Ministry of I & B strategic plan 2011-17 includes new IIMC campuses, upgrading the campuses to IIMC Delhi level, and making them institutes of national importance

(Thanks to Debi Sarangi for the pointer.)

The strategic plan is available at Following are some relevant excerpts.

The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting and a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in the field of communication teaching, training & research. The Institute was set up on August 17, 1965, as a department of the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Govt. of India in response to a need felt to evolve a methodology for effective use of communication resources as part of the country’s overall development strategy. The Institute was registered under the Societies Registration Act (XXI) of 1860 on 22nd January, 1966 and receives grant-in-aid from the Govt. of India through the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting to meet its recurring & non-recurring expenditure. While IIMC provides knowledge and skills to communicators in a variety of disciplines, including print, photography, radio & television, development communication, communication research, advertising & public relations, the Institute also collaborates with national & international agencies in conducting seminars, training, workshops, etc. It also undertakes joint research projects and organizes short- term courses to meet the specific needs of the industry, government and public sector organizations. The Institute presently have a branch at Dhenkanal in Orissa and propose to set up four new Regional Centres in the States of J&K, Kerala, Mizoram and Maharashtra.


(v)    Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) (

Run courses with the objective to produce well-equipped communication professionals sensitive to needs of changing mass communication scenario; Conduct of short term specialized courses to meet the professional training needs of media personnel working in the Central/State Governments and Public Sector Organisations;

Conduct of seminars, symposia and conferences on various themes of communication with a view to contributing better understanding of communication in the context of India and other developing countries; Provide consultancy services on request to Central/State Government Departments and Public Sector Undertakings, in designing and organizing training and research programmes related to Development communication.

(a) The following steps needs to be taken –

1.    First step
* Up-Gradation of One-Year PG Diploma Courses into Two-Year Advanced PG Diploma Courses.
* Seeking of Equivalence to Masters Degrees for the Two-Year PG Diploma Courses from Ministry of HRD.
*    Introduction of at least 2 new Two-Year PGD Courses: in Development Journalism and in Corporate Communication & Media Management.
*   Setting up of 4 new Branches ofIIMC in J&K, Mizoram, Maharashtra & Kerala.

2. Second step
*   An Act of Parliament to declare IIMC an ‘Institute of National Importance’ such as the IITs, AIlMS, NIFT, etc., thereby also giving it Degree-granting powers.
* IIMC proposes to continue using its established and well-recognised Brand arne,    as in the case of the above Institutes.

Upgradation of branches to full-fledged Institutes offering all Courses at par with IIMC, Delhi.
*    Provision of Buildings, Infrastructure, and expansion or Technical Equipment and Human Resources at the 4 new Branches of IIMC (DPRs to be prepared after allocation of land by State Governments and in-principle approval of the Planning Commission).
*    Dialogues with various State Governments for opening of new IIMC Branches in their States and pursuing them to allot at least 10-15 acres of land free of cost and also made available temporary accommodation for start of the courses from 2015-16.

3. Third Step
*    Introduction of Specialized and Niche Courses (a)    At least 2 new Two-Year PGD Courses
(i)    Development Journalism
(ii)    Corporate Communication and Media Management (b) More extensive Courses leading to better job prospects for students (c) Advanced academic programmes such as M.Phil and Doctoral Programmes (d) More Post Graduate MA, M.Phil. and Ph. D. Programmes
*    Enhanced National and International recognition of IIMC and its programmes and enhanced interaction with the best international Universities and institutes in the field.
* Access to research and training funds from National and international funding bodies.
*    Creation of IIMC Affiliates abroad.

*    Correspondence with International Media Institutions/Government for opening of Centres in their Countries.

(b) Requirement of resources (i) Financial
*    IIMC has already been sanctioned an outlay of Rs. 51.50 Crores for the activities mentioned in the first step as above
*    Based on the current trend of requirements, provision of buildings, infrastructure and expansion of technical equipments for a branch for establishing a permanent campus will be approximately Rs. 100 Crores, excluding the cost of land, which would be provided by the State Governments free of cost ( Total Requirement for four branches will be Rs. 400 Cr)
*    Financial requirement for the introduction of various Advanced Courses, M.A., M.Phil. and Ph.D. will be approximately Rs. 10 Crores
* Financial requirement for introduction of new branches in other States will be approximately Rs. 5 Crores in temporary accommodation to be provided by State Governments free of cost

Total Requirement : Rs. 415 Cr

(ii) Human Resources –
*    150 personnel will be required to achieve the activities detailed in the first steps

*    Additional 25 personnel per branch will be required for fulfilling the activities given in the next steps

July 4th, 2011

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) Dhenkanal to be upgraded

Following is from the PIB The part relevant to Dhenkanal has been put in a different colour.

Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting Smt. Ambika Soni has said that under the new initiatives taken to position IIMC as an apex institution for providing quality education in the field on Media and entertainment, the endeavour was to establish facilities, curriculum and courses at par with Global Standards. A roadmap to initiate the process had already begun wherein classes at the four Regional Centres at J&K, Kerala, Maharashtra and Mizoram would commence from the next academic session at the facilities being provided by the State Governments. For this purpose, under the 12th Plan, funds would be provided to establish the full fledged facilities at the four Regional Centres. The Minister stated this while delivering her address at the 43rd Convocation of the Indian Institute of Mass Communication here today.

Elaborating on the details of the up-gradation being undertaken at Delhi and Dhenkenal, the Minister said that an up-gradation of the One-Year PG Diploma Course to Two-Year Advanced PG Diploma Course would be undertaken along-with seeking equivalence to Masters Degree for the Two-Year PG Diploma Courses from Ministry of Human Resources Development. As a new initiative, introduction of at least two new Two-Year PG Diploma Courses (one each in Development Journalism and Corporate Communication & Media Management) would be undertaken. For the infrastructural development, expansion of the existing buildings at Delhi and Dhenkanal and construction of new buildings for accommodating two batches of students at a time would be undertaken along-with procurement of latest technical equipment and filling up all vacancies in the teaching as well as non-teaching category. The Minister added that these initiatives would not only provide quality manpower to the industry, the training imparted would also ensure availability of skills, talent and professionalism with proper grooming at the inception level.

Smt. Soni further said that the growth of the media and entertainment industry had been one of the success stories of the Indian Economy.  The growth of the media and entertainment industry was expected to grow provisionally at Rs.652billion in 2010, culminating to Rs.1091 billion in 2014.  The CAGR was for the period was expected to be around 13%.  This growth rate was due to the development in regional markets as well as different media formats.    This growth, the Minister added  could be sustained only if talented and skilled persons added value to the sector through their professional inputs. Hence ,capacity building was a major challenge for any Government. As a consequence,  the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting had also  undertaken specific measures to look into the needs of the Human Resources and skill upgradation in the film and animation sector.

            The Minister further added that apart from IIMC, efforts were being made to reposition the Film and Television Institute of India at Pune as a world class Institute by upgrading and modernising its infrastructure and facilities. A Detailed Project Report was being finalised. An outlay of Rs.52 crore has been proposed for this scheme during the 11th Five Year Plan. Similarly, in order to look into the growing demand of trained professionals in the sphere of Animation, Gaming and Visual Effects, it has been decided that a specialized National Centre for Animation, Gaming and Visual effects will be set up to provide training and upgrading skills. For this scheme also, a DPR is under preparation.  For the animation sector,Smt.Soni said, the ministry was open to the idea  of  developing a Public Private Partnership model with interested stakeholders.

            A total number of 259 students were awarded diploma for courses in Hindi & English Journalism, Advertising & PR, Radio & Television and Oriya Journalism. 44 students of IIMC, Dhenkanal were given diplomas in English Journalism.


3 comments August 7th, 2010

IIMC to become a university and offer degree courses and have 4 more branches; Odisha should pursue upgrading of the branch in Dhenkanal

Following is an excerpt from a report in India Today.

… The Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) is all set to become a full-fledged university and will offer degree courses from next year.

Diploma students seeking admission in the current session are likely to have the option to continue the two-year post-graduate courses from next year. Interviews for the one-year courses will begin on Monday.

… The IIMC will offer two new two-year post-graduate diploma courses in development journalism, and corporate communication and media management.

The course material for turning the existing one-year diploma courses such as English journalism, advertising and electronic journalism into a two- year course has also been prepared.

To make the two-year advanced post-graduate diploma courses equivalent to an MA degree, the information and broadcasting ministry wrote to the HRD ministry.

… This will enable students to go into research while filling the gap of getting trained manpower in academics, teaching and the media industry.

Four new regional centres are also coming up in J&K, Mizoram, Maharashtra and Kerala. IIMC also has a centre at Dhenkanal in Orissa.

This would mean that the current combined student strength of 372 at Delhi and Dhenkanal would go up to 935 in the next few years with the addition of 200 students at the four new centres.

Soni asked the officials to not repeat the same courses in all IIMC branches. "For example, proposed IIMC Mizoram can have a course on animation, instead of repeating courses offered in Delhi," she said.

Adding graduate courses would cost the IIMC over Rs 45 crore. The minister asked officials to go liberal with funding to bring the institutions on a par with world class universities.

The Odisha government should pursue upgradation of IIMC Dehenkanal and make sure that it is not inferior to the new ones that are being made. In particular it should offer additional land and together with IIMC Dhenkanal officials make a plan of expansion and pursue it with the central minister of I & B Ms. Ambika Soni.

June 21st, 2010

Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), including its Dhenkanal campus on its way to become a Media University

Following is an excerpt from a report in

A two-and-a-half-year-old proposal by the ministry of information and broadcasting (I&B) to upgrade the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC), a 45-year-old state-run media school, into an international university may be approved.

The I&B ministry is preparing a draft cabinet note on the subject in consultation with the institute, according to a report of the standing committee on information technology tabled in Parliament last week. …

The enhanced status will let it offer bachelor’s and postgraduate degrees instead of the postgraduate diploma it currently offers.

The I&B ministry has also asked the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi for facilities since the media institute is currently located on the JNU campus. The university status will also cover IIMC’s campus at Dhenkanal in Orissa.


1 comment December 22nd, 2009

Coimbatore’s textile institute to be upgraded to Indian Institute of Textiles

Following is an excerpt from a report in

The Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Textile Management in Coimbatore will be upgraded and renamed Indian School of Textiles, the government announced Thursday.

“The school will engage itself in research and will also undertake comprehensive consultancy services for the industry,” Textiles Minister Dayanidhi Maran told reporters here.

Orissa should keep a watch on similar upgradations and make a case for upgradation of similar institutes  in Orissa. Some of the institutes that come into mind are:

  • Food Craft Institute Balangir – Should be upgraded to Indian Institute of Hotel Management
  • Biju Patnaik National Steel Institute, Puri – Should be upgraded to Indian Institute of Steel
  • IIMC Dhenakanal branch – Should be upgraded to an independent IIMC
  • IITTM Bhubaneswar branch – Should be upgraded to an independent IITTM

If I am missing something, please add in the comments.


September 10th, 2009

Four new IIMCs (Indian Institute of Mass Communication) in the offing; Hope the one in Dhenkanal is upgraded

Following is an excerpt from a report in Business Standard.

Four more Indian Institutes of Mass Communication (IIMC) will soon be set up in different parts of the country to meet growing demand for media professionals, taking the number of IIMCs to six.

The new IIMCs will come up in Jammu and Kashmir and Mizoram, besides in the southern and western regions, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Ambika Soni today said.

…  She said the ministry will firm up proposals for setting up of IIMCs and the work will start soon.

Currently, there are two IIMCs in Delhi and Dhenkanal (Orissa).

Soni also said that her ministry is working out the modalities of upgrading IIMC as a world class university to provide undergraduate courses, offer MPhil and PhD degrees and serve as a think tank for media.

Currently IIMC (both Delhi and Dhenkanal campus included) has a total full-time faculty of 14, with only one mentioned in the context of Dhenkanal.  I hope by upgrading IIMC both Delhi and Dhenkanal, especially Dhenkanal will have more faculty. The Orissa government should be proactive on this and try to find out if more land is needed at IIMC Dhenkanal.

1 comment September 9th, 2009

IIMC Delhi and Dhenkanal admission ad in Samaja

February 23rd, 2008

Institutions with Nontraditional programs – a dated list

Following is a list of institutions with non-traditional programs that I compiled earlier. They are categorized as follows: Arts and Crafts, Design, Teachers training, Diploma in Engineering, ITIs, Film and TV, Homeopathy and Ayurveda, Hotel management, Journalism, Law, Library Science, Performance arts, Physical Education, Sanskrit and Social work.

Continue Reading 6 comments June 8th, 2007

XIM (Xaviers Institute of Management) plans a second campus in Orissa

Update: Telegraph also reports on this.

Business Standard reports that XIM, Bhubaneswar is about to open another campus in Orissa. XIM is scouting for 100 acres of land and has a budget of 50 crores for the second campus. It has applied to AICTE for doubling its capacity. There is no definite word regarding where the second campus will be, but there were some early rumors that it could be near Dhenkanal. If it indeed opens near Dhenkanal, then it will be a big addition to Dhenkanal’s higher education offerings. Currently, Dhenkanal has the branch campus of Indian Institute of Mass Communication. With an XIM campus it will get into the national consciousness as both XIM and IIMC admit students through national level entrance examinations.

2 comments April 23rd, 2007


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