BPUT advertises for 37+37 positions for its engineering colleges in Berhampur and Bhawanipatna

July 19th, 2009

A partial list of engineering colleges that are newly authorized by AICTE to admit undergraduate students

Update2: The possible reason that IIIT, Silicon etc. are not in the BPUT published list despite having received AICTE approval is that BPUT has not completed their inspection of these institutions. It is expected that the inspection will be completed in the next couple of days in time for regular JEE counseling.

Update: The list in BPUT’s web site http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_16.htm is slightly different. The main differences are that it does not have IIIT, Silicon and Xavier and has the following college.


The following list is obtained from a link mentioned by reader Parashar Das and another link that lists changes in seats. The later link has BIT and IIIT as BIT got its approval in 2008 and IIIT got its approval as a college in 2007.

  1. Aryan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mouza: Barakuda, Post Panchagoan, Bhubaneswar-752 050
  2. Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology, Plot No 4, Village Harapur, Khurda, Pin- 752 054
  3. Einstien Academy of Tech. & Management (EATAM) Bania Tangi Bhubaneswar
  4. Eklavya College of Tech., and Sci., At Kusumati PO Jatni Bhubaneswar Khurda
  5. Gandhi Academy of Tech. & Engineering At/PO Golonthara Konisi, Berhampur, Dist Ganjam Orissa
  6. Gandhi Institute for Education & Technology, At Banlatangi, P.O. Bajpur, Dist : Khurda-752060
  7. Gurukula College of Engineering for Women (GCEM) At- Jamuhari Chhatabar, Bhubaneshwar Dist- Khurda Odisha
  8. Hi-Tech College of Engineering, Rasulghar, Pandara Bhubaneswar
  9. Indotech College of Engineering, Plot No. 144, AT/PO Mallipada, Via Pallahat(Khurda-2) Dist-khurda,Orissa-752056
  10. International Institute of Information Technology, Plot No – 570(P), Gothapatna, Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar – 751030
  11. KMBB College of Engineering and Technology AT-Daleiput, PO-Talahat Dist. Khurda,Orissa
  12. Rahul Institute of Engineering & Technology, Govindapur JN Tata Dapalli, Village Konisi, Berhampur, Ganjam (DT) Orissa-761 008.
  13. Shibani Institute of Technical Education , At-PO-Chhatabar,Via, Hanla, Bhubaneswar – 752054, Khurda, Orissa
  14. Silicon Institute of Technology, Sason, Sambalpur -763 200, Orissa.
  15. Spintronic Tech. & Advance Resarch At.Po Taraboi P.S. Jatani Dist Khurda, Orissa
  16. Srinix College of Engineering College At-Ranipatna, Dist Balasore-750001 .
  17. Suddhananda Engg. & Research Centre, Phulnakhara Cuttack At Anchhipur P.O. Bhatapatna Orissa
  18. Synergy Institute of Technology, At : Bhimpur,P.O. Jagannathpur, P.S. Balianta, Dist:Khurda, Orissa
  19. Vedang Institute of Technology, Durga Prasad, P.O. Ramachandi, Dist. Khurda, Orissa
  20. Vikash College of Engineering for Women (VCEW) plot No. 2766, P.S. Dist- Baragarh, Odisha
  21. Vivekananda Inst. Of Tech., at Chhatabar Dandi, Chaatabar, Orissa
  22. Xavier Institute of Tech., Princess Avencue Ghangapatna Bhubaneswar Dist Khurda Orissa

Among the above list, 17 colleges are in the Bhubaneswar area, 2 in Berhampur area, 1 in Sambalpur, 1 in Baragarh, and 1 in Balasore. This will take the number of engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar to close to 60.

Some of the other colleges that were in pipeline, but whose name does not appear in the above lists, are:

  • Rourkela Institute of Technology, At P.O. Kuarmunda, District : Sundergarh Pin 770039 Orissa 
  • Vijayanjali Institute of Technology At Gadabhanga No. 4 P.O. Khantapara, District : Balasore 756043 Orissa
  • Adarsha College of Engineering At Saradhapur, P.O. Kumurisingha Dist : Angul, Pin 759122 Orissa
  • SRM College of Engineering At Giringaput, P.O. Mendhasala, Orissa
  • PJ College of Management & Technology At Kesora, P.O. Bankual, Bhubaneswar 751 002 Orissa
  • Pan Institute of Technology, Knowledge City Unit – 7, Bhubaneswar 751 003 Orissa
  • Pioneer Institute of Technology Village : Ambilijhari Mouza : Machhapangi, PS Choudwar, District : Cuttack Orissa
  • MITS College of Engineering Mouza: Alkar At P.O. Janla, Bhubaneswar 751016 Orissa
  • Kalahandi Engineering College, Bhawanipatna (govt)
  • Parla Maharaj Engineering College, Berhampur (govt)

Note that last year there were 18 new colleges; 12 in the Bhubaneswar area, 3 in the berhampur area, 1 in Jharsuguda, 1 in Balasore and 1 in Rayagada. Taking into account the count of engineering colleges in various areas from last year and this year, the lower bound is:

5 comments July 18th, 2009

A partial list of new engineering colleges that may admit undergraduate students in the upcoming Orissa/BPUT JEE Counseling

The following list is compiled by reader Parashar Das from the various advertisements in Orissa newspapers. The final list should come out before the counseling for engineering starts on 24th July 2009.

  1. Shibani Institute of Technical Education, Chhatabar,Bhubaneswar
  2. Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Chhatabara,Bhubaneswar
  3. Indotech College of Engineering,Malipada, Bhubaneswar
  4. Einstien Academy of Technology & Management, Baniatangi,Bhubaneswar
  5. Aryan Institute of Engineering & Technology, Barakuda, Panchagaon, Bhubaneswar
  6. Ekalavya college of technology & Science, Kusumati,Bhubaneswar
  7. Vedang Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar
  8. Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology, Infovalley, Harapur,Bhubaneswar
  9. Sudhananda Engineering & research centre, Phulnakhara Bhubaneswa
  10. Spintronics technology & advanced research, Argul,Bhubaneswar
  11. Gurukul college for Engineering for women, Bhubaneswar
  12. KMBB college of Engineering & Technology, Bhubaneswar
  13. Gandhi institute for Education & Technology, Baniatangi, Bhubaneswar
  14. Synergy institute of technology, Phulnakhara, Bhubaneswar
  15. IIIT Bhubaneswar
  16. Vikash College of Engineering for Women, Bargarh
  17. Silicon institute of Technology, Sason, Sambalpur
  18. Gandhi Academy of Technolgy & Engineering, Berhampur

It is not clear how many of the above have received AICTE approval so far.

In addition the Orissa government had announced two new government engineering colleges in Berhampur and Bhawanipatna. It is not known if they will be starting this year and take students this year. My guess is probably not. But I could be wrong.

26 comments July 15th, 2009

15% seats in private engineering colleges and privated medical colleges reserved for AIEEE and AIPMT qualified students

Following is from http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_10.htm.


JEE/09/AIPMT05                    Dated:08.07.2009

Registration of AIPMT (AIPMEE/AIPDEE) candidates to participate in the counseling- cum –admission against 15% all India Quota seats in private medical colleges.


As per provision of “The Orissa Professional Educational ( Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act ,2007” 15% of the seats in MBBS and BDS programmes in all private medical colleges to be filled up by valid AIPMT rank holders. To participate the counselling, these candidates are required to register on line in our website www.jeeorissa.com  from 10.07.2009 to 12.07.2009.  Candidates are advised to take the print out after the registration. The candidates are allowed to enter the counselling hall with production of this printout. Only registered candidates will be allowed to participate in counseling. The schedule and venue for counseling for these candidates are at   8.15 AM on 14.07.2009 at Conference Hall , Hotel Kharavela, Khandagiri Chhak,Bhubaneswar-30. No separate letter will be given to candidates for attending Counselling.


                                                                                                Chairman , JEE-2009


Following is from http://www.jeeorissa.com/newsfiles/news_11.htm.




Registration of AIEEE candidates to participate in the counselling– cum –admission against 15% all India Quota seats in private Engineering  colleges.


As per provision of “The Orissa Professional Educational ( Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fee) Act ,2007” 15% of the seats in all private Engineering colleges are to be filled up by AIEEE rank holders. To participate the counselling, these candidates are required to register on line in our website www.jeeorissa.com  from 11.07.2009 to 15.07.2009, 2P.M as per their all India rank. Candidates are advised to take the print out after the registration. The candidates are allowed to enter the counselling hall with production of this printout.  Only registered candidates will be allowed to participate in counselling. The schedule and venue for counselling for these candidates will be published on 16.07.2009 in our web site. Candidates are advised to check their Date, Time and Venue from our web site after 16.07.2009 along with documents required for the counsellng. No separate letter will be given to candidates for attending counselling. The counselling will be held from 19.07.2009.

Chairman , JEE-2009 

32 comments July 10th, 2009

BIT (Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology) and IIIT are good alternatives to CET and UCE (VSSUT) for top ranked students in Orissa/BPUT JEE

NOTE: Please note that I am in the board of advisors of BIT. I agreed to join the board because I believe in the people who are making it. Nevertheless I am obviously biased.

Update: Expressbuzz.com has a nice report on Bhubaneswar Institute of Technology.

This year IIIT Bhubaneswar is starting B.Tech courses. See http://www.iiit-bh.in/ It could be a good alternative to CET and UCE.

Similarly, BIT, although private, could be a good alternative to CET and UCE as BIT is being made by several top professors in the USA. See http://www.bit.edu.in/. Just to elaborate on the later, following is the promoting body of BIT, as obtained from their web site http://www.bit.edu.in/promoting.htm. I know several of the professors in the BIT promoting body and they are very well respected internationally. I strongly believe that they will make BIT a top engineering college in Orissa.

Prof. Rabi N. Mahapatra, Chairman
Department of Computer Science, Texas A&M University, USA

Mrs. Sumita Panda, Managing Trustee
Bhubaneswar, India

Prof. Laxmi N. Bhuyan, Trustee
Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Riverside, USA

Mr. Binoy K. Dash, Trustee
Software Engineer, Cisco Systems, California, USA

Major General P Pinak Das (Retd.), Trustee
Defense Research Development Organization, New Delhi, India

Mr. Rabindra Gaan, Trustee
Satellite Radio Broadband Consultant, Bell Labs, New Jersey, USA

Mr. Neelamadhaba Mahapatro, Trustee
General Manager and Partner, Microsoft Corp. USA

Dr. Gopal K. Mohapatra, Trustee
Geophysical Advisor, Hess Corp., Houston

Prof. Prasant Mohapatra, Trustee
Professor and Chairman, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Davis, USA

Dr. Sujata Mishra, M.B.B.S, M.D, Trustee
Consulting Physician, Bangalore, India

14 comments July 10th, 2009

Some salient facts and trends about Orissa JEE (from Expressbuzz.com)

Following is excerpted from a report in expressbuzz.com.

  • This year 5,552 had applied for MCA courses in the JEE and 4,946 are on the merit list. Last year 6,422 candidates were on the chart.
  • Last year, there were about 2,900 seats in both the government and private institutes that offered MCA programmes. This time around, the number is set to remain same.
  • MBA: Last time there were 10,957 candidates on the merit list and this time it has dropped marginally to 10,652. The number of seats is likely to rise though – from about 3,200 in 2008 to 3,500.
  • Pharmacy: In 2005, about 700 had taken admission but last year just 180 turned up. This time, 9,788 students are on the merit list but colleges are unsure.
  • Engineering: There are at least 57,352 candidates put on the rank list of JEE even as the seat strength of colleges is on the rise. From about 20,650 seats in 63 colleges in 2008, it is expected to rise by another 6,500.“We expect 15 more institutes getting affiliation by the time counselling starts which will add about 3,600 seats. Besides, some existing institutes have sought a raise in seat strength too,’’
  • Counselling by JEE Committee is likely to start from July 12.

60 comments June 13th, 2009

KIIT hires 75 IIT graduates as faculty; hope it nurtures them and keeps most of them

Following is from a news item in Pioneer.

… 75 candidates passing out from seven IITs in the country have joined its ranks as faculties.

In an independent recruitment drive, these BTech, MTech and PhD candidates from the IITs were appointed as faculties in different courses of KIIT. About half of the selected candidates have already joined and the remaining will be joining by the end of this month.

… Besides the IITians, more than 20 competent professors from different reputed universities across the country have also joined KIIT. Further, five law academicians of national and international repute have joined the KIIT Law School.

Faculty quality, especially in its engineering departments has been an issue for critics of KIIT. (This criticism is true for most private colleges and universities in Orissa.) I hope KIIT is able to nurture the abovementioned faculty, especially push the ones without a Ph.D to pursue and get a Ph.D. It should also clearly list its faculty and their qualification in its web pages so that visitors to its web pages are able to correct any misconception regarding KIIT’s faculty quality.

2 comments June 11th, 2009

Orissa JEE 2009 results are declared; some new and recent good private colleges


By checking randomly I have found that people have gotton ranks beyond 39,000. No official word yet about the total number of qualified candidates for B.Engg and total number of seats.

In 2007, there were 43 colleges that took students based on Orissa JEE and ranks were initially given till 34835 and after the initial counseling there was another JEE to fill leftover seats and in two additional colleges (Indus and Templecity). In 2008 there were 18 more colleges and ITER became a deemed university, taking the total number of colleges taking students from JEE to 43+2+18-1=62. This year (2009) 25-30 new coleges are expected. We will post the details as they become available.

For students wanting to know what they can get based on their, a very very rough idea can be obtained by looking at the 2007 data at https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1185. However, there were several new colleges in 2008 which were much better than the earlier colleges. Some of those are:

  • Apex (run by the same people who run NIST Berhampur)
  • Centurion (run by the same people who run JITM, Parlakhemundi)

(By the way, JITM Parlakhemundi is a good college and run by good people. Check their web page. The location is also beautiful. I visited it. For some reason students overlook it. Later this year or early next year there will be direct train to Parlakhemundi.)

Also, Templecity (two of its cofounders were the cofounders of KIIT) and Indus (its founder, an IIT Kharagur graduate and with a Ph.D from Houston USA, was instrumental in making NIST Berhampur a top college)  that were established in 2007 but were not in the initial list are both good colleges.

This year couple of new colleges that are expected to be very good are:

230 comments June 10th, 2009

40 new Engineering colleges and 5 new medical colleges have applied for state approval

The AICTE application status for engineering colleges until 12/31/2008 is at https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/2162. Until then 68 engineering colleges had AICTE approval, 5 (=68-63) of which are probably new and 53 more had applied for AICTE approval. As per a recent report in Pioneer 40 new engineering colleges and 5 new medical colleges have applied for state government approval and at present there are 63 engineering colleges in the state.

Since as per https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/2162 53 engineering colleges have applied for AICTE approval, I assume the engineering colleges apply for state approval and BPUT affiliation after they have received AICTE approval and except in rare cases they get the state approval and BPUT affiliation. So it is possible that there will be 40 new engineering colleges this year.

The order of the steps for medical colleges is perhaps different. In their case the key is to get approval from MCI, the Medical Council of India and it is not clear if the 5 medical colleges that have applied for state approval have approval from MCI.

2 comments May 12th, 2009

Central University of Orissa classes to start in June from a temporary location; VC Prof. Banerjee will be tested on her ability get one of the 5 medical and engineering colleges to her university

Update: The news item in Samaja.

Tathya writes about this. Following are some excerpts.

Central University of Orissa (CUO) will begin classes from June. … While CUO will have its campus in Koraput, to begin with a temporary campus near Bhubaneswar is being looked out to start classes from next Educational Year.

That is why Professor Banerjee has requested the Government of Orissa in Higher Education department to provide a rented accommodation.

Mr.Padhi has agreed to provide all out support for the institution.

Professor Banerjee is interested to make it a different institution and is inclined to start at least 30-35 departments in the newly carved out Centre of Learning.

However to start with the CUO will have 5 subjects and later it will go on including further, said sources.

… Those CUs, which has not identified land for the institution in the designated place, those can start it from the Capital City of the state, said sources.

So Professor Banerjee is busy in organizing things for facilitating classes from next June. Faculty hiring is the foremost in her mind and as she is eager to make it a top class university, the VC wants to rope in best of the talents from the country.

She is also interested to open Medical College in the University, but it will take time. 

… Professor Baral of Arizona State University said only five of the 15 new central universities will have a medical college in the first phase (i.e.,during the 11th plan).

So the ability of the VC Professor Banerjee will be tested in whether she is able to get a medical and engineering college to the Central University of Orissa, feel the educationist.

Considering that the CUO is to be located in Koraput, in the most backward area, KBK, of India, Prof. Banerjee must do her best to make the right arguments at the earliest and get a medical and engineering college to this university, argued Professor Baral.

Page 522 of the document at http://planningcommission.nic.in/plans/planrel/fiveyr/11th/11_v3/11th_vol3.pdf given below shows that only 5 of the new central universities will have medical and engineering colleges in the first phase, I.e., during the 11th plan.

March 25th, 2009

Status of Deemed University applications from Orissa as of 31st Dec 2008

This status report is as off 12/31/2008 and is from here.  The earlier status report is at https://www.orissalinks.com/archives/1197.

1. Krupajal Engineering College, Pubasasan, Kausalya Ganga, Bhubaneshwar – 2, Orissa.

F. 9-17/2007-U.3 (A) dated 15th March, 2007 withdrawn. Fresh proposal received under De-Novo No. F.9-27/2008 dt. 15.4.08

View/NOC of the State government is awaited. UGC No. F. 35-1/2007 (CPP-I).

 2. College of Engineering Bhubaneswar, Under Nabadigant Educational Trust, Plot No. 1, Sector – 3, Chandaka Nucleus Industrial
Complex, Patia, Bhubaneswar – 751 024, Orissa.

F.9-30/2007-U.3 (A) dated 15th May, 2007

The Institute has been asked to comply with the deficiencies vide UGC Letter No. F. 35-3/2007 (CPP-I) dated 27th August, 2007

 3 Asian School of Business Management Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F.9-45/2007-U.3 (A) dated 18th September, 2007

Views/NOC from State Government is awaited. UGC letter No. F. 35-5/2007 (CPP-I)

 4. Vidya Bharti University, Gunupur Distt. Rayagarh, Orissa

F.9-60/2007- U.3(A) dated 28.11.2007

Views/NOC from State Government is awaited. F.35-6/2007 (CPP-I).

 5. Koustav Institute of Self Domain Patia, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F. 9-68/2007- U.3(A) dated 9th January, 2008

Information has been called in checklist proforma vide UGC Letter F. 35-1/2008 (CPP-I) dt. 4.2.2008.

6. HI-TECH University Plot No. A-170, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F. 9-4/2008-U.3(A) dated 15th January, 2008

Information has been called in checklist proforma vide UGC Letter F. 35-2/2008 (CPP-I) dt. 6.2.2008.

7. C.V. Raman University Bhubaneswar, Orissa.

F. 9-67/2007-U.3(A) dated 9th January, 2008

The Institute has been asked to comply with the deficiencies vide F. 35-4/2008 (CPP-I) dt. 8.8.2008.

8. Orissa Institute of Technology P.O.-Burla, Distt-Sambalpur – 758018 Orissa

F. 9-41/2008-U.3(A) dated 9th July, 2008

Institute has been requested to submit the information in the prescribed proforma & checklist vide letter No.F.35-5/2008 (CPP-I) dated 29.7.2008

2 comments March 5th, 2009

Number of AICTE approved colleges and number of colleges that have submitted proposals for 2009-10 up to 31st Dec 2008

Following is from the annexure at http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=47598.

15 comments February 18th, 2009

Orissa Gazette notification issued for the creation of Vir Surendra Sai University of Technology in Burla

(Update: The act is here.)

Following is an excerpt from a report in the Statesman.

The 50 year-old elite technical institute of the state was named Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology (VSSUT) on the eve of the golden jubilee valedictory celebrations today.

It may be mentioned here that the change was effected through a gazette notification on 12 February.

Students, staff and general mass at large have been demanding unitary university status to this oldest technical institution of the state and that got materialised today in the presence of the chief minister Mr Naveen Patnaik, Sambalpur MP Mr Prasanna Acharya, state industries minister Mr BB Harichandan, commerce and transport minister Mr Jayanarayan Mishra, secretary of the Alumni Association Mr Ashes Padhy, convener Prof. SK Sar and principal, Prof CR Tripathy.

… Dedicating VSSUT to the nation and unveiling the logo, the chief minister Mr Patnaik lauded in high words the commendable work of VSSUT, in spreading quality technical education in the country and producing technocrats of name and fame.

“The state is to witness a perceptible change soon due to investment of Rs 6 lakh crore in steel, aluminium, power and IT sectors. Globalisation and liberalisation has generated unprecedented demand for high quality technical people all over the world. VSSUT will take this challenge in catering the present demand,” Mr Patnaik said and appealed students and staff to be at par with international standards.

The CM also assured to fulfil all the demands of the students including allotment of 400 acres of land adjacent to it. “Young engineers will transform Orissa as the richest state of the country. At the same time, I hope, students here will uphold the great tradition and image of this institute,” Mr Patnaik said.

"There would be two more government engineering colleges at Bhawanipatna and Berhampur soon," he added.

On this occasion, chief minister Mr Patnaik inaugurated a mammoth memorial gate erected by old students of VSSUT and at present working at Nalco in Angul. He also inaugurated a ladies hostel meant for the SC students of the university.

1 comment February 16th, 2009

Silicon Institute of Technology making a campus in Sambalpur

Silicon Institute of Technology, perhaps the best private engineering college under BPUT and among the top 5 engineering colleges under BPUT is making a campus in Sambalpur that is expected to start in 2009. It will be most likely called as: Silicon Institute of Technology, Sambalpur.

This campus will be located few kms away from Sambalpur on the Sambalpur-Jharsuguda highway.

This campus will have some of the the traditional branches, such as Civil Engineering, which are not there in the Bhubaneswar campus.

24 comments January 9th, 2009

IGIT Sarang advertises for thirty four faculty positions

1 comment December 26th, 2008

Orissa government plans a government engineering college in Kalahandi near Bhawanipatna

Following is from tathya.in.

Finally KBK region will have a Government sponsored engineering college.

And this will be established here in the district Headquarters of Kalahandi.

Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has given green signal to this effect.

The Industries department has moved the files so that the institution receives approval of AICTE.

The authorities are eying to enroll students in 2009-10 in four streams, once the AICTE approval is availed.

The Collector has been asked to locate 30 acres of land near Bhawanipatna.

At least 10 acres of land is required for an engineering college but keeping in future expansion, the State Government has asked the Collector Kalahandi to do the needful.

Chief Minister has asked the Finance department to provide Rs.4 crore from the Orissa Contingency Fund (OCF).

Recently the OCF has been allowed to enlarge its kitty to Rs.400 crore.

There are 63 engineering colleges in the state and 2 in KBK. 

Most of the engineering colleges are in Khurda district, which houses 34.

There are no government engineering colleges in KBK and keeping this in view the Chief Minister has approved the Kalahandi Engineering College in this part of KBK, said an official.

This engineering college will be constituent college of Biju Patnaik University of Technology (BPUT).

6 comments December 20th, 2008

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