Union Health minister’s statement on delay with respect to AIIMS-like institutes

Following is from the Lok Sabha proceedings on 4/29/08.

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: … Coming to the AIIMS-like institutions, my predecessor, Shrimati Sushma Swaraj, when she was the Minister, she had launched a scheme called Pradhan Mantri Swasth Suraksha Yojana, under which they wanted to build six new AIIMS-like institutions and upgrade seven existing institutions to a certain level. Then, after that, our Government took over. At that time, since elections were there, they could not proceed further and the UPA Government took over. It is not like that with the change in Government, the policy would change. Shri Tripathy was mentioning about the political interference and all that, which I would definitely counter that. It is a continuity. Government comes and Government goes but it is a continuity. Definitely, we are following the programme. I would like to commend my predecessor, Shrimati Sushma Swaraj for bringing out that very innovative concept. I have already thanked and commended her for this. Definitely, we are going through this. Again, I would like to say that there has been a delay. I acknowledge the delay; I regret for the same. I could explain the delay, etc. In fact, the Standing Committee on Health has gone in depth into this and they were also upset. I am more upset than the Standing Committee. There has been some delay due to non-response to the tenders, etc. Work has started in Rajasthan; work would be starting in one or two months in Bhubaneswar, in Bhopal, in Patna, etc. This is how the work is distributed and it would take little more time for me.

Even though the previous Government had plans of building six new and improving seven institutions, we are now improving nearly 13 institutions – from seven we are improving 13. Kerala was not in the list of the last Government. After the UPA Government came into power, we included Trivandrum Medical College in Kerala for upgradation and allocated Rs.120 crore. Throughout the country, we have just one slab of Rs.120 crore – Rs.20 crore from the local Government and Rs.100 crore from the Central Government. We try to do that. I would like to assure my friend, Shri Tripathy and others that definitely we are trying to work out the modalities. We had split between the housing and the hospital, etc. to quicken the pace of work. Again, I would like to categorically assure the House that we are definitely into the projects, Sir.

SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (BALASORE): Mr. Minister, are we to take it as an assurance from you that in Bhubaneswar, the work will start within the next two months?

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: Within the next three months, it will start in Bhubaneswar.

SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN (BALASORE): Okay, three months’ time is all right.

DR. ANBUMANI RAMADOSS: In three months’ time, the work will start in Bhubaneshwar.


Viswas and others: Please note that besides the six new AIIMS-like institutes the government is taking up the upgradation of 13 exisiting medical colleges  to AIIMS standard. Note that some states (UP, J & K and Andhra Pradesh) will have two of their institutes upgraded. Orissa should try to have one of its other medical colleges outside the Bhubaneswar area to be upgraded to that level. The medical colleges in Berhampur and Burla could be possible candidates.

Update: Some more ones are also in the planning stage.

In Summary:

  • Existing AIIMS in Delhi
  • 6 New ones in pipeline at Rs 332 crores each (paid by GOI) : Bhubaneswar, Bhopal, Patna, Rishikesh, Jodhpur, Raipur
  • 13 upgradations at Rs 120 crores each (100 crore paid by GOI, rest 20 crore by the corresponding state)
    • Govt. Medical College, Jammu (J&K)
    • Govt. Medical College, Srinagar (J&K)
    • Kolkatta Medical College, Kolkatta (W.B.)
    • Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow (U.P)
    • Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi (UP)
    • Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad(A.P)
    • Sri Venkateshwara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati (A.P) (50% cost of upgradation will be borne by the TTD Trust)
    • Govt. Medical College, Salem (T.N.)
    • Rajendra Institute of Medical Science (RIMS), Ranchi (Jharkhand)
    • B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad (Gujarat)
    • Bangalore Medical College, Bangalore(Karnataka)
    • Grant Medical College & Sir J.J. Group Of Hospitals, Mumbai, (Maharashta)
    • Medical College, Thrivananthapuram, (Kerala)
  • Planning stages
    • Two new ones in UP and West Bengal
    • Upgradation of five existing hospitals in Nagpur, Himachal Pradesh, Amritsar, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh.

1 comment May 1st, 2008

Ministry of Sc. & Technology (DST and DBT) Labs in India: None in the DST list are in Orissa


The following list is from http://dst.gov.in/autonomous/autonomous_index.htm. Orissa does not figure in that list. In 2005 Orissa was trying for one. See https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=948. But nothing seems to have happened since then. (Orissa does have the "Institute of Life Sciences" which is funded by the Department of Biotechnology, which is under the Ministry of Science of Technology.)



The Department of Biotechnology labs are listed in http://dbtindia.nic.in/institutions/instmain.html. They are:

  1. Centre For DNA Fingerprinting And Diagnostics (CDFD), Hyderabad (http://www.cdfd.org.in)

  2. Institute of Bioresources and Sustainable Development  (IBSD), Imphal, Manipur (http://www.ibsd-imphal.nic.in)

  3. Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar ( http://www.ilsc.org)

  4. National Institute Of Immunology, New Delhi (http://www.nii.res.in )

  5. National Centre For Plant Genome Research (NCPGR), JNU, New Delhi (http://www.ncpgr.nic.in)

  6. National Brain Research Centre (NBRC), Gurgaon (http://www.nbrc.ac.in)

  7. National Centre for Cell Sciences, Pune (http://www.nccs.res.in )

April 23rd, 2008

Science magnet school as part of IMA? Not yet, but a precursor.

Following is from Samaja.

April 21st, 2008

Revised tender by NISER for barbed wire fencing and MS gate at Jatni

The earlier tender mentioned at https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=1062 is at http://www.dcsem.gov.in/page/pcd202.htm reached via http://www.dcsem.gov.in/Page/Tender.htm. The revised tender is at http://www.dcsem.gov.in/page/ced204.htm and its content is as follows:

Government of India

Department of Atomic Energy

Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management


NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFICATION CUM TENDER (TWO BID) Tender No DCSE/Head (PCD)/NISER-/Fencing /204/2008       dt 08 April 2008


Chief Engineer ,DCSEM, DAE, 3rd floor, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094, on behalf of President of India, invites sealed tenders (in TWO BID) from eligible Contractors for “PROVIDING BARBED WIRE FENCING AND MS GATE FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH (NISER) AT PROPOSED LAND AT Teshil: JATNI, District:KHURDA, ORISSA.. Estimated cost          Rs.55 Lakhs.:  E.M.D. Rs.1.10 Lakhs    Security Deposit      @ 10% of tendered amount (as per Clause 1 & 1A of General Conditions of Contract.    Completion Period  3 (Three months). Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 12-05-2008 at 14.30 Hrs. in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006. Tenders shall be received in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar         751 006 on 20-05-2008 up to 15.00 Hrs and only Technical bid shall be opened on 20-05-2008 at15.30 Hrs. Financial Bids shall be opened at a later date, which will be notified separately. Opening of Financial Bids shall be subject to short listing of the bidders on verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Committee of experts formed by DCSEM. EMD in a separate sealed cover shall be received at the time of opening of Financial Bids. Tender documents can be had from 15-04-2008  to         05-05-2008 on any working day between 11-00 Hrs. and 16-00 Hrs. from Office of the Project Engineer (EW), DCSEM, DAE, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064  & Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on application with the following credentials : 1.  Proof of registration with Government/Semi Government organizations like CPWD, MES, Railways, and State PWD’s in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works.2.  List of construction plants, machinery and infrastructure facilities to complete the work in time. 3.  List of technical staff possessed etc. 4.  List of similar works in hand and works carried out by them for the last five years indicating annual turnover, the agency for whom executed, value of work, completion time, stipulated and actual or present position of the work. 5.  Performance certificates. 6. Latest Solvency Certificate of minimum Rs.22 Lakhs from any scheduled banks. Parties fulfilling following criteria shall only be considered for issue of tender documents and pre-qualification :  i)  Average Annual Turnover not less than Rs.66 Lakhs during last three years   ending 31.03.2008 indicated in ITCC or Profit & Loss Statement.  ii)  Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during last 5 (five) years ending 31.03.2008.  iii) Experience of having successfully completed works as follows during the last five years ending on 31-03-08:  1.  Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs. 22Lakhs each     OR  2.  Two similar completed works each not less than Rs. 33 Lakhs each OR   3. One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 44 Lakhs.           iv) Similar works shall mean experience in construction of fencing / civil  works.  In the absence of any documents listed above, the requisition for issue of tender forms will not be considered.  Cost of tender documents Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) payable in Cash to Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, DAE, Kolkata.  Chief Engineer, DCSEM,, Mumbai reserves the right to accept or reject the tender in full or in part without assigning any reason thereof.  Tender with any condition including conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith.

April 19th, 2008

Prof. T. K. Chandrashekar to soon join as NISER director

Update: August 2 2008. The approval from the Appointments Committee of the Cabinet is still awaited. I am told that it takes arbitrary time. For some it has taken 7 months.

I am told that the cabinet committee approval is in place and Prof. Chandrashekar will soon join as NISER director. Lets hope the "soon" means days or weeks and not months.

April 17th, 2008

Ads in Samaja by Institute of Physics and IED (Institute of Entrepreneurship Development) School of Management (ISMT)

The Institute of Entrepreneurship Development is located at Plot No. 123, Sector-A, Zone-A, Mancheswar Industrial. Estate, Bhubaneshwar (Orissa). It is established by the Government of Orissa, but assisted by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises of the Government of India. The education wing of IED, IED School of management (ISMT), is offering MBA from 2008-09 and the ad is about that program.


April 15th, 2008

IMA plans five year integrated M.Sc in Computer Science

Following is an excerpt from a news report in New Indian Express.

Institute of Mathematics and Application (IMA) here is contemplating to introduce a five-year integrated M Sc programme in computer science.

The course would seek to churn out computer scientists who would use their expertise in providing solutions to a number of fields.

All in all, its scope would go far beyond what is taught at the MCA level today. This should lead to a research programme in computer science in the areas of cryptography, digital image processing and bio-informatics.

Institute director Prof. Swadhin Pattnaik said the integrated programme will help students save one year. Students have to put in additional two years after graduation for pursuing such a programme from other institutes.

The success of the programme would immensely help several sectors recruit highly skilled computer professionals as the country is currently facing crisis for such hands.

Even though a number of technical institutes offer similar programmes today, the product they churn out fail to meet employers’ expectations. IMA, with its level of academic standards, promises to solve this problem.

… The Tata Group is supporting in the development of the infrastructure. However, he ruled out any knowledge of naming the institute after the Tata Group.


4 comments April 11th, 2008

CIPET admission announcement: ad in Samaja

1 comment April 8th, 2008

Tatas to take over IMA and call it Tata Institute of Mathematics?

Following is an excerpt from a report in Telegraph. (Thanks to Sanjoy Das for the pointer.)

After Tata Institute of Social Sciences and Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, it is now the turn of a national-level mathematics institute from the house of Tatas.

The steel major has decided to come up with an advanced institute in mathematical studies in Bhubaneswar. To be called Tata Institute of Mathematics, the project is being launched in association with Utkal University in Orissa.

“The decision behind coming up with the institute was development of pure mathematics as a research subject and also to arouse interest among youngsters for the subject,” said H.M. Nerurkar, the chief operating officer of Tata Steel at Jamshedpur today.

Scheduled to be opened in two months, the centre is based on the lines of institutes of mathematics located in Pune and Chennai. Once functional, it would work in areas like fundamental research in frontier disciplines of the mathematical and physical sciences: mathematics, theoretical physics among others.

“The institute has been envisaged with the vision of promoting advance studies in different mathematical faculties and practices. It will offer postgraduate and post-doctoral research programme in different mathematics disciplines,” said Nerurkar, adding the place would be an architectural delight with the design by Vadodara-based Karan Grover and Associates.

… The centre will also conduct special courses for schoolchildren to help them develop interest in mathematical studies.

April 8th, 2008

NISER tender for barbed wire fencing and MS gate at Jatni

(Editor’s comment: Does it mean that NISER now has the full possession of the land?)

Following is from http://www.dcsem.gov.in/page/pcd202.htm reached via http://www.dcsem.gov.in/Page/Tender.htm.

Government of India                

Department of Atomic Energy

Directorate of Construction, Services & Estate Management


NOTICE FOR PREQUALIFICATION CUM TENDER (TWO BID) Tender No DCSE/Head (PCD)/NISER-/Fencing /202/2008       dt  05March 2008

Chief Engineer ,DCSEM, DAE, 3rd floor, Vikram Sarabhai Bhavan, Anushaktinagar, Mumbai-400 094, on behalf of President of India, invites sealed tenders (in TWO BID) from eligible Contractors for “PROVIDING BARBED WIRE FENCING AND MS GATE FOR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND RESEARCH (NISER) AT PROPOSED LAND AT Teshil: JATNI, District: KHURDA, ORISSA.. Estimated cost Rs.55 Lakhs.:  E.M.D. Rs.1.10 Lakhs    Security Deposit      @ 10% of tendered amount (as per Clause 1 & 1A of General Conditions of Contract.    Completion Period  3 (Three months). Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 07-04-2008 at 14.30 Hrs. in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006. Tenders shall be received in the Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on 11-04-2008 up to 15.00 Hrs and only Technical bid shall be opened on 11-04-2008 at15.30 Hrs. Financial Bids shall be opened at a later date, which will be notified separately. Opening of Financial Bids shall be subject to short listing of the bidders on verification of their credentials and inspection of works carried out by them, through a Technical Committee of experts formed by DCSEM. EMD in a separate sealed cover shall be received at the time of opening of Financial Bids. Tender documents can be had from 12-03-2008 to  02-04-2008 on any working day between 11-00 Hrs. and 16-00 Hrs. from Office of the Project Engineer (EW), DCSEM, DAE, 1/AF, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 064  & Office of the Engineer-in-charge, DCSEM, D.A.E , Institute of Physics, Sachivalya Marg,  Bhubaneswar 751 006 on application with the following credentials : 1.  Proof of registration with Government/Semi Government organizations like CPWD, MES, Railways, and State PWDs in appropriate class or having experience in carrying out similar type of works.2.  List of construction plants, machinery and infrastructure facilities to complete the work in time. 3.  List of technical staff possessed etc. 4.  List of similar works in hand and works carried out by them for the last five years indicating annual turnover, the agency for whom executed, value of work, completion time, stipulated and actual or present position of the work. 5.  Performance certificates.          6. Latest Solvency Certificate of minimum Rs.22 Lakhs from any scheduled banks. Parties fulfilling following criteria shall only be considered for issue of tender documents and pre-qualification :  i)  Average Annual Turnover not less than Rs.150 Lakhs during last three years   ending 31.03.2008 indicated in ITCC or Profit & Loss Statement.  ii)  Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during last 5 (five) years ending 31.03.2007.  iii) Experience of having successfully completed works as follows during the last five years ending on 31-10-07:  1.  Three similar completed works costing not less than Rs. 22Lakhs each     OR    2.  Two similar completed works each not less than Rs. 28 Lakhs each        OR          3. One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 44 Lakhs.  iv) Similar works shall mean experience in construction of either Compound wall alongwith barbed/chainlink etc or in association with other civil works Fencing works .  In the absence of any documents listed above, the requisition for issue of tender forms will not be considered.  Cost of tender documents Rs. 1000/- (non-refundable) payable in Cash to Pay & Accounts Officer, VECC, DAE, Kolkata.  Chief Project Engineer (N), DCSEM,, Mumbai reserves the right to accept or reject the tender in full or in part without assigning any reason thereof.  Tender with any condition including conditional rebate shall be rejected forthwith.


1 comment April 6th, 2008

Excerpts of Interview of XIMB director in Pagalguy

Following is an excerpt from http://www.pagalguy.com/index.php?categoryid=51&p2_articleid=1224.

What are the top 3 advantages of XIMB’s MBA programme that no other business school in the same league offers?

The top 3 advantages are:

a) Higher Industry Interaction and Corporate Linkages for the XIMB students by using platforms such as Immersion Courses, CEO Talks, etc. The Immersion Courses are specific course modules which are delivered by top Industry experts within a short span of 1-2 days while CEO talks are a series of seminars with top CEOs of the country and beyond.

b) Rigorous and intensive course curriculum which is highly adaptive and consistently upgraded and is extremely compatible with the industry needs and therefore provides the highest degree of relevance for study of the students and turns them into industry ready management professionals. Further, Technology intensive facilities like VSAT and Video Conferencing Platforms are used in order to augment learning process of the students.

c) Thrust and focus on establishing and maintaining high ethical standards in business and professional life and ensuring social sensitivity for the underdeveloped sections of the society and being a professional manager with a “Human Face”.

What were the XAT cutoffs at XIMB for the 2005 and 2006 PGP and PGPRM admissions? How does XIMB use sectional cutoffs for short listing candidates?

The XAT cutoffs at XIMB for PGP programme in 2005 and 2006 were 87.45 and 91.74 percentile respectively. PGPRM admissions are conducted through IRMA Entrance Test. For the year 2005 and 2006, IRMA has not released the cutoff marks. XIMB has an Admissions Committee comprising of Senior Faculty Members which every year scrutinizes analyses and then sets sectional cutoffs for short listing candidates as it relevant and necessary for that year.

How much is the quota for Orissa domicile students at XIMB and what is the XAT cutoff for this category?

The Institute gives some preference to domicile candidates to fulfill its social contract with the State of Orissa. The XAT cut off was close to 90 percentile for the domicile candidates for this year.

How would you address the concerns of a non-Orissa candidate with an admission offer about the dilution in batch quality due to the quota?

There is no dilution in standards of intake. The learning process imparts very high value and outcome is evident when 100 pc placements are achieved on Day-1 itself. Some domicile students who graduate from here do secure top 10 positions in the merit list.

How many full time faculty members does XIMB have? How does XIMB retain its best faculty?

XIMB has 47 full time faculty members. XIMB retains them by providing them the best compensation packages seen in India today, providing financial incentives for publications, paper presentations and other research work. Apart from that XIMB provides an excellent Quality of Life for them and their families on campus as well as supports them financially and institutionally for their PhD work, Research, and Consultancy as well as for undertaking Training and Development Programmes.

What are the pros and cons of being located in a relatively less-developed state like Orissa?

XIMB is located in Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Orissa. Bhubaneswar is extremely well connected by airlines, railways and Highways. Apart from that many IT majors like Infosys, Satyam, etc. as well as manufacturing entities like POSCO, Vedanta, NALCO, etc. are based out of Bhubaneswar. Bhubaneswar is considered to be one of the most rapidly developing cities in India. Therefore, there is no negatives but rather the presence of such high concentration of corporates makes Bhubaneswar and extremely viable and beneficial place for an institution like XIMB to grow.

What are the top 3 value propositions of studying Rural Management in XIMB as opposed to dedicated rural management schools like IRMA?

The top 3 value propositions are:

a) In Orissa, where more than 47 pc of people live Below the Poverty Line, the value of a Rural Management programme is highly relevant and necessary.

b) The practical and experiential aspect conducted in the PGPRM programme which is known as RLLE (Rural Living and Learning Experience) is extremely productive and highly acclaimed in the social sector.

c) CENDERET (Centre for Development Research & Training) is the social wing of XIMB which has pioneered and implemented successfully hundreds of social development programmes in the state of Orissa over the past decade. This on-campus exposure for the Rural Management students with CENDERET provides a practical basis for their learning which is unparalleled in any other organization across India.

How have the placement patterns evolved in PGPRM over the last two years?

Placements have evolved in PGPRM over the last two years in the following manner;
a) Number of placement offers has gone up from 68 in 2007 to 75 in 2008.
b) The mean salary has risen from 5.10 lakhs per annum in 2007 to 6.01 lakhs per annum in 2008.
c) The median salary has risen from 4.60 lakhs per annum in 2007 to 5.85 lakhs per annum in 2008.
d) The minimum salary has risen from 2.40 lakhs per annum in 2007 to 4.50 lakhs per annum in 2008.
e) The maximum salary has risen from 8.00 lakhs per annum in 2007 to 8.50 lakhs per annum in 2008.

Comments (1)

avatar byzantine – March 23, 2008 Its ironical how XIMB’s standards with reference to the domicile quota system get questioned time and again while other institutes which consistently get ranked above XIMB get away with even more reservation for local candidates (think delhi). And for the record, there are 5 students in the top-10 from the PGP class of 2008 who are Orissa domiciled (That includes the topper). Some of the best jobs on campus have gone to Oriyas as well. As a student who is about to graduate out of this wonderful place, I am yet to meet someone who I think doesn’t deserve to belong here. In a nutshell, although there is a small quota here, the gap in quality between the general candidates and the so called "reservation" candidates is next to negligible.

And by the way, I am not an Orissa domiciled student, so rest assured, this is an impartial view.

5 comments March 23rd, 2008

Eastern Regional Language Center of CIIL is at Bhubaneswar

CIIL is the Central Institute of Indian Languages. It is located in Mysore. Currently it has regional centers in Mysore, Bhubaneswar, Patiala, Pune, Solan, Lucknow and Guwahati. Its goal is to promote Indian Languages. See maps.  Its faculty size at these centers are:

Following is some background information on CIIL and its regional centers.

  • Objectives
    • The main objective of the Regional Language Centres of the C.I.I.L as laid down in the EFC Memo No.F.4-1/69-IL-II dated September 17, 1969 is to help State Governments implement three language formula by
      • Creating resource persons and materials
      • Offering short-term and Intensive as well as full time courses in various Indian Languages
      • Training existing graduate teachers of the country
  • Regional centers
    • Four RLCs were set up in 1970 in fulfillment of the commitment made by the then Union Education in the Floor of Parliament for making trained teachers available to States and UTs for implementing Three Language Formula.
    • First four Centres are ERLC, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar, NRLC, Punjabi University Campus, Patiala-2, SRLC, Manasagangotri, Mysore -6 and WRLC, Deccan College Campus, Pune-6.
    • Later two more Centres were set up. UTRC, Solan, Saproon, Himachal Pradesh and UTRC, Madan Mohan Malaviya Marg, Lucknow-2 at the request of the State Governments of Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
    • In 1989, NERLC was set up as part fulfilment of Government of India’s commitment for the implementation of Assam Accord.
  • Currently
    • SRLC, NRLC and ERLC are functioning in beautiful campuses having their own buildings for Office and Hostels. Other Centres are functioning in buildings given by State Governments and Autonomous Bodies and hired ones. Each Centre has the following

8 comments March 20th, 2008

Status report of AIIMS like institute

Following is from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=36712.



The proposal for setting up of AIIMS-like institutions was approved by CCEA on 16.3.2006.  The initial bid process for selection of Project Consultant proved to be unresponsive.  The offer of short listed Architectural Design Consultant for preparing enlarged concept design was rejected due to the exorbitantly high price quoted by the selected designer.  Therefore, the whole process had to be initiated de novo in December 2006.  Several methodological changes were made to ensure progress keeping in mind the complexity of building 6 such institutions simultaneously and lack of capacity for taking the whole project as one.  Therefore, it was decided that each AIIMS site would be taken as a separate and independent project instead of clubbing all six together.  The construction of housing complex was also separated from that of Hospital and Medical College.

            The Design – DPR consultants have been selected for each site through an open competitive bidding.  The layout / master plans for the AIIMS sites at Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Jodhpur, Raipur and Rishikesh have been approved.  Approval of layout / master plan for Patna site is expected this month.  The Consultants are in the process of preparing architectural design, which is expected to be finalized by May 2008.  The detailed project report (DPR) would be ready by May-June 2008.  Thereafter, tenders would be invited for selection of contractor for civil construction work. 

            In so far as construction of residential complex (housing & hostel) is concerned, bids were invited for selection of turnkey Developers.  However, bid process was successful only for Jodhpur site and work has been awarded to M/s. Rajasthan State Road Development Corporation, a PSU of Government of Rajasthan.  Work is in progress.  The work relating to construction of residential complex at Rishikesh and Patna has been entrusted to HLL and for Bhubaneswar and Raipur to HSCC.  Tender process has been initiated for selection of contractors for Bhubaneswar and Raipur sites by HSCC.  For Bhopal site, housing complex work is being awarded alongside the hospital-medical college complex.

            The work of residential complexes is likely to be completed by 2009 and the hospital–medical college complexes by 2010.

            The details of funds allocated for the PMSSY and expenditure thereon during the last three years are as under: –

(Rs. in crore)


Funds allocation at BE Stage

Funds allocation at RE Stage


















52.00 (approx) (till date)*

* Allocation will be fully utilized.

            Project Management Consultant for each site is also being selected for expeditious execution of the work.  Ministry has initiated steps to set up dedicated project cell at each site comprising medical expert, engineers and administrative support staff.  Each of the projects is being closely monitored by the Ministry to ensure that there is no slippage or delay at any of the sites.

This information was given by the Minister for Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss in a reply to a question in the Lok Sabha.

KR/SK/280 – LS

2 comments March 19th, 2008

Entrance exam for admission to Institute of Mathematics & Applications (IMA) Bhubaneswar

7 comments March 16th, 2008

New IITs to have a broad array of disciplines and have a seven year total budget of 760 crores each

Following is an excerpt from a report in Times of India.

The three new IITs in Bihar, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh will teach not only engineering, but also design and creative arts, management, health sciences, humanities and social sciences.

… To be set up at an outlay of Rs 760 crore each over six years, outsourcing will be resorted to in the three IITs for various routine services. In fact, the Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) has only approved creation of the post of director and the registrar in each institute along with minimum support staff. The HRD ministry would submit a separate proposal to EFC for support staff.

… Initially, each institute will have an intake capacity of 200 students, but when fully developed, each IIT will have a total student strength of about 3,000 students with approximately 2,000 of them in B Tech, 500 in M Tech, 400 in Ph.D and 100 as post-doctoral fellows.

The new IITs will be mentored by one of the existing IITs to enable them to attain high standards. Each institute will have a faculty strength of 262 at the end of the seventh year of operation and adhere to the teacher-student ratio of 1:9, as in the case of other IITs.

Our earlier article at https://www.orissalinks.com/?p=630 gives numbers related to NISER, IISERs and some of the IITs.

March 6th, 2008

Some Budget numbers relevant to Orissa HRD (NISER, AIIMS-like, etc.)

Following is from Volume 2 of the expenditure of Budget 2008-09.

  • NISER/IOP: The IOP+NISER budget (item 9.04 of the DAE budget) is 69 crores in plan + 9 crores in non-plan  = 78 crores. The nornal IOP budget is about 20 crores. Hence, 50-58 crores is the budget for NISER in 2008-09.  (Note that in 2007-08  IOP was allocated 32.75+7 crores and it spent 27.6+8 = 35.6 crores. I..e, Probably 15-18 crores were spent for NISER. )
  • IISER: There is a budget of 150 crores (item 61 of the Higher education budget) for the five IISERs. (The budget for three of  them was 125 crores in 2007-08, out of which only 60 crores was spent.)
  • new IITs: There is a budget of 50 crores (item 60 of the Higher education budget) for the establishment of three new IITs. (The budget for them was 80 crores in 2007-08, out of which only 0.01 crores was spent.)
  • new IIITs: There is a budget of 21.4 crores (item 57 of the Higher education budget) for the establishment of new IIITs.
  • AIIMS-like: There is a total budget of 490 crores (item 26 of the Health ministry budget) for the establishment of 6 new AIIMS-like institutes and upgradation of 10 other institutes. In 2007-08 the budget for this was 150 crores out of which only 90 crores was spent; most of it went to the upgradation part.
  • NITs: The budget for the NITs (item 69 of the Higher education budget) is 808 (plan) + 285 (non-plan) = 1093 crores. Rs 608 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • IITs: The budget for the IITs (item 38 of the Higher education budget) is 1171 (plan) + 525 (non-plan) = 1696 crores. Rs 771 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • IISc Bangalore: The budget for the IISc (item 41 of the Higher education budget) is 130 (plan) + 91 (non-plan) = 221 crores. Rs 70 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • UGC: The budget for UGC (item 3 of the Higher education budget) is 3095.5 (plan) + 2009.4 (non-plan) = 5104.9 crores. Rs 875 crores of that is for enhancing the number of students to account for the OBC quota.
  • NIRTAR and other 6 institutes for blind, deaf, mentally retarded and orthopaedically handicapped: The budget for them (item 21 of Ministry of Social Justice budget) is 47+27.05 crores.
  • IIST (Indian Inst. of Space Sc. & Tech): Its budget (item 12 of ministry of space) is 65.25 crores. 25 crores out of a budgeted 75 crores was spent in 2007-08.
  • ISIs: Its budget (item 4 of ministry of statistics) is 22.5 + 51.96 crores.
  • NIFT: Its budget (item 11.01 of ministry of Textile) is 31.75 + 10 crores.
  • Tourism: Its budget for training (item 5 of Tourism ministry) is 71 + 0.8 crores. It includes 26 Institutes of Hotel management, 7 Foodcraft institutes, IITTM, and NIWS (National Institute of Water Sports).
  • CIPET: Its budget (item 2 of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers) for the 15 centers is 31 crores.
  • NIPER, Mohali: Its budget (item 7 of Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers) is 75+15 crores.
  • National Institute of design: Its budget for (item 3 of ministry of commerce) is only 0.25 crores. It was 20.25 crores in 2007-08. It seems the funding pattern has been changed. There is now 50 crores (item 7 of ministry of commerce) for project based support to autonomous institutions which includes NID and several other institutions.


February 29th, 2008

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