Punjab National Bank asks for land to establish a Farmers Training Center in Orissa

Following are excerpts from a Business Standard report,

Punjab National Bank (PNB) has decided to set up a Farmers’ Training Centre (FTC) in Orissa. 
… "We have requested the Orissa Chief Minister, Naveen Patnaik, to allot at least seven acres at a prime location, preferably in Bhubaneswar for the establishment of the farmers’ training centre. The matter is pending with the government and we are eagerly awaiting the state government’s response. As soon as we receive the state government’s nod we will start construction activities," said Bimal Prasad Sharma, zonal manager of the bank in Bhubaneswar. 
The bank has urged the state government to give it the piece of land free of cost. 
The other expenditure for the training centre including the construction of the building, appointment of faculty members and other staff and their salaries, infrastructure and installation of equipments to train farmers from every nook and corner of the state will be borne by the bank, said Sharma. 
The bank has already established seven such farmers’ training centres in Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan, where the agriculture lending of the bank is comparatively higher than Orissa. 
"About 80 percent people of Orissa are depending upon agriculture sector. The farmers are not being provided with update training on modern cultivation due to lack of farmers’ training centre. We have decided to establish the centre in Orissa to help its farmers", he said. 
At the proposed institute, farmers will be trained with special focus on adoption of improved farm technology, diversification of crops, specially cash crops, repair and maintenance of agriculture implements. 
Besides, special training on floriculture, horticulture, pisciculture, apiculture and animal husbandry will be imparted at the centre. "It is our social corporate responsibility to stand by the needy and deserved farmers as they are the back bone of our society," he said.  …
“We have provisionally selected four places in Orissa for the farmers’ training centre. Our top priority is, the land should be provided in such a location where faculty members, communication and other infrastructure are available at hand", Sharma said, adding, "Our first preference is Bhubaneswar because it is the state capital where our zonal office is located. Secondly, Bhubaneswar has Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology from where we can take faculty to impart training”. 

August 20th, 2007

Sambada school of media and culture: entrance exam on the 18th

August 16th, 2007

ASBM to start course on Banking, Insurance and Financial Servive Management

Following are some excerpts from a Business standrad report on this.

Asian School of Business Management (ASBM), one of the premier business schools of Orissa today a Post-graduate Programme in Banking, Insurance and Financial Services Management (PGPBIFSM).

The programmed is tailored to meet manpower requirement in these sectors.  …

The director of ASBM Biswajit Patnaik said the PGPBIFSM course aims to bring appropriate balancing of banking, insurance and financial services. It is the only B-school focussing on the sectoral programmes, he claimed.

The school had launched the retail programme management earlier.

The new course contents 90 hours of elective study and 150 hours of soft skill development along with the foundation courses, specialisation and super specialisation programmes.

August 15th, 2007

BJB/Ravenshaw Junior Colleges and their performance in IIT entrance exams: how to change it (Chitta1)

BJB Junior College is the premier junior college of Orissa. Earlier we listed its arts and science merit lists. In the science merit list there are about 418 students who have secured more than 90% in their class X exam.  Although I have not seen Ravenshaw Junior College’s list, my guess is the situation will be almost similar (may be a little bit less) percentage wise. BJB Junior College currently has 512 seats in plus two science and Ravenshaw (after the recent seat increase) has 384 seats.

I am an alumnus of BJB (when it had 384 seats) and have close friends from Ravenshaw. Based on my experience in BJB, and my subsequent experience in IIT Kharagpur Computer Sc and University of Maryland (where I had JEE number 1 of a year in one of my classes)  I can say that at least 200 of BJB Jr plus two science students and 150 of Ravenshaw Jr plus two science students have the ability to make it to an IIT and do well in them.

Yet, as I am told, these days annually only about 10-12 fresh plus two pass outs from BJB Jr make it to IITs and may be another 10-12 older pass outs also make it. The result for Ravenshaw Jr is similar. Considering the quality of students that get into BJB Jr and Ravenshaw Jr, this result is dismal and is a shame.

One should just compare how similar colleges from others states do. Many of them send more than 100 students to IITs. An example is Little Flower Junior College of Hyderabad. (It was true in my time and as Partyusa confirms, it was true in his time too.)

Now, it is not the case that Orissa students (as aptly represented by BJB and Ravenshaw) are inferior than students from other states. They are as good, and often they do better (than what their incoming ranks would suggest) once they get in to a national institute.

So why is it that their result in the IIT entrance exam is so dismal!

From my analysis, experience and talking to other friends following are some of my thoughts on this.

1. Lack of Confidence; not believing in oneself: Many students hear about the performance of the previous year and when they find out that only 10-12 from their college made it to IITs, they figure that they won’t be among the top 10-12 in their batch and hence give up before starting. Many others start preparing for IIT but because of lack of confidence, give up mid way.

2. Negative advice: I have heard that certain teachers/seniors/parents/guardians give negative advice. They say that IIT is too hard and if one focuses so much on the IIT preparation then he/she may do badly in other exams and as a result, neither will he/she get IIT, nor will he/she get into the easier options through AIEEE and Orissa JEE.

3. Over dependence on low quality tuitions: Many students take multiple tutions and coaching classes that leaves them little time to study on their own. They depend on their tuition master’s notes rather than reading the books themselves.

4. Satisfied with easier alternatives: Some students set a lower goal for themselves. They notice that graduates from various private colleges in and around Bhubaneswar get well-paying jobs in recognized companies and decide why work hard to prepare for IIT.

Some basic advice to plus 2 students regarding getting into IITs

1. Confidence issues and countering the negative advice: The students who get into BJB jr and Ravenshaw jr colleges with more than or close to 90% marks in their Class X need not doubt their abilities. They will be successful in no matter what they do, provided they put their mind to it. Now, not every one needs to aim or go to IITs. But whatever field they decide for their career they should aim for the best college/institute in that field. So if Engineering is their choice then IITs and BITS should be in the top of their list and if science and maths is their interest then they should aim for NISER and IISERs. If one prepares for these entrance exams in a proper way then even if they are not successful for IIT/BITS/NISER/IISER they will do well in AIEEE, Orissa JEE and Plus 2 examination. The students that get into BJB jr and Ravenshaw jr are among the top 1000 students of Orissa. So there is no reason they should not get within the top 1000 of Orissa JEE and get into a very good local engineering college. With that excellent fall back option, BJB jr and Ravenshaw jr plus two science students interested in engineering should prepare for IIT with their full heart, and without any fear, but in a proper way.

2. A proper way for preparing for IIT and other entrance exams:  First, only reading notes dictated by ones tuition master is the worst way for preparing for entrance exams. When a tuition master dictates notes, at best what it implies is that he/she has read the material from one or more places, hopefully understood it, and has made a summary of it. When someone else (a student taking tuition) just reads those notes he/she does not develop the same level of understanding as he/she would have developed if he/she had read the original material in the books himself/herself.  Similarly, by only reading examples of solved problems (or listening to a tuition master explaining a solved problem) one does not develop the skill to solve problems. Unfortunately, many plus two students take multiple tuitions where their tuition masters dictate notes, and go through solved examples; they do not have time or energy left to read the text book and develop their own understanding and solve problems on their own to develop the problem solving skill. Now that we have discussed what is the wrong way; let us discuss the right or proper way.

* One must read one of the text books and develop their own understanding of a topic. It is ok to ask a teacher, including a tuition master, to clarify certain aspects that the student could not understand on his/her own. One may (does not have to) make their own notes based on their reading and understanding for quick revisions of the material later.

* For each topic, one must solve many problems on their own. Some of the problems may not be solvable in one sitting. Sometimes one may have to think about the problem, and may be go to sleep; may be in their subconscious they will get some insight of how to solve the problems. In other words, for any topic, pick one source (say X)  that has a few solved problems and several  problems to be solved (but with final answers). One should then read the material in the book, then read the material in X, then read the solved examples in X, and then solve the exercise problems in X on their own.  They should not look at another source Y which may have solved some of the exercise problems in X. One needs to do their best, and if necessary spend 2-3 days thinking about the exercise problems in X that they could not immediately solve. Only after one does this kind of routine with respect to a topic and a source X, and has time, one may take a stab at another source Y.  After working with source X, when working with source Y, one should try to not read all the solved examples of Y, but read a few of them and do the solved example problems (without looking at the solution) as well as the exercise problems on their own. However, in general, most students won’t have time to work with more than one source.

* In summary, one must read a book to understand the material (and make their own notes if they desire so) and pick one source (may be the study material of a postal coaching class, or a preparing for IIT book, etc.), and solve all its exercise problem on their own.

Now how does the above fit in with classes at your Junior College and the tuition that many student seem to be taking. I worry that there is not enough hours in a day for most people to take multiple tuitions,  attend classes at BJB/Ravenshaw and then prepare in a proper way as I suggest above. So one has to make decisions.

I personally attended my classes at BJB, and prepared in the above way with my source being study material of a postal coaching class. I never took tuition in my life, and never attended a face-to-face coaching class.


Many coaching classes do simulated tests. Taking simulated tests are useful, but only if you have prepared in the proper way described above. Otherwise, they are not much useful as you would not have developed the understanding and problem solving skills necessary to answer hard question in an exam.

This is all for now. In my next write up I will discuss some studying as well as test taking strategies. But let me sum up the main thoughts in the above write up.

  • Most students in BJB and Ravenshaw junior colleges are good enough to get into IIT as well as succeed in it. All they need is to believe in themselves, ignore negative advices and prepare in a proper way.
  • Proper preparation means reading the text book (not notes dictated by someone) to develop understanding of topics and solving problems (not reading solved examples) on your own to hone your problem solving skills.


4 comments August 12th, 2007

NISER Bhubaneswar: NEST 2007 Screening test result out

The NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research) web page has a list of candidates who have been called for interview in Bhubaneswar. The list for the candidates invited for interview in Mumbai in connection with UM-DAE is here. Following is the information for interview for the interviews in Bhubaneswar, as given in the NISER web page.

Continue Reading 12 comments August 11th, 2007

Orissa AIEEE Counseling

UPDATE on 17th Aug 2007:  see https://www.orissalinks.com/?cat=106 , jeeorissa for some new information on this.

UPDATE on 16th Aug 2007: There has not been any definite news on this. For latest news see https://www.orissalinks.com/?cat=106 , jeeorissa, and aieee Orissa sites.

Following is Sambada’s report on it. I hope soon the official AIEEE Orissa site will have the additional details.

131 comments August 11th, 2007

Data and observations on Medical Counseling Day 1 and 2

Total Seats:

  • SCB Medical (150)
  • MKCG Medical (150)
  • VSS Medical (150)
  • KIMS Medical (100) – 70 through JEE
  • IMS Medical (100) –   70 through JEE
  • HiTech Medical (100) – 70 through JEE
  • SCB Dental (about 20)
  • KIIT Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • IDS Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • Hi-Tech Dental (100) – 70 through JEE
  • Gandhi Dental (50) –  35 through JEE

Day 1:

  • Schedule: GE (general) 1-580, SC 1-85, ST 1-110, PH (physically handicapped) 1-18, MI (military) 1-48, GC (green card- i.e. parents have less than or equal to 2 kids) 1-156
  • Seats available at End of Day 1:
    • SCB (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • MKCG (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 2, MI 0, GC 0)
    • VSS (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 3, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIMS Medical (GE 49 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • IMS Medical (GE 51, SC 4 , ST 9, PH 0, MI 0 , GC3 )
    • HiTech Medical (GE 50 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0 , MI 0 , GC 4)
    • SCB Dental (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIIT Dental (GE 52 , SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 3 )
    • IDS Dental (GE 52 , SC 6, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • Hi-Tech Dental (GE 52, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0 , GC 3)
    • Gandhi Dental  (GE 26, SC 3, ST 4, PH 0, MI 0, GC 2)

Day 2:

  • Schedule: GE 581-1504,  ST 111-128, GC 157-360
  • Seats available at End of Day 2:
    • SCB (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • MKCG (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 2, MI 0, GC 0)
    • VSS (govt) Medical (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 3, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIMS Medical (GE 18, SC 5, ST 7, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • IMS Medical (GE 36, SC 4 , ST 9, PH 0, MI 0 , GC3 )
    • HiTech Medical (GE 42 , SC 5, ST 7, PH 0 , MI 0 , GC 4)
    • SCB Dental (GE 0, SC 0, ST 0, PH 0, MI 0, GC 0 )
    • KIIT Dental (GE 51, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 3)
    • IDS Dental (GE 49, SC 6, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0, GC 4 )
    • Hi-Tech Dental (GE 51, SC 5, ST 8, PH 0, MI 0 , GC 3)
    • Gandhi Dental  (GE 26, SC 3, ST 4, PH 0, MI 0, GC 2)


  1. Orissa does not have enough rich families that can afford to send their kids to private medical colleges.
  2. Thus there is a need for more government medical colleges.
  3. Among the private medical colleges the order of preference seems to be KIMS followed by IMS followed by Hi-Tech. Its interesting that among these three Hi-Tech is the oldest and the other two only got MCI approval this year. However the other two are either part of or associated with deemed universities.

11 comments August 10th, 2007

Krupajal starts M.Tech program; has AICTE approval

Earlier we had listed the various colleges in Orissa that offer M.Tech programs. To that we can now add Krupajal which will offer 18 seats in two of its branches: Computer Sc. and Electronics and Telecom. Following is Krupajal’s ad in Samaja on this.


16 comments August 10th, 2007

Ad by Kalinga Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS)

1 comment August 8th, 2007

Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences

KISS, Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences is made and run by the promoters of KIIT University. Hindu has a very nice article about it. Following are some excerpts.

A sister concern of the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), KISS is a working dream that trained the tribal children to be self-reliant, resourceful and empowered to tackle the challenges of life.

For the visiting media team from Bangalore, KISS was an education in looking beyond urban-centric development. From the well-stocked library, hostel and computer centre to a medical facility that insured every child, KISS is also a home away from home. The institute ensures that the children have enough exposure to their tribal culture, heritage and tradition. …

Today, there are children here from most of the 52 tribes of Orissa, including 13 primitive tribes. This year, we added 700 more tribal children to reach the strength of 5,000,” he informed.

For 22 of the brightest from KISS students, Dr. Samanta had reserved free engineering seats in KIIT, five per cent of the total intake.

“This year, the BCA and BBM courses were opened for them. The tribal students will leave this organisation with a job.” As the KIIT Deemed University Chancellor assured this, he was working on an expansion plan: a project to add another 5,000 children to India’s biggest residential tribal school in the next three years.

2 comments August 8th, 2007

2007 ranking of Orissa Engineering colleges that participated in BPUT counseling – solely based on student preferences

((Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)

Continuing with our methodology, and solely based on the student preferences in the GE (general) category,  we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished.  For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of the CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.

  • 1. UCE Burla (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 1. CET Bhubaneswar  (8,8,12,12,16)
  • 2. ITER Bhubaneswar (16,16,16)
  • 3. Silicon Bhubaneswar (16, 20, 20)
  • 4. CV Raman Bhubaneswar (20,24,28)
  • 5. NIST Berhampur (24, 24, 28)
  • 6. GITA  Bhubaneswar(28,28,32)
  • 7. Orissa Eng College Bhubaneswar (28, 28, 36)
  • 7. IGIT Sarang (20,28,45)
  • 8. College of Eng Bhubaneswar (36,36,41)
  • 9. Gandhi Eng College Bhubaneswar (36,41,45)
  • 10. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (45,45,45)
  • 10. Trident Bhuabneswar (41, 45, 50)
  • 11. East Bhubaneswar (45,55,66)
  • 11. Gandhi Inst for Tech Bhubaneswar (50,50,60)
  • 11. GIET Gunupur (50,50,60)
  • 12. Orissa school of mining eng Keonjhar (45, 55, 117)
  • 13. NMIET Bhubaneswar (66, 72, 78)
  • 14. DRIEMS Dhenkanala(72,72,100)
  • 15. Konark Bhubaneswar (78, 78, 117)
  • 15. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (78, 100, 100)
  • 15. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (78, 84, 100)
  • 15. Synergy Dhenkanal (78, 84, 100)
  • 16. Nalanda Bhubaneswar (84, 84, 100)
  • 17. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 100)
  • 18. Roland Berhampur (84,100, 108)
  • 19. Techno Bhubaneswar (84, 100, 117)
  • 19. Padmanav Rourkela (100,100,100)
  • 20. Ajay Binay Cuttack (100,100,117)
  • 21. Ghanashyam Hemalata  Puri(100,108,136)
  • 22. Jagannath Cuttack (108,117,147)
  • 22. Bhadrakh (117,117, 136)
  • 23. JITM Parlakhemundi (117,126,147)
  • 24. Inst of Adv Rayagada (117,136,159)
  • 24. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (117,147,159)
  • 24. Purushottam Rourkela (126,126,136)
  • 26. Balasore (136,136,159)
  • 27. Seemanta Mayurbhanj (159, 159, 186)
  • 28. Padmashree Baragarh (172,172,200)
  • 29. Majighariani Rayagada (172,200,200)
  • 30. Satyasai Balasore (159, 172, 999)
  • 31. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (186,999,999)
  • 32. Gopal Krishna Jeypore (999,999,999)

The colleges that are missing from the above are NIT Rourkela, and KIIT. I consider NIT Rourkela to currently be the best in Orissa. I would slot KIIT around ITER and Silicon.

Outlook for 2008-2009:

Now that ITER’s parent organization Siksha O Anusandhan has become a deemed university, ITER may opt out of Orissa JEE and/or 2008 BPUT counseling.

In 2008 and 2009 there would be several new colleges. Among them three of them, if they get their approvals in time, are going to make a splash because of the people involved in the making of those colleges. They are:

  1. Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology: This College will be located at or adjacent to Infocity II. Its founders include three Orissa origin professors in the US (Prof. Rabi Mohapatra, Prof. Laxmi Bhuyan, Prof. Prashant Mohapatra) and high level people in WIPRO (in India) and Microsoft (USA). Watch out for this college. It should leap to the top3-5 in Orissa within a year or two of its starting.
  2. Temple City Institute of Technology: This college is being founded by one of the founders of KIIT and a US software professional who also gave some initial funding to KIIT. This college is also supported by at least one North America based professor (not me). Again based on the track record of the founders this should become a good college.
  3. Indus College of EngineeringWe discussed this college earlier. This college is being established by a trust led by Dr. Ravi Reddy. Dr. Reddy is a B.Tech from IIT Kharagpur and a Ph.D from University of Houston, USA. He was one of the main person at NIST, Berhampur. Based on this information, I think this will also become a good  engineering college.
  4. ASBM institute of Technology: Newsreports mention that ASBM plans to establish an engineering college in 2008. Based on ASBM’s track record this should become a good engineering college too.

158 comments August 7th, 2007

Final summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling for general category

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)

This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. [Please note that when we mention that a certain branch got filled up in the range, say, 800-1200 that means it got filled in some rank in between that. It could have been filled up in rank 801 or rank 1200. I just don’t have the data to make that distinction.]

  1. Ajay Binay (Comp Sc 8401-10000, Elec & TC 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE&I 11701-12600, Elec 11701-12600, Mech 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  2. Balasore (Comp Sc 12601-13600, E & TC 12601-13600, IT  14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Mech 17201-18600) – ALL GE GONE by 18600
  3. Bhadrakh Inst (Comp Sc 10801-11700, E & TC 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, Elec 13601-14700, Mech 13601-14700, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  4. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800, Marine 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
  5. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000, Civil 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  6. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500, Textile 8401-10000, Fashion 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
  7. DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10001-10800, AE&I 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  8. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600, AE&I 8401-10000, Elect 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800, Biomed 20001-21545) Env (4)
  9. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  10. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
  11. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800, Chem 14701-15900, Biotech 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  12. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  13. Ghanashyam Hemlata, Puri (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & TC 10001-10800, Elec 12601-13600, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE By 14700
  14. Gopal Krishna Jeypore () Civil (17), Elec (12), ECE (12)
  15. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
  16. Inst of Ad Comp Res, Raygada (Comp Sc 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, ECE 14701-15900,  E & EE 14701-15900, Mech 18601-20000), Civil (29)
  17. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  18. Jagannath Cuttack (Comp Sc 10001-10800, Elec & TC 10801-11700, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700.
  19. JITM Parlakheumndi (Comp Sc 10801-11700, ECE 11701-12600, IT 13601-14700, E & EE 13601-14700,  I & E 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600) Chemical (10)
  20. Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800, AE & I 10801-11700, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  21. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, E & EE 8401-10000, Elc & TC 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000,  Biomed 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
  22. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
  23. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400, E & EE 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, AE&I 11701-12600) Biomed (12)
  24. Majighariani Rayagada (Comp Sc 15901-17200, IT 18601-20000, ECE 18601-20000, E & EE 20001-21545), Mech (11), Biotech (16)
  25. Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE by 10800
  26. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  27. NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200,  E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400, Mech 10001-10800, Inst 12601-13600) – ALL GE GONE by 13600
  28. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000, Civil 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  29. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500, Mining 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  30. Padmanav Rourkela (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & Tc 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  31. Padmashree Baragarh (Comp Sc 15901-17200, Elec & TC 15901-17200, AE & I 18601-20000, Elec 20001-21545, Mech 20001-21545) – ALL GE GONE by 21545.
  32. Purushottam Rourkela (Comp Sc 11701-12600, E & TC 11701-12600, IT 12601-13600,  E & EE 13601-14700, AE & I 14701-15900) – ALL GE GONE by 15900.
  33. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  34. Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400, Comp Sc 8401-10000, IT 10001-10800, E & EE 12601-13600, AE & I 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
  35. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (Comp Sc 17201-18600) ECE (18), Elec (32), AE & I (36), Mech (31)
  36. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (Elec & Tc 10801-11700, E & EE 13601-14700, Elect 14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
  37. Satyasai Balasore (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 15901-17200), Mech (5)
  38. Seemanta Mayurbhanj (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 14701-15900, Elec 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600, I&E 18601-20000), Civil (4)
  39. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  40. Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000,  Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  41. Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE & I 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  42. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
  43. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

87 comments August 7th, 2007

Govt. reduces the medical annual fees to Rs 3.75 lakhs

Following is Dharitri’s report on it.

7 comments August 7th, 2007

CRRI dispute with Cuttack municipality on a drain; threatens to move

Following is Samaja’s detailed story on this.

August 5th, 2007

Reduction of the Vedanta Univ land requirement comes from eliminating the airstrip

The reduction of the Vedanta Univ land requirement comes from eliminating the airstrip that was part of the original plan. This is mentioned in Pragativadi’s report on the topic. Following are some excerpts.

The group has also decided to withdraw its proposed airstrip inside the proposed varsity premises.
 But as the state government faced problems in the land acquisition, the Group has decided to withdraw its proposed airstrip within the proposed varsity premises while agreeing for 6270 acres of land of which 5,500 acre are private lands and the rest 770 acres are government lands.

This is a good compromise on the part of Vedanta. In 10-15 years the Bhubaneswar area will need a bigger airport and at that time it could be made closer to Puri and thus serve Vedanta University adequately.

However, both the Orissa government and the Vedanta University people must take steps to have international flights from/to Bhubaneswar. Without that there will be a problem for Vedanta University to recruit top researchers and research companies.

August 5th, 2007

Summary of GE seat situation at the end of JEE counseling on 3rd August 2007 [GE 1-13600]

(Update on June 17 2008:  For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)

This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. The colleges that do not appear in the list below have seats left in all their disciplines.

  1. Ajay Binay (Comp Sc 8401-10000, Elec & TC 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE&I 11701-12600, Elec 11701-12600, Mech 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  2. Balasore (Comp Sc 12601-13600, E & TC 12601-13600) IT, I & E, Mech
  3. Bhadrakh Inst (Comp Sc 10801-11700, E & TC 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600), Elec, Mech, Civil
  4. CV Raman  Bhubaneswar  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800)  Marine
  5. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000, Civil 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  6. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500, Textile 8401-10000) Fashion
  7. DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10001-10800, AE&I 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
  8. East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600, AE&I 8401-10000, Elect 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) Biomed, Env
  9. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  10. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
  11. GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800) Biotech, Chem
  12. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
  13. Ghanashyam Hemlata, Puri (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & TC 10001-10800, Elec 12601-13600), Mech
  14. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
  15. Inst of Ad Comp Res, Raygada (Comp Sc 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600) ECE,  E & EE, Mech, Civil
  16. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) ALL GE GONE by 3600
  17. Jagannath Cuttack (Comp Sc 10001-10800, Elec & TC 10801-11700) Mech
  18. JITM Parlakheumndi (Comp Sc 10801-11700, ECE 11701-12600) IT, E & EE, I & E, Chemical, mech
  19. Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800, AE & I 10801-11700, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  20. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, E & EE 8401-10000, Elc & TC 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000 ) Biomed
  21. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
  22. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400, E & EE 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, AE&I 11701-12600) Biomed
  23. Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE by 10800
  24. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  25. NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200,  E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400, Mech 10001-10800, Inst 12601-13600) – ALL GE GONE by 13600
  26. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000, Civil 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  27. Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500, Mining 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  28. Padmanav Rourkela (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & Tc 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  29. Purushottam Rourkela (Comp Sc 11701-12600, E & TC 11701-12600, IT 12601-13600) AE & I, E & EE
  30. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
  31. Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400, Comp Sc 8401-10000, IT 10001-10800, E & EE 12601-13600) AE & I
  32. Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (Elec & Tc 10801-11700) E & EE, Elect, Mech, Civil
  33. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  34. Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000,  Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
  35. Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE & I 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
  36. Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
  37. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

8 comments August 4th, 2007

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