Eastern Regional Language Center of CIIL is at Bhubaneswar

CIIL is the Central Institute of Indian Languages. It is located in Mysore. Currently it has regional centers in Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Patiala, Pune, Solan, Lucknow and Guwahati. Its goal is to promote Indian Languages. See maps.  Its faculty size at these centers are:

Following is some background information on CIIL and its regional centers.

  • Objectives
    • The main objective of the Regional Language Centres of the C.I.I.L as laid down in the EFC Memo No.F.4-1/69-IL-II dated September 17, 1969 is to help State Governments implement three language formula by
      • Creating resource persons and materials
      • Offering short-term and Intensive as well as full time courses in various Indian Languages
      • Training existing graduate teachers of the country
  • Regional centers
    • Four RLCs were set up in 1970 in fulfillment of the commitment made by the then Union Education in the Floor of Parliament for making trained teachers available to States and UTs for implementing Three Language Formula.
    • First four Centres are ERLC, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar, NRLC, Punjabi University Campus, Patiala-2, SRLC, Manasagangotri, Mysore -6 and WRLC, Deccan College Campus, Pune-6.
    • Later two more Centres were set up. UTRC, Solan, Saproon, Himachal Pradesh and UTRC, Madan Mohan Malaviya Marg, Lucknow-2 at the request of the State Governments of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
    • In 1989, NERLC was set up as part fulfilment of Government of India’s commitment for the implementation of Assam Accord.
  • Currently
    • SRLC, NRLC and ERLC are functioning in beautiful campuses having their own buildings for Office and Hostels. Other Centres are functioning in buildings given by State Governments and Autonomous Bodies and hired ones. Each Centre has the following

8 comments March 20th, 2008


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