Bachelor in Audiology and Bachelor in Physiotherapy program at IHS

Its website is Following is its ad in Samaja:

April 10th, 2008

Two new Plus two Science colleges in Bhubaneswar: IHSE of ITER and Naidu’s

Last year’s list is at Following are the ads of two new ones:

  • IHSE (Plus 2 science college of ITER)
  • Naidu Plus 2 science college

1 comment April 10th, 2008

Ravenshaw will offer MBA; XIMB will help

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

The course would be offered with the active collaboration of Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar (XIMB), said registrar Satyakam Mishra.

The premier B-school, apart from providing faculty, will also train teachers of the varsity. It will design the course content and provide consultancy on several aspects including admission and placement. Besides, students can also make use of XIMB’s library facilities, he said.

… Once introduced, human resource personnel felt Ravenshaw’s MBA course will trigger an unprecedented demand among management aspirants, given the brand name both carry.

The programme will undoubtedly set a bench mark for itself in the State. Mishra said the master’s degree programme will comprise 60 seats to begin with. The selection procedure is being worked out. Scores of XIMB conducted test and CAT may be taken into consideration.

However, the understanding with XIMB will be for two years. If the course proves successful, it will be extended, he noted.

The varsity has already initiated steps to set up the department and renovate an existing hostel for the MBA students.

April 9th, 2008

Bill for private university to be set up by Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust cleared by state cabinet

Following is an excerpt from a report in the Telegraph.

The draft bill was cleared by the state cabinet, which was chaired by chief minister Naveen Patnaik, today.

The existing law allows the establishment of only government-run university in the state.

The government has, therefore, drafted a unitary law to facilitate self-financed and self-governed private university to be set up by Sri Sri Ravishankar Vidya Mandir Trust.

Chief secretary Ajit Tripathy said the bill would be introduced in the Assembly in the next session. There will be a provision in the bill for representation of the government in the management board through a senior officer.

… This would be the first private university to be set up in Orissa for which draft legislation has been formulated.

Meanwhile, the government has allotted 185.97 acres at Naraj on the outskirts of Cuttack for the project.

The university would have a core campus comprising academic and non-academic buildings to cater to the needs of 15,000 students, 1,500 faculty and matching number of non-teaching staff.

Basic science, humanities, engineering, medicine, pharmacy, business management, law, bio-science, art, culture and Vedic studies, ayurveda, aviation and maritime training will be on course list.

The campus will house a sports complex, recreational facilities, utility centres and meditation halls.

The university would be fully residential with hostels for faculty as well as students. Necessary infrastructure such as roads, communication, water, sewerage, effluent treatment system, power distribution, medical and banking facilities will be provided by the proposed university management in a phase-wise manner.

April 8th, 2008

CIPET admission announcement: ad in Samaja

1 comment April 8th, 2008

Tatas to take over IMA and call it Tata Institute of Mathematics?

Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph. (Thanks to Sanjoy Das for the pointer.)

After Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, it is now the turn of a national-level mathematics institute from the house of Tatas.

The steel major has decided to come up with an advanced institute in mathematical studies in Bhubaneswar. To be called Tata Institute of Mathematics, the project is being launched in association with Utkal University in Orissa.

“The decision behind coming up with the institute was development of pure mathematics as a research subject and also to arouse interest among youngsters for the subject,” said H.M. Nerurkar, the chief operating officer of Tata Steel at Jamshedpur today.

Scheduled to be opened in two months, the centre is based on the lines of institutes of mathematics located in Pune and Chennai. Once functional, it would work in areas like fundamental research in frontier disciplines of the mathematical and physical sciences: mathematics, theoretical physics among others.

“The institute has been envisaged with the vision of promoting advance studies in different mathematical faculties and practices. It will offer postgraduate and post-doctoral research programme in different mathematics disciplines,” said Nerurkar, adding the place would be an architectural delight with the design by Vadodara-based Karan Grover and Associates.

… The centre will also conduct special courses for schoolchildren to help them develop interest in mathematical studies.

April 8th, 2008

NISER tender for barbed wire fencing and MS gate at Jatni

(Editor’s comment: Does it mean that NISER now has the full possession of the land?)

Following is from reached via

Government of India                

Department of Atomic Energy

Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management


NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFICATION CUM TENDER (TWO BID) Tender No DCSE/Head (PCD)/NISER-/Fencing /202/2008       dt  05March 2008

Chief Engineer ,DCSEM, DAE, 3rd floor, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094, on behalf of President of India, invites sealed tenders (in TWO BID) from eligible Contractors for “PROVIDING BARBED WIRE FENCING AND MS GATE FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH (NISER) AT PROPOSED LAND AT Teshil: JATNI, District: KHURDA, ORISSA.. Estimated cost Rs.55 Lakhs.:  E.M.D. Rs.1.10 Lakhs    Security Deposit      @ 10% of tendered amount (as per Clause 1 & 1A of General Conditions of Contract.    Completion Period  3 (Three months). Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 07-04-2008 at 14.30 Hrs. in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006. Tenders shall be received in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on 11-04-2008 up to 15.00 Hrs and only Technical bid shall be opened on 11-04-2008 at15.30 Hrs. Financial Bids shall be opened at a later date, which will be notified separately. Opening of Financial Bids shall be subject to short listing of the bidders on verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Committee of experts formed by DCSEM. EMD in a separate sealed cover shall be received at the time of opening of Financial Bids. Tender documents can be had from 12-03-2008 to  02-04-2008 on any working day between 11-00 Hrs. and 16-00 Hrs. from Office of the Project Engineer (EW), DCSEM, DAE, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064  & Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on application with the following credentials : 1.  Proof of registration with Government/Semi Government organizations like CPWD, MES, Railways, and State PWDs in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works.2.  List of construction plants, machinery and infrastructure facilities to complete the work in time. 3.  List of technical staff possessed etc. 4.  List of similar works in hand and works carried out by them for the last five years indicating annual turnover, the agency for whom executed, value of work, completion time, stipulated and actual or present position of the work. 5.  Performance certificates.          6. Latest Solvency Certificate of minimum Rs.22 Lakhs from any scheduled banks. Parties fulfilling following criteria shall only be considered for issue of tender documents and pre-qualification :  i)  Average Annual Turnover not less than Rs.150 Lakhs during last three years   ending 31.03.2008 indicated in ITCC or Profit & Loss Statement.  ii)  Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during last 5 (five) years ending 31.03.2007.  iii) Experience of having successfully completed works as follows during the last five years ending on 31-10-07:  1.  Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs. 22Lakhs each     OR    2.  Two similar completed works each not less than Rs. 28 Lakhs each        OR          3. One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 44 Lakhs.  iv) Similar works shall mean experience in construction of either Compound wall alongwith barbed/chainlink etc or in association with other civil works Fencing works .  In the absence of any documents listed above, the requisition for issue of tender forms will not be considered.  Cost of tender documents Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) payable in Cash to Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, DAE, Kolkata.  Chief Project Engineer (N), DCSEM,, Mumbai reserves the right to accept or reject the tender in full or in part without assigning any reason thereof.  Tender with any condition including conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith.


1 comment April 6th, 2008

HDF (Human Development Foundation) making a B-School with difference

The Chairman of HDF is Dr. Dhanada Mishra, Ph.D in Civil Engineering from University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Among other credentials, Dhanada is the state coordinator of Pratham, an AID Saathi, SEEDs board member and a decent human being. He is the Chairman of the Human Development Foundation (HDF), which is in the process of establishing a business school with difference. With him at the helm of the HDF School of management, HDF’s vision of "an empowered and proactive community enriched by quality human resources" and mission of "facilitating a participatory movement to strengthen development initiatives by promotion of quality human resources and encouragement of shared leadership", and with Dhanada as the chairman of the board of trustees of HDF, I think this B-School will not only be a top-notch B-School in the country but will also be a B-School with difference. To understand what I mean by a B-school with difference, let me copy and past the Chairman’s message below.

Dear prospective students;

Welcome to HDF School of Management!

As you consider your choices for higher education in Management Studies, I would like you ponder for a moment about the kind of institution that you would like to spend two precious years of your life in. As you look at the options I am sure you will realise that you are faced with two very stark choices. On one hand you have public sector institutions offering programs at affordable costs to students selected in highly competitive admission process. It is no doubt that some of these institutions are world-class. Unfortunately, most of the public sector institutions provide poor environment for overall growth of the individual in the sense that they lack the entrepreneurial spirit which is reflected in weak placement effort, lack of up-to-date curriculum, weak industry linkage and so on. These aspects are more pro-actively addressed by the second group of growing number of institutions promoted by edupreneurs in the last one and half decade. However, it may not be an exaggeration to say that most of these second set of institutions are characterised by high fees, unethical commercialisation, lack of transparency and poor quality.

In the above scenario, Human Development Foundation (HDF) is making an attempt to create a third alternative where the best characteristics of public and self-financed education can be offered to the students. The Foundation itself is based on the deep concern of a set of individuals for the over-all development of the society through creation of high quality and ethical human resource to tackle our myriad problems. The School of Management is but one of the several ventures to offer students high quality education at a modest fee. It is driven by highly qualified and motivated faculty. It provides opportunity to students for exposure to social sector development projects for hands-on feel for one’s responsibility towards society beyond career aspirations. Thus, it aims to create a balanced, competent and wholesome individual equipped with the best tools of the trade, ready to engage with the society be it through the corporate sector or through the development sector.
The vision of the foundation, ‘an empowered and pro-active community’, can only be achieved by creation of high quality human resource on a scale matching the enormity of our future needs. We believe that through our passion for this vision, hard work, team effort and dedication we will create an environment where you can achieve your true potential as a management professional of highest caliber ready to take on the world.

I look forward to meeting you in near future.

Dhanada Kanta Mishra, Ph. D. (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)

1 comment April 5th, 2008

School of Life Science, four star colleges and an infectious disease research unit

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer. (See also this report in New Indian Express.)

Union Minister of Science and Technology and Earth Sciences Kapil Sibal on Friday said a School of Life Science would be established in one of the universities of the State.

Addressing a Press Conference here, Sibal said the Centre would provide all help in establishing the Infectious Disease Research Unit in the premises of the SCB Medical College, Cuttack. He was here to lay the foundation stone for a new research building of Institute of Life Science

Sibal further said that the Research Unit would be set up with the help of the Institute of Life Science. "Four existing colleges will be given the status of star college in Orissa," he announced, adding that the star college would be equipped with all sorts of modern facilities and technology. Students would be encouraged to take up research works particularly in the field of bio-technology. "Biotechnology has to play a key role in the country’s development," he said.

April 5th, 2008

PHFI to establish a public health training center in Bhubaneswar – Sambada. Why not an IIPH?


April 4th, 2008

MOU for five textile training centers

Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.

the State Government and Apparel Export Promotion Council on Thursday signed an MoU to set up apparel training and design centres.

As per the MoU, five satellite centres would be set up at Berhampur, Rourkela, Baripada, Sambalpur and Cuttack. Three centres at Berhampur, Baripada and Rourkela would start on 31st May, 2008. The two other centres at Cuttak and Sambalpur will be taken up in the next phase.

As per the scheme, the initial capital expenditure of Rs 30 lakh for setting up the institution will be provided by State Government. The assistance will come from the State Employment Mission which works with the objective of skill generation for creating employability among rural and urban youths. The Government will also make available for the Centre floor area of 5,500- 7,500 sq feet suitable for undertaking training and housing equipments. The AEPC will be responsible for other recurring expense for running the institutions including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day-to-day.

The APEC will be responsible for other recurring expenses for running institution including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day a to day management. In selection of trainees, local candidates will be given priority and selection will be made from the candidates of Orissa only. These five centres will able to generate about 5,000- 6,000 employment in the garment sector only and 20,00 -26,000 over the 11th plan period.

1 comment April 4th, 2008

ASBM to offer PG courses in investment portfolio

Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express.

Leading business weekly ‘Dalal Street Investment Journal’ (DSIJ) has zeroed in on city-based Asian School of Business Management to launch a post-graduate programme in investment portfolio management, the first of its kind in the country.

The journal, owned by Ramdeo Media Enterprises, will provide the course content and other expertise. ASBM … Both the organisations signed an MoU on Thursday to launch the course. It would first be offered in ASBM’s upcoming Hyderabad campus and later on here.

… the magazine had approached ASBM to leverage on its core strength and run the programme which would eventually meet the increasing demand for qualified professionals in the expanding equity market. A recent report by the journal had, in fact, highlighted the acute shortage of managers in handling the swelling base of investment portfolio.

Signing the agreement, director (marketing) Deepak Jhangiani too highlighted the manifold growth of the investment community in the country which has expanded to the tune of 3.2 million within a short period.

As per prediction, about 1,000 mutual fund companies are expected to come up in the subcontinent. The course will stretch over 18 months and have six months of internship programme in investment firms.

April 4th, 2008

ICAR Bio-safety level 3 animal lab near Jatni

Following is an excerpt from a report in Kalinga Times.

A high security laboratory, which would be one of its kind in Southeast Asia, will be set up in Orissa this year to fight foot and mouth disease that affects about 470 million domestic livestock annually.

"The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), an autonomous national organisation under the central government, recently approved the establishment of the laboratory at Jatani on the outskirt of the capital city Bhubaneswar," director of the state animal husbandry department Bishnupada Sethi told IANS Sunday.

It is going to be the first such centre of India and one of its kind in Southeast Asia with the Bio Safety Level (3+) facilities which will work for proper control and containment of virulent, pathogenic and mutagenic foot and mouth disease viruses, he said.

Bio-safety Level 3 facility expands the capability of researchers to conduct research on potential viral agents that do not currently have vaccines or therapies.

… People working in laboratory wear special protective suits with filtered air supply and work within airtight cabinetry.

Foot and mouth disease is endemic in India. It is present almost in all parts of the country and occurs round the year. It also hits free-living and captive ungulates and elephants.

… The disease samples will be received from the entire country as well as from abroad for proper identification and characterisation of the biological pathogen that caused the disease.

It will also serve as a repository unit for various serotypes – a grouping of viruses of the foot and mouth disease, Sethi said.

The research will help in manufacturing of foot and mouth disease vaccine through proper inclusion of emerging strains of concerned virus, he added.

… The state government has already identified an area of 116.325 acres located 25 km away from the state capital to be given to ICAR for the laboratory.

The centre, which will also serve as a referral laboratory for the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), will be more technologically advanced than the High Security Animal Disease Laboratory at Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, said B. Patnaik, a scientist.

April 1st, 2008

Minister Chandrasekhar Sahu’s take on the IIT and world class central university

Following is an excerpt from a report in New Indian Express.

Sahu claimed that the sanction of two central institutes was possible because of his persistent demand for an IIT in a backward but mineral-rich State like Orissa. The IIT will be established with an estimated cost of Rs 760 crore and the Central University Rs 1,000 crore.

4 comments March 30th, 2008

Coverage of Vedanta University in the international media

Vedanta University is covered in major news papers and magazines across the world:

Vedanta University master plan has won awards

March 30th, 2008

IIT in Orissa, a world class central university and another central university (hopefully in KBK) announced by the center : PIB

Following is from a PIB press release


11:55 IST

The 11th Five Year Plan, endorsed by the National Development Council in December, 2007, envisages, inter-alia, establishment of the following new higher education institutions in the Central sector:

A          Technical Education Institutions

·         8 Indian Institutes of Technology

·         7 Indian Institutes of Management

B          Central Universities

·         14  Universities aiming at world class standards

·         16  Universities in States which do not have a Central University at present


2.         Out of the above new institutions, location decisions had already been taken in the case of 4 IITs and one IIM. Hon’ble Prime Minister has since approved the proposals made by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, for the location of the remaining institutions as per the details given below.

Location of new IITs/ IIMs.

3.         Location of 4 IITs  (in Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Bihar and Himachal Pradesh),  and one IIM (at Shillong) have already been announced. The Central Government has now decided to locate the remaining 4 IITs and 6 IIMs in the following States :

IITs   Orissa, Madhya Pradesh (Indore), Gujarat and  Punjab

 IIMs    Tamil Nadu, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh (Raipur), Uttarakhand and Haryana In addition, it is also proposed to convert the Institute of Technology of the Banaras Hindu University   into an IIT.  Admission to this Institute is already based on the  IIT – Joint Entrance Examination.

Location of 14 World Class Universities

4.         As regards 14 Central Universities aiming at  world class standards, it has been considered necessary that these are located in or near selected large cities which would automatically have the kind of connectivity and infrastructure  which such universities would need.  Accordingly, it has been decided  to locate one such University in each of the 14 States/Region  as shown  in the  enclosed List, and to request concerned State Governments to identify adequate land in or near the  selected  cities.

Location of 16 Central Universities in Uncovered States        

5.         16 States which do not have a  Central University at present, and which will get one  Central University each  in the  11th Plan are  Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Rajasthan and Goa.   Of these, in three States, existing State Universities will be taken over by the Central Government and converted into Central Universities. These   three Universities are   Dr. Hari Singh Gaur University, Sagar (in Madhya Pradesh), Guru Ghasidas University, Bilaspur (in Chhattisgarh), and Goa University.

6.         Establishment of IITs, IIMs and Central Universities in the above States is subject to State Governments offering adequate   land at suitable locations, free of cost, for the purpose.  Each of the concerned State Government is being requested to offer land accordingly.  Actual establishment of these institutions would however depend, among other things, on how quickly the concerned State Governments respond  by allotting adequate land at suitable locations.

State-wise List of Cities Identified for locating 14 Central Universities during the  XIth Plan  which would aim to achieve  world class  standards

State                                        City

1.         Maharashtra                            Pune

2.         West Bengal                            Kolkata

3.         Tamil Nadu                               Coimbatore

4.         Karnataka                                Mysore

5.         Andhra Pradesh                        Vishakapatanam

6.         Gujarat                                     Gandhinagar

7.         Rajasthan                                 Jaipur

8.         Bihar                                        Patna

9.         Madhya Pradesh                       Bhopal

10.        Kerala                                      Kochi

11.        Punjab                                     Amritsar

12.        Orissa                                      Bhubaneshwar

13.        Uttar Padesh                            Greater NOIDA

14.        North Eastern Region    Guwahati


Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD

PIB, New Delhi; Chatra 08, 1930,March 28, 2008


5 comments March 28th, 2008

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