Logos of national level institutes and universities of Odisha

Below is a collage of the logos of national level institutes and universities of Odisha. (IIIT is trying to get there.) Note that except NIT Rourkela, which started as an REC in 1961 and became NIT in 2002, the rest have been established in the last 5 years:

  • IIIT and NISER in 2007,
  • IIT in 2008, NLUO in 2008-9,
  • CUO Koraput in 2009, and
  • AIIMS in 2012.

See https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/6243 for a timeline of the establishment of various higher educational institutions of Odisha.

See our collection of logos of Odisha higher education institutions and universities in facebook at here and here.

3 comments September 2nd, 2012

NISER Bhubaneswar and IIT Bhubaneswar status report

NISER Bhubaneswar was announced on August 28 2006 and its first batch started in 2007. IIT Bhubaneswar was announced on March 28 2008 and its first batch started in 2008. They both graduated their first batch of undergraduate students this year with the NISER students getting M.Sc degrees and the IIT students getting B.Tech degrees. Following is a quick comparative status report on both.

  • The construction of the main campus of NISER is in full swing and is expected to be ready for move-in by the 2013-14 academic year. Although IIT Bhubaneswar has adequate space for its faculty and other academic operations, hostels for students are scattered and is an issue. The construction of the main campus is not in full swing yet and its not known when it will be ready; most likely not before the 2014-2015 academic year.
  • As of today, NISER has 59 regular faculty and 5 visiting faculty and IIT Bhubaneswar has 64 regular faculty and 6 visiting faculty. For this year IIT has advertised for faculty positions in all areas while NISER has advertised for faculty in only mathematics. However, with the NISER main campus targeted to be ready by 2013-14, NISER will definitely hire a lot of people in 2013-14 and thereafter.
  • The faculty breakup of NISER is: 15 regular and 1 visiting in Biology, 18 regular in Chemistry, 8 regular + 1 visiting in Mathematics, 15 regular + 3 visiting in Physics and 3 regular in Humanities. The faculty breakup of IIT Bhubaneswar is: 17 regular + 1 visiting in Basic Sciences (5 + 1 in Mathematics, 5 in Physics and 7 in Chemistry), 4 regular in Earth and Ocean Engineering, 11 regular + 1 visiting in Electrical Sciences, 11 regular in Infrastructure, 10 regular + 2 visiting in Mechanical Sciences, 5 regular in Mineral Sciences, 6 regular + 2 visiting in Humanities.
  • IIT Bhubaneswar started off with 5 schools (Basic Sciences, EE, Mech, Infrastructure, Humanities) and undergraduate programs in 3 subjects (EE, Mech, Civil) and since then has added two more schools (Earth, Ocean and Climate Sciences AND Minerals, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering) and both Ph.D and this year jont M.Tech+Ph.D programs. NISER started off with 4 schools (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology) and 5 yr BSc+MSc program in those 4 subjects. It has a Ph.D program. It has not started a direct M.Sc program. It has not yet added new schools that it has plans for. It is expected that some new schools will be added in 2013-14 when the main campus is ready. New schools are planned for in: Earth and Planetary Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Computing Sciences and Engineering Sciences.

July 12th, 2012

NISER Bhubaneswar first batch graduates; most go on to Ph.D programs

As per this Business Standard article out of 35 students that graduated from NISER Bhubaneswar this year 11  are going abroad for Ph.D (to places such as Stanford, Carnegie Mellon, Pennsylvania, Chicago, Stony Brook), 5 are going to TIFR for PhD, 2 are going to IISc Bangalore, 4 to NII Delhi and 4 to various IITs. This adds up to 26.

Even when a lot of IIT students were going abroad, no department of any IIT was sending so many to pursue Ph.D.

Kudos to NISER to live up to the dreams and goals behind establishing the IISERs and NISER.

Finally, considering the angst of some of the alumni of the IISERs (especially IISER Pune) kudos to NISER for holding its own entrance exam (and not take students from IIT JEE) so that students who come into NISER are more in synch with the institution in terms of their expectation. (Update: Just to be clear, now, IIT JEE is only one of the three means to get admitted to IISERS. The other two are via KVPY and an aptitude test.)

3 comments June 27th, 2012

Sambada article on NISER Bhubaneswar campus

November 18th, 2011

NISER Bhubaneswar resumes hiring faculty in all disciplines but in specific thrust areas (Deadline 30th November 2011)

Following is from their ad at http://www.niser.ac.in/notices/2011/FACULTY%20RECRUITMENT-Oct-2011.pdf.

NISER invites application for faculty positions in specific areas of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics at the level of Assistant Professor. Candidates who possess requisite qualification (Ph.D and at least 2-3 years of postdoctoral experience in the relevant area) are requested to send their detailed CV on or before 30th November 2011 to director@niser.ac.in.

Age: 35 years or less as on 30th November 2011


1. Experimental High Energy Physics (Higgs and SUSY Search beyond standard model of LHC).
2. Theoretical condensed matter physics (Many body theory, strongly correlated systems, Topological Insulators related areas).
3. Cosmology (Early Universe, Inflation, CMB related topics, Gravity waves).
* Persons with outstanding track records may be considered for Reader-F level provided they are below 40 years of age on 30th November 2011.


1. Spectroscopy with hands on experience with building of equipments for electronic absorption, fluorescence spectroscopy.


1. Ecology and Structural Biology


1. All areas of Mathematics


October 28th, 2011

Construction time-table for the NISER, IIT and AIIMS-like institutes in Bhubaneswar

Update: As per this news report the 6 new AIIMS-like institutes are scheduled to start the medical colleges  from academic year 2012-13 and hospitals in the year 2013-14.

Following is from a report in Times of India.

With the beginning of construction work of IIT Bhubaneswar (IITBBS) campus on Sunday, work for permanent infrastructure of all three premier central institutes in city fell on track. While work for the campus of National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) here started on July 21, infrastructure for AIIMS is at an advanced stage of completion. All three institutes hope their permanent campuses to be functional by 2013.

Chief minister Naveen Patnaik inaugurated the IIT campus construction at Aragul village near Jatni on a 950 acre plot of land. IITBBS director, professor M Chakraborty, said the master plan of the campus has been designed to accommodate 10,000 students, 1,000 faculty members and 1,100 non-teaching employees, besides 1,000 out-sourced support staff. The institute also has plans to construct a research park, he said.

The first phase of work, undertaken by CPWD at an estimated Rs 800 crore, would be limited to hosting a capacity of 2,500 students, 250 faculty members and 300 other employees. Chakraborty hopes the institute will shift to its permanent campus by 2013 end or beginning of 2014.

At the already provided budget of Rs 388 crore, IITBBS would construct a main administrative building, lecture hall and classrooms, a laboratory complex, four academic schools (basic science, electrical, infrastructure and mechanical engineering), central workshop and students’ activity centre. The main building is slated to be a six-storey structure and the other schools of four storey each. The hostels as well as the residential quarters are to be seven-storey buildings, Chakraborty said.

Apart from its city campus, the IIT would also set up an innovation centre for climate change on the Puri-Konark coastline, under the School of Earth Ocean and Climate Sciences, the director said.

Construction of the permanent campus of NISER started on a 300-acre site about a month ago, also near Jatni, on July 21. The Rs 457 crore project would include a prayer hall on the hill top, five schools of different specialties, 11 hostels of 200 capacity each, healthcare centre and guest house, said NISER registrar Abhay Naik.

Work for the AIIMS, which started on 100 acres land at Sijua village in May 2010, is at a stage of about 80% completion, sources said. The proposed 978-bed hospital, under the Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, is supposed to have 15 super speciality and 18 speciality wards.

1 comment August 16th, 2011

NISER construction handed over to L & T – to be done in 30 months and ready by Jan-Feb 2014; IIT Bhubaneswar construction to start later this year and to be finished in 2013-14

Following are news items from Samaja.

July 23rd, 2011

L & T to execute NISER Bhubaneswar construction; work to start next month and be completed in 36 months

Following are excerpts from Bibhuti Barik’s report in Telegraph.

… The master plan is ready and the Department of Atomic Energy (DAE) has selected Larsen and Toubro (L&T) to execute the job. They are expected to start the work next month. The project has to be completed within 36 months … We hope that the Phase-I work comprising four major schools and the administrative block will be over by the end of 2013,’’ said the institute’s registrar, AK Naik.

The campus is coming up on 298 acres near Jatni.

While the forest department has already marked 285 trees for felling top facilitate work, steps to ensure enough greenery are being taken by planting 2,500 saplings along its fenced boundary. “We are planning more afforestation programmes in future,” added Naik.

The project envisages an expenditure of Rs 457 crore in the first phase including Rs 160 core on residential township and Rs 130 crore on academic buildings and a sports complex. The Centre has sanctioned Rs 823.19 core for the entire campus project in Bhubaneswar.

After fencing the authorities have deployed a 25-member security team with a supervising officer to keep watch. … the NISER campus site is safe. A transformer has been installed at the site to ensure uninterrupted power supply. Two corrugated tin sheds have also been put up at the site for the engineers to work out of.

The Registrar added that the construction work was getting delayed as the approval of the one of a senior officials of the Ministry of Finance was still awaited. Once it was available the executing agency would go ahead with the work. Earlier there was some delay on account of the time taken by the department of atomic energy (DAE) to grant certain approvals.

“The DAE technical panel inspected, checked and approved each and every aspect of the engineering drawing which took one year,” said a senior professor, who is an advisor and member on the NISER Board.

Currently operating from a transit campus of 5,000 square metres within the Institute of Physics (IoP), Bhubaneswar premises, NISER has lab, teaching and research facilities. While Rs 12.5 crore has been spent on these facilities for the school of chemistry Rs 13.5 crore for the school of physics, Rs 25 crore for the school of biology and Rs 5 crore for the school of mathematics.

… “We have been promised a three-acre plot by the state government for setting up a city campus in future. This will include a 1,500 seated conference hall,” said the registrar.

1 comment June 24th, 2011

NISER Bhubaneswar campus virtual walkthrough

I really liked several things in it.

(i) The academic part where the various school are connected through a common corridor curving around the auditorium complex and then jut out in some what of a  radial manner. This allows faculty of different schools to run into each other and foster inter school collaboration while still giving unique identity to each school. The path from the hill top to the auditorium to the academic complex is very pretty,

(ii) The green between the hostels and residential places is also a very nice feature.  I assume those hostel would be for doctoral and post-doctoral scholars, some with families. (The hostels closer to the academic complex will probably be for the undergraduates and masters students.) Those greens will create a very collegial campus and off-hour interaction between the faculty-staff families and families of doctoral/post-doctoral scholars.

On the other hand, the colors (yellow and light brick) and the paucity of big trees make part of the campus look very hot. The walk through of the residential area make it look like a typical government colony. While the academic buildings are made 6-7 stories tall, the residential buildings seem to be only 3 stories. Highrises would have saved more land for the future. I hope they use a more pleasing color combination and have more fast growing and colorful plants such as various palm trees and bougainvillea. If funding is a concern, with the help of the Odisha government, they should rope in some corporate houses to make the campus look even prettier.

June 6th, 2011

2011-12 Ph.D admission at NISER and IIT Bhubaneswar

Following is from http://www.niser.ac.in/phd-advt-jul2011.php.

Institute Of Physics Campus,
PO- Sainik School, Sachivalaya Marg, Bhubaneswar,
Ph- 0674-2304000, Fax- 0674-2304070, E-mail- aoacad@niser.ac.in, web:- http://www.niser.ac.in

Notice for Admission to Ph.D. Program for 2011-12 (Odd semester)

Applications are invited from Indian citizens for admission to Ph.D Program scheduled to commence from July 2011 in the following schools of basic sciences at NISER Bhubaneswar:

1. School of Biological Sciences
2. School of Chemical Sciences
3. School of Mathematical Sciences
4. School of Physical Sciences

The students should have qualified the CSIR-NET/GATE/JEST/NBHM or equivalent examination valid for the current year in the relevant area of research. UGC-CSIR JRF qualified candidates can avail the fellowship directly from UGC or CSIR, whereas, students selected for Ph.D program based on GATE scores, are eligible for Fellowship from NISER as prevailing in DAE.

NISER provides Rs.16,000/- as fellowship for Selected Candidates who opt for DAE Fellowship. The application form is available free of cost and can be downloaded along with the guidelines. Else, the form can be obtained by post, or in person, from the academic section, NISER Bhubaneswar. There is no application/entrance fee. To and Fro single 2nd sleeper Class railway fare will be provided to those candidates who are called for the test/interview.

The last dates: For postal requests for application Forms : April 25, 2011
To submit the filled-in application form : May 2,2011

For more details regarding Eligibility, Selection procedure, How to apply and other important details, download the guidelines ( http://www.niser.ac.in/phd-advt-jul2011.php ) and if needed consult the websites of different schools of NISER.



Following is from http://iitbbs.gov.in/phd_admission.php?type=fnews2.

No: IIT/Acad/Ph.D/Admn./2011-2012

Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar invites application for admission to Ph.D. Programmes in the following categories.

a. Regular full-time scholars with Institute fellowship.
b. Research scholars sponsored by and employed in industry/orgainsation having R & D facilities.

Schools and fields of Research

1) School of Basic Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics) :

Physics : Fiber Sensors, Surface Plasmon, Nano & Bio-Photonics, Infrared & Terahertz Sensing, Spectrocopy and Imaging, Solar cell, Waveguide & Interferometer, Electron and ToF spectroscopy of biomolecules, clusters and atoms, Ion solid interactions, nanomaterials, Soft condensed matter physics, Nanostructured Materials, Functionilized Nanostructure and Devices, Optical Spectroscopy and Transport Properties, Multiferroics, Superconductivity, Quantum magnetism in low dimensional system, Geometrically frustrated system, Magnetic nanostructures and thin films.

Chemistry : Organometallic Chemistry; Homogeneous Catalysis; Supramolecular Chemistry; Crystal Engineering; Organic Solid State Chemistry; Nanomaterials; Polymorphism; Coordination Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Molecular Modelling; Magnetochemistry; Synthesis of natural products and modified nucleic acids; Spectroscopy; Bio and Protein Chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry (Statistical Mechanics), Organometallic Chemistry, Catalysis for Fine Chemicals, Biophysical chemistry.

Mathematics: Functional Analysis, Artificial Neural Network, Geometric Programming, Queuing Theory, Applied Probability models and Stochastic models in the theory of queues, mathematical finance, Dynamical systems, Complex Dynamics, Fractals, Optimization Techniques.

2) School of Earth, Ocean & Climate Sciences : Environmental Earth Science, Hydro Geochemistry, Water – rock interaction, Biogeochemistry.

3) School of Electrical Sciences (Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Computer Science Engineering, Instrumentation Engineering): Digital Signal Processing, Soft and Evolutionary Computing, Sensor Network, Intelligent Instrumentation, Digital/Image/Distributed Signal Processing, Opto Electronics and Optical Communication, Computational Electromagnetics and Antenna Design, Metamaterials, RFID, Satellite Communication, Power system protection, Smart grids, Electric drives and Control, Power quality, custom power devices, renewable energy sources (wind and solar).

4) School of Humanities, Social Sciences and Management: Indian English Literature, Commonwealth studies, Indian Diaspora Literature, Autobiographical Travel Literature and Memoirs, international and interregional trade, Rural development and planning, Banking and Finance, Labour economics, Consumer Psychology, Psychology of Personality, E-Commerce, Clinical Psychology, Environmental Economics and Natural Resource Management, Valuation of Natural Resources.

5) School of Infrastructure (Civil Engineering): Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Water Resource Engineering, Transportation Engineering Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Disaster Mitigation Engineering, Concrete.

6) School of Mechanical Sciences (Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical & Materials Engineering) : Conjugate Heat Transfer, Thermal Engineering, Radiation Modelling, CFD/HT, Transport Phenomena in Material Processing, Ultrafast Radiation Heat Transfer, Technical Acoustics, Noise and Vibration, Industrial Noise control, Composite Materials, Finite Element method, Probabilistic Mechanics, Deterministic & Random Vibration, Sandwich structures, Solid mechanics, Smart composite structures, IC engine, Heat transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Industrial Engineering, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Quality Control, Production Planning and Control, Optimisation Techniques.


PhD (Engineering): 60% marks or 6.75 CGPA in M. Tech/M.E with consistently good academic record OR B.Tech/B.E with 70% or 7.5 CGPA with valid GATE Score (Very Good) and consistently good academic record

PhD (Science): 1st class in M.Sc./ M. Tech with consistently good academic record (equivalent CGPA) and valid GATE/NET CSIR/UGC score

PhD (HSS): 55% marks or equivalent CGPA in Master degree with UGC/NET score OR M. Phil degree

How to Apply: Application form, downloadable from www.iitbbs.ac.in, should be sent to Assistant Registrar (A&E), IIT Bhubaneswar, Samantapuri, Bhubaneswar, Orissa – 751013 along with a Demand Draft of Rs.200/- (Rs.100/- for SC/ST candidates) drawn in favour of "IIT Bhubaneswar" on any nationalized bank payable at Bhubaneswar. Please superscribe ‘Application for Admission to PhD programme’ on the envelope. Application form may also be obtained from the Academic Section, IIT Bhubaneswar against a demand draft on every working day.

Important Dates : Application forms can be submitted throughout the year. Last date for submitting application form for Autumn 2011-12: 13th May 2011.

3 comments April 25th, 2011

NISER Bhubaneswar boundary as visible from the Jatani – Khurda road

January 30th, 2011

NISER Bhubaneswar advertises for faculty position in Mathematics; first date February, 5th, 2011

Following is from http://www.niser.ac.in/notices/2010/Advt_FC_Math.pdf.

The National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) has been setup at Bhubaneswar by the Department of Atomic Energy of the Government of India as a unique institution of its kind pursuing undergraduate and post-graduate education in science combined with frontline research. NISER is being setup in a sprawling 300 acre campus about 3 km from Khurda Road Railway Station on the outskirts of Bhubaneswar overlook- ing Barunei Hills. It will be a fully residential campus with modern living amenities including children’s school and health centre. Presently NISER is functioning from its own Academic Building of about 5000 m2 area within the Institute of Physics campus. It is expected to move to the main campus by the academic session of 2012-13.

NISER invites applications for the following positions in the School of Mathematical Sciences from extremely motivated Indian scientists with a high-profile research agenda and a flair for teaching especially at the under- graduate level.

POSITIONS 1. Assistant Professor

• Pay Band -3: Rs. 15,600 – 39,100    Grade Pay- Rs. 7,600/-    Initial Basic Pay: 29,500*/-

• NISER has provision for advance increments maximum up to 5 to the selected candidates depending upon their post doctoral experience and quality of publications. Accordingly, the above initial basic pay may increase.

• Educational Qualification & Experience: A Ph.D. degree in the relevant discipline from a reputed and recognized university or institute. Three years of postdoctoral experience or three years teaching/research experience after Ph.D. preferably abroad with high quality publication in high impact journals.

2. Reader F

• Pay Band 4: Rs. 37,400 – 67,000    Grade Pay: 8,700/-
Initial Basic Pay: 46,100

• Educational Qualification & Experience: A Ph.D. degree in the relevant discipline from a reputed University or Institute. At least 5 years of postdoctoral/teaching experience preferably abroad with high quality publication in high impact journals.


– In addition to the basic salary, NISER faculty member are entitled to the allowances as admissible to Central Government Employees stationed at Bhubaneswar.

– The Performance Related Incentive Scheme (PRIS) of DAE is likely to be implemented in the NISER, under which, there is provision for monthly incentive of 20% of the basic pay.

– NISER Faculties are also be eligible for DAE’s update allowance, which is currently Rs. 10,000 to Rs.30,000 per year depending on the scale of pay.

– Provision of Relocation Grant:

a. The candidates who are in abroad and joining NISER from there only shall be paid relocation grant maximum up to Rs.90000/- subject to submission/ production of original receipts.

b. Candidates who are in Government service and joining NISER shall be paid Joining T. A. as per Government of India rule.

c. Candidates joining NISER neither from abroad nor from Government service shall also be considered for Relocation Grant on case to case basis subject to approval of Board of Governors, NISER.

– Reimbursement of telephone charges on monthly basis as per Institute rule.

– NISER is also providing financial support to the faculty members for attending National, International Conferences, Seminars, Workshops, etc. which is comparable to the best in the country.

– NISER has sufficient funds to provide seed money to the new faculty members to start their research programme. In addition the Department of Atomic Energy provides generous grants from its Prospective Research Fund to bright young scientists.

– The age of superannuation of faculty members of NISER is 65 years.

– NISER Faculty members are covered under New Pension Scheme as notified by the Government of India, Ministry of Finance.

Interested candidates may apply by enclosing:

• Curriculum Vitae
• List of Publications (with reprints of important papers as pdf files)
• Names and addresses (with e-mail and fax number) of at least three referees
• A statement of purpose and research programme

The qualification and experience prescribed are the minimum and mere possession of the same does not entitle a candidate to be considered for any position. However, the experience criteria may be relaxed for exceptionally meritorious candidates.

Applications should be sent by e-mail to vmuruganandam [at] niser [dot] ac [dot] in  marking ”Faculty application ” in the subject field.

This is an open rolling advertisement and the applications shall be accepted throughout the year and will be considered for selection at regular intervals. However, the first panel of candidates will be prepared for selection among the suitable candidates whom applications shall be received by February, 5th, 2011.

Candidates are advised to request the Referees to send their letters of recommendations (preferably signed versions as pdf file) directly to NISER at the above e-mail address. Those having regular job in any organization should also send a scanned copy of ”No Objection Certificate” issued by the current employer.

All correspondence should be addressed to the above e-mail address only. No postal correspondence is required at any stage. Enquiry regarding the outcome of the application is discouraged. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted further.

Those who have already applied need not apply again.


December 23rd, 2010

NISER Bhubaneswar advertises for Assistant Professor positions in English, Economics, Philosophy and Sociology

They have one position in each of those areas. The closing date for receiving applications is January 15 2011. The ad is available at http://niser.ac.in/notices/2010/Advt.FC_HUM_02_2010-withform.pdf. Following is an excerpt of that ad as it appears in student.exattosoft.com.

National Institute of Science Education and Research
Institute of Physics Campus, Bhubaneswar
web : http://niser.ac.in
Advt. No. FC/HUM/02/2010
NISER invites applications for the following posts of Assistant Professor:

  • Assistant Professor: one post in each of the following disciplines: 
    • English: Linguistics, English Language Teaching (ELT), Communication Skills, Indian Writings in English, Science journalism, Computational linguistics and syntax.
    • Economics: Micro economics, Macro economics, Development economics, Indian economic planning and development, Industrial economics, Labour economics, Environmental economics, International economics (with focus on finance and trade), Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Institutional Economics.
    • Philosophy: Logic and Foundations of Scientific Method, Contemporary western philosophy, Indian philosophy, Ethics, Philosophy and History of science, analytical philosophy. 
    • Sociology: Indian Social Structure, Development & Voluntary Sector, Social Entrepreneurship, Social change and Science, Technology & Society.
    • Pay Band: Rs. 15600-39100 + GP Rs. 7600
    • Age: Max 37 years as on 15.01.2011
  • Last Date: 15.01.2011

December 10th, 2010

New university and institute related acts recently passed, introduced or to be introduced in the parliament

The following were obtained from various sources. I don’t vouch for their 100% correctness. Please use them at your own risk.

1 comment September 2nd, 2010

Consulting Engineering Services designing AIIMS-like institute, IIT, and NISER Bhubaneswar

Their web page is http://www.cesinter.com/. From the flash presentation I got the following pictures.

In the above picture they wrote Bhubaneswar by mistake instead of Thiruvanthapuram. They are also the architect for IISER Thiruvanthapuram.

The correct picture for NISER Bhubaneswar is the following obtained from http://www.cesinter.com/arch_home/arc_proj32.asp?x=Architecture&y=Showcase%20Projects.

One may compare the design with the picture of NISER building plan pictures. They match.

Note that in http://www.telegraphindia.com/1100715/jsp/orissa/story_12682813.jsp it is mentioned that this company has also been hired for IIT Bhubaneswar. 

August 27th, 2010

IISc Bangalore to start 4 year B.S program starting from 2011

(Thanks to Abi for the pointer.)

The web page for this program is http://www.iisc.ernet.in/ug/index.htm. Following are some excerpts from its main page.

The Indian Institute of Science, a leading institution of higher learning with a strong tradition of research for over a century, is opening its portals to undergraduate students by launching a four-year Bachelor of Science (BS) Programme. The programme is designed as a balanced blend of core science and interdisciplinary topics, to serve as a launching pad for research and doctoral studies in cutting-edge areas in science and technology. The graduates will also be ready for attractive career opportunities in academia and industry.

Major Disciplines offered: Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Materials, Mathematics and Physics.

Students majoring in any of the above disciplines will also take courses in engineering, humanities, and inter-disciplinary areas for a well-rounded learning experience.

The inaugural batch will begin classes from August 2011 and graduate in July 2015.

Admissions will be based on national examinations such as KVPY and through other channels to be announced soon.

Eligibility: 12th Standard or equivalent with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as main subject.

Applications will be accepted from January 1, 2011 till March 31, 2011.

August 19th, 2010

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