DRDO Research boards and Centers of Excellence

Following information about DRDO research boards is from http://www.drdo.org/academic.html.

DRDO has constituted four research boards to nurture and harness talent in academic institutions, universities, R&D centres and industry. The organization provides necessary facilities for promoting basic research and to catalyse cross-fertilization of ideas with R&D agencies in other sectors for expanding and enriching the knowledge base in their respective areas. The boards provide grants-in-aid for collaborative defence-related futuristic frontline research having application in the new world class systems to be developed by DRDO.

The catalytic role played by research boards has helped rapid growth in building capabilities in the area of aeronautical state-of-art systems like light helicopter, and in setting up a centre of excellence in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) at the IISc, Bangalore, which is anticipated to give a boost to the designing of aeronautical systems within the country. Another centre of excellence in aerospace system design and engineering is being set up at IIT, Mumbai. A Centre for Composite Structure Technology is proposed to be set up at the National Aerospace Laboratory, Bangalore. Grants in aid by DRDO have led to setting up of a hypermedia digital library in IIT-Kharagpur, to the development of audio-visual training aids for aircrew, to indoctrination in air sickness and positive pressure breathing at the Institute of Aviation Medicine, Bangalore and to the development of rarefied gas dynamic facility at IIT, Chennai.

The Aeronautics Research and Development Board (AR&DB) has approved projects in the filed of Aeronautics and related areas. The Armament Research Board (ARMREB) has approved projects in the fields of high energy materials, sensors, ballistics and other armament related fields. Under the Naval Research Board (NRB), projects are being pursued in five technology areas. Under Life Sciences Research Board (LSRB) projects have been supported in the areas of biological and bio-medical sciences, psychology, physiology, bio-engineering, specialized high altitude agriculture, food science and technology.

Following informations about DRDO’s Centers of Excellence is from the page http://www.drdo.org/centerofexcellence.html.

The need for establishing CE by DRDO has been projected long back by SA to RM. The outlay for such a centre will be typically expected to be Rs.50 crores over a period of 5 years. DRDO proposes 5 such centres that will include:

  1. The science and synthesis of HEM (for use as explosives and propellants).
  2. The science of polymer physics especially polymer Electronics can emergent and for a variety of military semi conductor devices).
  3. The interaction of microwaves and matter (for stealth).
  4. Nanotechnology based sensors for NBC detection.
  5. Nano optoelectronic devices.

Out of these, for item (a), Advanced Centre for Research on High Energy Materials (ACRHEM) has been established with the University of Hyderabad. We have evolved an Memorandum of collaboration (MOC) exclusively for this centre. Parallely, old MOC of DRDO with Bharathiar Unviersity (BU), Coimbatore has been upgraded as a Centre of Excellence called BU-DRDO Centre for Life Sciences. A separate MOC exists exclusively for it. In order to have effective functioning, SOP was proposed and the same has been approved by SA to RM. DRDO can advertise through newspaper or website the intent of setting up of such a CE in the fields of relevance. This step would stimulate other competitive agencies to submit proposals. Funding of academic institution for research whose expected outcome was judged to be of use in extant DRDO R&D projects/programmes. Instrumentality was the sponsored research proposal ‘instigated’ by a DRDO labroratory or vetted by it for direct relevance of research outcome(s).

Universities and institutions in Odisha should propose and pursue DRDO funded Centers of Excellence.

1 comment January 7th, 2010

DRDO labs in India: http://www.drdo.com/labindex.shtml

The following list is from http://www.drdo.com/labindex.shtml. See also http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/drdo.html.


  • Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore
  • Aerial Delivery Research & Development Establishment (ADRDE), Agra
  • Centre for Air Borne Systems (CABS), Bangalore
  • Defence Avionics Research  Establishment (DARE), Bangalore
  • Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), Bangalore
  • Center for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC), Bangalore

Combat Vehicles & Engineering

Electronics & Computer Sciences

Human Resource Development


Life Sciences


  • Defence Laboratory (DLJ), Jodhpur
  • Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory  (DMRL), Hyderabad
  • Defence Materials & Stores Research & Development Establishment (DMSRDE), Kanpur

Naval Research & Development

Following is the list at also http://www.ugc.ac.in/inside/drdo.html.

  1. ADE- Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore

  2. ARDE- Armament R&D Establishment, Pune

  3. ASL- Advanced Systems Laboratory, Hyderabad

  4. CAIR- Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Bagalore

  5. CFEES- Centre for Fire, Explosives & Environmental Safety, Delhi

  6. CVRDE- Combat Vehicles R&D Establishment, Chennai/Avadi

  7. DARE- Defence Avionics Reseach Establishmnet, Bangalore

  8. DARL- Defence Agricultural Research Laboratory, Pithoragarh

  9. DEBEL- Defence Bioengineering and Electrochemical Laboratory, Bangalore

  10. DEAL- Defence  Electronics Applications Laboratory, Dehradun

  11. DESIDOC- Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre, Delhi

  12. DFRL- Defence Food Research  Laboratory, Mysore

  13. DIPR- Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi

  14. DIPAS – Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences, Delhi

  15. DLJ – Defence Laboratory, Jodhpur

  16. DLRL – Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad

  17. DMRL- Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad

  18. DMSRDE- Defence Materials & Stores R & D Establishment, Kanpur

  19. DTRL – Defence Terrain Research Laboratory

  20. DRDL – Defence Research & Development Laboratory, Hyderabad

  21. DRDE – Defence Research & Development Establishment, Gwalior

  22. DRL- Defence Research Laboratory, Tezpur

  23. FRL – Field Research Laboratory, C/o 56 A.P.O.

  24. GTRE – Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Bangalore

  25. HEMRL – High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Pune

  26. IAT – Institute of Armament Technology, Pune

  27. INMAS – Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied Research, Delhi

  28. IRDE – Instruments R& D Establishment, Dehradun

  29. ISSA-  Insttitue of Systems Studies and Analyses, Delhi

  30. ITM-  Institute of Technology Management, Mussoorie

  31. LASTEC- Laser Science & Technology Centre, Delhi

  32. LRDE – Electronics and Radar Development Establishment, Bangalore

  33. MTRDC – Microwave Tube R&D Centre, Bangalore

  34. NMRL – Naval Materials Research Laboratory, Ambernath

  35. NPOL – Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi

  36. NSTL _ Naval Science & Technological Laboratory, Visakhapattanam

  37. PXE – Proof & Experimental Establishment, Chandipur, Orissa

  38. RCI – Research Centre Imarat, Hyderabad

  39. R&DE – Research & Development Engineers, Pune

  40. SASE – Snow & Avalanche Study Establishment, Chandigarh

  41. SAG – Scientific Analysis Group, Delhi

  42. SSPLDA- Solid State Physics Laboratory, Delhi

  43. TBRL – Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Chandigarh

  44. VRDE – Vehicles research & Development establishment, Ahmednagar

58 comments April 23rd, 2008


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