15% seats in private engineering colleges and privated medical colleges reserved for AIEEE and AIPMT qualified students

Following is from http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_10.htm.


JEE/09/AIPMT05                    Dated:08.07.2009

Registration of AIPMT (AIPMEE/AIPDEE) candidates to participate in the counseling- cum –admission against 15% all India Quota seats in private medical colleges.


As per provision of “The Orissa Professional Educational ( Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act ,2007” 15% of the seats in MBBS and BDS programmes in all private medical colleges to be filled up by valid AIPMT rank holders. To participate the counselling, these candidates are required to register on line in our website www.jeeorissa.com  from 10.07.2009 to 12.07.2009.  Candidates are advised to take the print out after the registration. The candidates are allowed to enter the counselling hall with production of this printout. Only registered candidates will be allowed to participate in counseling. The schedule and venue for counseling for these candidates are at   8.15 AM on 14.07.2009 at Conference Hall , Hotel Kharavela, Khandagiri Chhak,Bhubaneswar-30. No separate letter will be given to candidates for attending Counselling.


                                                                                                Chairman , JEE-2009


Following is from http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_11.htm.




Registration of AIEEE candidates to participate in the counselling– cum –admission against 15% all India Quota seats in private Engineering  colleges.


As per provision of “The Orissa Professional Educational ( Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act ,2007” 15% of the seats in all private Engineering colleges are to be filled up by AIEEE rank holders. To participate the counselling, these candidates are required to register on line in our website www.jeeorissa.com  from 11.07.2009 to 15.07.2009, 2P.M as per their all India rank. Candidates are advised to take the print out after the registration. The candidates are allowed to enter the counselling hall with production of this printout.  Only registered candidates will be allowed to participate in counselling. The schedule and venue for counselling for these candidates will be published on 16.07.2009 in our web site. Candidates are advised to check their Date, Time and Venue from our web site after 16.07.2009 along with documents required for the counsellng. No separate letter will be given to candidates for attending counselling. The counselling will be held from 19.07.2009.

Chairman , JEE-2009 

32 comments July 10th, 2009

Orissa JEE (BPUT JEE) counseling to start July 11th: Sambada

The main points in the following report in Sambada are:

  • Counseling will start from July 11th at the Swaminathan Hall of OUAT.
  • In between from Augus 1 to 10 counseling for MBA will happen in BPUT’s Gandmunda campus.
  • There will be no e-counseling.
  • Rank cards will be sent from Juen 30th.
  • There are 1069 Orissa quota medical and dental seats in 3 government and 4 private medical colleges in Orissa: SCB -128 medical + 17 dental, Burla – 127 medical, MKCG – 127, Hi-Tech – 100 medical + 100 dental, KIMS – 100 medical + 100 dental, ITER – 100 medical + 100 dental, Gandhi – 60 dental.
  • 15% seats in each college for admission through AIEEE and AIPMT
  • Three banks are being contacted for study loans


60 comments June 28th, 2008

All India PMT conducted by CBSE: information on on-line application (16th Oct to 26th Nov)

The following is excerpted from http://www.cbse.nic.in/welcome.htm. Please go to that site for up-to-date information. The information below was copied on October 19 2007. Its possible that the CBSE site may have updated information.

Click here to download Information Bulletin
Important Information at a Glance
1.  Please read the instructions and proceed carefully before you start filling the application form.
2.  Examintion Fees



    GENERAL Rs. 400/-
    SC/ST Rs. 200/-
3. Application can be submitted Online during 16.10.2007 (10:00 AM) to 26.11.2007 (05:00 PM)

After successful submission of On-line Application Form, an Application Number along with confirmation page will be generated. 


Candidates are advised to take printout of confirmation page and paste his/her two recent photographs (as given in point 6 below), sign in the specified box and send this confirmation page along with Demand Draft by Registered/Speed Post  to "The Deputy Secretary (AIPMT Unit), Central Board of Secondary Education, Shiksha Kendra, 2, Comunity Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi 110 301" for further processing so as to reach on or before 28.11.2007. Application received after the last date will not be accepted.

6.  Photograph : Firmly affix two recent good quality color passport size photograph (taken on or after 1.9.2007) with gum/fevicol (not to be pinned or stapled) in the space provided for it in the Application Form, one duly attested by the Principal/Head of the institution/Gazatted Officer. Before affixing the photograph, candidate must write down his/her Name and Application Number on the back of the both the photographs with ball point pen only. The photograph must indicate clearly the name of the candidate along with the date of taking the photograph. Photographs should be without cap or goggles. Spectacles are allowed. Polaroid photos are not acceptable. The photograph of the candidate should be attested by the Principal/Head of the Institution or Gazetted Officer in such a way that part of the signature is on the photograph and remaining part of the signature is on the application form. Attestation should be done on the bottom part of the photograph so that the photograph is not defaced. Candidates not complying with these instructions or with unclear photograph are liable to be rejected. Candidates may keep 6-8 identical photographs in reserve for use at the time of entrance examination/Counselling/Admission.
7. Before the dispatch of the application form, kindly insure that the form is complete in all respect.
8.  Candidates submitting applications online are required 

  • to attach Demand Draft of required fee (In favour of “Secretary CBSE Delhi”, payable at Delhi).
  • to mention his/her Application No., Name, and Address on the back of the Demand Draft
  • to retain a photocopy of confirmation page for future reference.
  • to retain a photocopy of the Demand Draft sent.
  • to retain the original receipt issued by the post office for having dispatch the Application Form
  • The processing of applications will begin only after receiving confirmation page and Demand Draft. 
8.  Eligibility and Qualifications: 

  • He/She has completed age of 17 years at the time of admission or will complete the age on or before 31st December of the year of his/her admission to the 1st year MBBS/Dental Course and is an INDIAN NATIONAL.
  • The upper age limit for All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination is 25 years as on 31st December of the year of the entrance examination. Further provided that this upper age limit shall be relaxed by a period of 5 (five) years for the candidates of Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes.
  • The number of attempts which a candidate can avail at All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Entrance Examination shall be limited to Three (03) uniformly for all the candidates.
  • The candidate must have passed in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English individually and must have obtained a minimum of 50% marks taken together in Physics, Chemistry and Biology at the qualifying examination. In respect of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes/Other Backward Classes the marks obtained in Physics, Chemistry and Biology taking together in qualifying examination be 40% instead of 50% for General candidates. Those who are taking plus two examination in 2008 can also appear for the entrance test provisionally subject to their fulfilling the canditions later.  

Procedure for filling the Application Form
  Please go to http://www.cbseaff.nic.in/aipmt08/online/instruction.aspx and follow instructions and links from there.

59 comments October 19th, 2007


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