’s degree in Business Management/ Administration/ other relevant management related disciplines/ PGDBM/ PGDM programmes (minimum 2 years duration) recognized by AICTE/ MHRD/ UGC and declared equivalent to MBA by AICTE/ AIU.

2 Lecturer in Computer and Information System : For the post of lecturer in Computer and Information System the minimum qualification is M.Tech./M.E. in Industrial Engineering with at least 55% of marks or B grade in the seven point scale.


Lecturer in Economics : For lecturer in Economics, candidates having good academic record with the required percentage of marks / grade as stated above at Master’s Degree level in Economics / Applied Economics and having Mathematics as a subject at graduate level shall be given preference.

4 Lecturer in Operations Management and Decision Sciences :

Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering/ Mathematics/ Statistics for Operations Management and Decision Sciences

5 Lecturer in Human Resource Management : Master’s Degree in Psychology having specialization in Organizational Psychology/Personnel Management and Industrial Relations for OB and HRM

The Reservation Policy of Government of Orissa shall be scrupulously followed while making recruitment to the posts of Lecturer.

4. How to apply :

Applications shall be made in the specified format given in the website at ‘Recruitment for Faculty Position’. Please click on it to go to the format. After the application is completed in the specified format, it should be sent to the following email id : The last date of application is 22 September 2008.

Short listed candidates shall be intimated later on to submit required documents for verification of qualifications, experience, etc.

5. Other Conditions :

a) It will be open to the university to consider names of suitable candidates who might not have applied. b) Merely fulfilling the minimum qualification does not entitle a candidate to be necessarily considered or called for interview. c) Applications received after the last date may be considered. d) University reserves the right not to fill up any of the vacancies advertised if the circumstances so warrant. e) Relaxation of any of the qualification may be made in exceptional cases on the recommendation of the selection committee. f) Separate application is required for each post. g) No deputation allowances shall be paid h) No TA / DA will be paid to attend the selection committee or to join the first appointment. i) Canvassing in any form by or on behalf of the candidates will be considered as disqualification.

Registrar Ravenshaw University, Cuttack



5 comments September 7th, 2008

Land acquisition status of Vedanta University

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard.

The total land needed for the Rs 15,000-crore university is 6,000 acres. The company has to date acquired 3,155 acres and taken possession of 2256.49 acres, which includes 385.15 acres of government land and 1871.34 acres of private land.

6 comments September 4th, 2008

Brief updates on NISER Bhubaneswar

  1. NISER Bhubaneswar has a redesigned web page with information on faculty.
  2. A competition for Architects to design the NISER campus will be announced in the near future.
  3. NISER is going through the faculty applications that it received and checking the references. It expects to invite selected candidates for interview in the coming months.
  4. The Director appointment is still waiting for the final seal of approval from the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet. However, the identified Director, Prof. T K Chandrasekar visits NISER once in a while and is in the loop regarding major decisions. The approval from the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet is expected to come any time.
  5. NISER is in touch with IIT Bhubaneswar officials to co-ordinate some of the infrastructure requirements, such as a water line to the campus.

September 2nd, 2008

Vedanta University does the right thing and makes sustained efforts to win the hearts of locals

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

The Vedanta University Project has commenced significant initiatives for education, healthcare, infrastructure and livelihood improvements in the local area here comprising over 20 villages. This includes sponsoring 500 children for high quality education in Puri DAV School, mobile health units and mobile veterinary units.

Besides, electrification of villages, upgrading infrastructure of schools and villages, a programme of sustainable livelihood solution and training of local youth in skills development etc, have also been initiated under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) drive. According to CSR executive of the project Abhijita Panigrahi, the project is working to develop the local communities to a standard of living to cope with the world class township of the Vedanta University that will bring huge economic prosperity to the State.

The project envisages setting up a world class multidisciplinary university with quality higher education facilities in arts, science, medicine, engineering, law, business, education, design and architecture, journalism and communication, etc. The university will also have research centres and complete infrastructure for the students, faculties and staffs and will become an academic township over the 6,000 acres campus near the Puri-Konark marine drive. The university being set up with an initial donation of over Rs 4,000 crore will be a "Not for Profit" institution.

1 comment August 29th, 2008

Update on the proposed university by Art of Living and Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidyamandir trust; Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies, Bhubaneswar

Following is an excerpt from a report in The Pioneer.

Volunteers of the Art of Living on Sunday organised a preparatory meet at Naraj, 30 km from here, … to serve as a prelude to the arrival of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on September 20.

… Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, during his stay here from September 20 to September 25, would lay the foundation-stone of the university and deliver a spiritual address to over 10,000 devotees expected to gather on the occasion, said AOL faculty Devjyoti Mohanty, adding that over 186 acres of Government lands have already been allocated by the State Government for the proposed university.

This is the first-ever university to be set up by the Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Vidyamandir Trust, and it would be a regular university with a spiritual touch, he said. Local people have been mobilised for their fullest cooperation for the project, and the university would take into account the interests of the State while selecting the candidates, he added.

So far in their web page the only Orissa specific institute that is mentioned is the Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies. That is a good start and I hope soon the other schools will be launched. The web page for Sri Sri Institute of Management Studies, Bhubaneswar says the following.


Sri Sri Institute Of Management Studies, Bhubaneshwar is the the result of H.H.Sri Sri Ravishankar’s vision of blending high quality education with spirituality and human values. The courses are so designed to train the students in Self Management, Stress Management and Personality Development.
Courses Offered
1. Post Graduate Diploma in Bussiness Management    (2 Years)
2. Post Graduate Diploma in Mass Communication        (2 Years)
3. Post Graduate Diploma in Government                      (1 Year  )
    The first two courses run for about 20 months each while third is 1 year course. A wide range of meaningful and purposeful elective subjects are offered in each of them.
Salient features of the Institute

  • Courses with high job prospects are offered
  • Curriculum to match demands of the industry
  • Corporate bodies will be invited to conduct campus interviews
  • Holistic Education to equip the student to compete with their counterparts at the global level
  • Value based and stress free education
  • Art of Living Courses to teach the students to manage their own emotions and interpersonal     relationships.
  • Adequate Infrastructural facilities                         
            IRC village, Nayapalli,
            Bhubaneshwar- 751012
            Dr. S.Ramaratnam 944916801
  • Qualified faculty

  • Their trust already has a management school running in Goa. It seems to be a good school with good faculty. Thus it is expected that the management school in Bhubaneswar will also be good. Besides offering a 2 yr PG Diploma in Business management (which is the only degree offered in the Goal school), the Bhubaneswar school will also offer a 2 year PG diploma in mass communication. This program is a longer program than the One year Post Graduate Diploma in Print Journalism & Electronic Media offered by the trust’s journalism school in Bangalore. The Bhubaneswar school will also offer a one year PG Diploma in Government which is not offered by any other school of the trust. Thus the proposed Bhubaneswar school will have more programs than the Goa school and Bangalore school combined.

    The Bhubaneswar school page has the following information visible only at the html/php code level:

    Address: N-5/421
    IRC village,
    Contact: Dr. S.Ramaratnam 944916801  

    Perhaps that is the address until the campus is built near Naraj.

    5 comments August 25th, 2008

    WCCUs to be called National Universities?

    Update: See for National Knowledge Commission’s take on this.

    Following is an excerpt from a report in Indian Express.

    An all-India common entrance examination, a student-count not exceeding 12,000, the best of faculty with incentives over and above regular pay, a curriculum revised every three years, a semester system, private sector funding, vice-chancellors with at least decade-long teaching experience, collaboration with universities and institutes in India and abroad, academic creativity free from red tapism — all this and more will go into the making of 14 World Class Universities (WCUs) very shortly.

    And these sweeping changes are also likely to be applied to all existing universities and 16 Central universities that have recently been approved by the Cabinet. What will change, however, is the nomenclature for the 14 WCUs. Officials say these are now likely to be christened National Universities and the related legislation will be called the National Universities Act.

    The basic blueprint for the WCUs has been formulated by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and the first round of discussions, held in New Delhi today, involved academicians, experts, officials from the Human Resource Development Ministry, UGC and Planning Commission.

    “There was a very interactive discussion on the WCUs and a major viewpoint emerged. Participants felt there should be a similar legislation for all Central universities, including the 16 which just got Cabinet approval, and all existing universities. The view was that there should be no hierarchy or disparity in standards amongst universities and the reforms and changes suggested for WCUs should be applied to all universities,” an official who attended the meeting told The Indian Express.

    “There were strong reservations against the term ‘world class’ and it was decided they will be called National Universities instead,” the official said.

    While more discussions will follow, sources said that the UGC and HRD Ministry hope to be ready with a legislation in time for the Parliament session. …

    The WCUs are envisaged as unitary universities, like JNU, without any affiliation and multi-facility based, offering subjects ranging from natural sciences, social sciences and humanities to engineering, technology and medicine among others.

    Promised autonomy in matters of admission of students and standards for selection, introduction and revision of contextual and innovative curricula, opening of new campuses and new programmes, intake of students, examinations and evaluation systems, faculty recruitment and national and international collaborations, the WCUs are planned as model institutes that will stand apart from existing universities.

    That getting the best of faculty is high on the agenda for these new universities is apparent as the concept paper suggest that individuals with high quality research/training experience could be invited to join the faculty even if they have not applied for the job — as is also done in JNU. The universities, the paper says, should also be allowed to develop own hiring policies and pay higher emoluments and non-salary incentives over and above regular pay scales. The blueprint also recommends that private sector funding be permitted as long as it does not compromise academic integrity and autonomy of the university.

    While the UGC’s earlier draft on WCUs did not quite impress the Prime Minister’s Office — it is keenly following the ambitious project — the new concept paper is said to have been found to be more “forward looking”. The legislation will also be so worded that it does not lead to rigid bureaucratic controls that stifle quality and creativity and spell out only “what to do” instead of “how to do”.

    August 24th, 2008

    Vedanta University hires advisors for its medical college

    Following is from a report in Pioneer.

    In the first phase of the Vedanta University Project, a 500-bed super-specialty hospital and a medical college of international standard will be built which will be later expanded to 1,000-bed capacity. The super facilities that are planned cardiology, endocrinology and intensive care while paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added in the next phase.

    Besides providing highest quality health care, it will be a ‘Research-cum-Teaching hospital’. An advisory committee will decide on the vision and scope of the medical centre comprising health-care, teaching and research facilities with distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad.

    The Vedanta University Project also announced that director of Medical Education and senior cardiologist of Apollo Hospital KP Mishra and ex-director of the Institute of Immunohaematology and winner of the Biju Patnaik Award for Excellence in Science and Technology Dipika Mohanty had joined as advisors to guide regarding the development of the hospital.

    Mohanty, on behalf of hospital, will initiate a major research project in the areas for infants and children having anaemia as well as an identification and treatment for sickle cell anaemia which is more prevalent in Orissa.

    The hospital and medical college are part of the first phase of the Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for humanities, sciences, engineering and business. The academic session is likely to start in 2010.

    The exact press release of Vedanta University is at It says the following:

    Super-Specialty Hospital and Medical College work to start soon by Vedanta University Project, Puri


    • Super specialty 500 bed hospital and medial college.
    • To be upgraded to 1000 bed later.
    • Super specialties in Cardiology, endocrinology and acute care.
    • Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology to be added later.
    • Advisory committee with experts from India and abroad being formed.
    • Noted Oriya Cardiologist, Dr. K.P.Mishra of Apollo fame and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, former Director of Institute of Immuno-haematology (ICMR) already joined as advisors.
    • Major research projects in interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency and sickle cell anaemia being initiated.
    • The first phase of proposed Vedanta University will also include colleges of Humanities and Sciences, Engineering and Business.
    • Academic session scheduled to start in 2010.

    Puri, August 19, 2008: In the first phase of the Vedanta University project, a 500 bed super specialty hospital and medical college of international standard will be built. This will be expanded to 1000 bed Hospital in the next phase. The super specialties that are planned in the Vedanta Hospital are cardiology, endocrinology and acute care. In the next phase, paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology will be added. This Hospital will answer a long standing need for providing comprehensive and specialized patient care and health services for the population of the region and will be a beacon of hope for the common man.

    The Hospital is being designed in line with the highest standards set for the Vedanta University Project, and it will be a Research cum Teaching hospital besides providing highest quality patient care. The Hospital will benefit from the highly qualified faculty of the proposed medical college and will be managed by well trained professionals. An advisory committee, comprising distinguished medical professionals and academicians from India and abroad, will be formed to decide on the vision and scope of the medical center consisting of hospital, teaching and research facilities.

    Vedanta University Project is pleased to announce that Dr. K. P. Misra, MD, FACC, FRCP, the distinguished Oriya Cardiologist and Director, medical education and Senior Cardiologist (retd) Apollo Hospital, Chennai, and Dr. Dipika Mohanty, MD, Ph.D. FRCP, Ex Director Institute of Immunohaematology (ICMR) and 2006 winner of the Biju Patnaik award for Excellence in Science and Technology, have joined as Advisors to guide setting up the hospital, medical college and medical research centers. On behalf of the Vedanta University Project, Dr Mohanty is initiating a major research project in the areas of interventional treatment of anaemia/iron deficiency in infants and children in Orissa as well as identification and treatment of sickle cell anaemia, which has a double incident rate in Orissa compared to other states where it is prevalent.

    The Hospital and Medical College will form part of the first phase of Vedanta University Project that will include a core campus with colleges for Humanities & Sciences, and schools of Engineering and Business. The first academic session is planned to start in 2010.

    The Vedanta University will be a world class multidisciplinary University of global scale that will promote greater learning, cutting-edge research and socio-economic development.

    For further details contact:Mr. Kishore Chandra Das
    Head, Communications
    Anil Agarwal Foundation
    Vedanta University Project, Puri
    Mobile No. : 91-9437012258


    6 comments August 20th, 2008

    Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology (BIT) has just received AICTE approval

    I am told by Prof. Rabi Mahapatra (Chairman of the Trustee) and Dr. Gopal Mohapatra (member Trustee) that BIT (Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology) has now received AICTE approval. This is great news. Since BPUT JEE counseling is already midway, I hope a way is found for BIT to admit students this year.

    BIT will be a unique institution is Orissa. The reason I say it is that it is being built by several well-known  professors from the US and several other professionals.  Following is the list of  its promoters as obtained from their web page.

    14 comments August 16th, 2008

    IIT Bhubaneswar location search reaching a conclusion

    Following is from

    The Government of Orissa has identified the site at Argul under Jatni tahsil near Bhuabneswar.  The entire area is 891 acres out of which 230 acre is forest land. While there will be delay in forest clearance, the Government of Orissa has opted for free patch of land. So the State Government has decided to earmark 500 acres of clean land for the IIT-Bh. Accordingly the Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has written to the Union Human Resource Development Minister Arjun Singh to begin construction work in the site.

    How ever the experts feel that the entire 891 acres of land, which has been crisscrossed by train lines and black top road have to be given a geometrical shape in keeping the future of the institution in view. Whole area is to be developed as a compact area and infrastructure development has to be taken up immediately, advised an expert. Black top roads are to be rearranged, so that when the IIT is completed than there will be  no through fare. To begin with there is the need of the water supply to be augmented at the first instance. At least 3 million gallon per day (MGD) water is needed and laying pipelines from Naraj will cost around Rs.46 crore. Laying pipelines to Naraj will take at least 2 years, feel the experts. Similarly, power supply to the area through 33 kv line is necessary and drawing the power line will cost Rs.6 crore. So at the first instance Rs.52 crore is needed for the basic infrastructure facilities, said an official.

    The State Government earlier located 4 places like Garabandhu (Malipada), Banki (Dampara), Mundali (Ramdaspur) and Argul (Jatni). Out of the 4 places Argul has been chosen keeping in view all the aspects, said an official. How ever it is advisable to step up infrastructure development before handing over it to the Centre, feel an expert.  And the State Government should fund the improvement expenditure, said he.

    Following is from Sambada.

    August 11th, 2008

    More Billionaires follow Anil Agarwal in establishing universities; though at a much smaller scale

    Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard on this.

    HCL’s Founder and Chairman Shiv Nadar is making a second foray into university education having sought 300 acres of land in Noida, near New Delhi, to set up a Rs 300-crore multi-disciplinary university.

    Former Cabinet Secretary T S R Subramaniam is said to be advising Nadar on this venture. The university will be residential and is expected to be operational by 2009.

    The Forbes-listed Indian billionaire joins Mukesh Ambani and Anil Agarwal in committing funds to a major university project (see table).

    … This university will be Nadar’s second major venture in education after Chennai-based SSN Institutions, which offers graduate courses and research programmes in engineering, biomedical engineering, IT and management.

    “Education is a sunrise sector. Investments in this sector are limited, but the returns are very promising. This is why even companies are finding this interesting,” said another source, who is part of Nadar’s university development team.

    India’s higher education sector is worth Rs 100,000 crore today and is expected to treble over three to five years, said industry players, as faster economic growth raises the demand for qualified people.

    In 2006, Anil Agarwal, chairman, Vedanta Resources Plc, announced plans for a multi-disciplinary university in Orissa, where it is setting up an aluminium smelter, with an endowment fund of up to $1 billion and modelled on Harvard, Stanford and Oxford.

    Mukesh Ambani is also reportedly planning a university in Pune at an investment of Rs 100 crore to offer courses in science, arts and professional disciplines.

    August 11th, 2008

    Update on the HRD initiatives; location of 10 new NITs

    Update: As per possible location of 9 of the 10 NITs are:

    ? … Manipur, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Uttrakhand, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

    ï‚· The NIT at Goa   may also cater to the needs of Daman & Diu, Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Lakshadweep.

    ï‚· Pudducherry or Andaman & Nicobar may have one common NIT, which will cater the needs of each.

    Following are excerpts from the PIB release

    … The initiative to set up eight new Indian Institutes of Technology is on course with the first academic sessions starting in 2008 in six of the new IITs in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Orissa, Punjab and Gujarat . The session for IIT Orissa has already been started at lIT Kharagpur in July 2008 and classes will begin for IIT Punjab at lIT Delhi in Sept 2008. And the academic session for the other 4 new IITs, will begin during August 2008.

    Out of the 7 new Indian Institutes of Management proposed the IIM at Shillong has already commenced its first academic session from July 2008. The remaining six IIMs will be established in Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Tamil Nadu and Haryana.

    The government proposal to set up five Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research is on schedule. Of these two IISERs at Pune and Kolkata were inaugurated in 2006-07 and are now fully functional, and the IISER Mohali started its first academic session in 2007-08. Two more IISERs at Bhopal and Thiruvanthapuram will commence their first academic sessions in August, 2008.

    Two Schools of Planning & Architecture (SPAs) are being set up at Bhopal and Vijayawada . Classes in both the new SPAs will begin with the academic session of 2008 through temporary campuses. The SPA Bhopal will be mentored by NIT Bhopal while the SPA at Vijayawada will be mentored by SPA, Delhi .

    The strengthening of Polytechnics is under way with steps being taken to set up 1000 polytechnics (300 in Government Sector, 300 through PPP mode and 400 private polytechnics); Further 500 existing polytechnics are being expanded and the Community Polytechnics scheme being revamped and their number being increased from 669 to 1000.

    Steps are being taken establish 10 new National Institutes of Technology. The likely location of these NITs will be in States/UTs which at present don’t have an NIT.

    Sixteen Central Universities are being set up under the initiative seeking to established a Central University in states not having a Central University . Four existing universities; Sagar University in Madhya Pradesh, Bilaspur University in Chhatisgarh, Garhwal University in Uttrakhand and Goa University, are proposed to be taken over and upgraded as Central Universities. The remaining 12 new universities are to be set up in Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab , Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh, J&K, Kamataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

    14 World Class Central Universities (WCCU), are proposed with the locations being firmed up in consultation with the Planning Commission. The State Governments have been requested to identify suitable land.

    A total of 373 degree colleges will be set up in the districts having GER lower than the national average as identified by the UGC. Out of these districts, about 90 districts have been shortlisted which have less than 6% GER, have less than 4 colleges per lakh of population and are also minority concentration districts. It is proposed to fast-track the starting of the degree colleges in these shortlisted districts this year.

    Twenty Indian Institutes of Information Technology are planned with NAASCOM having submitted a project report. The setting up of the IIITs under the PPP mode has been discussed with the States and most of the States agreed to tap not-for-profit private investment, while ensuring that PPP should not lead to any erosion of access to the poor sections of society.

    Scholarships for College and University students, based on merit, to non-creamy layer students numbering about 2% of the. student population will be given to those who pass out from various intermediate boards. The scholarship will be Rs.l,000 per month for the first 2 years after which it will be of Rs.2000 per month for the balance period of the professional or other courses in Higher Education. Every year about 41,000 boys and 41,000 girls will benefit from the scheme.

    The government is working on an Education Loan Interest Subsidy Scheme. It will be a Central Sector scheme for providing interest subsidy during the moratorium period on the educational loans taken by students belonging to "non-creamy" layer for pursuing professional education in India.

    All the Central Educational Institutions are implementing OBC reservations as per the Central Educational Institutions (Reservation in Admission) Act, 2006 from this year onward on a staggered basis and the necessary funds have been released to all of them, after holding the meetings of the Empowered Committees. All the IITs, IIMs and the Central Universities that are covered under the Act have started giving reservations to OBCs in a staggered manner. As a result of the implementation of OBC reservations in this academic year, there is an increase of over 20500 in the intake capacity in the Central Educational Institutions.

    The states and union territories that do not have NITs are:

    1. Delhi
    2. Uttarakhand
    3. Goa
    4. Dadra and nagar haveli
    5. Pondicherry
    6. Andaman and Nicobar islands
    7. Lakshadweep
    8. Meghalaya
    9. Mizoram
    10. Manipur
    11. Nagaland
    12. Arunachal Pradesh
    13. Sikkim

    So, I guess the majority of the 10 new NITs will be in these states. My guess would be 2, 3, 5, 8-13. (I skipped 1 because I wonder if there is any space left in proper Delhi for an NIT. The rest that I skipped, 4,6 and 7, are very remote as well as hard to reach places.)  That makes 9 NITs. It would be interesting to see where the 10th NIT will be located.

    4 comments August 8th, 2008

    Law University to start classes in 2009-2010

    Following is from a report in Pioneer.

    The classes for the proposed Law University will commence from the next academic year 2009-10.

    A decision to this effect was taken at a high-level meeting convened by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday. LN Mitra from the National Law University (NLU) attended the meeting. The proposal for the university was announced by the Union Law Minister in 2005.

    The classes would commence either at the Madhu Sudan Law College or in the campus of Ravenshaw Law College.

    The proposed university would be set up at Naraj in an area of 50 acre. The State Government has already acquired 30 acres of land for this purpose.

    The Chief Justice of India will function as chancellor of the University while the Bar Council of India will run the entire curriculum of the university.

    6 comments August 7th, 2008

    Some details on the proposed Jagadguru Kripalu University of Spritual Sciences: material provided by the university planners


    The proposed university will be developed at Banki, near Cuttack, Orissa, in multiple stages. Kripaluji Maharaj has lakhs of followers in Orissa. In the first stage, 110 acres of land has been finalised, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed by the Trust and the Govt. of Orissa.


    1. B. Nat (Ayu) – Bachelors of Ayurved in Naturopathy.
    2. B. Nat (Yogic Sciences) – Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
    3. Rural Economics
    4. Rural development on Health, Hygiene, Homes, Human Values and harmony in diversity
    5. Rural Management
    6. B.A – Bachelor of Arts
    7. B.B.A, M.B.A – Bachelor and Master of Business Administration
    8. B.C.A – Bachelor of Computer Application
    9. Bachelor and Master of Oriental Learning
    10. Bachelor of Professional Studies
    11. Bachelor and Master of Social Work
    12. B.Sc – Bachelor of Science
    13. B.E – Bachelor of Engineering
    14. Yog Therapy

    Continue Reading 7 comments August 6th, 2008

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