Education city plan in Bhutan

Following is an excerpt from a report in

A Kolkata-based company Infinity infotech parks limited has proposed to invest a billion dollars or Nu 47 billion in creating an ‘Education/Knowledge City’ in Bhutan.

The project, by far the largest FDI investment proposal, aims to bring in the branches of around 15 to 30 top universities, along with 40,000 foreign students, into a 1000-acre education city.

The Infinity groups representative in Bhutan, Palden Tshering, the head of Chundu enterprises said, “The FDI project should provide employment for around 100,000 people, most of whom will be Bhutanese and eventually generate up to 500 million dollars a year in foreign exchange.”

“The education city, apart from universities, will have high quality schools for faculty members, labs, hotels, health care, cultural and entertainment centres, sport centres, libraries, stationery, cafes and others to service the student population, which will all vitalise the local economy and allow Bhutanese to invest in,” said Palden Tshering. He said even IT companies and corporations that would want to hire this talent pool could set up offices in the city.

… “What Infinity wants is 1,000 acres on lease or for sale, where 60 percent of the area can be built on,” said Palden.

MoEA secretary Dasho Sonam Tshering said, “Since the investment proposal is of such a size and land intensive, the government will have too discuss, see what we want and do a feasibility study.”

… Palden said that Bhutan would be a good location for the project due to its pristine environment, political stability and because it can provide the same quality of education being charged at 50,000 to 60,000 dollars annually abroad at around 15,000 dollars in Bhutan. He said that Infinity was in discussion with many ivy-league universities in the U.S. and other countries and some of them had expressed interest.

I was told there is such a city in China. I don’t know which one it is. Will look for a link.

December 16th, 2009

Indian student numbers in the USA

(Thanks to Bijoyraj for the pointer in an orkut message board.)

Following is an excerpt from a report in the Economic Times.

For the seventh year running, India is the leading source of foreign enrolments on US campuses, sending a record 94,563 students 

during the academic year 2007-2008.

Indian students now constitute 15 per cent of the total US university foreign enrolment which stood at 623,000 in this academic year, a 7 per cent increase over the 583,000 foreign students who came here in 2006-2007, according Open Doors, the authoritative annual report on the subject released on Monday.

The Indian increase of 13 per cent (up from 83,833 in 2006-2007) is only marginally overshadowed by the resurgence of interest in the US from Chinese students, whose numbers jumped up from 67,723 in 2006-2007 to 81,127 this past year, a 20 per cent increase. But since 2001/02, when it took over from China, India has remained the leading place of origin for students coming to the United States.

South Korea (69,124), Japan (33,974), and Canada (29,051) round off the top five countries sending students to the US, together accounting for 49 per cent of all international students.

Among the many noteworthy facts in the 2008 Open Doors reports was the surge in students from Nepal coming to the US. There was a 15% increase in enrolments from Nepal this past year, putting it at number 11 with 8,936 students, following a 28% increase the previous year.

1 comment November 18th, 2008

Indian money spent in Australia for higher education

Thanks to Abi for the tip. 

As shown below, about $2 Billion Australian Dollar is being spent by about 60,000 Indians for their higher education in Australia. If 1/3rd of it is picked up by Vedanta University then they will be in great shape.

November 16th, 2008

Scholarship for docotoral studies abroad

The following is from



Ministry of Human Resource Development, Department of Education administers only those scholarships/fellowships which are being offered by the foreign countries under Cultural Exchange Programmes and other Programmes. The subject fields are generally chosen for those subject fields, facilities for which are available in the donor country and also keeping in view the national needs.
2. On receipt of the offer of scholarships/fellowships from the donor country, the same is advertised on Department’s website and in some cases leading newspapers and through circulars to States/UTs, Universities etc. giving all the details regarding amount of scholarship, age limit, educational qualification, experience etc. Application format is also published in the advertisement. No application form is supplied by the Ministry. The advertisements are published at different times for different schemes according to the time notified by the donor countries. However, tentative months, during which advertisements were published on the basis of offers received form foreign countries on the previous occasions are indicated for convenience. Future dates will depend on offers when received. These advertisements are published by the D.A.V.P. and desiring candidates should submit their applications by the last date indicated in the advertisement. No application is considered which is received after the due date. Offers are open to both employed and unemployed candidates. Employed candidates are required to submit their applications through their Employers with ‘No Objection Certificate.’ However, advance applications are also considered provided the `NOCs’ are submitted to the Ministry in due course. Application can also be submitted online.


3. The scholarships/fellowships are awarded on merit on all India basis. The selection is made through a Selection Committee constituted of subject experts. Most of the scholarships are for doctoral and post-doctoral studies. Scholarships are also available at post-graduate level for language study, Fine Arts and some other subjects as being notified in each advertisement. All the details regarding scholarships would be available in the advertisement and the advertisement should be read carefully before submitting the application to this Ministry. Incomplete applications and applications for subjects other than what has been notified, are not considered. The decision of the Selection Committee on selection of candidates, is final. However, decision regarding award of scholarships rests finally with the donor countries. No scholarship is available to study at under-graduate level except language study.


4. Applications of candidates who are residing abroad, are not considered. Candidates who have been abroad for study/specialisation/training either on scholarship or on their own for a period exceeding six months are eligible to apply only if they have been in India for at least two years after their return from abroad on a specified date.


5. Candidates should have adequate knowledge about India and the country for which application for scholarship is being submitted.


6.  At present, following countries are offering Scholarships for India.

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1 comment November 9th, 2008


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