Meagre state funding and incompetent leadership at Utkal University of Culture

That is my opinion after reading the following. Both the culture department of the Orissa government as well as the university leadership should be ashamed of the performance of this university. Its been 8 years since it was established in 1999 and it is yet to get the "funded by UGC" tag. Perhaps the government and the university leadership will learn and be inspred by what has been acheived at Ravenshaw University in 8 months. Ravenshaw has done it in 8 months what Utkal University of Culture has not been able to do in 8 years. Fakirmohan University, North Orissa University and BPUT leaderships should also be ashamed of their incompetence in not being able to make a case with the state government as well as UGC to get the "funded by UGC" tag. Hopefully, they will also be inspired by Ravenshaw University. Following is Dharitri’s article on Utkal University of Culture and the dire financial situation there.

2 comments July 30th, 2007

KIIT to have a law school that will also offer five year integrated B.X+LLB programs

KIIT  has started a law school that will offer five year integrated law school programs.  Following are excerpts from Kalinga Times’ report on this.

"KIIT National Law School (KNLS) fills up the absence of a national law school in Orissa and will meet the surging demand for legal professionals in the wake of globalisation and rapid expansion of corporate sector and influx of multinationals in the country," according to an official release issued by the University.

N. L. Mitra, a renowned law academician, has consented to be involved with KNLS as its chief advisor, giving a boost to its mission to be at par with the best law schools.

Mitra has been instrumental in setting up almost all reputed national law schools in the country. He is former Director of National Law School of India University, Bangalore and former Vice-Chancellor of National Law School, Jodhpur.

KNLS is offering five year integrated law programmes (B.A.LL.B; B.Sc. LLB; and BBA.LL.B) as well as three Year LL.B course from the current academic year. …

The School is headed by Faizan Mustafa, who is former Dean and Registrar of Law School, Aligarh Muslim University.

5 comments July 29th, 2007

No GE (general category) seats left in Silicon, ITER, NIST and UCE Burla at the end of 29th July counseling [GE 1-3600]

Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up.

  1. CV Raman  (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600)
  2. College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600)
  3. CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200)
  4. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600)
  5. GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800)
  6. IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800)
  7. ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) – ALL GE GONE by 3600
  8. NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
  9. Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600)
  10. Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
  11. UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200

July 29th, 2007

Economist, UK profiles Anil Agarwal and mentions Vedanta University

Economist, UK has a nice profile of Anil Agarwal and mentions Vedanta University. Following are some excerpts.

… Around half of India’s dozen richest businessmen are self-made men. But none more so than Mr Agarwal, now 53, whose personal fortune is estimated at $5.4 billion. …

He is Indian, and proud to be—hence, he says, his philanthropic scheme to donate $1 billion to found a world-class university in India. Vedanta University will be constructed on a 3,200-hectare site in Orissa and will cater for 100,000 students when it is completed, around 2025. “When you go to the US, you see their large universities, Harvard and Berkeley, and we don’t have them,” says Mr Agarwal. “Yet the biggest thing you can give to people is education.” Sceptics say he has chosen Orissa as the site for the university for political reasons. It is certainly an extraordinarily ambitious scheme. But there is no doubting Mr Agarwal’s ability to overcome obstacles and establish giant enterprises with surprising speed.

July 29th, 2007

Appeal on behalf of Ravenshaw University

Dear all:

Many of you may know that Ravenshaw became a university on November 15 2006. It received UGC approval on February 6 2007. ( ) Now it is reported that it has become eligible to apply for UGC funding. ( )

The last one, by virtue of the little time it took, is an *unbelievable* achievement for Ravenshaw and opens the way for it to take big steps towards its future. For this all Ravenshaw administrators deserve mega kudos. The difficulty of getting the "funded by UGC" status can be judged by the fact that several other universities established by the Orissa givernment, some for more than 5 years, do not yet have the tag. This includes BPUT, North Orissa U at Baripada, Fakirmohan U at Balasore and Utkal Univ of Culture. Sure, Ravenshaw’s past history must have helped; nevertheless this is a great achievement.

One can also have a look at the presentation that Ravenshaw VC gave at Detroit on July 1 2007 available at
and notice how the VC and his staff have made a visionary plan; and not just a plan, they have acted on some of it already. The later includes convincing the
government of Orissa to promise (allocate?) land and funds for a new campus.

I had the opportunity to meet Devdas babu (VC of Ravenshaw) in January and also in July in Detroit. He has been very receptive to ideas. He suggested that it would be great to have an electronic gathering place for friends and alumni of Ravenshaw. Hence, I have created a yahoo group at

If you are serious in suggesting ideas, and not just that but in acting towards the fulfillment of those ideas, please consider joining the group to network with
like-minded people. For the next week or so, I will open up the group so that people can join directly, without needing an approval.

best regards
ps — I am not a Ravenshaw alumnus. I think Ravenshaw is Orissa’s pride and we must help make it a top university in the world and an opportunity where we
have a VC who welcomes help, and who has shown his ability to do things and cut red tapes should not be missed.


How will this group be different? How exactly can it help Ravenshaw?

Let me illustrate this by an example.

After many people heard Devdas babu (VC of Ravensha) in Detroit a group of them decided to help develop a school of contemporary music, possibly named as "Akhaya Mohanty School of contemporary music" at Ravenshaw. They are now in the process of raising an amount of money suggested by Devdas babu. Devdas babu said that if they raise X then he will be able to use it to get 5-10X from the government.

Another group (mostly consisting of professors in science disciplines in North America) has discussed with Devdas babu about renovating the Science curriculum at Ravenshaw.

Yet another group is interested in the establishment of Creative Writing program where budding poets and novelists can learn and practice their art. Apparently their are not many programs like that in India. I wonder if there is any in Orissa.

Other groups have suggested their help in establishing a Journalism program and making Ravenshaw, perhaps the first university in India to have its daily newspaper, if not paper based, but at least in the web. (Most US Universities have daily newspapers.)

Yet another group is interested in helping Ravenshaw to use the availability of past judges in the Cuttack area (including some supreme court judges) to establish a law school in the mold of National Law School in Bangalore.

These are some of the ideas that are under works. Devdas babu has said that he welcomes more such ideas, and actions towards the fulfillment of those ideas.

So this is what the group will aim to do.

best regards


3 comments July 29th, 2007

CET Bhubaneswar Computer Sc & Electrical and UCE Burla CS and Electronics filled in the second GE counseling session

The first six sessions of the JEE Engineering general category counseling is over and based on the data the following subjects and colleges are in high demand.

  1. CET Bhubaneswar, Computer Science; CET Bhubaneswar Electrical; UCE Burla Computer Science and UCE Burla Electronics: Seats in these were filled by the second GE session which counseled students ranked 401-800.
  2. CET Bhubaneswar, Info Tech; CET Bhubaneswar Mechanical Engg; UCE Burla Electrical and UCE Burla Info Tech: Seats in these were filled by the third GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 801-1200.
  3. CET Bhubaneswar Civil; ITER AE&I; Computer Science; Eⅇ E&TC; IT; Silicon E&TC and UCE Burla Mechanical: Seats in these were filled by the fourth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 1201-1600.
  4. CV Raman Electronics; IGIT Electrical; ITER Electrical; Silicon Computer Science, IT, E & EE; UCE Burla Civil: Seats in these were filled by the fifth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 1601-2000.
  5. CV Raman Computer Science; NIST Computer Science; NIST ECE; Silicon AE&I: Seats in these were filled by the sixth GE counseling session which counseled students ranked 2001-2400.

Silicon with only five branches: AE&I, CS, E&EE, E & TC, and IT is the first college to have completely filled its GE seats.

July 29th, 2007

Ravenshaw becomes eligible to get UGC funding

Devdas babu has done it! While universities like Fakir Mohan University, North Orissa University, BPUT and Utkal University of Culture are yet to get "funded by UGC" tag, Ravenshaw which was made a university on November 15 2006 has received UGC approval to get into the "funded by UGC tag." Mega kudos to Devdas Chhotray, the VC of Ravenshaw University, who made this possible within so short a time. Following is Sambada’s report on this.

The document has many details on what kind of funding UGC provides to state universities.


1 comment July 28th, 2007

IIIT proposal of Orissa in 1997

I came across the IIIT proposal that Orissa had prepared in 1997. Here it is (7MB). Since that proposal, its been 10 years and finally we will have the IIIT. During these 10 years many IIITs were established in other states: Gwalior (1997), Hyderabad (1998), Allahabad (1999), Bangalore (1999), Kolkata (2000), Pune, Kerala, Jabalpur and Amethi (Campus of Allahbad).

July 27th, 2007

Founding director of IIIT Bhubaneswar, Prof. Gopal Nayak’s biography from has a biographical article on Prof. Gopal Nayak. Following are some excerpts.

Prof. Nayak is the product of the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur was born at Berhampur in Ganjam district to a family of teachers.

An electrical engineer with a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from IIM Bangalore did his Ph. D from IIT, Kharagpur.

He has done his Ph. D under the guidance of Prof. Damodar Acharya who was the Vice Chancellor of BPUT, Chairman of AICTE and at present the Director of IIT, Kharagpur.

Prof. Nayak has spent a few years on Industry.

He has worked for Nelco in Mumbai in the product development area and for NTPC in the Procurement automation area.

Prof. Nayak has spent about 20 years in academics.

He is one of the founding Professors of Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB), Bhubaneswar.

As the Professor of Information Systems, he was instrumental in transforming XIMB into the most technology intensive campus in India.

XIMBans give credit to him in creating several firsts management education field: a campus network, providing PC to each student, making Internet accessible 24×7 and giving a technology orientation to the curriculum at XIMB.

He held important positions at XIMB such as the Dean (Academics), IT services and Admissions Co-ordinator.

Prof. Nayak’s most notable contribution is development of Academic Information System (AIS) and PAMIS.

The AIS is being used by many top business schools in the country such as XLRI Jamshedpur, IIM Indore, NITIE Mumbai.

PAMIS has been implemented in 314 blocks and 30 DRDAs in Orissa and is one of the most successful e-governance projects in Orissa.

With this background the Government of Orissa has roped in Prof. Nayak for the IIIT.

With a director of such background IIIT Bhubaneswar should also start offering degrees that relate to business and information systems such as MBA and MIS (Master in Information Systems). One may note that some of the IIITs, such as IIITM Gwalior, do offer such degrees.

July 26th, 2007

Apparel training center inaugurated; land alloted for IIHT Baragarh; etc.

Sambada reports the inauguration of an Apparel training center in Bhubaneswar. (There are 20 such centers now in India.) It also mentions land allotment with respect to IIHT Baragarh. Finally it mentions that more apparel training centers may be opened in Nuapatna, Sambalpur, Rourkela and Baragarh. Following is the news item from Sambada.


July 25th, 2007

Infosys establishes a 1 crore corpus for a chair at IIIT Bhubaneswar

Infosys has several education and HRD related plans for Bhubaneswar. Following are some relevant excerpts on this from a New Indian Express report.

Taking its ‘Campus connect programme’ a step ahead, Infosys BPO on Monday launched ‘Project Genesis’ here to train lecturers on BPO skills for raising the employability potential of students in the ITES sector.

The project has achieved a resounding success in states like Karnataka, Maharashtra and Rajasthan and helped students not only gain employment in Infosys, but develop confidence in their abilities. Since its launch in October 2005, Infosys BPO has worked with more than 1,000 lecturers in 360 colleges in these states and trained more than 12,000 students.

The project would be extended to Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu apart from Orissa this year. …

Project Genesis would train 300 teachers from both government and private colleges from across the State. It would focus mostly on imparting language enhancement techniques and analytical skills, key attributes for BPO industry. On completion of the fortnight-long programme, the teachers would groom the students. Each student would have to pass through three tests. The programme would be be held periodically.

Pai said, Infosys plans to recruit several thousand students from the State in the coming years and engage actively in strengthening academic collaboration with colleges. “We would also tie up with universities for systematic intervention in updating course curriculum.”

He announced that Infosys would be funding a chair in the upcoming IIIT campus here for computer science with a corpus fund of Rs 1 crore.

July 24th, 2007

IIM will offer executive courses via HughesNet

New Indian Express reports on this. Following are some excerpts.

… IIM Calcutta (IIM-C) has decided to launch a programme on ‘leading and managing’ through HughesNet, across the country including Bhubaneswar.

The programme basically uses a modular approach to step outside your work situation and see how you affect your peer group.

Each module discusses an area of management and helps to use the fundamental principles of human behaviour to encourage employees to serve their own values while serving the goals of their department and the organisation, said a statement by HughesNet It is open for working executives with a minimum of 15 years experience and interested in moving to middle to senior positions within two to three years. IIM-C would be conducting a screening test to enrol candidates.

HughesNet, Bhubaneswar, would offer the programme for 120 students. The last date for forms to reach IIM-C is August 6. Classes would commence from second week of September.

2 comments July 24th, 2007

IIIT Bhubaneswar will start class this year

Following is Dharitri’s article on this.


New Indian Express also has an article on this.

July 22nd, 2007

KIIT and ICICI bank offer a one year program in P. G. Diploma in Banking and Insurance Management


3 comments July 19th, 2007

Samaja Ad: Sikshya ‘O’ Anusandhan becomes a (Deemed) university


5 comments July 19th, 2007

Progress on Vedanta University land acquisition front has a report on this in Oriya.

July 19th, 2007

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