27 acres for IIHT in Baragarh
On June 10th the Statesman reported the following:
The cabinet also decided to provide 27 acre of land in Bargarh district free of premium to the Indian Institute of Handloom Technology.
3 comments June 22nd, 2008
On June 10th the Statesman reported the following:
The cabinet also decided to provide 27 acre of land in Bargarh district free of premium to the Indian Institute of Handloom Technology.
3 comments June 22nd, 2008
(Update on June 17 2008: For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)
The following is from our earlier post titled: "2007 ranking of Orissa Engineering colleges that participated in BPUT counseling – solely based on student preferences."
Continuing with our methodology, and solely based on the student preferences in the GE (general) category, we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished. For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of the CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.
The colleges that are missing from the above are NIT Rourkela, and KIIT. I consider NIT Rourkela to currently be the best in Orissa. I would slot KIIT around ITER and Silicon.
Outlook for 2008-2009:
Now that ITER’s parent organization Siksha O Anusandhan has become a deemed university, ITER may opt out of Orissa JEE and/or 2008 BPUT counseling.
In 2008 and 2009 there would be several new colleges.
213 comments May 29th, 2008
The recent announcements of the locations of the 30 central universities, new IITs and IIMs and earlier announcements of IISERs shows how the Government of India has corrected the earlier imbalance in terms of marquee HRD institution locations and has now spread its HRD institutions all across India. The Orissa government should do the same. In particular, for Orissa to get to the targeted 15% enrollment in higher education from its current 6.1% it must provide opportunities of higher education across Orissa. With this in mind we propose that while announcing its IIT and central university locations it must do the following:
- Establish the IIT at a location a bit far from Bhubaneswar (as far as acceptable to center, and as far as it can still maintain its proximity to Bhubaneswar to be able to be competitive in recruiting good faculty)
- Establish the second central university in KBK with branch campuses across KBK+ districts. The first choice for a HQ could be Bhawanipatna, which is well connected to other places in KBK. Alternatives are Koraput-Jeypore area or Rayagada. If the center does not allow this and requires that the central university be near a city then Rourkela (which is without a regular university) would be a good location.
- The new IIIT should be in location other than Rourkela and Bhubaneswar, and in a place where there is an STPI. Berhampur would be a first choice. Other choices could be Bhadrakh (between Kalinganagar industrial area and Balasore) and Sambalpur.
- New NIT: If it will be an upgradation, then UCE Burla is the first choice. If it will be a greenfield one then possible choices include industry hubs such as Angul, Kalinganagar, Rayagada.
- A regular university in Rourkela: Rourkela, the second largest metropolitan area of Orissa needs a regular university where students can pursue masters and Ph.Ds in science, liberal arts, etc.
- A medical college in Rourkela.
- A medical college in North Orissa: Balasore has been demanding a medical college for a long time.
- Upgrade UCE Burla to a state university and position it better to make it an IIEST similar to what West Bengal and Kerala did with respect to BESU and CUSAT respectively.
- State universities in KBK region: The government should aim for three universities for the three undivided KBK districts. If a central university is established in one of the three districts then the other two should have state universities.
- The state government should make a few more state engineering colleges in industrial and emerging areas such as Rayagada, Kalinganagar, Jharsuguda and Paradeep. Perhaps the premiere engineering schools in Berhampur and Jharsuguda can be upgraded to engineering colleges.
- A medical college, perhaps in partnership with NALCO and/or MCL and a regular university in Angul-Talcher area may also be considered.
To do the above the state might consider going the PPP route and creating a corpus of 1000-2000 crores.
12 comments April 13th, 2008
Following is an excerpt from a report in Pioneer.
the State Government and Apparel Export Promotion Council on Thursday signed an MoU to set up apparel training and design centres.
As per the MoU, five satellite centres would be set up at Berhampur, Rourkela, Baripada, Sambalpur and Cuttack. Three centres at Berhampur, Baripada and Rourkela would start on 31st May, 2008. The two other centres at Cuttak and Sambalpur will be taken up in the next phase.
As per the scheme, the initial capital expenditure of Rs 30 lakh for setting up the institution will be provided by State Government. The assistance will come from the State Employment Mission which works with the objective of skill generation for creating employability among rural and urban youths. The Government will also make available for the Centre floor area of 5,500- 7,500 sq feet suitable for undertaking training and housing equipments. The AEPC will be responsible for other recurring expense for running the institutions including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day-to-day.
The APEC will be responsible for other recurring expenses for running institution including recruitment of personnel and other staffs as well as the day a to day management. In selection of trainees, local candidates will be given priority and selection will be made from the candidates of Orissa only. These five centres will able to generate about 5,000- 6,000 employment in the garment sector only and 20,00 -26,000 over the 11th plan period.
1 comment April 4th, 2008
December 9th, 2007
1 comment December 3rd, 2007
Following is an excerpt on this from a report in New Indian Express.
The long-standing demand of the alumni and students of University College of Engineering (UCE), Burla, has been met with the varsity being registered under Societies Act on Tuesday. This would pave way for the engineering college to stake for Deemed University status.
It has been registered as Orissa Institute of Technology (OIT) at Sambalpur. The change in the statute of Biju Pattnaik University of Technology BPUT) in the Assembly bifurcating OIT from under its ambit will follow. Only after ratification by the State Assembly, the OIT will move UGC for Deemed University status.
The Deemed University status would enable the Engineering College get more funds besides help in giving their existing infrastructure a facelift. The College is already bestowed with 200 acres of land and can acquire another 300 acres adjacent to the present campus if needed.
1 comment November 22nd, 2007
Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.
… If sources are to be believed, the varsity is seriously planning to raise the intake capacity of the government institutions.
The technical university’s four constituent colleges – University College of Engineering (UCE), Burla, College of Engineering and Technology (CET), Bhubaneswar, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology (IGIT), Saranga, and Orissa School of Mining Engineering (OSME), Keonjhar – impart different courses in engineering streams.
While UCE has seven disciplines with an intake capacity of about 270, annual approved strength of CET is 340 in as many as nine streams. Similarly, IGIT admits 150 students in five programmes, while OSME’s degree streams intake is about 90.
However, the BPUT management appears to believe that the government colleges are in need of increasing their intake capacity which will strengthen them financially.
While UCE, Burla and CET, Bhubaneswar, are primarily dependent on government, it is OSME (degree stream) which is self-sufficient.
In the last board of management meeting of the varsity, it was strongly felt that the private colleges have a much larger student strength compared to their government counterparts that contribute significantly to their solvency.
It has agreed that an increased intake in government constituent colleges is the need of the hour where the number of qualified teachers and overall infrastructure is better compared to those available in the private colleges.
A way out is to introduce self-financing models for the programmes. In fact, two engineering streams in UCE, Burla and four subjects in CET here are self-financing but the funds are not sufficient to support the increasing needs.
1 comment November 19th, 2007
Following is a first person report from one of the person who was present at the UCE Burla team’s meeting with the CM and others. (After the report, I will have a short analysis.)
It is Chak De hours for us, friends !
First, my thanks to the students who stood up to the task and continued their zero-incident strike for 12 days; they deserve huge ovation.
Second, thanks to CM who found time for us. Let me put in short what happened yesterday in CM’s meeting yesterday.Govt had lined up Industry Minister Mr Harichandan, Industry Secretary Mr Dalwai, CM’s principal secretary, VC of BPUT and two more gentlemen. We had six students, Principal Dr Sanyal, Dr CR Tripathy and yours faithfully me.
Students first narrated what made them to go for strike. CM asked Industry Secy to respond. Secy said – (a) Society Registration file is with Finance Dept, Finance Minister will sign it tomorrow (16 Oct), then Industry Secy & minister. It is a matter of two or three days’s procedural time. But no hurdles, clearly. (b) BPUT Act shall be amended to disengage UCE from BPUT. It is none of our botheration. UCE will straightway go ahead to register as society. Industry Dept shall initiate a resolution in next Assembly. CM interjected to say it comes next month, in November. (c) CM said Govt will pursue the matter with UGC to ensure that we become Deemed University within 3 to 4 months. (but I personally believe it is an inadvertant over-statement by CM as state govt will not have any say in UGC except recommending. college authorities and we alumni have to pursue with UGC ourselves).
After students finished, I made few appeals on behalf of alumni. (a) Being the one and only college from Orissa which has potential to be put
into the league of quality colleges like Bengal Engg College, Jadavpur Univ, Osmania Univ, BHU, BIT or Anna University, state govt needs to go an extra mile beyond just conferring Deemed Univ status. CM nodded. (b) Only infrastructure added after it was built 50 years back by Hirakud Dam Project are a new library and an auditorium. Not only the 50-years-old college needs massive renovation, it also badly needs many more modern infrastructures. CM may plz depute high-level officials along with the Chief Architect of Orissa to campus who will assess the infrastructure, submit a master plan to CM based on which funds could be released over three/four years. CM nodded, asked his Secy to note it. (c) If UCE has to expand, which it will, it neds more land. Before encroached unauthorised by people, Govt may direct the local administration to transfer 300 acres available adjacent to UCE. CM said "he will look into this" (d) Alumni are rock-solid behind UCE. Alumni have built a Gate and are building an e_Learning Centre. I showed him the photos from the farther corner of the distance. CM asked me to come to him with the photos and had a long close look at both the structures. Jubilee Gate resembles India Gate, he commented. Said, he is happy that alumni are committed to the alma mater. Meeting ended. All for nearly 30 minutes. Students declared, they had called off the strike.Later, Secy said CM kept a delegate of investors waiting as he wanted this meeting with UCE first. Some or other in Orissa go on strike everyday, but are rarely invited by CM for a meeting. Govt wants UCE to grow, he said. It seemed so.
How much of the committments shall be kept is to be seen. But, I believe Govt can not go back what they said so emphatically. one thing is sure, we have succeeded to move the wheel. It should move on from now. But, we cannot and will not rest before UCE is indeed conferred "Deemed University" and then an "IIT or IIEST".
One of UCE’s … well-wisher …, Prof Chitta Baral of Arizona University had advised us to demand for "State University" like BESU or Ravenshaw. But, we were cautioned by Industry Secy not to talk of State Univ or IIT in the meeting and we did not. And, rightly so. Thanks to Dr Baral for his passion for UCE.
All the local news papers today have carried the News on front page. It is Chak De UCE, finally.
A proud UCEian.
My Comments:
This is a good start. Congratulations! I am hopeful that with the CM’s efforts UCE will get the "deemed university" tag quickly. But as mentioned above, it is not enough to be a deemed university. Being a deemed university does not guarantee adequate funding. So everyone must be ready to go to the next step; assuring good funding for UCE Burla. Unlike what is reported in Sambada, NIT Rourkela’s funding did not increase because it became a deemed university. It increased because central government took it over. There are many ways to ensure UCE Burla gets adequate funding. One way is to get the "funded by UGC" tag and become eligible to get UGC funds. Another way is to get taken over by the central government and/or become an NIT, IIEST or IIT. Another way is to push the state government and Orissa industries to fund UCE Burla at a higher level. Yet another way is to get commitment from industries such as MCL regarding funding some UCE departments.
4 comments October 17th, 2007
Tathya.in has a coherent argument on making UCE Burla a state university. Following is the article.
While students of the University College of Engineering (UCE) Burla are on war path to turn the institution as a Deemed University, educationists have suggested the state government to declare it as a State University.
“It is easier for the Government of Orissa to declare UCE Burla as an Engineering and Science University”, suggested an educationist who belongs to Western Orissa.
An alumnus of UCE, Burla has also echoed the view on this line.
“Instead of pleading with the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), it is easier for the state government to pass a Bill in this regard in the Orissa Legislative Assembly (OLA)”, said he.
Initially it will cost Rs.1.5 crore per annum at the most, said a Financial Advisor of the state government.
Later the state government by appointing a hyper active Vice Chancellor like Devdas Chhottaray will be able to rope in huge funds from University Grants Commission (UGC).
Mr.Chhottaray, VC of the newly formed Ravenshaw Unitary University (RUU) has been successful to convert the RUU as an UGC aided University in a period of one year.
When the 50 year old institution will be celebrating its Golden Jubilee, it is the right time for the state government to declare it as another State University, said another alumnus.
The UCE, Burla alumni have a major role to play, said a mandarin in the state secretariat.
Most of the alumni are in the top level of the state administration and their influence in this regard will play a major role to transform the institution as a State University of Science and engineering, said he.
While the students are demanding for a Deemed University status they are ignorant about the fact that most of the DUs are not funded by the UGC.
So it is better that at the first place UCE, Burla to be declared as a State University and later a pro-active VC will rope in funds from the UGC.
It may be pointed out that various states have followed this path earlier and have been successful like West Bengal and Kerala.
The Bengal Engineering and Science University (BESU) and the Cochin University of Science and Technology (CUSAT) are state universities, and both were selected to become Indian Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IIEST).
“Better late than never, Orissa must take a cue from West Bengal and Kerala”, said Sandip Das Verma, a leading Non Resident Odiya (NRO).
October 9th, 2007
Update Sept 20 2009: Prof. Mishra did not join. Later Prof. Arun Pujari of University of Hyderbad was appointed and he joined as the VC of Sambalpur University. He is doing a great job.
Following is an excerpt from Pioneer.
Orissa Governor MC Bhandare on Tuesday appointed Professor Madhu S Mishra as the new vice-chancellor of the Sambalpur University for a period of three years or until further orders, whichever is earlier.
Prof Mishra will succeed Prof PC Tripathy, whose two-month extended term shall cease from the date of assumption of office by the new vice-chancellor.
Mishra trained in the disciplines of Economics, Sociology and Development Administration had earlier worked in the Planning Commission, Ford Foundation, Sriram Centre for Industrial Relations and Delhi University.
Prof. Mishra’s latest position was at IIM Calcutta, where his email is listed as madhu_sm@hotmail.com.
4 comments August 29th, 2007
UPDATE on 17th Aug 2007: see https://www.orissalinks.com/?cat=106 , jeeorissa for some new information on this.
UPDATE on 16th Aug 2007: There has not been any definite news on this. For latest news see https://www.orissalinks.com/?cat=106 , jeeorissa, and aieee Orissa sites.
Following is Sambada’s report on it. I hope soon the official AIEEE Orissa site will have the additional details.
131 comments August 11th, 2007
Total Seats:
Day 1:
Day 2:
11 comments August 10th, 2007
Dharitri reports on this conspiracy regarding CIFT in Burla and how more on this conspiracy is coming to light due to information obtained through the RTI ACT.
August 9th, 2007
((Update on June 17 2008: For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)
Continuing with our methodology, and solely based on the student preferences in the GE (general) category, we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished. For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of the CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.
The colleges that are missing from the above are NIT Rourkela, and KIIT. I consider NIT Rourkela to currently be the best in Orissa. I would slot KIIT around ITER and Silicon.
Outlook for 2008-2009:
Now that ITER’s parent organization Siksha O Anusandhan has become a deemed university, ITER may opt out of Orissa JEE and/or 2008 BPUT counseling.
In 2008 and 2009 there would be several new colleges. Among them three of them, if they get their approvals in time, are going to make a splash because of the people involved in the making of those colleges. They are:
158 comments August 7th, 2007
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