(Update on June 17 2008: For guidance on what you can get with your Orissa JEE rank in 2008, please see https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185 I do not have more information than that.)
This is a continuation of our earlier effort. Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up and what are left. [Please note that when we mention that a certain branch got filled up in the range, say, 800-1200 that means it got filled in some rank in between that. It could have been filled up in rank 801 or rank 1200. I just don’t have the data to make that distinction.]
- Ajay Binay (Comp Sc 8401-10000, Elec & TC 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE&I 11701-12600, Elec 11701-12600, Mech 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
- Balasore (Comp Sc 12601-13600, E & TC 12601-13600, IT 14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Mech 17201-18600) – ALL GE GONE by 18600
- Bhadrakh Inst (Comp Sc 10801-11700, E & TC 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, Elec 13601-14700, Mech 13601-14700, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
- CV Raman Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600, Chemical 7201-7800, Marine 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
- College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000, Mech 5501-6000, Civil 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
- CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500, Textile 8401-10000, Fashion 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
- DRIEMS, Cuttack (Comp Sc 6601-7200, Ele & TC 6601-7200, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10001-10800, AE&I 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11701
- East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500, Comp Sc. 5001-5500, IT 6001-6600, AE&I 8401-10000, Elect 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800, Biomed 20001-21545) Env (4)
- Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
- Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, IT 5501-6000, E&EE 5501-6000) – ALL GE GONE by 6000
- GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000, E & EE 5501-6000, IT 6601-7200, AE & I 7201-7800, Mech 7201-7800, Chem 14701-15900, Biotech 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
- GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
- Ghanashyam Hemlata, Puri (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & TC 10001-10800, Elec 12601-13600, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE By 14700
- Gopal Krishna Jeypore () Civil (17), Elec (12), ECE (12)
- IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000, Chemical 5001-5500) – ALL GE GONE 5500
- Inst of Ad Comp Res, Raygada (Comp Sc 10801-11700, IT 12601-13600, ECE 14701-15900, E & EE 14701-15900, Mech 18601-20000), Civil (29)
- ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) – ALL GE GONE by 3600
- Jagannath Cuttack (Comp Sc 10001-10800, Elec & TC 10801-11700, Mech 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700.
- JITM Parlakheumndi (Comp Sc 10801-11700, ECE 11701-12600, IT 13601-14700, E & EE 13601-14700, I & E 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600) Chemical (10)
- Konark Inst Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Ele & TC 7201-7800, AE & I 10801-11700, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
- Koustuva Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, E & EE 8401-10000, Elc & TC 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, Biomed 15901-17200) – ALL GE GONE by 17200
- Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500, AE & I 5501-6000, Elec 5501-6000, Mech 6601-7200) – ALL GE GONE by 7200
- Mahavir Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7201-7800, Elec & TC 7801-8400, E & EE 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, AE&I 11701-12600) Biomed (12)
- Majighariani Rayagada (Comp Sc 15901-17200, IT 18601-20000, ECE 18601-20000, E & EE 20001-21545), Mech (11), Biotech (16)
- Nalanda (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Mech 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE by 10800
- NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
- NM IET Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 6001-6600, ECE 6601-7200, E & EE 7201-7800, IT 7801-8400, Mech 10001-10800, Inst 12601-13600) – ALL GE GONE by 13600
- Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000, Civil 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
- Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500, Mech 5001-5500, Mining 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
- Padmanav Rourkela (Comp Sc 8401-10000, E & Tc 8401-10000, IT 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
- Padmashree Baragarh (Comp Sc 15901-17200, Elec & TC 15901-17200, AE & I 18601-20000, Elec 20001-21545, Mech 20001-21545) – ALL GE GONE by 21545.
- Purushottam Rourkela (Comp Sc 11701-12600, E & TC 11701-12600, IT 12601-13600, E & EE 13601-14700, AE & I 14701-15900) – ALL GE GONE by 15900.
- Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10001-10800) – ALL GE GONE 10800
- Roland Berhampur (ECE 7801-8400, Comp Sc 8401-10000, IT 10001-10800, E & EE 12601-13600, AE & I 13601-14700) – ALL GE GONE by 14700
- Samanta Chandra Sekhar Koraput (Comp Sc 17201-18600) ECE (18), Elec (32), AE & I (36), Mech (31)
- Sanjay Memorial Berhampur (Elec & Tc 10801-11700, E & EE 13601-14700, Elect 14701-15900, Mech 15901-17200, Civil 18601-20000) – ALL GE GONE By 20000
- Satyasai Balasore (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 15901-17200), Mech (5)
- Seemanta Mayurbhanj (Comp Sc 14701-15900, Elec & TC 14701-15900, Elec 17201-18600, Mech 17201-18600, I&E 18601-20000), Civil (4)
- Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
- Synergy Dhenkanal (Elec & TC 7201-7800, Comp Sc 7801-8400, IT 8401-10000, Elec 10801-11700, Mech 10801-11700) – ALL GE GONE by 11700
- Techno Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 7801-8400, ECE 8401-10000, E & EE 10801-11700, AE & I 11701-12600) – ALL GE GONE by 12600
- Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000, Biomed 7201-7800) – ALL GE GONE by 7800
- UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
August 7th, 2007
Solely based on the student preferences so far we develop a ranking below. Our methodology is we compare when the various branches of the colleges get finished. For example below when we write CET (8, 8, 12, 12, 16) it means that two of CET branches were all finished in the GE category by the ranks 800, two by 1200 and one by 1600. We will use the first three numbers unless it becomes necessary to go beyond that.
- 1. UCE Burla (8,8,12,12,16)
- 1. CET Bhubaneswar (8,8,12,12,16)
- 2. ITER Bhubaneswar (16,16,16)
- 3. Silicon Bhubaneswar (16, 20, 20)
- 4. CV Raman (20,24,28)
- 5. NIST Berhampur (24, 24, 28)
- 6. GITA (28,28,32)
- 7. Orissa Eng College Bhubaneswar (28, 28, 36)
- 7. IGIT Sarang (20,28,45)
- 8. College of Eng Bhubaneswar (36,36,41)
- 9. Gandhi Eng College Bhubaneswar (36,41,45)
- 10. Krupajala Bhubaneswar (45,45,45)
- 10. Trident Bhuabneswar (41, 45, 50)
- 11. East Bhubaneswar (45,55,66)
- 11. Gandhi Inst for Tech Bhubaneswar (50,50,60)
- 11. GIET Gunupur (50,50,60)
- 12. Orissa school of mining eng Keonjhar (45, 55, X)
- 13. NMIET Bhubaneswar (66, 72, 78)
- 14. DRIEMS(72,72,X)
- 15. Konark Bhubaneswar (78, 78, X)
- 15. Koustuva Bhubaneswar (78, 78, X)
- 16. Mahavir Bhubaneswar (78, 84, X)
- 16. Synergy Dhenkanal (78, 84, X)
- 17. Nalanda Bhubaneswar (84, 84, X)
- 18. Techno Bhubaneswar (84, X, X)
- 18. Rajdhani Bhubaneswar (84, X, X)
- 18. Roland Berhampur (84, X, X)
August 2nd, 2007
Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up.
- CV Raman Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600)
- College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600, IT 3601-4100, E & EE 4501-5000)
- CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200, Biotech 4101-4500)
- East Bhubaneswar (Elect & TC 4101-4500)
- Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600, Comp Sc 3601-4100, E & EE V, IT 4501-4500) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
- Gandhi Institute for Technology Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000)
- GIET Gunupur (Comp Sc 4501-5000, ECE 4501-5000)
- GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800, Electrical 4101-4500, Mech 4501-5000) – ALL GE GONE by 5000
- IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800, Metallurgy 4101-4500, Civil 4501-5000)
- ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) – ALL GE GONE by 3600
- Krupajala Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 4101-4500, Elec & TC 4101-4500, IT 4101-4500)
- NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
- Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600, Electrical 3601-4100, Mech 4501-5000)
- Orissa school of mining Engg Keonjhar (Elec 4101-4500)
- Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
- Trident Bhubaneswar (Elec & TC 3601-4100, Comp Sc 4101-4500, E & EE 4501-5000)
- UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
July 31st, 2007
Following are the branches and colleges that no longer have any GE seats. On the side we mention in which counseling the seats got filled up.
- CV Raman (AE & I 2401-2800, Comp Sc 2001-2400, Electrical 2401-2800, Elec & TC 1601-2000, IT 2401-2800, Mech 3201-3600)
- College of Engg. Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 3201-3600, Elect & TC 3201-3600)
- CET Bhubaneswar (Civil 1201-1600, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 401-800, I&E 1-400 (?), IT 801-1200, Mech 801-1200)
- Gandhi Engineering College Bhubaneswar (ECE 3201-3600)
- GITA Bhubaneswar (Comp Sc 2401-2800, E & EE 2801-3200, IT 3201-3600, ECE 2401-2800)
- IGIT Sarang (Elect 1601-2000, Mech 2401-2800)
- ITER Bhubaneswar (AE&I 1201-1600, Civil 3201-3600, Comp Sc 1201-1600, Electrical 1601-2000, E &EE 1201-1600, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1201-1600, Mech 2401-2800) – ALL GE GONE by 3600
- NIST Berhampur (Comp Sc 2001-2400, E & EE 2401-2800, I & E 2801-3200, IT 2801-3200, ECE 2001-2400) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
- Orissa Engineering College (Comp Sc 2401-2800, ELE & TC 2401-2800, IT 3201-3600)
- Silicon Bhubaneswar (AE & I 2001-2400, Comp Sc 1601-2000 , E & EE 1601-2000, ELE & TC 1201-1600, IT 1601-2000 ) – ALL GE GONE by 2400
- UCE Burla (Civil 1601-2000, Comp Sc 401-800, Electrical 801-1200, Elec & TC 401-800, IT 801-1200, Manu 2801-3200, Mech 1201-1600) – ALL GE GONE by 3200
July 29th, 2007
New Indian Express reports on this. Following are some excerpts.
This is the second time in a month the Higher Education Department increased the student intake capacity of junior and degree colleges. Earlier on July 12, 822 seats were added in Plus Two Science and Commerce in six government colleges.
Gangadhar Meher (GM) Autonomous College, Sambalpur, will have 96 more seats in Plus Three Commerce in addition to the existing strength of 288. The students strength in Statistics in GM Junior College has been increased from 48 to 80. However, the Science seats in the Plus Two level has remained unchanged at 256.
In NC Autonomous College, Jajpur, Commerce seats in degree level have been increased to 128 from 96.
The State Government has approved the proposal of Ramadevi Women’s College here to open Biotechnology as a self financing course. The college will have 32 seats in B.Sc Biotechnology from the ensuing academic session. Earlier, permission was granted to Government College, Rourkela, to open 32 seats in B.Sc Computer Science in self-financing mode.
This time the Government approved 176 Science seats in four junior colleges. While SCS College, Puri, will have 48 more seats in addition to 304 now, Vikram Dev College, Jeypore, Government Women’s College, Sambalpur, and Fakir Mohan Junior College, Balsore, will have 32 more seats each.
The present capacity of Vikram Dev College and Government Women’s College, Sambalpur, in Plus Two Science is 128 each while FM Junior College has 256 seats.
Plus Two Commerce seats in SCS College has been increased by 32 seats taking the total strength to 160 while in FM Junior College additional 64 seats has been approved as against 128.
In Humanities, 32 more seats have been approved for Government Women’s College, Sambalpur, as against the existing capacity of 192 seats.
July 26th, 2007
Sambada reports the inauguration of an Apparel training center in Bhubaneswar. (There are 20 such centers now in India.) It also mentions land allotment with respect to IIHT Baragarh. Finally it mentions that more apparel training centers may be opened in Nuapatna, Sambalpur, Rourkela and Baragarh. Following is the news item from Sambada.

July 25th, 2007
Following is from Sambada.

July 19th, 2007
Dharitri reports that Burla and Berhampur medical school seats has been increased to 150 each. The news report is as follows:

July 15th, 2007
The following is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/Pharmacy/Pharmacy-List.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says “Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007.â€
The last two columns below denote “Existing intake for 2006-07″ and “Approved intake for 2007-08.†Please note that they may not be properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)
Continue Reading July 12th, 2007
The following is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/MCA/MCA-List.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says “Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007.”
The last two columns below denote “Existing intake for 2006-07” and “Approved intake for 2007-08.” Please note that they may not be properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)
Continue Reading July 12th, 2007
The following is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/MBA/Management-List.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says “Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007.”
The last two columns below denote “Existing intake for 2006-07” and “Approved intake for 2007-08.” Please note that they may not be properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)
Continue Reading July 12th, 2007
The following are some instructions about the previous posting titled "Orissa engineering colleges in the AICTE list and their number of seats (July 12 2007)."
It is from http://www.aicte.ernet.in/approval/engg_LIST/Orissa.doc (as of July 12 2007) reached via http://www.aicte.ernet.in/app_inst_new.htm after clicking the scrolling sentence in AICTE web page that says "Approval status 2007-08 as on 05-07-2007." The Orissa JEE counseling brochure has a few other colleges that are not in this list. For BPUT to put them in the Orissa JEE counseling brochure these colleges must have some sort of approval. Beyond that I can not guess why they are not in the latest AICTE list. Sometimes AICTE has multiple lists in its web pages. If people have doubts about these colleges they should ask BPUT to give them some written guarantee/proof regarding these colleges when counseling or during admission.
The last two columns of that article denote "Existing intake for 2006-07" and "Approved intake for 2007-08." Please note that they are not properly aligned. (I am having problems with the editor when copying and pasting from word documents.)
July 12th, 2007
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