Orissa Education and HRD related headlines from our sister site in Twitter

Our sister site in Twitter is http://twitter.com/orissalinks. (Often when we are busy or do not feel like writing a full posting here, we post a micro-blog in our Twitter sister site. The Twitter sister site also automatically adds the headline from this site and the orissagrowth site. Once in a  while we will collect those headlines here. But readers wanting a broader and more immediate coverage should consider following our Twitter site at http://twitter.com/orissalinks.) Following are some selected items from that site since July 12th.

August 20th, 2009

Efforts on to make Khallikote a unitary university

Following are excerpts from a report in tathya.in.

With UCE Burla granted the Unitary State University (USU) status, lawmakers of southern Orissa have urged the Chief Minister to declare the century-old Khallikote Autonomous College (KAC) in Berhampur, an USU. 

The KAC has been the Center of Learning and intellectual pursuits in Orissa since long. 

Lawmakers including Sugyani Kumari Deo, R CC Patnaik, Bikram Kesari Arukh, Usha Devi, Ladu Kishore Swain, Bharat Paik, Niranjan Pradhan and Saroj Kumar Padhi have requested the Chief Minister to take up the matter to the next Cabinet. 

All of them have appealed Naveen Patnaik to upgrade the institution from autonomous status to USU. 

The Chief Minister has asked the Higher Education department to take up the case. 

Accordingly Madhu Sudan Padhi, Commissioner-cum-Secretary Higher Education has processed the file, said sources. 

A Cabinet Note is being prepared for the purpose, revealed an official. 

Most likely the proposal will be accepted, thanks to the elections round the corner. 

Than Orissa will have 3 unitary universities with Ravenshaw and UCE Burla (VSS) Unitary University earlier given the status. 

The KAC which started in 1856 as a Zilla School is now a full fledged Post Graduate College having autonomous status since 1990.

6 comments December 23rd, 2008

Expansion demand for Khallikote College: Samaja

February 22nd, 2008

Samaja Ad for admission to self financing courses at Khallikote College

November 21st, 2007


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