IIT Bhubaneswar’s vision getting shaped

Following is an excerpt taken today from IIT Bhubaneswar’s home page. It gives some idea on what IIT Bhubaneswar is aiming for.

IIT Bhubaneswar with its 935 acres of land will be designed to have a self contained campus for 10,000 students and 1100 faculty. A Science Park will be part of this institution. The Park will house a large number of industry supported R&D units. It will promote industry relevant collaborative R&D activities with the institute and facilitate practice relevant education.

The Institute will offer education and research programmes in disciplines of national and global interest. The specific local needs will also be taken care of. To promote inter-disciplinary education and research, the Institute will not have many narrow specialization oriented departments. It will have few Schools and each School can offer several programmes.

The Foundation Stone for this IIT was laid on February 12, 2009. An estimated amount of Rs.780 crores will be spent in next few years to develope this Institute. A Master Plan for this Institute is being developed. Global tender for choice of Architect has been floated. Within next 2 years, the Institute will be operational from the new campus.

4 comments February 26th, 2009

Reviewing the visible progress of the six new IITs

The six new IITs that started classes last year are:

Here are some observations regarding visible progress with respect to these IITs.

  • The first three in the above list (Bhubaneswar, Hyderabad and Patna) have their web pages under their own domain names. The other three use their mentor’s domain names.
  • Among the web pages, IIT Hyderabad and IIT Patna have the most information; IIT Bhubaneswar has the least.
  • IIT Patna is the only one that has already hired permanent faculty.
  • IIT Hyderabad is the only one to admit Ph.D students. Since they do not have permanent faculty, it is a bit strange that they have Ph.D students. I guess either the Ph.D students will pursue their thesis with advisor from IIT Madras or they will be doing course work now and pick their advisors after permanent faculty is hired.
  • IIT Hyderabad seems to be the most ready to start building their campus. IIT Bhubaneswar seems to be the next in line.
  • IIT Bhubaneswar has managed the promise of most amount of land (mentioned as 891 acres in some reports; but mentioned as 935 acres in the important reports) from the state government. The other new IITs are getting the bare minimum (about 500 acres) that the central government prescribed.
  • IIT Rajasthan is the only one for which even the city where it will be located is not decided.
  • Among the new IITs, IIT Bhubaneswar seems to be best located in terms of the local neighborhood. It is 4 kms from the Khurda Rd station (which is 19 kms south of Bhubaneswar station), a major Railway junction, 25 kms from the existing Bhubaneswar airport and even closer (12 kms) to the location of the future Bhubaneswar airport, and is 2-3 kms from NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research). The location parameters of the other new IITs are as follows:

    The older IITs are located as follows:

3 comments February 15th, 2009

IIT Bhubaneswar contacts

Following is the main contact person for IIT Bhubaneswar:

Bata Kishore RAY
IIT Bhubaneswar
(Behind Hotel Swosti Plaza)
Nandan Kanan Road
Tel: 91-674-2301982
Fax: 91-674-2301983

Email: iitbhubaneswar@yahoo.com

Web: www.iitbbs.ac.in

Beyond the above, the other names associated with IIT Bhubaneswar are:

  1. Director Designate: Prof. Madhusudan Chakrabarti
  2. Mentor Director: Prof. Damodar Acharya
  3. Chairperson of BOG (Board of Governors): B. Muthuraman (MD of Tata Steel)

5 comments February 12th, 2009

Foundation Stone laid for IIT Bhubaneswar

Following is from the PIB report http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=47448.

Foundation Stone of Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar, laid


15:15 IST

Foundation Stone of the Indian Institute of Technology ( IIT ), Bhubaneswar, was laid in Orissa today. Shri Arjun Singh, Union Minister of Human Resource Development, was to lay the Foundation Stone, but due to unavoidable reasons he couldn’t go to Orissa and the ceremony was held in his absentia at KANSAPADA ( Khudupur-Taraboi Road ) near Jatni Block Office, Khordha.

This new IIT at Bhubaneswar is part of the 8 new IITs that have been established in the country by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Ministry. Orissa is also to get a new Central University under The Central Universities Ordinance, 2009 which was promulgated by the President of India on 15.01.2009.

Following is the full text of the speech of Shri Arjun Singh, delivered on his behalf :

“ IITs are our national pride and owe their existence to the scientific temper and disposition of our First Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Making India, the knowledge hub of the world was a cherished dream of our first Prime Minister Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru. Way back in 1951, the Government of India, under the leadership of Panditji, planned to have four such institutes of excellence in the field of Engineering and Technology. The first amongst four such institutes (one for each zone) came up at Kharagpur in eastern region.

During the Eleventh Plan Period, the Government of India has decided to have eight new IITs, including IIT Bhubaneswar. IIT Bhubaneswar was one of the new IITs to become operational with 120 students in July, 2008. It is also heartening to note that the mother of the IIT system, IIT Kharagpur, is mentoring this new IIT. I would like to compliment Prof. Damodar Acharyaji, Director, IIT, Kharagpur who has made all possible efforts to mentor this IIT. The necessary facilities are being created in IIT Kharagpur Extension Campus at Bhubaneswar so that the students of IIT Bhubaneswar could have their education from Bhubaneswar itself from the forthcoming academic session starting from July 2009. IIT Bhubaneswar will offer science based engineering graduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes of international standard in various disciplines.

The State of Orissa is a resource-rich state and we expect that IIT, Bhubaneswar will act as a catalyst for the rapid industrialization of the State. Indian Institutes of Technology are known the world over for imparting quality and relevant education to students. I am confident that this new IIT also carry forward the great tradition of IITs.

I am happy to note that the Government of Orissa has allotted 935 acres of land for this IIT. The State Government has also agreed to provide adequate facilities of water, electricity and road connectivity. I appreciate the support of the Government of Orissa to have this IIT in Bhubaneswar and would like to specially thank Shri Naveen Patnaikji for his support for the venture.

I take this opportunity to mention that we had made an assessment of various States about availability of degree and diploma level courses per lakh population in the field of technical education. We find that the availability of degree and diploma level courses per lakh population in Orissa is much below the national average. This obviously means that the regional imbalance in respect of technical education needs to be corrected. It is in this context that the setting up of an IIT in Bhubaneswar is a right and timely step. I am sure the Government of Orissa will derive maximum benefits from the Central Government schemes for educational advancement of this State.

The Government of India in its Eleventh Plan has given a major thrust to education. The Central Government has taken several initiatives in respect of new institution building. These include setting up of 30 new Central Universities, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, eight new IITs, seven new Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), five new Indian Institutes of Science Education and Research (IISERs), two new Schools of Planning & Architecture (SPAs), 10 new National Institutes of Technology (NITs) and 20 new IIITs. For this unprecedented expansion, the credit goes to the Hon’ble Prime Minister, who has been kind enough to accord very high priority to the education sector and provided a nine fold increase in the budgetary outlays for the higher education during the XIth Plan as compared to Xth Plan.

Capacity building in the diverse fields of basic science, engineering and technology, architecture, management will empower besides providing opportunities to the youth. It has been decided to launch a massive National Initiative for Skill Development under which it is proposed to give assistance for the establishment of 1000 new polytechnics. It is also proposed to upgrade infrastructure facilities of existing diploma level Government and Government aided polytechnics. In order to attract women in polytechnic education, we are proposing to provide financial assistance for the construction of women’s hostels in 500 polytechnics.

The Government is also going to incentivise the States for starting new Universities, besides giving a one time grant to the States on a matching basis to develop the infrastructure of State technical institutions. With these initiatives, we hope to increase access (by 5% GER during XI Plan) with equity and excellence.

8. I am happy to say that the State of Orissa is also getting its due share. We have decided in this Plan Period to have in Orissa State, one Central University, one National University aiming for world class standards, one IIIT, and several Polytechnics in those districts which currently do not have a Polytechnic. The Government and Private Engineering Colleges will also be getting opportunity to upgrade their facilities through TEQIP. This will provide our youth in the State with vocational and professional educational opportunities to realize their full potential.”



February 12th, 2009

IIT Bhubaneswar: flyer for the foundation laying ceremony

The locations mentioned above is mapped below in red. The villages where NISER will be located is marked in blue.

NISER location consists of part of the four villages Bhimpur, Badanuagaon, Padanpur and Uparbasta. Three of those villages are shown in the map below.

February 10th, 2009

Tata Steel MD B. Muthuraman to be Chair of BOG of IIT Bhubaneswar

1 comment February 7th, 2009

IIT Bhubaneswar now has a web page

The web page is http://www.iitbbs.ac.in/. Thanks to Prof. Ramachandra Rao for this pointer. The web sites of the new IITs are: 

1 comment February 4th, 2009

Getting to know the founding director of IIT Bhubaneswar

Among the founding directors of all the new IITs, the founding director of IIT Bhubaneswar, Prof. Madhusudan Chakrabarti, seems to have the most administrative experience. His following interview to the IIT Kharagpur Scholars Avenue magazine shows his involvement in the expansion activities at IIT Kharagpur. It also shows his experience in dealing with tough issues.

February 1st, 2009

Prof. Madhusudan Chakrabarti will be the founding director of IIT Bhubaneswar

Following is from a report in Pioneer.

Prof. Madhusudan Chakrabarti will be appointed as the chief of the IIT, Orissa. Prof Chakrabarti is currently working as Deputy Director in IIT, Kharagpur. He is a Professor in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. He is also a Life Member of the Indian Institute of Metals and Materials Research Society of India.

The following excerpt from a report in Telegraph lists the directors of all the six new IITs.

Directors to six new IITs were also appointed at today’s meeting. U.B. Desai, an electrical engineer from IIT Bombay, will head IIT Hyderabad. M.K. Surappa, who teaches metallurgy at IIT Delhi, will be the director of IIT Roopnagar (Punjab). IIT Kanpur civil engineer Sudhir Jain will head the IIT in Gandhinagar. Anil Bhowmick, from IIT Kharagpur’s rubber technology centre, will be the director of IIT Patna. IIT Kharagpur deputy director Madhusudan Chakraborty will head IIT Bhubaneswar.

This Times of India report names the IIT Rajasthan director as Prem Kalra.


12 comments January 29th, 2009

Map of the IIT Bhubaneswar site in Argul

6 comments January 17th, 2009

MHRD approves the Argul site for IIT Bhubaneswar: PTI

Following is from the PTI report on this.

The government today approved an area of 935 acres near Jatni in Khurda district of Orissa as the site for the proposed IIT in the state.

"There were four possible sites for the top institute. But the government approved the location near Jatni as it has vast land area and is near to airport. The rail and road connectivity is very good to this place," a top HRD Ministry official told PTI here.

HRD Minister Arjun Singh will visit the state soon to lay the foundation stone for the elite technical institute, the official said.

He said the ministry had sent its site identification committee to the state on December 24 and 25 last year. The committee visited the sites near Jatni, Banki, Ramdaspur and Gayabandha.

"Among all the places, the committee found location near Jatni was the best from the point of view of future and growth prospects of the institute," he said.

… "The Centre also asked the state government to transfer the land to the IIT Society of IIT Bhubaneswar immediately so that the construction of the building and other facilities can be started," he said.

January 13th, 2009

Bata Kishore Ray joins as IIT Bhubaneswar registrar

He was previously at the MHRD. See here.

Bata Kishore Ray/
(Asst Financial Adviser)
234-C Shastri BhavanDr. Rajendra Prasad RoadDelhi
Pin: – 110001
Tel: – 23388608Fax: – 23388608
Category – Central Secretariat Services
Organisation – Ministry of Human Resource Development
Email – bkray@nic.in



5 comments January 1st, 2009

Site visit team for IIT Bhubaneswar concludes their visit; picks Argul

Update: Excerpts from a report in Kalinga Times.

Aragul near Jatni has been finally chosen as the place for setting up of the Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar.

A four-member Central team sent by the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development selected Aragul after visiting four different places.

The team comprised Ashok Thakur, Additional Secretary in the Union Ministry of Human Resource Development; Damodar Acharya, Director of IIT Kharagpur; A.K. Dey, former Director of IIT Mumbai; and K. Narayan Rao, Secretary of All-India Council for Technical Education (AICTE).

The place selected is 12 km from Bhubaneswar airport by road and four km away from Jatni railway junction.

Following are excerpts from a report in tathya.in.

Ashok Thakur is impressed with Argul.

The Chairman of the Site Selection Committee for the IIT-Bhubaneswar found the site near Jatni a ‘nice’ one.

… The State Government has identified Argul near Jatni and Malipada near Khurda.

Both are in Khurda district.

Secondly Ramdaspur near Naraj and Dampada near Banki in Cuttack district were also identified for the purpose.

Mr.Thakur himself visited Argul on 25 December and expressed satisfaction over the place, said sources.

It is 891 acre of land out of which 500 acres are readily available.

Very near to the Capital city and well connected with rail and road.

Institutions like NISER, various engineering colleges and other institutions are coming up in the near by area.

This place was favored by the State Government for the IIT-Bh as the most suitable one.

It looks very likely that Argul will be chosen for the IIT site. But the others sites would soon come into play; especially for the world class central university (national university).

December 25th, 2008

IIT Bhubaneswar temporary and expected permanent location

(This is inspired by the post http://iitbbs.blogspot.com/2008/12/latest-news.html.)

The IIT Bhubaneswar will be temporarily located in the IIT Kharagpur Extension Center. It is located 1km from the NH-5 Jaydev Vihar exit towards Nandan Kanan. It is behind Ginger hotel and Swosti Plaza hotel. Across these two hotels is the Trident Oberoi and about 300 mts away is the Mayfair lagoon Hotel. Each of these hotels have many nice restaurants. About 700 mts from IIT location is the Pal Heights shopping complex that has a very good restaurant as well as an Oxford book store. About 500 mts the other direction is the Sandy’s Square which has a Smoking Joes Pizza.

Next to the IIT location is the Shyamasam Dham, one of the Main Ashrams of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat.

About 150-200 mts to the IIT location is Gandhi Park and Janata Maidan. The later can be a ground to play outdoor games such as Cricket, Football and Hockey.

The IIT location is in the North east corner of the large Institute of Mineral and Materials Technology (formerly RRL) campus. It is expected that the IIT students will have access to this campus and some of its amenities including its outdoor  playing areas. The Kalinga Stadium and its swimming pool is about 1.5 kms from the IIT location.

The Maharaja theater is 2 kms away. XIMB (Basketball, Tennis courts, Football ground, auditorium) is 600 mts away. Institute of Physics  is 700 mts away. Utkal University is 1 km away.

The ESI Hospital is about 250 mts from the IIT location and Kalinga Hospital is about 1 kms away. (Next to Kalinga Hospital is the Institute of Life Sciences and Regional Medical research Center).

Following are some maps. In the maps with one big red dot, the dot indicates the location of the temporary campus of the IIT Bhubaneswar. In the maps with two red marks, the larger mark indicates the expected permanent location of IIT Bhubaneswar.

December 24th, 2008

IIT Bhubaneswar to run from Bhubaneswar from 2009: Kalinga Times

Following is from Kalinga Times’ report on it.

The classes of IIT Bhubaneswar, which are now being held at IIT Kharagpur, will be conducted at the latter’s extension centre here from July next year.

The student strength of IIT Bhubaneswar will increase from the present 120 to 240 by July next.

All the 240 students of IIT Bhubaneswar will attend their classes in the extension centre of IIT Kharagpur which will be used as a temporary campus till IIT Bhubaneswar developed its own campus in the city.

… IIT Kharagpur is facilitating establishment of IIT Bhubaneswar as the mentor IIT appointed by the Central government.

The authorities of IIT Kharagpur are now constructing new buildings at their extension centre in the city to accommodate IIT Bhubaneswar till the later develops its own campus.

The process of appointment of teachers and other staff for IIT Bhubaneswar has also started. The process of selecting 30 faculty members was nearing completion, Dr. Damodar Acharya, Director of IIT Kharagpur and Chairman of the Governing Body of IIT Bhubaneswar, told reporters in Bhubaneswar on Sunday.

On the other hand, efforts were on to start construction of IIT Bhubaneswar’s own campus next year. A total of Rs 1,000 crore will be utilised for the establishment of the IIT.

Odisha government has already offered land at several locations around the city for the proposed campus for IIT Bhubaneswar. The site selection process will be over within a few weeks.

1 comment December 15th, 2008

Orissa government to pay for infrastructure costs beyond land for IIT Bhubaneswar

Following are excerpts from a report in Business Standard.

The Orissa government has geared up to meet the requirement of external infrastructure facilities for the proposed Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) near Bhubaneswar.

Apart from providing road communication facilities, the government will also supply water and electricity to the site at Arugul mouza in Jatni Tehsil.

The Centre had asked the Orissa government to provide free land and develop external infrastructure for the proposed institute.

The state industry department has drawn a three-year development plan for the IIT. According to preliminary estimates, the investment will be about Rs 50 crore.

While providing water supply from Naraj to the IIT site is estimated to cost Rs 24 crore, another Rs 20 crore will be spent on supplying electricity at the project location. Besides, a flyover will have to be constructed and roads inside the campus need to be redesigned to bypass the railway line running through the site.

The state government has selected 891 acres in Arugul mouza for setting up the IIT. There is a patch of 20 acres of private land in the identified 891 acres and the state government will acquire it.

… The industry department is in talks with other departments like IT, urban development and science and technology for integrating the water supply system of the IIT with that of Infocity-II, Khurda-Jatni townships and National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER), coming up in the same area.

If this comes through, the cost of supplying water to the IIT campus will be relatively low, sources added.

Similarly, the electricity requirement of the IIT campus is estimated at 20 Mw. While the cost of 132 KV transmission line will be constructed by OPTCL, the required 33 KV/11KV line will be laid by power utility Central Electricity Supply Utility (CESU).

Meanwhile, the visit of the Site Selection Committee (SSC) for the IIT in Orissa has been delayed. …

November 28th, 2008

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