(Thanks to the Suryanarayanan’s comment number 147 in https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/285).
The IISER admission site at http://www.iiser-admissions.in/ says that there will be three ways to get admission in the IISERs: (i) KVPY (ii) IIT JEE and (iii) Direct.
But by "Direct" they mean through an aptitude test that will be held on July 18 2010. They say:
Direct Admission is open to applicants who have Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and/or Biology in their class 12 board examination. Aptitude Assessment consists of a written test. It will have multiple choice questions on Physics Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology based on CBSE syllabus up to class 12.
The NISER NEST exam will be on June 6th. Details at http://www.nestexam.in/index1.php.
IISERs and NISER should have co-ordinated to have a single test. It does not make sense to have separate tests for admission into similar programs. Such lack of co-ordination and foresight is what encourages the government to interfere and issue diktats.
March 15th, 2010
Ravenshaw University should start 5 yr integrated programs in Science subjects and take its students through this exam.
January 7th, 2010
Following is from http://nest.niser.ac.in/nest09impnotice.html.
All the short listed candidates whose names appear in the list have been sent an email asking for the preference to join NISER on or before 30th June, 2009. Alternatively, candidates whose name appears in the list can also download attached consent form and fill it up and send it to NISER on or before 30th June, 2009. If we do not receive the filled consent form from the short listed candidates before 30th June, 2009 it will be assumed that they are not interested in joining NISER or CBS.
The list of selected candidates based on the rank will be announced on the website of NISER on 2nd July, 2009. Selected candidates are requested to deposit the fee (Rs 19650 for General & OBC candidates and Rs 12150 for SC/ST candidates) in terms of a demand draft drawn in favor of "Director NISER" payable at Bhubaneswar before 10th July, 2009. If we do not receive the demand draft before 10th July, 2009, the admission stands cancelled and seat will be allotted to the lower rank candidates in the merit list.
Students claiming admission under reservation (OBC, SC, ST) should produce authentic certificates at the time of admission. Candidates without authentic certificates will not be admitted.
Please note that NISER has only 52 seats (Gen – 31, OBC – 9, SC – 8, ST – 4)
The consent form can be sent by any of the 3 methods given below.
1. direcly fill the online consent form. (will be available shortly)
2. download, fill and send it as mail-attachment to admissions@niser.ac.in or director@niser.ac.in
3. download, fill and FAX it to 0674-2302436
Choose whichever suits you. No need to send repeatedly.
June 12th, 2009

May 14th, 2009
After the problems with wrong evaluations with respect to IIT JEE question papers, NEST, the entrance examination for NISER and UM-DAE, plans to take a cautious approach. Following is from NISER-NEST 2009 web page:
NEST question papers and correct answers to the questions of NEST examination conducted on May 10 2009 will be available HERE on May 12 at 4 pm is available HERE Since May 12, 4:00 pm.
Candidates or any other persons may send their comments to feedback [at] niser.ac.in
Comments received till May 20 will be put before the NEST Examination Committee. These comments will be reviewed by the committee and the final correct answers will be announced.
The decision of the Paper Setter’s Committee regarding the correct answers will be final.
This show of humility by the NEST question setters is refreshing.
May 12th, 2009
Following are from postings in the NISER orkut community about the NEST exam in the previous two years.
The pattern of NEST is somewhat as follows : The paper consists of 5 parts –
1. General, 2. Physics, 3. Chemistry , 4. Biology, 5. Mathematics
The General section is mandatory for all. Amongst the other 4, you are supposed to attend ANY 3. All sections carry equal weightage. Regarding the query about scientists and contributions, such kind of questions needn’t be expected in the NEST exam. It basically checks your analytical skill, reasoning and application of concepts. Hence, direct formulae, simple numericals etc. are less probable in NEST.
There will be questions with only one correct answer as well as more than one right alternative. As with the case of SPECIAL textbooks for NEST, your thorough knowledge of basic concepts will be your best guide in the exam, as it evaluates your ability to reason properly, apply your knowledge and arrive at the answer.
abt question types ,
hi ,
The previous year’s paper are not released in public domain yet . however i can assure u it is not like any engineering or medical competitive exam papers. The questions require more analysis and are more thought-provoking. n about books , i think ncert books plus some books with sound theoretical concept would help .
analytical questions like, u might be given some graphs or a trend of any sort n u l need to answer based on wht u deduce frm it ( eg bacterial population growth , nuclei decay kind of ). i do not trhink u l need to hurry as in other exams but time management of course helps .
The question pattern ‘s a bit different from IIT-JEE, AIEEE or AIPMT. Here, you have a compulsory general section + 3/4 subjects(Phy,chem,bio,math) , & in each section you wil be having ten 3 mark questions n five (or was it six?) 5 mark questions, or atleast thats the way it used to be! The 3 mark qns wil hav only one right answer out of the given choices while the 5 mark ones wil hav more than one correct alternatives. Remember that the 3 mark qns wil fetch you a -1 if you get that wrong, but Heard that there wil b no -ve marking for the 5 mark ones. Heard that this time , the general section ‘s got as equal weightage as the other sections. And regarding some exact qns askd in previous xam, my poor memory doesnt help. Sid , Ishan – May be you can help ém out wid a qn or two.
Well, I dont think it’d be necessary for you to be a master of ‘history of science’ to answer d qns in general section successfully. There wont be any qn demanding the answer for "In which year did Roentgen invent the X-ray?" or "Who was the only woman to win the Nobel prize twice?". But for the general section, you need to hav a good ability to ‘think out of the box’ as Sid has mentioned, to be logical, to reason well, n here too, to be clear with your basic concepts. ‘Cos, tho d qns wont be about d years or names, it ‘d definitely help you if you know what ‘s d idea/concept/principle behind different famous classical experiments in science(like Millikan’s oil drop expt, Luria-Delbrook’s expt etc.)
nest 2007 questions.
i remember one or two questions.
1. given that hydrogen gas is at some volume V & pressure P. if the volume is tripled what would be its final pressure. the gas is kept in athermos flask.
2. place the order in which the following occured in time scale.
* darwin proposed his theory.
*kepler proposed his theory on planetary motion.
*there were two more, i dont remember.
3. there was also a question related to the topic critical temperature of real gases. how does the gas behave when it undergoes free expansion. helium gets heated up as its critical temperature for cooling is higher than the room temperature. a whole paragraph was given on this topic & 4 questions were asked in this in the general(compulsory ) section. this question was similar to unseen passage,.
About General Section
I got some questions of the general section from some of the present 1st year students of NISER. Last year there where 3 or 4 questions from the History of Science part like the year in which Einstein gave the concept of stimulated emission of light, and what Fermat’s last theorem states and what is the main observation in proof for the expanding nature of light.
In last 2 years NEST papers there where questions asking you to arrange the given events in the chronological order. Also as Ved have already said, there were 3-4 question which you should answer based on the paragraphs given above. Last year the paragraphs were about Fresnel and Young’s wave theory of light. And in the year before the paragraphs were about the critical temperature of gases.
Altogether there were 10 questions in the General Section.
ya it was a mistake, i mean the expanding nature of Universe
To know abt the no: n type of qns,pls refer to previous posts.
For Biology, the biology questions of NEST-2007 were more of ‘checking the concept type’ than ‘checking the information type’. For e.g., there was a question in which a diseased condition called anhydrotic dyplasia was described and questions were asked based on the info provided( like"what if it was like this?". However, this may not be the case always. You are supposed to know the classical experiments, the key concepts, and the basic information, if which ‘s included in your syllabus (ie, informative knowledge of things in syllabus is also important. For e.g., if somebody asks you "How can you possibly reduce the risk of cardiac diseases?" to answer,you must know WHAT all factors lead to cardiac diseases).
However, cramming up lots of data aint gonna help you either. The concepts behind the experiments and the data are more important. So, in the li’l time left now, try to brush up the different concepts in biology ( I mean, for e.g, try to understand what leads to evolution more thoroughly than what are the different kinds of evolutionary evidences, or When you rewind Lederberg’s replica plating expt., try to figure out what they meant to prove by the expt, what was the reasoning etc. When you say Dihybrid ratio ‘s 9:3:3:1, think what did Mendel infer frm that ratio. ) . Such a kind of thinking can really help solve the biology questions n all NEST qns in general.
May 9th, 2009
As per http://nest.niser.ac.in/choosecentre.php the number of students registered for NEST and their centers are:
- Ahmedabad: 168
- Allahabad: 285
- Bengaluru: 174
- Bhopal: 577
- Bhubaneswar: 3303
- Chandigarh: 413
- Chennai: 418
- Dehradun: 165
- Delhi: 1458
- Guwahati: 159
- Hyderabad:727
- Jaipur: 653
- Jammu: 61
- Kochi: 539
- Kolkata: 1192
- Lucknow: 841
- Mumbai: 837
- Nagpur: 270
- Panaji: 25
- Patna: 830
- Raipur: 262
- Ranchi: 526
- Sambalpur: 248
- Shillong: 17
- Simla: 38
- Srinagar: 14
The total is 14,200. (Last year 8,000 appeared NEST.) The total number of seats that are available this year are 52 in NISER and 30 in UM-DAE.
May 2nd, 2009

Unlike the IISERs that take students from the IIT exams and KVPY, NISER Bhubaneswar (an IISER-equivalent institute that is funded by DAE) teams up with UM-DAE and has its own exam called NEST. (They also took students from KVPY.)
The following information regarding NEST 2009 is from http://niser.ac.in/NEST/.
About NEST
National Entrance Screening Test (NEST) is a compulsory test for students seeking admission to National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), Bhubaneswar and University of Mumbai – Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CBS), Mumbai. Both NISER and UM-DAE CBS have been started by Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India in 2007. Their mandate is to train scientific manpower for carrying out cutting edge scientific research and for providing input to scientific programs of Department of Atomic Energy and other applied science institutions in the country. The test is conducted in more than 25 centers across India. This brochure gives the detailed procedure for applying for the test, syllabus of the test and various dead lines.
NEST Brochure 
NISER has been set up by the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India to impart high-quality science education in a vibrant academic ambience with a faculty of distinguished scientists and teachers. NISER offers 5-year integrated M.Sc. programme in biological, chemical, mathematical and physical sciences. At present, NISER functions from the beautiful campus of
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, a renowned Institute with state-of-art infrastructure that includes an excellent library, a large computer center and a number of research laboratories. Degrees at NISER will be awarded by the Homi Bhaba National Institute (HBNI), a deemed-to-be University within the department of Atomic energy.
This year there are 52 seats, including reserved seats for SC/ST/OBC candidates and persons with disability (PD) as per Government norms. Further details about the institute can be found on the NISER website (http://niser.ac.in).
NISER Brochure 
The Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India has set up a new autonomous center of excellence in basic sciences in Mumbai. UM-DAE CBS, is to be an international class center for high quality teaching embedded in a vibrant post-graduate and research environment with some of the best teachers and scientists from major institutions in the city (TIFR, BARC, IIT Bombay) and the University and its colleges on its faculty. The center is located in the Kalina campus of the University of Mumbai. The degrees at UM-DAE CBS are awarded by the 150 year old University of Mumbai.Tentatively, there will be 14 seats in Physics stream, 10 in Mathematics and 6 in Life Sciences with reservations as per Government norms, including reservation for persons with disability (PD). The details are on the CBS website (http://www.tifr.res.in/~cbs).
Important Dates
- Last date for request of application form : March 6, 2009
- Last date for receipt of completed application form with DD : April 3, 2009
- Online applications freeze : April 3, 2009
- Dispatch of offline admit cards begins : April 15, 2009
- Download of online admit cards begins : April 15, 2009
- Date of examination : May 10, 2009 (Sunday), 1 pm to 4 pm
- Announcement of results on NEST website : June 8, 2009
Eligibility for appearing NEST
Students securing at least 60% marks in aggregate (or equivalent grade) in Class XII (or equivalent) examination from any recognized Board in India are eligible to apply. For Scheduled Cast (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) candidates and for Persons with Disability (PD), the minimum requirement is 55%. Students who have passed the Class XII qualifying examination in 2007 or 2008 or are appearing in 2009 are eligible to apply. (Where only Letter grade is given by the Board, a certificate from the Board specifying equivalent percentage marks will be required. In the absence of such a certificate the decision of the respective Admissions Committee will be final.)
How to apply (3 ways)
- Online form submission is the most convenient and preferred way. Follow these steps to go for it.
- Register yourself before you login.
- Confirm your registration from a mail sent to you just after registration.
- Login in the NEST homepage with your mail-id and password.
- Fill the form and save it or, modify an already saved form.
- Take the print-out and send along with DD.
- Form can be downloaded, filled and sent back with DD. Download form NEST Brochure Please set margin in the browser page-setup to accomodate the form in a single A4 sheet.
- A letter of request can be sent to get the printed form by post. This form will have to be sent back along with DD after filling it properly.
January 13th, 2009
These days the NISER, Bhubaneswar website seems to be very slow. We are putting a copy of their application form and information brochure in another location so that people having a hard time downloading it from NISER website can down load it from here (application form, information brochure). Both can be also obtained from the Homi Bhabha site of NISERNEST.
Please note that the last date of receipt of application form is June 8′ 2007.
Following is my archive of the NISER web pages as archived on April 25′ 2007.
Continue Reading May 31st, 2007
Fiver year integrated M.Sc programs are being started at UM-DAE, a new autonomous center for excellence in Basic Sciences jointly set up by University of Mumbai in collaboration with Dept. of Atomic Energy. It will be taught by faculty from nearby institutes such as IIT Bombay, BARC, Univ. of Mumbai and TIFR. The entrance exam for this program is the same one as for NISER, Bhubaneswar. So in a sense, NISER now has head-to-head competition in terms of students. Unless NISER moves quickly and uses its funding advantage to build a nice campus and hire top-notch faculty it may lose out.
May 4th, 2007