NISER advtertises for teaching positions

NISER Bhubaneswar has advertised for teaching positions. Following is an excerpt from their advertisement.

National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER) is expected to initiate its academic programme from September, 2007. NISER invites highly qualified scientists with good teaching experience to submit their CV and list of publications to participate in the Integrated M.Sc. teaching programme of NISER in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics. NISER will offer fixed term contract appointments to scientists in service or who are retired. Those professors who are interested in coming on sabbatical to teach at NISER up to two semesters, also are welcome to send their CV and list of publications.

All documents should be sent to…

Institute of Physics
Sachivalaya Marg
Bhubaneswar – 751 005

By 16th July 2007

(Thanks to Debendra babu for pointing this out.)

3 comments June 27th, 2007

Which option is better IISER, NIT or IIST and why?

Someone asked the above question in Yahoo Answers India! Following was my answer.

Which option is better IISER, NIT or IIST and why?

It depends on what you want. The goal of IISERs and NISER Bhubaneswar is to focus on science and produce good scientists. If you have a choice between these institutes, you are a pretty good student. Whatever you do seriously you will be successful. Be confident of that. Heck, even graduates of private colleges in backwater towns get jobs.

So now, IISERs were made because India was falling behind in Science. In the past India had great scientists some of whom went on to get Nobel prizes. But with the IIT brand name and corresponding hype (I am an ex-IITian) every one, who can, now goes to IIT and most study engineering. Science departments, although exist in IITs, have a second class status. That has resulted in India falling behind in Science.

So the government’s aim in establishing IISERs and NISER Bhubaneswar was to create as good institutes as IITs but focused on Science.

One must realize that basic research in science later leads to developments in Engineering and Technology. So unless good talent also goes to science, the pipeline will become empty.

So, if you want to study science, you should go to IISERs or NISER. If your goal is to get a degree, and a job or to go for MBA (in IIMs) after that, then NITs are better for you.

248 comments June 21st, 2007

NISER deadline for submitting application form is extended till June 15 2007

NISER web site was very slow and then went down for possibly more than a week just around its original deadline for submission of application form.The new deadline to submit application is June 15 2007 and the application form can be obtained from NISER website or from the Homi Bhabha web site or from here (application form, information brochure). See also

2 comments June 12th, 2007

Tenders related to NISER Bhubaneswar

The Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management of DAE has published tenders for both the academic and the residential complex of NISER. The following table shows the Name of the work, the associated number, the sale period and the tender documents.

Continue Reading 1 comment May 31st, 2007

NISER Bhubaneswar brochure and application form

These days the NISER, Bhubaneswar website seems to be very slow. We are putting a copy of their application form and information brochure in another location so that people having a hard time downloading it from NISER website can down load it from here (application form, information brochure). Both can be also obtained from the Homi Bhabha site of NISERNEST.
Please note that the last date of receipt of application form is June 8′ 2007.

Following is my archive of the NISER web pages as archived on April 25′ 2007.

Continue Reading 18 comments May 31st, 2007

List of Research Institutes in Orissa

Following is a list of research institutes in Orissa which I earlier compiled at

Continue Reading 33 comments May 31st, 2007

Bhubaneswar to house one of five new basic sciences centres

Daily News and Analysis reported that the central government plans to set up five new Centres for IITs of Basic Sciences in the country, to churn out the best minds in basic sciences. Following is an excerpt.

“These centres are being set up in Mumbai, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar and Mohali. The Department of Atomic Energy Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences (UM-DAE CEBS) at Mumbai University, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER)-Kolkata, IISER-Mohali and the National Institute of Science Education and Research (NISER)-Bhubhaneshwar in Orissa will be the new major centres for basic sciences,”

Added by Chitta: This news item forgets about IISER Pune, does not mention the announced IISERs in Bhopal and Trivendram and puts UM-DAE at the same level as NISER/IISER. At this point it is not clear if UM-DAE will be at the level of NISER/IISER. The above news item does confirm that out in Mumbai some view NISER and IISER at the same level. Such perception is perhaps important from NISER’s point of view as there will be five IISERs (compounding their publicity and alumni size) but one NISER.

May 31st, 2007

Highcourt judgment on the NIS case

In 2005 after newsreports came in that the proposed National Institute of Sciences was shifted to West Bengal, Mr. Prasanta Das from Cuttack, on behalf of his organization, filed a PIL on this at the Cuttack high court. At one point the Cuttack highcourt put a stay order on any progress on IISERs (the renamed version of NIS). The central govt. went to the Supreme Court and got the stay order lifted. All these led to a lot of news coverage of this issue.

Several Oriyas helped in the supreme court part of the case and even roped in Arun Jaitely to argue the case on behalf of the PIL. The supreme court sent back the case to the high court and finally two days back the high court gave a judgment.

However during this time the PM had already announced the establishment of NISER in Bhubaneswar. This was conveyed to the high court through an affidavit, and that affidavit said that the NISER would open by August 2007. So the high court in its judgment basically said that NISER must be opened by August 2007. This news is reported in Sambada and New Indian Express. Some of the documents related to the Supreme Court case in regards to NIS/IISER shifting (1550-of-2006) are as follows:

Old news items on the case at high court and supreme court are in this blog.

May 10th, 2007

NISER will share its entrance exam with UM-DAE

Fiver year integrated M.Sc programs are being started at UM-DAE, a new autonomous center for excellence in Basic Sciences jointly set up by University of Mumbai in collaboration with Dept. of Atomic Energy. It will be taught by faculty from nearby institutes such as IIT Bombay, BARC, Univ. of Mumbai and TIFR. The entrance exam for this program is the same one as for NISER, Bhubaneswar. So in a sense, NISER now has head-to-head competition in terms of students. Unless NISER moves quickly and uses its funding advantage to build a nice campus and hire top-notch faculty it may lose out.

5 comments May 4th, 2007

More NISER news

Today’s Sambada and Pragativadi have more detailed news on progress with respect to NISER. It reports that a firing range that currently exists in the area where NISER is to be located will be moved. Land will be soon handed over to NISER. etc.

April 28th, 2007

NISER has a new webpage; admission ad appears in papers etc.

NISER now has a new and more professional looking web page. Its ad for admission appears in Samaja. Its website also has the application form and information brochure.

3 comments April 26th, 2007

Atomic Energy Commission approved the establishment of NISER at Bhubaneswar

An earlier NISER web page said that “the Atomic Energy Commission, in its 182nd meeting held on 16.03.2007 approved the proposal for establishment of NISER at Bhubaneswar.” It is still in the process of receiving approval from the cabinet.

2 comments April 16th, 2007

NISER Steering committee

Its now listed at

It consists of the following people:

Continue Reading April 16th, 2007

Eyecatching scholarships from Dept. of Sc. and Tech. for 5 yr integrated MSc students

Indian Express reports (thanks to Debendra Mohapatra for the tip on this) that the Department of Science and Technology of India has decided to offer 10,000 scholarships annually of Rs 1 lakh/year for students joining 5 year integrated M.Sc programs. The scheme was announced by the DST secretary T. Ramasami on April 10th at IISER Pune. It has not yet appeared in the Dept. of Sc. and Tech. website.

At present only few places in India offer such 5 yr M.Sc programs. Some of the places I know of are IISER Pune and Kolkata, NISER Bhubaneswar, IITs, BITs Pilani, Indian School of Mines, University of Mysore, University of Hyderabad, BESU, CUSAT, Pondicherry University, Sastra University, University of Pune, St. Xaviers Calcutta and some NITs.

It has been reported [1,2:ugc,3:kerela] that the UGC has also jumped into the fray in supporting universities and institutions that will have 5 yr integrated M.Sc programs.

This information has been passed on to key people in the Orissa government and they have promised to look into starting such programs in some of the universities and autonomous colleges in Orissa.

2 comments April 14th, 2007

NISER website is up again: updated, with entrance exam dates etc.

The web site of NISER (National Institute of Science Education and Research) is up at Following are some of the pages in the website.

It looks like it really is going to be like IISER or even better because it has a bigger budget and better funding source (DAE). However, it still awaits cabinet approval.

4 comments April 14th, 2007

Affiliations of people involved in making various NISER documents and reports

The group of people involved in making the various documents for NISER is a distinguished one. It has people from the following institutions.  Among them  DCSEM, DAE  is an  important organization. It  has distinguished itself in constructing various DAE facilities and if they are in charge of NISER construction then that would be wonderful.

  • Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
  • Department of Atomic Energy
  • Higher Education Department, Orissa
  • IIT Bombay
  • Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
  • Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
  • University of Mumbai
  • Indian Institute of Science
  • Bhaba Atomic Research Center
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • JNU

April 6th, 2007

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