Movement to bring ESIC Medical College to Rourkela

September 19, 2009: Nice coverage in Khabara; From

September 12-13, 2009: My friend Purna Mishra has written another nice email to the CM and MP Mr. Khuntia. Following is his letter.

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister Mr. Patnaik and Member of Parliament Mr. Khuntia,

From what I hear you both have been working at the opportunity to bring the ESI Medical College to Rourkela and get it funded at the earliest. I thank you for your vision and desire to make Orissa one of the leading states.

Even states with fewer employees in their ESI pool have already started the construction project (e.g., Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, etc.). Since the employees pay for their medical care, ESI is going to establish a medical college in Orissa as this is the ESI mandate.

In my last email, I mentioned a few benefits it would bring if this medical college is established in Rourkela. I found a much bigger benefit to Orissa if this medical college is established in Rourkela. The Phase-I construction cost alone is close to 500 crores. These are the cost of tenders over the last couple of years for the following ESI medical colleges:

1. Patna: 520 Crores
2. New Delhi: 617.87 Crores
3. Bangalore: 490 Crores
4. Dental Medical College, Mumbai: 158 Crores

The tenders for Kerala, Rajasthan, and Himachal Pradesh will be at least 450 crores each.

In this down economy where the central and state governments are giving incentives for private and public investments in local economy, let us see how an cash investment of 500+ crores in construction alone over a 2 year period will jump start the economy of north western Orissa. As most of the economists agree, the investment in construction sector brings the most help for local economy. Last time Rourkela received a serious investment was during the modernization drive where a capitalization of 5000 crores for expansion was made. But most of this investment were spent in acquiring
machineries and did not bring any direct investment to support the local economy. Even the second modernization scheme announced in 2005 for RSP was only 350 crores and again most of that investment was made to acquire
machineries. This will be for the first time in several decades that Rourkela and the north western Orissa would be receiving a investment of 500+ crores in local economy. Please do your best to bring this jumbo sized investment at your earliest. In this down economy this jumbo investment will jump start the local economic growth engine.

We need to build another city in Orissa that could complement Bhubaneswar as we make Orissa one of the leading states in India. The only other city that has this potential at this time is Rourkela.

The people of Orissa who will immensely benefit and will be eternally thankful for you standing up to the ESI babus and do what is right for Orissa.

With my best regards,

— Purna

September 11, 2009: Today’s Pioneer has a long article on this. (Thanks to Prashant Sahoo for the pointer.) Looks like a lot of organizations in Rourkela are now involved. But we should not rest easy until the demand is met. Following is an excerpt from that article.

It is learnt from sources that people from different walks of life have been sending e-mails to the Orissa Chief Minister requesting him to consider the relocation of the proposed ESIC Medical College. In the latest development, many Non-Resident Oriyas (NROs) are not only writing e-mails to the CM but also they are in regular touch with various civil society organisations of Rourkela to strengthen the drive into a people’s movement.

Many retired and working professors of NIT and other leading educational institutions of Rourkela like Prof Somanath Mishra, Prof SK Patel, Prof KC Patra, Prof DM Praharaj, Prof P Panda, Prof P Mallick and many others have come out openly to write letters to the CM along with pursuing others to join the movement. Even they have urged the people’s representatives of the district to take up the matter with the CM. Similarly, many civil society organisations like Disha, Envicare, Visstar, Ores, Cause, Sahayata, Basti Unnayan Samiti and many other groups have joined this drive.

Unlike others, many journalists like Pratap Padhee, Subrat Choudhury, Aurobinda Das, Sanjib Nayak, Mahendra Mishra, AP Biswal, KP Mohapatra and writers and columnists like Narayan Prasad Dash, Bhupen Mohapatra, Debendra Mohanty, KC Badjena, Bishnupriya Mohapatra and Arta Trana Mohapatra have also joined the drive. Similarly, many trade unions like RMS, SETU, RSS, SEAR, KISS, ILU, RWU, SMS and students’ organisations like SFI, AISF, ABVP, DSO and NSUI have also started campaign on their respective level. Even many student leaders have started signature campaign in their respective campuses.

September 10, 2009:

Dear all:

Following is an update on the efforts towards bringing ESIC Medical College to Rourkela.

  • Lots of emails have been sent to the CM’s office.
  • Among the media, and Pioneer have covered it.
  • The email campaign is active in several groups. (myodisa, ornet, agamiorissa, nis-iiser etc.)
  • An explicit yahoo group Rourkela Forum has been formed.
  • An e-petition has been created
  • MP Ram Khuntia has been contacted by phone and email.
  • To avoid this topic to get buried under other newer topics in Orissalinks, I have put it in the scrolling bar as well as put it prominently in red in the right hand side bar towards the top. Clicking any of those links will bring it to this article and people can comment on it. Instead of creating new posts I will just update this post.
  • Members of Myodisa are in the process of sending a memorandum to the CM.
  • Orissa Society of the Americas is also in the process of sending a memorandum to the CM.

Next Steps:

  • Continue emails, faxes, letters.
  • Get more and more people to join the movement and join the Rourkela Forum yahoo group.
  • Do some ground action in Rourkela.
  • Contact MP Hemanada Biswal as soon as possible.
  • Get more media coverage.

15 comments September 10th, 2009

Purna Mishra’s well-argued appeal to the CM about establishing ESIC medical college in Rourkela

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister Mr. Patnaik and Member of Parliament Mr. Khuntia,

I am writing this note to plead before you the need to have the ESI medical college in Rourkela. ESI administration has made an easy decision and you both know from your long public career that easy decisions are not always the best decisions. If we look at the existing ESI medical colleges there are many which are not locate in the state capital. The decision in the last 2-3 years to have the ESI medical College in Himachal Pradesh to be located in Mandi (150 km from Shimla) could be a basis for arguing why this ESI medical college for Orissa could not be located in Rourklela?

Here are the reasons I believe why thi ESI medical should be located in Rourkela instead of Bhubaneswar:

1. Orissa has close to 50+ ESI medical clinics and a half dozen or so medical hospitals. These ESI clinics are the Tier-III medical facilities where the patients go initially for the consultation. Based on the severity of their cases, they are referred to the Tier-II ESI medical hospitals. Most  of these Tier-II ESI medical hospitals are located closer to Rourkela than Bhubaneswar. Based on the numbers of members and their usage pattern, one could easily see most of these members live in places closer to Rourkela
than Bhubaneswar.

2. When these ESI members travel to these medical hospitals, the out of pocket allowance they receive from ESI is meager. So it would be an additional hardship for these members to travel to Bhubaneswar at a greater distance and a costlier city for specialty medical care.

3. Since most of the Tier-II medical facilities are located closer to Rourkela, it would be a boon for the ESI doctors working in these hospitals to get additional training and the patients could be referred for additional diagnostics (CAT scan, MRI scan, Ultrasound, advanced blood works) and thus improving the decision making if the medical college to be located closer to the existing hospitals.

4. Most of these members live in the geographical segment of Orissa that is under the evil grip of the growing Sickle Cell disease and cerebral malaria. Both these medical challenges require quick access to specialty medical care which could be provided if these patients travel to the specialty medical closer to their home which again makes Rourkela a more ideal location.

5. ESI would be spending 600 crores to build and run this medical college. Orissa should not lose this investment. Also 50% of the seats would be reserved for students from the domiciled state which would again benefit our children if we get this medical college in Orissa.

6. The state has to give a contiguous cluster of 35 acres of land for this ESI medical college at no cost to ESI. This kind of land would cost close to at least 10 crores an acre in Bhubaneswar whereas it would cost no more than a crore in Rourkela. From a pure selfish perspective, why not we give 35 crores (35 acres in Rourkela) rather than 350 crores (35 acres in Bhubaneswar) to get this investment of 600 crores from ESI.

We are looking up to you to work across the party lines to get this beneficial scheme for Orissa. To have this medical college in Rourkela would significantly improve the health of the growing workforce and thus bring in additional investments for Orissa. We know you both could make this happen and the ESI members would be eternally thankful to you for your leadership.

With my best regards,

ps – Originally from Bhubaneswar but currently lives in North America

1 comment September 6th, 2009

Engineering College Clusters in Orissa in 2009

Bhubaneswar-Cuttack-Puri area:

  1. Ajay Binay Institute of Technology Cuttack (ABT) Pvt.
  2. Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mouza: Barakuda, Post Panchagoan, Bhubaneswar-752 050
  3. Apex Institute of Technology & Management, Pahal Bhubaneshwar (APT) Pvt.
  4. Bhubaneswar Engineering College Khurda (BEC) Pvt.
  5. Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology, Plot No 4, Village Harapur, Khurda, Pin- 752 054
  6. BRM International Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (BII) Pvt.
  7. C. V. Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar (CVR) Pvt.
  8. Central Institute of Plastics Engineering And Technology Bhubaneswar (CPT) Govt.
  9. Centurian Institute of Technology Khurda (CIK) Pvt.
  10. College of Engineering & Technology Bhubaneswar (CET) Govt.
  11. College of Engineering Bhubaneswar Bhubaneshwar (CEB) Pvt.
  12. Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies Tangi, Cuttack (DRM) Pvt.
  13. Eastern Academy of Science & Technology Phulnakhara, Khurda (EAS) Pvt.
  14. Einstien Academy of Tech. & Management (EATAM) Bania Tangi Bhubaneswar
  15. Eklavya College of Tech., and Sci., At Kusumati PO Jatni Bhubaneswar Khurda
  16. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (GEC) Pvt.
  17. Gandhi Institute for Education & Technology, At Banlatangi, P.O. Bajpur, Dist : Khurda-752060
  18. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (GIF) Pvt.
  19. Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement Badaraghunathpur, Bhubaneswar (GIB) Pvt.
  20. Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management Khurda (GIK) Pvt.
  21. Ghanashyama Hemalata Institute of Technology & Management Chhaitana Puri (GHT) Pvt.
  22. Gurukula College of Engineering for Women (GCEM) At- Jamuhari Chhatabar, Bhubaneshwar Dist- Khurda Odisha
  23. Gurukul Institute of Technology,Janla Bhubaneswar (GKT) Pvt.
  24. Hi-Tech College of Engineering, Rasulghar, Pandara Bhubaneswar
  25. Hi-Tech Institute of Technology Khurda (HIT) Pvt.
  26. Indic Institute of Design & Research Khurda (IID) Pvt.
  27. Indotech College of Engineering, Plot No. 144, AT/PO Mallipada, Via Pallahat(Khurda-2) Dist-khurda,Orissa-752056
  28. Indus College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (IDU) Pvt.
  29. Jagannath Institute of Engineering & Technology Cuttack (JIC) Pvt.
  30. KMBB College of Engineering and Technology AT-Daleiput, PO-Talahat Dist. Khurda,Orissa
  31. Konark Institute of Science & Technology Jatni,Bhubaneswar (KIS) Pvt.
  32. Koustav Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (KIT) Pvt.
  33. Koustuva Institute of Self Domain (for Women) Bhubaneswar (KID) Pvt.
  34. Krupajala Engineering College Pubasasan, Bhubaneswar (KEC) Pvt.
  35. Maharaja Institute of Technology,Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar (MIK) Pvt.
  36. Mahavir Institute of Engineering and Technology Paniora, Bhubaneswar (MIB) Pvt.
  37. Modern Institute of Technology & Management Khurda (MIM) Pvt.
  38. Nalanda Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (NIT) Pvt.
  39. Nigam Institute of engineering and Technology, Barang,Cuttack
  40. NM Institute of Engineering & Technology Sijua, Bhubaneswar (NMI) Pvt.
  41. Orissa Engineering College Nijigarhkurki, Bhubaneswar (OEC) Pvt.
  42. Oxford College of Engineering and Management ,Ramachandrapur, Bhubaneswar (OCM) Pvt.
  43. Rajdhani Engineering College Bhubaneswar (REC) Pvt.
  44. Shibani Institute of Technical Education , At-PO-Chhatabar,Via, Hanla, Bhubaneswar – 752054, Khurda, Orissa
  45. Silicon Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (SIT) Pvt.
  46. Sophitorium Engineering College, Baniatangi, Khurda
  47. Spintronic Tech. & Advance Resarch At.Po Taraboi P.S. Jatani Dist Khurda, Orissa
  48. Subas Institute of Technology Gyana Vihar, Barang, Bhubaneswar 754 005 Orissa
  49. Suddhananda Engg. & Research Centre, Phulnakhara Cuttack At Anchhipur P.O. Bhatapatna Orissa
  50. Synergy Institute of Technology, At : Bhimpur,P.O. Jagannathpur, P.S. Balianta, Dist:Khurda, Orissa
  51. TempleCity Institute of Technology & Engineering Khurda (TCT) Pvt.
  52. The Techno School Bhubaneswar (TTS) Pvt.
  53. Trident Academy of Technology Bhubaneswar (TAT) Pvt.
  54. Vedang Institute of Technology, Durga Prasad, P.O. Ramachandi, Dist. Khurda, Orissa
  55. VITS Engineering College, Tangi, Khurda (VTK) Pvt.
  56. Vivekananda Inst. Of Tech., at Chhatabar Dandi, Chaatabar, Orissa
  57. Xavier Institute of Tech., Princess Avencue Ghangapatna Bhubaneswar Dist Khurda Orissa
  58. Agricultural Engineering at OUAT, Bhubaneswar
  59. KIIT Bhubaneswar
  60. ITER Bhubaneswar
  61. IIIT Bhubaneswar
  62. IIT Bhubaneswar


  1. Gandhi Academy of Tech. & Engineering At/PO Golonthara Konisi, Berhampur, Dist Ganjam Orissa
  2. Gandhi Institute of Industrial Technology Berhampur (GII) Pvt.
  3. Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur Berhampur (KIB) Pvt.
  4. National Institute of Science and Technology Palur Hills, Berhampur (NST) Pvt.
  5. Parla Maharaj Engineering College
  6. Rahul Institute of Engineering & Technology Thatadapalli Village, Kotharsing (P.O.) Konisi Tahasil, Berhampur, Ganjam (D. T.) Orissa
  7. Roland Institute of Technology Surya Vihar, Berhampur (RIT) Pvt.
  8. Sanjaya Memorial Institute of Technology Chandipadar, Berhampur (SMT) Pvt.
  9. Vignan Institute of Technology & Management Berhampur (VIT) Pvt.
  10. IIIT Berhampur (planned)


  1. Balasore College of Engineering & Technology Balasore (BCE) Pvt.
  2. Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology Barapada, Bhadrak (BIT) Pvt.
  3. Modern Engineering & Management Studies Balasore (MEM) Pvt.
  4. Satyasai Engineering College Balasore (SAT) Pvt.
  5. Srinix College of Engineering College At-Ranipatna, Dist Balasore-750001 .
  6. Vijayanjali Institute of Technology At Gadabhanga No. 4 P.O. Khantapara, District : Balasore 756043 Orissa


  1. Black Diamond College of Engineering & Technology Jharsuguda (BDC) Pvt.
  2. Padmashree Krutartha Acharya College of Engineering Bargarh (PKA) Pvt.
  3. Vikash College of Engineering for Women (VCEW) plot No. 2766, P.S. Dist- Baragarh, Odisha
  4. VSSUT Burla (UCE) Govt.
  5. Silicon Institute of Technology, Sason, Sambalpur -763 200, Orissa.
  6. Sundargarh Engineering College, Sundargarh (SUN) Pvt.


  1. Padmanava College of Engineering Rourkela (PCE) Pvt.
  2. Purushottam Institute of Engineering & Technology Mandiakudar, Rourkela (PIE) Pvt.
  3. NIT Rourkela
  4. Rourkela Institute of Technology At P.O. Kuarmunda, District : Sundergarh Pin 770039 Orissa (planned)


  1. Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology Gunupur (GIT) Pvt.
  2. Gandhi Institute of Science and Technology Rayagada (GIR) Pvt.
  3. Institute of Advanced Computer & Research Rayagada (IAC) Pvt.
  4. Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science Rayagada (MIT) Pvt.


  1. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang (IGT) Govt.
  2. Adarsha College of Engineering At Saradhapur, P.O. Kumurisingha Dist : Angul, Pin 759122 Orissa
  3. Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology Dhenkanal (SYN) Pvt.


  1. Gopal Krushna College of Engineering & Technology Jeypore (GCE) Pvt.
  2. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Institute of Technology & Management Semiliguda, Koraput (SCS) Pvt.


  1. Jagannath Institute of Technology & Management Paralakhemundi (JIP) Pvt.
  2. Orissa School of Mining Engineering Keonjhar (OSM) Govt.
  3. Seemanta Engineering College Jharpokharia, Mayurbhanj (SEC) Pvt.
  4. Government Engineering College, Kalahandi
  5. Paradeep Port Engineering College (planned)

14 comments September 3rd, 2009

Appeal to CM Naveen Patnaik: Please pursue ESIC medical college near Rourkela

Update 2: Sundergarh MP Mr. Hemanada Biswal is now the Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Labour. ESIC comes under the Labour ministry. So getting in touch with Mr. Biswal will also help. His MP biography is at

Update: Please also copy your mail to and

Dear all: It is time to translate words to action. Please send similar letters to the Chief Minister ( cmo at ) with copy to some journalists (for example, ),, and Please ask your like minded friends to do the same. When you write the letter, please sign your name and give your address, especially your address in Orissa.

Dear Esteemed Chief Minister:

We would like to request that you urgently allocate the necessary 32 acres of land for an ESIC medical college in Rourkela and vigorously pursue with the ESIC authorities for the establishment of the same in Rourkela.

[We applaud your earlier attempt in pursuing an ESIC medical college in Balangir and understand that ESIC did not agree to it as it does not have enough ESIC insured persons in the Balangir area. We request that you pursue other ways of having a medical college in Balangir and also pursue other infrastructural elements for Balangir such as a state university, a state/central funded engineering college like SLIET (Punjab) and ABA GKC IET (West Bengal) and the Khurda-Balangir line. ]

Coming back to ESIC medical college, Rourkela is the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa.  Unfortunately, it is also the largest metropolitan area of its size in the country which does not have a medical college. (It is also the largest metropolitan area of the country which does not have a regular university.) On the other hand Rourkela is the current industrial hub of Orissa and has a significant number of ESIC insured persons. This is evident from the fact that the only ESIC model hospital in Orissa is in Rourkela. Moreover, another ESIC hospital is in nearby Kansbahal and an ESIC annex is in nearby Rajgangpur. The complete list of ESIC hospitals in Orissa is at Moreover recent newspaper reports (Statesman 5th March 2009, Naxatra News) mention that the ESIC authorities are agreeable for having an ESIC medical college in Rourkela. Following is the news report.

Rourkela, March 4: The Orissa Unit of the CITU has urged the Employees State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) authorities at New Delhi to establish a medical college at Rourkela.

A delegation of CITU leaders led by its state unit general secretary Mr Bishnu Mohanty met the Director, ESIC, Mr S Chaturbedi at New Delhi yesterday and pleaded for establishment of an ESIC Medical College stating that over 50 per cent of the total revenue was generated from Rourkela.

A large number of small and medium industries were located in Western Orissa and thousands of workers were contributing and dependent on ESIC, they said.

According to Mr Mohanty, the ESIC director had agreed to the proposal and said if the state government provided 32 acre his organisation would spent about Rs 500 crores for the establishment of a medical college.

Dear Sir:

In summary, Rourkela has the need, the necessary ESIC insured persons concentration, and ESIC is agreeable to an ESI medical college there. All that is needed is for you to immediately allocate 32 acres of land as required by ESIC and tell them that Rourkela is your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

It has been reported that you may have allocated the land for an ESIC medical college in Bhubaneswar. Many of us are from Bhubaneswar and considering that it already has 4 functioning medical colleges with several new ones in the pipeline that includes an AIIMS-like institution and a Railway medical college, we request that Rourkela be your priority 1 in terms of an ESIC medical college.

(If ESIC has some weakness or need for the Bhubaneswar area it may have its second medical college of Orissa in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Karnataka where it is establishing two medical colleges, one in Bangalore and one in Gulbarga. Or, it may have additional post-graduate programs in Bhubaneswar as it is doing in Tamil nadu where the ESIC medical college imparting undergraduate education will be in Coimbatore, but the Aynavaram ESI Hospital in Chennai would offer post-graduate courses.)


38 comments September 1st, 2009

Ranking of Indian Engineering and Technical Institutes based on research: NIT Rourkela at number 20

The following table is from the current science article at titled “Ranking of Indian Engineering and Technological Institutes for their Research Performance during 1999-2008” by G. Prathap and B. M. Gupta. It appears in Current Science, Vol. 97(3), 2009.  It gives the top 30 engineering and technical institutes based on publications from those institutes during 1999-2008. Based on this ranking NIT Rourkela is at number 20.

In the table below: P is the number of papers published, C is the number of citations obtained, ICP is the number of papers through international collaboration, h is the H-index and p is a newly proposed index.

There has been some discussin on these ranking in several blogs. Following are some links to those blog entries.

20 comments August 23rd, 2009

Three more new engineering colleges in the JEE Counselling list; Purushottam Institute of Technology back in the fray

Update, Aug 28 2009: Reader Sabyasachi Kar notices that two more engineering colleges are in the latest counseling list. They are:

  • Nigam Institute of engineering and Technology, Barang,Cuttack
  • Adarsa College of Engineering, Angul

So now, the total number of engineering colleges goes to 94.

Thanks to keen eye of reader Parashar Das, the latest JEE seat availability list shows three new colleges as well as Purushottam Institute of Technology, Rourkela which was earlier prevented from further counselling.

The three new colleges are:

  • VITS Engineering College, Tangi, Khurda (VTK) Pvt.
  • Vijyanjali Institute of Technology ,Gadavanga, Balasore (VTB) Pvt
  • Oxford College of Engineering and Management ,Ramachandrapur, Bhubaneswar (OCM) Pvt.

That takes the total number of colleges in Orissa JEE counselling to 88+4=92 and total number of new colleges in JEE Counseling to 25+3 = 28. (Other colleges/institutions that do not take students via Orissa JEE are: IIT Bhubaneswar, NIT Rourkela, ITER, KIIT, Department of Agricultural Engineering at OUAT and  ICFAI Tech, Bhubaneswar.)


14 comments August 2nd, 2009

Summary of India Today ranking of Engineering Colleges from 2003-2009

The following table is from with a few additional links added by me.

College                                      Ranking
  2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
IIT- Delhi 1 1 2 1 1 2 6
IIT – Kharagpur 2 4 5 4 6 7 1
IIT – Kanpur 3 2 1 2 4 1 2
IIT- Chennai 4 5 3 5 3 4 4
IIT – Mumbai 5 3 4 3 2 3 3
IIT – Roorkee 6 6 6 6 7 6
BITS – Pilani 7 8 3
Inst of Tech – BHU 8 9 18 9 8
IIT – Guwahati 9 7 7 11 5 5 7
Vellore Inst of Tech 10 10 14
NIT Surathkal 11 8
Col Eng Anna Univ 12 8 9 12 8 9 10
NIT  Warangal 13 11 13 10
PSG Col of Tech 14 16 15
Delhi College of Eng 15 14 12 7 10
IIIT Hyderabad 16 13 16
NIT Tiruchi 17 12 10 13 8
Netaji Subhash Inst  Tech 18 20 19
Motilal Inst Allahabad 19 25 22
NIT Calicut 20 19 23
NIT Rourkela 21 18 24
Col of Engg –  Pune 22
BIT – Mesra 23 17 17 9
RV Col Eng  Bangalore 24
Nirma Ahmedabad 25

4 comments July 26th, 2009

JEE Counseling for 88 Engineering Colleges/Institutes/Universities in Orissa; 25 of them are new

Update: As one may notice one of the existing colleges that is missing from the list below is:

  • Purushottam Institute of Technology, Rourkela.

It is missing because the Industries department of Orissa has barred it from admitting students from Orissa JEE in 2009-2010. Some details are reported at It was allowed to fill up seats based on AIEEE though.

The list below is based on the availability of seats pages of

  1. Ajay Binay Institute of Technology Cuttack (ABT) Pvt.
  2. Apex Institute of Technology & Management, Pahal Bhubaneshwar (APT) Pvt.
  4. Balasore College of Engineering & Technology Balasore (BCE) Pvt.
  5. Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology Barapada, Bhadrak (BIT) Pvt.
  6. Bhubaneswar Engineering College Khurda (BEC) Pvt.
  7. Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology JANLA, KHURDA (BIB) Pvt.
  8. Black Diamond College of Engineering & Technology Jharsuguda (BDC) Pvt.
  9. BRM International Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (BII) Pvt.
  10. C. V. Raman College of Engineering Bhubaneswar (CVR) Pvt.
  11. Central Institute of Plastics Engineering And Technology Bhubaneswar (CPT) Govt.
  12. Centurian Institute of Technology Khurda (CIK) Pvt.
  13. College of Engineering & Technology Bhubaneswar (CET) Govt.
  14. College of Engineering Bhubaneswar Bhubaneshwar (CEB) Pvt.
  15. Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies Tangi, Cuttack (DRM) Pvt.
  16. Eastern Academy of Science & Technology Phulnakhara, Khurda (EAS) Pvt.
  20. Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (GEC) Pvt.
  22. Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (GIF) Pvt.
  23. Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology Gunupur (GIT) Pvt.
  24. Gandhi Institute of Industrial Technology Berhampur (GII) Pvt.
  25. Gandhi Institute of Science and Technology Rayagada (GIR) Pvt.
  26. Gandhi Institute of Technological Advancement Badaraghunathpur, Bhubaneswar (GIB) Pvt.
  27. Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management Khurda (GIK) Pvt.
  28. Ghanashyama Hemalata Institute of Technology & Management Chhaitana Puri (GHT) Pvt.
  29. Gopal Krushna College of Engineering & Technology Jeypore (GCE) Pvt.
  30. Government College of Engineering Kalahandi Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi (GCK) Govt.
  32. Gurukul Institute of Technology,Janla Bhubaneswar (GKT) Pvt.
  34. Hi-Tech Institute of Technology Khurda (HIT) Pvt.
  35. Indic Institute of Design & Research Khurda (IID) Pvt.
  36. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang (IGT) Govt.
  38. Indus College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (IDU) Pvt.
  39. Institute of Advanced Computer & Research Rayagada (IAC) Pvt.
  40. International Institute of Information Technology(Self Sustaining) Gothapatana, Bhubaneswar (III) Govt.
  41. Jagannath Institute of Engineering & Technology Cuttack (JIC) Pvt.
  42. Jagannath Institute of Technology & Management Paralakhemundi (JIP) Pvt.
  43. Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur Berhampur (KIB) Pvt.
  45. Konark Institute of Science & Technology Jatni,Bhubaneswar (KIS) Pvt.
  46. Koustav Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (KIT) Pvt.
  47. Koustuva Institute of Self Domain(for Women) Bhubaneswar (KID) Pvt.
  48. Krupajala Engineering College Pubasasan, Bhubaneswar (KEC) Pvt.
  49. Maharaja Institute of Technology,Bhubaneswar Bhubaneswar (MIK) Pvt.
  50. Mahavir Institute of Engineering and Technology Paniora, Bhubaneswar (MIB) Pvt.
  51. Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science Rayagada (MIT) Pvt.
  52. Modern Engineering & Management Studies Balasore (MEM) Pvt.
  53. Modern Institute of Technology & Management Khurda (MIM) Pvt.
  54. Nalanda Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (NIT) Pvt.
  55. National Institute of Science and Technology Palur Hills, Berhampur (NST) Pvt.
  56. NM Institute of Engineering & Technology Sijua, Bhubaneswar (NMI) Pvt.
  57. Orissa Engineering College Nijigarhkurki, Bhubaneswar (OEC) Pvt.
  58. Orissa School of Mining Engineering Keonjhar (OSM) Govt.
  59. Padmanava College of Engineering Rourkela (PCE) Pvt.
  60. Padmashree Krutartha Acharya College of Engineering Bargarh (PKA) Pvt.
  61. Parala Maharaja Engineering College Berhampur (PMG) Govt.
  63. Rajdhani Engineering College Bhubaneswar (REC) Pvt.
  64. Roland Institute of Technology Surya Vihar, Berhampur (RIT) Pvt.
  65. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Institute of Technology & Management Semiliguda, Koraput (SCS) Pvt.
  66. Sanjaya Memorial Institute of Technology Chandipadar, Berhampur (SMT) Pvt.
  67. Satyasai Engineering College Balasore (SAT) Pvt.
  68. Seemanta Engineering College Jharpokharia, Mayurbhanj (SEC) Pvt.
  70. Silicon Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar (SIT) Pvt.
  71. Silicon Institute of Technology Sasan, Sambalpur (SIS) Pvt.
  75. Subas Institute of Technology Barang,Bhubaneswar (SIB) Pvt.
  77. Sundargarh Engineering College sundargarh (SUN) Pvt.
  78. Synergy Institute of Engineering and Technology Dhenkanal (SYN) Pvt.
  80. TempleCity Institute of Technology & Engineering Khurda (TCT) Pvt.
  81. The Techno School Bhubaneswar (TTS) Pvt.
  82. Trident Academy of Technology Bhubaneswar (TAT) Pvt.
  84. Veera Surendra Sai University of Technology Burla (UCE) Govt.
  85. Vignan Institute of Technology & Management Berhampur (VIT) Pvt.
  88. Xavier Institute of Technology Ghangapatna, Bhubaneswar (XIT) Pvt.

The Engineering Colleges, institutes and departments that do not take students via JEE are:

  1. IIT Bhubaneswar
  2. NIT Rourkela
  3. ITER, SOA University, Bhubaneswar
  4. KIIT Engineering College, Bhubaneswar
  5. Department of Agricultural Engineering, OUAT, Bhubaneswar
  6. ICFAI Tech, Bhubaneswar

12 comments July 25th, 2009

Status of WODC helped private medical colleges in Kalahandi, Balangir and Rourkela

Following is from Samaja:

The summary of the status is:

  • Bhawanipatna, Kalahandi: Good progress, MCI visitor scheduled to visit in September for inspection
  • Balangir: Govt. has received 6 proposals after its last call. The proposals are from:
    • Dr.D Meher Education & Health Trust, Balangir,
    • Santhigiri Ashram, Kerala,
    • Sahayata Trust, Hydrabad,
    • supreme Task, New Delhi,
    • Vigyan Bharati Charitable Trust , Bhubaneswar and
    • RVS Educational Trust, Tamil Nadu.
  • Rourkela: MOU signed with Bhubaneswar based Vigyan Bharati Charitable trust. (They also run the Hi-Tech Medical college in Bhubaneswar.) Construction has started.

2 comments July 1st, 2009

Rajasthan uses a balanced approach in choosing locations for its national institutions

Update on 27th April 2011: The Central University location has been changed to Bander Sindri near Ajmer and only 80 kms from Jaipur. The Innovation University (previsouly referred to as National University) aiming for world class is now pushed for Jaipur. [Times of India]

The panel set up by the CM of Rajsthan has picked the following places to recommend to the central government for the various national institutes and universities coming up in Rajasthan. (From a Times of India report and another Times of India report)

  • IIT : Jodhpur
  • IIM: Udaipur
  • National University aiming for world-class: Ajmer 
  • Central university: Bikaner.

The committee also recommended:

  • a "futuristic" heritage conservation and museology centre in Jaipur
  • an institute of Food Technology in Hadoti region of Kota

Currently the following national institutions exisit or are being made in the following places in Rajasthan:

  • NIT: Jaipur
  • LNMIT (private but top-notch): Jaipur
  • National law School: Jodhpur
  • AIIMS-like institution (being made): Jodhpur

The institutions are nicely distributed between various cities of Rajsthan, although people of Jaipur and Kota are not happy. The population of these locations are:

  • Jaipur (World Gazetteer 2009): 3.1 million (has inetrnational air connectivity)
  • Jodhpur (World Gazetteer 2009): 988K  – (332 kms from Jaipur; has air connectivity)
  • Udaipur (World Gazetteer 2009): 457K – (400 kms from Jaipur; has air connectivity)
  • Ajmer (World Gazetteer 2009):  604.7K – (131 kms from Jaipur)
  • Bikaner (World Gazetteer 2009): 624.6K – (321 kms from Jaipur)
  • Kota (World Gazetteer 2009): 823 K (242 kms from Jaipur)

In contrast in Orissa the distribution of national institutions are more Bhubaneswar centric. Following is the status:

  • IIT: Bhubaneswar
  • NISER: Bhubaneswar
  • AIIMS-like (being made) : Bhubaneswar
  • National Law University: Cuttack (part of Bhubaneswar metroplex)
  • IIIT (state-funded) : Bhubaneswar
  • National University aiming to be world class: Bhubaneswar
  • Vedanta University (private): Puri
  • NIT: Rourkela
  • Central University: Koraput
  • IIIT (centrally funded): state wants it in Berhampur; center has identified as Bhubaneswar

Unfortunately, one of the reason given behind the above selection is the lack of connectivity and the size of places. Following is some information on that.

  • Bhubaneswar (World Gazetteer 2009): 1.67 million  (has airport but no inetrnational connectivity)
  • Rourkela (World Gazetteer 2009): 551 K  (no air connections) – 334 kms from Bhubaneswar
  • Berhampur (World Gazetteer 2009): 403 K (no air connections) – 160 kms from Bhubaneswar
  • Koraput-Jeypore-Sunabeda: 200K+ (no air connections) – 499 kms from bhubaneswar
  • Puri (World Gazetteer 2009): 185K – 60 kms from Bhubaneswar 
  • Sambalpur (World Gazetteer 2009): 258 K (no air connections)  – 321 kms from Bhubaneswar
  • Jharsuguda-Belpahar-Brajarajnagar: 200 K (no air connections) – 374 kms from Bhubaneswar; 50 kms from Sambalpur

For the future, following are some of the steps that Orissa government needs to urgently take regarding developing more larger urban areas and having the national institutions more evenly distributed:

  • Make sure the centrally funded IIIT is established in Berhampur
  • Establish functioing airports in Jharsuguda, Rourkela and Koraput at the earliest
  • Push for international flights to Bhubaneswar
  • Push for upgradation of UCE Burla (Sambalpur area) to an IIEST (Indian Institute of Engineering Science & Technology)
  • Push for the establishment of a branch of IGNTU (Indira Gandhi National Tribal University) in Phulbani
  • Push for the establishment of IIM outside of the Bhubaneswar area
  • Push for the establishment of a centrally funded KBK Inst of Engineering and Technology (along the lines of SLIET and ABAGKIET) in Kalahandi or Balangir.
  • Push for upgrading another medical college (Berhampur or Sambalpur) to AIIMS level.
  • Push for establishing NID in a location outside of Bhubaneswar
  • Push for establishing NIPER in a location outside of Bhubaneswar
  • Push for a BITS Pilani campus in a location outside of Bhubaneswar

9 comments June 12th, 2009

Samaja ad for admission in ATDC Bhubaneswar, Berhampur and Rourkela

The web ad at only mentions ATDC Bhubaneswar. I guess the centers at Berhampur and Rourkela are satellite centers. Earlier there was also plan for satellite centers in  Baripada, Sambalpur and Cuttack. I guess they will start later.

There is an Institute of apparel management in Gurgaon in the outskirts of New Delhi.

1 comment December 2nd, 2008

General Colleges count in various Orissa districts – work in progress

The left four columns(*) in the following list is based on the lists at and It seems both these lists are not up-to-date. For example, neither list has any colleges in the Boudha district. However, the Boudha district web pages mention it having 9 colleges. Using Google some of the colleges one can find in Boudha are Boudh Panchayat College and Gandharadi College. The rightmost column (**) is based on going to the district web pages and getting information there. That is also not up-to-date as in recent years numerous junior (+2) colleges have opened.

District Govt degree Colleges* Govt +2 Colleges*

Private Colleges*

(degree and +2 not seprated)

Total Colleges**
Angul 1 (Govt. College) 1 16 34 Jr / 12 degree
Balasore 2 (FM, KKS Women’s) 2 27  
Balangir 3 (Rajendra, Govt., Govt. Women’s – all in Balangir) 4 13  
Bargarh 1 (Panchayat College, Baragarh) 1 14  
Bhadrakh 1 (Bhadrakh College) 1 17  
Boudh     Zero 9
Cuttack 2 (S. B. Women’s, JKBK) 3 30  
Dhenkanal 2 (Dhenkanal, Dhenkanal Women’s) 2 19  
Deogarh     8  
Gajapati 1 (SKCG Pralakhemundi) 1 Zero  
Ganjam 5 (Khallikote, BA and SB Rath Women’s in Berhampur,  Chhatrapur, Niranjan Govt. Women’s in Aska) 5 28  
Jagatsinghpur     15  
Jajpur 1 (NC) 1 25  
Jharsuguda     7  
Kalahandi 2 (Govt. College, Women’s College – both in Bhawanipatna) 2 9  
Kandhamala 2 (Govt. College, S. M. Govt. Women’s – both in Phulbani) 2 Zero 11
Kendrapara     22  
Keonjhar 2 (Dharanidhar, Govt. Women’s) 2 21  
Khurda 3 (BJB, RD Women’s, Rajdhani) 3 26  39
Koraput 3 (Vikram Dev Jeypore, Govt. Women’s Jeypore, DAV Koraput) 4 2  
Malkangiri   1 2  
Mayurbhanj 1 (MPC) 2 30  
Nabarangpur     2  
Nayagarh     15  
Nuapada   1 4  
Puri 2 (SCS, Govt. Women’s) 2 19  
Rayagada     3  
Sambalpur 3 (GM, NSCB, Govt Women’s  – all in Sambalpur) 3 8  
Sonepur     9  
Sundergarh 5 (Govt. and Govt. Women’s in Sundergarh, Govt. , SG Women’s and Rourkela College in Rourkela) 6 15  


2 comments November 24th, 2008

Setting up of 6,000 Model Schools at Block level gets union cabinet’s nod: PIB

Following is from


16:35 IST

The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today gave its approval to the setting up of  6,000 Model Schools at the Block level  in the country. Initially, in the First Phase of the implementation of this Centrally Sponsored Scheme, 2,500 Model Schools will be set up in the Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs). These schools will be set up through State Governments.

            A model school will have infrastructure and facilities, at least of the standard as in a Kendriya Vidyalaya and with stipulations on pupil-teacher ratio, ICT usage, holistic educational environment, appropriate curriculum and emphasis on output and outcome.

Objective:   The main objectives of the scheme are,

¨       To have at least one good quality secondary school in every block.

¨       To have a pace setting role for these schools.

¨       To try out innovative curriculum and pedagogy

¨       To be a model in infrastructure, curriculum, evaluation and school governance 

The salient features of Scheme are as under:

  • Location: 2500 Model schools will be set up in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs).
  • Land:   Land for these schools will be identified and provided by the State Governments free of cost.
  • Medium of instructions: The medium of instructions will be decided by the State Governments. However, special emphasis will be given on teaching of English & spoken English.
  • Classes: The schools will have classes from VI to XII, or IX to XII.   
  • Management:  These schools will be run by State Government societies similar to Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan.

There will a continuous evaluation of the working of the schools by State Government agencies through a regular and well structured system of field visits. Besides, an independent agency may be assigned the task of monitoring of the scheme, including progress of construction for each State.

Financial requirement for setting up 2,500 schools during the 11th Five Year Plan has been estimated as Rs.9,321 crore, of which estimated  central share  is Rs.7,457 crore.  Planning Commission has allocated Rs. 12,750 crore for this scheme under the 11th Five Year Plan. Rs. 650 crore has been provided in the budget for 2008-09.

Sharing pattern will be at the ratio of 75:25 between centre and the states during the 11th Five Year Plan and 50:50 during the 12th Five Year Plan, while for special category states, the sharing pattern would be in the ratio of 90:10. The scheme will be implemented from the current financial year.

      The Scheme is, however, not to be implemented in the 6 states where assembly elections are being held, till the poll process is over.



The 123 educationally backward blocks in Orissa are (See also for a bigger list):

Sl.No. Name of State/District Sl.No. Name EEB Blocks   
XI. ORISSA      
1 Sambalpur
    1 Dhankauda  
    2 Rengali  
    3 Lakhanpur  
    4 Kolabira  
    5 Laikera  
    6 Kirimira  
    7 Rajborasambar  
    8 Paikmal  
    9 Jharbandha  
    10 Gaisilet  
    12 Kochinda  
    13 Jamankira  
    14 Reamal  
    15 Barkot  
    16 Tileibani  
    17 Naktideul  
2 Sundargarh
    1 Bisra  
    2 Lathikata  
    3 Koida  
    4 Gurundia  
3 Kendujhar
    1 Kendujhargarh  
    2 Harichadanpur  
    3 Patana  
    4 Ghatgaon  
    5 Saharapada  
    6 Telkoi  
    7 Champua  
    8 Jhumpura  
    9 Joda  
4 Mayurbhanj
    1 Koliana  
    2 Sulia Pada  
    3 Muruda  
    4 Saras Kana  
    5 Rairang Pur  
    6 Bija Tola  
    7 Bisoi  
    8 Jamda  
    9 Bahalda  
    10 Tiringi  
    11 Kusumi  
    12 Gopa Bandhu Nagar  
    13 Karanjia   
    14 Jashi Pur  
    15 Aukruli  
    16 Raruan  
5 Dhenkanal
    1 Kankada had  
    2 Anugul  
    3 Chhendipada  
    4 Athmallik  
    5 Palalahada  
    6 Forest Area  
6 Phulabani
    1 Phulabani  
    2 Phiringia  
    3 Khajuripada  
    4 Baudh Sadar  
    5 Harbhanga  
    6 Kantamal  
    7 Baliguda  
    8 Chakpad  
    9 Daringbadi  
    10 G. Udayagiri  
    11 Nuagaon  
    12 Raikia  
    13 Tikabali  
7 Balangir
    1 Patnagarh  
    2 Belpara  
    3 Khaprakhol  
    4 Titlagarh  
    5 Muribahal  
    6 Saintala  
    7 Bangomunda  
    8 Turekela  
    9 Balangir  
    10 Loisinga  
    11 Puintala  
    12 Agalpur  
    13 Deogaon  
    14 Tentulikhunti  
    15 Tarbha  
    16 Sonepur  
    17 Dunguripali  
    18 Binika  
    19 Biramaharajpur  
    20 Ulunda  
8 Kalahandi
    1 Bhawanipatna  
    2 Kesinga  
    3 Narala  
    4 Madanpur Rampur  
    5 Karlamunda  
    6 Dharamagarh  
    7 Junagarh  
    8 Jayapatna  
    9 Kokasara  
    10 Kalampur  
    11 Golamunda  
    12 Komana  
    13 Khariar  
    14 Sinapali  
    15 Boden  
9 Koraput
    1 Padmapur  
    2 Chandahandi  
10 Ganjam
    1 Chhatrapur  
    2 Ganjam  
    3 Khalikote  
    4 Kodala  
    5 Purusottampur  
    6 Hinjilicut  
    7 Polasara  
    8 Kavisurjanagar  
    9 Rangilunda  
    10 Kukudakhandi  
    11 Digapahandi  
    12 Sanakhemundi  
    13 Chikiti  
    14 Patrapur  
    15 Bhanjanagar  
    16 Jaganathprasad  
    17 Buguda  
    18 Sargad  
    19 Dharakote  
    20 Surada  
    21 R. Udaygiri  
11 Puri
    1 Dasapalla

November 7th, 2008

Comparative Data for IITs and NITs during 2007-2008: from the MHRD 2007-08 annual report

2 comments October 12th, 2008

Hi-Tech group’s plan for Khurda, Jatni and Rourkela

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard by Jayjit Dash.

Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has planned to set up two management institutes, one at Khurda and the other at Jatni, both located within 25 km radius of the city, at a combined investment of about Rs 12 crore.

These management institutes are set to be built on surplus land available at the two technological institutes run by the organisation – Konark Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) located at Jatni and the Hi-Tech Institute of Technology (HIT) in Khurda.

While the B-school in Khurda will come up on 15 acres of surplus land on HIT campus, the other B-school will be developed on 10 acres of surplus land within the KIST campus at Jatni.

“Construction work for our two proposed management institutes has already begun and we expect these two institutes to be functional next year. …

Each of these management institutes will have an intake of 60 seats and will offer two-year, full-time MBA programmes from the 2009-10 academic session.

The Hi-Tech Group will also invest Rs 30 crore for introducing new super-specialities, namely, cardiology, cardio-thoracic surgery, neurology, nephrology and trauma care in the Hi-Tech hospital. Hi-Tech Group of Institutions has also got the approval of AICTE to introduce post-graduate courses in engineering at the KIST campus.

The KIST campus will offer MTech in computer science and engineering as well as electronics and telecommunications engineering from the next academic session.

At present, KIST is offering BTech in five streams of engineering with the institute’s total intake being 420 seats. Meanwhile, the group expects to take possession of land for its proposed medical college and hospital in Rourkela within a month.

“We expect to get 25 acres of land for our proposed medical college cum hospital in Rourkela within a month and then inaugurate the hospital six months after acquiring land. Our medical college in Rourkela is expected to be operational a year after the inauguration of the hospital”, Panigrahi claimed.


1 comment September 13th, 2008

Other Engineering college clusters in Orissa


  1. Gandhi Institute of Industrial Technology Berhampur (GII) Pvt.
  2. Kalam Institute of Technology, Berhampur Berhampur (KIB) Pvt.
  3. National Institute of Science and Technology Palur Hills, Berhampur (NST) Pvt.
  4. Roland Institute of Technology Surya Vihar, Berhampur (RIT) Pvt.
  5. Sanjaya Memorial Institute of Technology Chandipadar, Berhampur (SMT) Pvt.
  6. Vignan Institute of Technology & Management Berhampur (VIT) Pvt.
  7. IIIT Berhampur (planned)
  8. Parla Maharaj Engineering College (planned) 
  9. Rahul Institute of Engineering & Technology Thatadapalli Village, Kotharsing (P.O.) Konisi Tahasil, Berhampur, Ganjam (D. T.) Orissa (planned)


  1. Padmanava College of Engineering Rourkela (PCE) Pvt.
  2. Purushottam Institute of Engineering & Technology Mandiakudar, Rourkela (PIE) Pvt.
  3. Sundargarh Engineering College sundargarh (SUN) Pvt.
  4. NIT Rourkela
  5. Rourkela Institute of Technology At P.O. Kuarmunda, District : Sundergarh Pin 770039 Orissa (planned)


  1. Balasore College of Engineering & Technology Balasore (BCE) Pvt.
  2. Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology Barapada, Bhadrak (BIT) Pvt.
  3. Modern Engineering & Management Studies Balasore (MEM) Pvt.
  4. Satyasai Engineering College Balasore (SAT) Pvt.
  5. Vijayanjali Institute of Technology At Gadabhanga No. 4 P.O. Khantapara, District : Balasore 756043 Orissa (planned)


  1. Gandhi Institute of Engineering & Technology Gunupur (GIT) Pvt.
  2. Gandhi Institute of Science and Technology Rayagada (GIR) Pvt.
  3. Institute of Advanced Computer & Research Rayagada (IAC) Pvt.
  4. Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science Rayagada (MIT) Pvt.


  1. Black Diamond College of Engineering & Technology Jharsuguda (BDC) Pvt.
  2. Padmashree Krutartha Acharya College of Engineering Bargarh (PKA) Pvt.
  3. University College of Engineering Burla (UCE) Govt.


  1. Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology Sarang (IGT) Govt.
  2. Adarsha College of Engineering At Saradhapur, P.O. Kumurisingha Dist : Angul, Pin 759122 Orissa (planned)


  1. Gopal Krushna College of Engineering & Technology Jeypore (GCE) Pvt.
  2. Samanta Chandra Sekhar Institute of Technology & Management Semiliguda, Koraput (SCS) Pvt.


  1. Jagannath Institute of Technology & Management Paralakhemundi (JIP) Pvt.
  2. Orissa School of Mining Engineering Keonjhar (OSM) Govt.
  3. Seemanta Engineering College Jharpokharia, Mayurbhanj (SEC) Pvt.

9 comments August 3rd, 2008

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